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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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i would probably be the last scoundrel and coward if i agreed with what you said before, let them say all this, i don’t agree with this, i can explain it very simply, you shouldn’t, i know what you will answer , i told you. i’ll answer very simply
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with a historical example: when hitler came to power in the thirty-third year, the second most important parties were the communists, social democrats, well, people of left-wing views, communists, social democrats, and i want to remind you that then the overwhelming number of germans, even more than now in terrible dream. based on this, i will say that they could not stop either the holocaust or the 27 million murders of soviet people, therefore, based on historical experience and knowledge, i understand well that, unfortunately, it is not those who are against who determine the supply of taurus, who determine the fate of those marching across the earth...
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this is absolutely moral, the enemy must be destroyed, our cause is the right victory will be ours, if you want to be our enemy, you must know what fate will befall you, if you do not want to burn with a blue flame, do not be our enemies who talk about the need to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, how many germans died from strikes by russian weapons on german territory, zero, and how many russians died because... shots were fired on russian territory, in particular from panzihaus 2000, in particular from leopards. i don't think the position here is clear, just like i think you understand my position, yes, see you tomorrow. at the dnepr airfield, russian troops destroyed a ukrainian mig-29 aircraft. the footage you see now has spread. detection
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air targets and a launcher for the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system. the military department reported other successful achievements of our soldiers. units of the southern group of troops completely liberated the settlement of bogdanovka, donetsk people's republic and inflicted fire damage on the personnel and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​​​the settlement of krasnohorivka, donetsk people's republic. in addition, two are reflected. enemy losses amounted to up to 440 military personnel, three vehicles and a combat vehicle of the asa akm anti-aircraft missile system. well then in the meantime, the united states may resume military supplies to ukraine by the end of next week , and the supplies will include atacoms ballistic missiles. this was stated by the head of the intelligence committee of the american senate. that's where the relief package will go to the upper house of congress for a vote on tuesday. ukraine after
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its approval in the house of representatives. what will the next tranche of $61 billion lead to in kiev’s bottomless barrel, the kremlin commented, according to the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov. congressional decision washington will further enrich ukraine, but it will bring ruin to the increase in the number of dead ukrainians, peskov emphasized. what is behind the ostentatious generosity of congressmen, ekaterina shamaeva found out. feverish attempts to save zelensky’s neo-nazi regime are doomed to failure. this is how the us congress allocated money to ukraine, the russian foreign ministry commented. on smolensk square it was noted that washington’s actions, as the actual party to the conflict, will be decisive. resistance, and the states expect a fiasco, like in vietnam and afghanistan. it is characteristic that in these internal squabbles the white house is no longer betting on the mythical victory of the controlled kiev regime, but on the fact that the armed forces of ukraine will hold out at least until the november vote, without spoiling biden’s image. actually, for the sake of this
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, the agony of zelensky and his entourage is prolonged, while ordinary ukrainians are forcibly driven to slaughter like cannon fodder. the republicans have their own interest, lobbying in favor of the american military-industrial complex, which will get the lion's share.
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such statements are already being made by trump's party members. majority republicans in the house of representatives voted against approval of the new tranche. we're not talking about taxpayers' hard-earned money, we've already spent it. this is borrowed money. most americans believe we need to secure our border first before sending billions of dollars to other countries while plundering our children's future. moreover, all this money will burn in the furnace of a geopolitical battle against.
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new military supplies are unlikely to change ukraine’s position on the battlefield, western media note. according to the wall street newspaper journal, in so they are experiencing an acute shortage of not only shells, but also manpower, and if the states intend to fill the deficit of the first, then the second is the task of kiev itself. i think that the administration was waiting to see how the adoption of the mobilization law would end, because they understood that if this law was not finally adopted, and new potential...
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usa against russia and yes, after what congress did, no one could doubt that the united states declared war on russia. the united states has lost a moral battle ; it is losing a historic match. great war is closer than ever, and if europe continues to bet on the american pug, we cannot avoid it. budapest agrees with this; according to the hungarian foreign minister, many leaders of nato countries suffer from war psychosis. admitted that serious pressure would be put on the country's government to make concessions on the issue of supplying ukraine, but the head of the foreign ministry assured that budapest would not participate in nato efforts to supply weapons to the ssu. ekaterina shamaeva, vesti. now to the situation with floods in the regions in
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in the kurgan region, the water level in the tabol river has decreased and is now less than a meter. the situation has stabilized in the orenburg region; according to the ministry of emergency situations, new flooding is occurring. territory in the region is not predicted, a difficult situation is now in the tyumen region, in the ishim region more than a thousand residents were evacuated from settlements, according to governor alexander mora, over the day the increase in... water in the ishim river slowed down, 12 were built to protect villages in the region km of embankments, this is an addition to the 7 km of existing dumps. in our special correspondent, stanislav bernwald, works in the temyansk region. over the past 24 hours, the ishim river has added another 140 cm of water ; the point is now 10 m 51 cm by 2 m 50 cm above the critical level. there is a lot of water, the water is flowing. the spill the day before, there was a break of a temporary dam in one of the districts of the city of ishim,
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flooding of residential areas began, at the nursery, the dam still broke, it turns out that the elements are much more powerful than our efforts, which we are making, so we are trying to save the city. well, the city, i think, is worth it, the only one is the outskirts, which are flooded, flooding is possible there. now we are on the ishim sinitsina highway, as you can see, due to the overflow of water, the highway is now closed, the villages of sinitsina, samanovo, borki, the rest house are now cut off from the city of ishim, all because the ishim river directly began to overflow and is overflowing so actively that overflowed across the highway, there is a rescuer on duty here, but there is... pts, a floating vehicle of the russian ministry of emergency situations in case it is necessary to
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evacuate someone, but as far as we have information in all the villages that i just listed, there is no one left, people were evacuated in advance, the strengthening of the dump continues in the ishim region, in the kazan region in areas that are prone to flooding, people, city residents are taking an active part in this, it’s even creepy. we won’t be flooded, where i live, but on people, i don’t know, probably psychologically, it’s in general, i would be younger, i’m 73 years old, i ’d also go help, of course, as obligatory, it’s creepy, of course, what a number says , consider that all this will flood someone first, again everything has to be done first, everything needs to be repaired, it’s creepy, creepy, especially for us old people it’s generally creepy, governor of the chemyansk region. every day he makes detours into flooded areas that are potentially dangerous for flooding
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, he said that compensation will be paid to the victims. stanislav bernval, sergey ukhvarenok, danilo kuznetsov, conduct the tyumen region. the moldovan opposition has formed a bloc to restore relations with russia and the cis countries. this decision was made following the results of a forum of opposition parties in moscow. its participants declared that moldova had been usurped by the west and a new bloc called. details of uanna voronina. five political parties, a clear course to the east. representatives of the moldovan opposition gathered in moscow today to unite their forces in the fight for the preservation of moldova as a separate state. a new political bloc, victory will help not only restore relations with russia and the cis countries, but will fight to preserve the culture of moldova, its history and independent economy, without outside pressure. they are ideological in fact, they are trying to change our old traditions
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and ideals, our people, i apologize, want to go to church, and not to gay parades for something else, we have people, we have values ​​and respect for our past, they they are trying to eradicate all this, we must stand up and we must win our right to our good future, the parties have united to create a single force that can resist the referendum on joining the cc. will also nominate its candidate for the presidential elections in moldova this year, as noted by evgenia gutsul, appointed executive secretary of the political council of the victory bloc, all the values ​​that the european community offers today are alien to moldova. the policy of the authorities in brussels is aimed at maximally erasing the differences between citizens of the participating countries. for officials in brussels and strasbourg, you are neither french nor austrian.
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centralized europe is fighting against gender differences. the vast majority of eu countries have legalized gay marriage. for those countries where gay marriage is not officially recognized, the european authorities are twisting their arms through courts. according to the opposition, joining the european union threatens moldova with the loss of food supplies. already today , the majority of dairy products sold in our country are of ukrainian origin, if we talk about meat about meat products, then our enterprises can only provide the country with meat products, only half, everything else, unfortunately,
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is imported from us, in ancient times everything was different . europe, in turn, today can offer moldova only problems with energy resources depending on the united states states, as vasily balya noted, 46% of europeans today are dissatisfied with the standard of living, almost 60% are disappointed with the actions of the authorities, while the countries of the eurasian economic union, despite sanctions, show steady growth in gdp, which means the course for moldova should lie to the east. we want the best for our citizens, we have gathered in this hall today. precisely those people who understand how important it is for the entire moldovan opposition to unite, yes, against the enemy, against poverty, against the problems that the european union and the leadership in represented by maysandou and paz, and we are very glad that here, in moscow, on the territory
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of the russian federation, no one closes our mouths, and we can express our opinion. moldova must decide on its course this fall; on october 20, the country will simultaneously hold presidential elections and a referendum on joining the eu. anna voronina, dmitry shestukhin, dmitry belous, news. an all-russian environmental action took place in kislovodsk; more than 2.0 people took part in the large-scale event; activists cleaned forest near the kislovodsk city hospital. similar events will be held in eighteen regions this year, as margarita recca found out how many were collected in the resort city. a large-scale ecodesant - hundreds of participants, including from different municipalities of stavropol, work collectives and families - cleared dry branches and debris from a picturesque pine grove on the outskirts of the city, near the new four-story building of the city hospital, which will be put into operation this year. from here a panorama of
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the city opens and the caucasian rebet is visible. lead to of course, the residents of the city went about cleaning up the territory with particular enthusiasm. naturally i came. with our team, in full force, supported this wonderful action, we hope that our little part of what we did today will be very positively wonderful, wonderful, we need to do such cleanup days more often, the scope of work is impressive, but thanks to the unprecedented activity of everyone who responded, cleaning covered literally every corner, branches of logs were on site for recycling, collected garbage was loaded into kamaz bags in bags, teams were formed right on place, they worked in perfect harmony.
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rain is not a hindrance to cleaning, especially since it quickly gave way to the signature kislovodsk sun, the federal resort is the sunniest and is warmed by rays for more than 150 days a year, but the features of national cleaning are a federal project, the environmental campaign has been actively clearing russian regions for the second year now, in this year there are 18 subjects in the plan, but we are the first, we planned to hold it in the fall, while it was warm in the stavropol territory, but we didn’t have time, we just didn’t have time, so we had. agreement with the governor that we are starting let's start in the stavropol territory, we will have at least eighteen regions this year, the tula region, nizhny novgorod, this is tatarstan, korachaeva-cherkessia, this will be chukotka this year, the krasnoyarsk territory, novosibirsk, in general there will be many regions. environmental education is not about declarations, but about reality. only by personal example can
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one show love and care for nature and urban areas, believes the deputy chairman of the state duma committee on natural ecology. resources and environmental protection zhanna ryabtseva. arrived at the teslovodsk subbotnik in the morning especially from the sverdlovsk region. if we don’t clean up after ourselves, what we see here, what will we leave for our children. and talking about environmental education, about environmental education. it will all be in emptiness. therefore, only by my own example, and today there are a lot of children, i am very grateful that many parents and children came today. today everyone is cleaning up the trash. to stavropol. which became the first region of the all-russian environmental campaign, this is not the first cleanup of the territory that is carried out actively according to the seasonal calendar. the goal, the task is to attract public attention to environmental protection and conservation. its diversity, that’s why we are working here today, every year from april to autumn we launch the campaign let’s preserve the nature of stavropol region, the water of russia campaign, so we
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urge everyone to restore order in their adjacent territories within populated areas during this period. cossack songs performed by local ensembles created a festive mood, creative visiting teams went around every corner, the highlight of the action was to turn the cleaning into a real holiday. on quiz stage. and performances by creative groups reflecting the national flavor, and even a thematic exhibition of an art object made from recycled materials, essentially garbage as an object of art, a three-meter-high abattoir, installations in the form of a guitar, we created art objects from waste materials, that is, in particular musical instruments, a cello, two pianos, a tuning plate, by the way from the piano, and was the basis for the creation.
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eco-technology, everyone could generate energy using a regular bicycle. we we tried to make an exhibit for this holiday that generates electricity, it powers a car generator, that is, the power is approximately the same as that of a car generated through an inverter, it is possible. connect up to 2 kw. in a few hours, fighters for the cleanliness of the pearls of russia collected more than 100 cubic meters of garbage. the most active eco-gifts are crimean pine seedlings, so the volume of green light resorts will only expand, enriching the air with healing phytancides. margarita reka, pavel kovalenko, lead the stavropol region. families of mobilized citizens will receive additional support measures. those who live in apartments where it is impossible
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to use individual meters will not pay for water and gas services for their absent relatives. to receive such a benefit, relatives of the mobilized must submit to the management company a document from the military registration and enlistment office confirming the fact of mobilization. the government has expanded the social gasification program to include gardening partnerships. gas networks will be laid free of charge to the boundaries of land plots of vsnt citizens located within the boundaries of gasified settlements. an application for connection can be submitted by both the homeowners and the chairman of the snt. the government has expanded the list of vital drugs and drugs for the treatment of high-cost pathologies. free medical care. it includes three combination drugs that are used to treat patients with various viral and bacterial infections and infectious and inflammatory
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diseases. the list also includes two new drugs needed by patients with multiple sclerosis. also, these medicines have been added to the list of drugs for the treatment of patients with complex and rare diseases within the framework of the program of 14 high-cost nasologies. mikhail mishustin met with prime minister of belarus roman golovchenko in moscow. russia and belarus have reached an unprecedented level of cooperation in the field of high technology. countries jointly engage in space research and implement their results into the economy. despite increased sanctions, integration in the union state is progressively strengthening. mutual trade turnover reached 4.2 russian rubles. transit transportation of belarusian goods using russian infrastructure has more than doubled to 20 million tons. as a result of negotiations between the heads of government
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, an agreement was signed on the mutual recognition of electronic digital signatures in cross-border electronic interaction. now belarusian and russian entrepreneurs will be able to participate in government procurement procedures and perform other legally significant actions without restrictions. in the common markets of the union state. more.
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the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states, the west, yes, initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. let's see what will happen next. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on april 22, 1529, spain and portugal, the then most powerful colonial empire, divided the world by concluding the treaty of sorogos. they already had an agreement before
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tordisilievsky. did not determine the meridian line across the atlantic ocean. everything on the left is spanish, everything on the right is portuguese. but then the colonialists reached southeast asia and there interests collided again. the bone of contention was the maluku or spice islands, at that time the only source of cloves and nutmeg. when it came to fighting, both kingdoms decided to seek a compromise. the new demarcation line passed at 1,440 km. east of the islands that remained the portuguese, like almost all of asia. for this they paid the spaniards 350 thousand ducats. by the way, both agreements were illuminated and guaranteed by the pope. they operated for more than 2 and a half centuries, until the end of the 8th century, when the influence of madrid and lisbon went to ubol and a new era began: the colonial rule of britain and france. on april 22
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, 1915, it was used for the first time. this happened during the first world war in western flanders near the city of ypres, where fierce battles took place. the german command delivered 5,730 cylinders containing 168 tons to the front chlorine this is a deadly gas of yellowish-green color, heavier than air, which affects the mucous membranes, causes eye burns and paralyzes breathing. in the evening, the germans released gas on the french positions. the british observed a terrible picture.
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toxic substances became the first weapons of mass destruction, which were used more than once after the first world war, including by the nazis and terrorist groups, despite international prohibitions. exactly 60 years ago. in april 1964 , the ceremonial laying of the ostankino tv tower, one of the main symbols of moscow. an ultra-modern project of that time was invented by the outstanding soviet engineer, architect and construction scientist, nikolai nikitin. the idea to make the base in the form of an inverted lily flower with a thick stem and strong petals, according to him, came to the inventor in a dream. the tower is made of pre-stressed concrete and
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its stability is ensured by its heavy weight. but makes up 40% of the weight of the entire structure. the height of the tower is 540 m, at that time it became the tallest in the world. inside she is being pulled 145 steel cables. during construction and installation , the latest technical achievements were used, including the world's only self-lifting mechanism weighing about 300 tons. broadcast from the nikitin tower began in 67. color satellite television in our country. the ostankino tower is a founding member of the world federation of high-rise towers, formed in 1989. today there are already 49 participants, but the ostankino tower remains the tallest in europe. on april 22, 2010, one of the largest environmental disasters of the 21st century occurred. in in the gulf of mexico , an oil platform dep. sank after a fire explosion. horizon. it
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belonged to the transnational corporation british petroleum. the reasons are technical malfunctions, personnel errors and errors.


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