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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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and save the railway worker almost 2 hours. the tunnels are protected from freezing by strangers by special gates that open a few minutes before the train passes. in case of emergency, the gate is made of fragile composite material. the locomotive will simply carry them away without harm to the driver. in november of twenty-three , a ukrainian saboteur. an explosive device
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was placed under one of the fuel tanks of the railway train, we were alerted, but the fire train could not enter the tunnel, so how there was a train with burnt tanks, and the movement of our gas-protective group, which means it was carried out along the adit, it turned out that...
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which should begin this year, will become not only an economic, but also a strategic task, although the tunnel itself is in the construction of the second severomuysk tunnel, was not injured as a result of sabotage, it was expected to withstand an earthquake of magnitude nine, the explosive device could not cause it the slightest harm, but nevertheless, we guaranteed when we built this tunnel, which has a concrete thickness of up to 6 m, withstood an explosion, the tunnel was built. the strength of human souls, who gave their lives for this, i think that it was worth it, that the tunnel will stand, even regardless of any terrorist attacks, no tricks, and so on, it was built seriously, a serious merit, russian railways in the next decade, a grandiose modernization awaits, with plans to increase the carrying capacity of both bam and transib by one and a half times.
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a parallel track is already being laid on the baikal-amur mainline, in addition to of the second severomuisk tunnel , the second kadarsky tunnel will be built, the second kuznetsovsky tunnel, and recently the management of russian railways, together with the ministers of the russian government, carried out the demolition of the second dusealinsky tunnel. the well-coordinated work of designers, constructors, engineers, and builders will make it possible to create a modern infrastructure in eastern bam that meets... there is light at the end of the tunnel, thank you very much again for your work. alexander agatkin, valentin rutkevich, evgeny kulikov, farid khananov and sergey zavidov. especially for news of the week from the baikal amur mainline.
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this is the news of the week, next in the program. the donbass republics are approaching their first big anniversary. what is the secret of the local cheese, where the legendary thirty, the main tourist route of the ussr, passes, and what secrets does the unique cave temple keep.
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the republic of donbass is approaching its first big anniversary. 10 years ago in may 2014, referendums on independence from ukraine took place there. this was the first step towards meeting russia. yes, now we are together, but on the part of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics republics are still at war with the nazi kiev regime. however, to many areas of the lugansk region. the world has already come, about how it is there now, elena erofeeva, we store potatoes here, well, that’s it, our closures, when in the fourteenth year there were heavy shellings, we were shelled here, that’s where we were, the earth was shaking from trouble ,
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the whitewashed walls of the basement greeted the war, a stove was built from bricks, sun loungers were knocked down from wooden boards, not a single rustle, only the front was heard that was being torn apart. in the fourteenth year the war stopped, the position of the ukrainian army was visible from the cemetery hill, 300, maybe 500 meters away, and the first dead man was kept here, the village said goodbye to three-year-old vanya, he held his father’s hand when they ran to hide in the basement,
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we had never seen war before and we didn’t understand, so well, we understood that parasites had come to power, what can i say, morons who love money dearly, but do not love people, their people, the ukrainians watered petrogradka with hail, the water supply in the village was broken, the canal through which water flowed. maidan sentiment in kyiv broke into houses local residents from the tv screen. the capital
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of ukraine was far away, but the nationalism that was sweeping the country was getting closer. radicals flocked to lugansk to campaign for a new ukrainian government. in april 14th , the russian spring began in lugansk. the ukrainian project as a weapon against the russian world misfired here. resistance detachments and headquarters were then created throughout donbass. when anger is brewing. newspapers for kharkov, kiev, zaporozhye, they were freely sent to customers, the roads were open, about what was happening on donbass there was not a word on the printed pages, only scanwords, tv programs, advertisements, still in russian, the printing press stopped suddenly, when everything stopped, i think that... some kind of understanding has already come, we have a newspaper 21 century, that is, they printed on printers, well
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, they had one like an information and combat leaflet and distributed it simply to people. the lugansk plant, where they produced locomotives that were once the best in europe, stopped; they were purchased by germany, hungary, and poland; the enterprise almost bankrupted the tymoshenko government. she preferred korean hyundai locomotives to lugansk locomotives. in 2007, a russian investor came to the plant. and we are starting gradually. to return to what we have been doing all our adult lives, we begin to design new cars, new diesel locomotives gradually begin to master them, and then the fourteenth year, several months of downtime, in september we started up again, assembled new cars using the remains of components, worked at night, in order to save electricity for the city, there was no light in lugansk at that time, but the machines were already rattling, turning out new parts and new ones...
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worked for 10 hours to fulfill the plan, more than 200 people went to the northern military district. i understood that, in fact, the war was not launched against the east of ukraine, the war was aimed at undermining the power and prosperity of the russian federation in general, in order to create a kind of hotbed of war in the russian region that would undermine the foundation of russia, in general. then, and that’s how it happened, of course. there was a ukrainian army on the ground, along all these high-rise buildings there were ukrainian tanks, they
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were going straight to lugansk. now on this earth there is a new pig farm, the first enterprise built in the lugansk region in 30 years of independent ukraine, purebred canadians were brought in in february, meat has already begun to be supplied to the market, covering a fifth of the republic’s need for pork. when we started building here, we talked with the people there, they said this is the first harbinger that there will be no more war or there will be. i didn’t want to go anywhere, i generally just wanted to live normally. he from artyomovsk
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went to the referendum in 1914, but the city remained under ukraine. vladimir waited for the russians they will come, there were fewer and fewer people like him in artyomovsk. ukrainian agidprob worked at full capacity. separated by the war on the other side of the front, they fell under a steamroller of aggressive propaganda. in the first days after liberation, in particular the village of lugansk, i literally... the first week i went there and held a meeting, that’s when we arrived there, the first 40 minutes, but you’ll excuse the comparisons, i was talking to the wall, in the liberated territory the information office... in the horror and chaos of the fighting, the newspaper became a source not only information, hope, they were brought with humanitarian aid and distributed to people for free, when you don’t understand what’s happening, when you
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start to screw yourself up, i don’t know what to expect, there’s no connection, no water, no light, that’s... how they lined up for bread, just like for newspapers, for food, for news, for work with work at work, this back tire had already fallen off, the tire had gone flat again, her old bicycle could barely withstand such routes, a journalist from the city newspaper vestnik of severo-donetsk every day he travels 10 km, 2 years since the war ended, there is still no cellular internet connection, it is impossible to arrange an interview by phone, you have to get on a bike and... readers, yes, with one voice, they say whatever they want, only about severodonetsk, well, we write, everything that we see, we write everything, any positive thing, even the cleanup day has passed, there are children doing something at school, some chess tournaments, some sports tournaments, life after the war city ​​is reflected in the lens of her camera, in the morning lyudmila goes to the hospital, where they donate blood for
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wounded soldiers, they wait at the victory memorial for lunch, and they restore order here on the eve of the upcoming holidays. this place of memory was saved from destruction when the nazis destroyed soviet monuments. my convictions were already, in fact , already clear, definite, that what is happening in ukraine is leading to collapse, leading to collapse, this is leading, well, to something bad. by profession a process engineer, she worked at the azot plant, she never wrote an article, journalism was brought by chance. all professionals from severo-donetsk fled. houses are washed, walls are restored, holes from tank shells are filled with bricks, these houses have not become ruins,
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you can live here, local grandmothers gather at the entrances, as before, to remember the war, and...
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of sbercard and stickers, apply for them on the website or in the sberbank online application and enjoy them every day, it's just space. slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank, just a moment more and masha would have access to the money through your account. but svetlana petrovna turned on the scout. i called the bank and hung up. whoever the scammers pretend to be to get money out of you, hang up, no talking. the current ukrainian government acts exactly
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like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow, a meeting was created by the church of christ...
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on tuesday, prime minister mikhail mishustin held a strategic session on the development of financial instruments. the government does a lot to help businesses and citizens achieve their goals.
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the result of last year was 102.5%. the volume of investments reached almost 62 billion rubles. growth 22%. from adegea, maxim kiselev. kamyl, the ancient voice of this land. like hundreds of years ago, he still sings in the gorges, falling
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in... to the beat of the melody of waterfalls, meeting him at the threshold and seeing him off on his way, for him the river is already the road, the wind, the steep slopes are already the home of adygesh, in its very name, the meaning and history of the people, unthinkable without this horse. kone adyga is a brother, first of all, translated into russian, horse means brother, very hardy. very strong, for her there are no distances or impassable paths, she will withstand heavy snow and a hike of a thousand miles, a unique breed, the best of which has not been and is not for these mountains. odegesh is a breed born for the mountains, for him a load of a hundred kilograms, a light knife, such a loyal and intelligent horse, that the odygs in the old days believed that human blood flows in his veins, from the same centuries, an invariable rule for the rider,
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instead of gunpowder, pour dried adyghe cheese into one of the gozyrs, an ideal energy product on a long hike, the air here seems to be saturated with cheese aroma , it is fried, smoked, and of course, it is the only thing that is used to fill the main dish of the adyghe table; for the halyuzhiks, we only take adyghe cheese, no other cheese will do, only odigean cheese. burning oil into gold halves of the sun, to the crispy edges they are filled with white miracle adygea. the heritage of the republic is adyghe cheese. thousands of tons of it are now scattered around the world from asia to north america, but it was a legend already in those days when there were no traces of plastic forms, and the famous grid was drawn on it with willow twigs. corzine
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adeghe cheese


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