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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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fleeing from justice, nevzlin emigrated to israel. in russia he was sentenced in absentia to life imprisonment for organizing murders. plus, he was sentenced by the court to another 6 years for misappropriation of shares in the eastern oil company. and now they are very worried about the state of humanities in russia. in rare and short periods of weakness of poskonny obscurantism, universities could teach people how to do science. this is how it arose. in spite
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of the mossy and stagnant old soviet university in terms of humanities, and exactly during such a period, i had the honor of becoming the rector of the russian state university for humanities, but soon the persecution of yus began, so that we did not have time to carry out a serious reform of the university, nor to build a new high-quality education system, to build a new high-quality education system, this is in order to educate a generation of disaffected people in the russian state humanitarian university it worked out, but now
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it’s necessary to poison one against another, that is, the point is not at all in ilyan, as in the philosopher, now they decided to become attached to him, then they can become attached to another, although ivan ilyan’s warning is more relevant for us today than ever. we need vigilance for human falsehood, sensitivity to other people's insincerity, an ear for lies, a sense of evil, conscientious impressionability, without this we will be deceived like stupid birds, overcaught
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like rabbits and crushed like flies on glass. i understand that there may be questions about ilyan, he was an opponent of soviet power, but right-wingers and conservatives, supporters of the orthodox-monarchist worldview may also have serious reasons and complaints about soviet power, but i repeat, but about soviet power, about a certain period soviet power among supporters, for example, conservative monarchical orthodox. worldview, there may be very serious claims and accusations, if we begin to collect these claims now, then a civil war, which must end with consensus, namely patriotic unity, of the warring parties, red and white, because we are all russian people, we are all patriots of our country, it’s just not that this civil war will not end, but it will break out with renewed vigor, that’s what, that’s the goal of what, but i think so that... 100 people,
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firstly, we are sensible, and secondly, they may be ideological in such a bright and sharp form, they do not follow either the right or the left, and they intuitively understand that what is right is unification and what is wrong is division, that’s all, to win you can only stay together, stop fighting. sometimes you expect one thing, but you get something completely different, you dream about something wonderful, but you get something completely different, and sometimes you just expect a comfortable office, but you get the best one. alfabank, in every office, is the best bank. customers' love is a reward for anyone
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only tasty, period. meet new limited designs of savings cards and stickers. sign up for sberbank online on the website or in the app and enjoy them every day. this. it's just space. the nwo zone still remains an extremely dangerous place for journalists. on friday, izvestia military correspondent semyon eremin died. he died from his wounds received as a result of a ukrainian drone strike in the area of ​​the village of priyutnoye on the border of the dpr and zaporozhye region. semyon eryumin covered the special operation from the very beginning. he was 42 years old. also on friday, it became known about the death of sputnik agency correspondent racel bentley in donetsk. he disappeared on april 8. an american came to donbass 10 years ago, fought on the side of the militia, received russian citizenship, and got married. then, in the role
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of a journalist, he began to collaborate with a satellite. he was 64 years old. our condolences to the families and friends of our colleagues, journalists, they... hero, if you hear this sound on the front line, wow, this is his last report about how russian units are conducting exercises to combat air attacks, a strike from a ukrainian fpv drone ended his life, he took a risk, you find yourself where villages were stormed, heights were taken , they were clearing the neighborhoods, okay, yes, they warned that you need to cover the ear that is closer to the shooter with your finger, it’s banging seriously, we were just sitting and discussing... how to understand that there are enemy drones above you, that they are preparing to work on you artillery, in general, syoma always thought 10 steps ahead, his workplace in the editorial office in moscow, such as in this photo, the news viewer saw him most often in a helmet, camouflage, unloading, a phrase that
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we have been hearing too often lately, our military correspondent transmits from the front line , tapes are torn behind his back, the calling card of each of his appearances in the frame was naturalness. he spoke rather than reported, was emotional rather than cold, involved rather than distant. no bravado, although he was a very brave man, without contempt for death, without contempt for... circumstances, right in the frame he described what was happening around him, observing the dramaturgy, observing the logic of the narrative. semyon was born in the village of prikumskoye, stavropol territory, graduated from a university there, received two diplomas, journalism and jurisprudence, chose the profession of a reporter, started at the state television and radio broadcasting company of stavropol, then as a federal correspondent, covered events in nagorno- karabakh, this is the village of lachin in syria. in iraq, when the hour of prayer came , adhans began to sound over the city, and the americans
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fired at mosques. report from iraq, palace, given over by the allied troops to the looter. come on, come on. the iraqi youth, you see, how active they are, they are brought up on all this, they see it all. since childhood, well, they take it for granted. special correspondent of the fifth channel in the donetsk people's republic, he caught all phases of the war, starting. he devoted all his strength to working to show the whole country the truth that we see in the trenches, on the front line, in dugouts. the murder of eremin will be thoroughly investigated, and everyone involved in it will be identified. crime, the investigative committee of russia promised. the russian mit described the incident as a quote, another confirmation. the ugly terrorist essence of the zelensky regime. press secretary of the russian president dmitry
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peskov expressed deep condolences to the journalist’s family. the mtr deliberately makes russian journalists their targets, this once again emphasizes how dangerous the mission that journalists perform at the front is. august twenty-second semyon eremin is filming a report in ugledar direction to the ssu opened fire on their former positions. at the same time. all-ear monitors are monitoring russian journalists with the help of a drone, well, the correspondents quickly go out, and when we catch them, we dig, quickly dig, dig, then it worked out, his next business trip to donetsk began a few days ago, he still had a very small daughter at home, one day i noticed a funny tattoo on his forearm, some, well, it seemed to me, some kind of scribbles and he said that it was... his daughter gave him one before one of his business trips drawing, wanted to keep it so badly that he got a tattoo, which,
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as he said, will always be with me. in the mitsivestia building in moscow, not only fellow journalists, but also many caring people are now bringing flowers. semyon was definitely not indifferent. evgeniy reshatnev, erina kharlamova, anastasia serikova. news of the week. and now a report from our military correspondent alexander sladkov about new military units, reserve regiments and battalions, so why are they needed? we will not interfere with you, in the russian ministry of defense in every warring division or brigade interesting military units appeared: reserve regiments and battalions. wounded officers and soldiers, after treatment and rehabilitation, continue to recover like this. battalions, that is, wounded officers, soldiers, sergeants, distinguished themselves, left
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the hospital, went on leave, passed a military medical commission, returned to serve , but they are wounded, they cannot yet boast of a full recovery, also, here is the commander battalion, here in the fifth brigade there is a reserve battalion, look, this... everything is there, everything works, the guys study every day, we select the program almost individually for the diagnoses that the guys are with, today according to the schedule we have guys with blind comparisons of limbs who have been diagnosed with neuropathy, that is, imagination of the nerve, the person arrives, he thinks that’s it.
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it flew off, broke, well, that is, it flew by and broke, but was cut by a grenade, but where did it hit? this was, please note, we immediately plan routes for every day, who goes where to hospitals, to medical institutions, that is, you have them from here, you
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take, take, show, such rehabilitation is interesting because this is not a sanatorium or a hospital, our fallen comrades, here is a corner for health, well, that is, as it should be, so that they can come, pay, as they say, their last tribute to the dead, pray, light a candle for health , for those military personnel who are now on the front line. the interesting thing is that food is served on the table from the battalion's subsidiary farm, we have enhanced additional rations, by force, what
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additional, additional eggs, by force auxiliary owner. here is today's harvest, every day our fellow military personnel receive an additional diet of eggs, horned personnel, yes, handsome, handsome, the best
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recovery program is when a person wants something and does it himself, the recovery time for military personnel is much faster and...
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get together and treat the victims as carefully as possible, you said that we are taking people out ; the most stubborn ones remain, there is no need for this. sorry, sorry, no, listen to me, it's not funny, i understand that you're trying, that's it you are tired, you work, you don’t get enough sleep, you sincerely
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try to help people, but why don’t people go, they are afraid for their property, for their homes, but they need to believe that everything will be reliably provided, okay, i want to address my colleagues from regions, if something can...
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for more than a week the mound lives under the constant accompaniment of an alarm siren, they turn it on every 2 hours while the water approaches the city. throughout the region, two dozen settlements out of hundreds of snt are now flooded. the tobol river turned into the huge tobolsk sea with small islands in the form of house roofs. nothing else is visible here; everything is hidden by the water. in some houses there are still people who are being taken out by rescuers, entire families, sometimes seriously ill, are being evacuated. the day before i will return to the mainland. a man with a heart attack, he was waiting for emergency workers on the roof of the house, barely able to stand on his feet. our crew reacted quickly, well, of course, we had already been here several times,
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quickly enough we got to the house where this man lived, they carefully placed him in the boat, then they handed it over to the ambulance. rescuers always have a heavy transporter of more than a dozen boats at the ready throughout the city in order to quickly respond to requests for help. as a rule, they arrive at a single number. 12. people understand that the water is still coming, applications are starting, and in this area i can focus more on the people that there are a lot of abandoned domestic animals, this also adds to our work, well, in general we are coping. a special part of the work is rescuing animals abandoned on roofs and attics, such as in flooded snt there are hundreds left, some of whom you literally have to fight your way through. barbosik, tuzik, ball, yes, evacuate, and come out and come back to us! abandoned villages are regularly patrolled by police officers to prevent looting. the multi-storey mound was able to be defended, although the water level exceeded the level of ninety-four; now
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the tobol has risen to 1.015 cm. the office of the local water utility, which ensures the water security of the kurgan, is today itself drowning in a huge overflowing lake. but even in such conditions he does not stop working, but in order to employees could get to work; a concrete bridge like this was built for them. on the ground they are working in an oval mode, the day before the bypass group discovered strong cracks on the dam in voronovka, if the embankment had collapsed, dozens of houses on the other side would have been under water, with hard work they managed to defend the barrier in two days, it turns out that just like when we go to work, we are voluntary, well , they ask us at will, who can help, those who go, those who don’t, work there, for example, at a factory, in the kurgan state college to fill the sacks... mobilized student groups, the work was voluntary, but no one refused, the whole city paid for the common misfortune, those who are not ready to pick up a shovel patrol the dam, bring hot meals to the workers and deliver humanitarian
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aid to the temporary detention center, many are credited for this during school and working hours, maintaining a salary, i didn’t even expect, they help with all the provisions, they bring hot lunches, dinners, breakfasts, they bring gasoline, the situation is under the constant control of governor vadim shumkov and the minister of emergency situations of russia alexander kurenkov. head of department regularly flies around and around the city, monitoring the dynamics of flooding. how much excess there is here, starting from the level where it was. issues regarding the evacuation of people and the allocation of forces for the construction of new dumps are being resolved, alexander kurenkov also checked the conditions in the kurgan temporary accommodation centers where those rescued from the flood zone are being taken. how are you here? it’s normal, they feed us for slaughter, thank god, it’s warm, good, there’s a tv, more than a week in advance, minister. that you very
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correctly divided into groups, reserves and like the equipment of the people, the sandbags needed there , the soil and even the concrete products that will be needed in the event of a breakthrough, the water in the mound has reached its peak and in some places has already begun to decline, today its level for the first time in these days has dropped below 10 m. with the water from the city, anxiety seems to go away, here on the left bank, covered by a dam, people are trying to live an ordinary life and the only thing... that so far reminds of the ongoing danger is the almost incessant sounds of the siren. albert musin, matsatsa pareldyev, gennady lugunov, elena goleeva, to report for weeks from the kurgan region. one for all, all, all for one, there are
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