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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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every second ticket wins the russian lotto easter charity draw; from every ticket sold, 10 rubles will be donated to charitable causes. buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. water where you need it. unipamp - pumping equipment. many entrepreneurs have already received money from the quite a business fund. it's your turn.
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"if choice has freedom, i want to experience it; if the light has an edge, i want to take a look at it, the new jqj8, i’m sure it’s for real, grandpa, but you like fishing or tinkering more, receive your pension from the post bank, of course, because there are benefits there, transfer your pension to the post bank and get 2.0 rubles and a chance to win a car, receive your pension profitably by mail. cans magnet spaghetti maltati 69,999 magnet - the price is what you need, let's do it this way, and now cattle, there are other ideas, of course, let's count the payment, yur, without a qr code for a long time, with vtb online the camera calculates everything itself, vtb, well how did it happen, of course we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card. together everything will work out,
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now let's talk about the economy, alexandra, in march-january, russian oil supplies to china increased by 13. central asia opens today in tashkent, in the next 3 days more than 400 enterprises from 20 countries will present innovative developments for industry there. in addition to russia and uzbekistan , delegations and companies from belarus, china and turkey will play an important role in the program. the exhibition will be opened by the main one. industrial cooperation in central asia regional focus. it will be attended by deputy prime minister, head of the ministry of industry and trade denis mancherov, deputy prime minister of the republic of uzbekistan, zhamshid khadzhaev, who will discuss trade and economic relations and key projects. oil supplies from
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russia to china in the first quarter of the year increased by 13%. we remain the largest supplier for the republic. according to the general administration of customs of the people's republic of china, in january-march they received from us 28. peace, they will receive about 100 euros of additional assistance per month for vulnerable segments of the population. we are in the process now
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data processing. we already have more than 5-7 requests. these are mostly retired state employees. they turned to us to get bonuses. we are planning to launch it on may 1st. germany approved arms exports worth five and a quarter billion euros in the first quarter. compared to the same period last year, the figure has more than doubled. ukraine became the main recipient country. according to the ministry of finance, it accounted for almost 4 billion. as a result, germany became kiev’s second largest arms supplier after the united states. the average price for a new chinese car in russia increased by 9%. at the end of the first quarter, it exceeded 3 million rubles. this is reported by the latter with reference to a study by avito auto. the maximum growth was for the gak brand, the price jumped one and a half times to almost 4.5 million rubles. the gzhili brand added 20% to 3.5
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million. cherry 13% with approximately the same price. however, there are examples of cost reductions, for example, the hunc brand has fallen in price by one and a half times compared to the first quarter of last year. at this moment all the news is tatyana. alexander, thank you, with economic news there was my colleague alexandra nazarova. now a short advertisement, then we will talk about the congress of the moldovan opposition in moscow and the anniversary of the philosopher emmanuel kant. let's do it again. and now scoto? any other ideas? of course, let's pay for it. yur! without a qr code, for a long time with vtb the online camera calculates everything itself. so how did it turn out? of course, you also got 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card, vtb. everything will work out together. just like that, no need. it needs to be like this, like this, like this. it's clear. i understand. this is how the induction
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8:40 am
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sber card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. the opposition in moldova will act as a single bloc in the elections that will be held in the country this fall. creation. the new political bloc's victory will help not only restore relations with russia and the cis countries, but will also fight to preserve the culture of moldova, its history and independent economy.
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enterprises can provide meat only half of the country's products are produced;
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everything else, unfortunately, is imported from us. in ancient times, everything was different. europe, in turn, today can only offer moldova problems with energy resources and dependence on the united states. as vasily balya noted, 46% of europeans today are dissatisfied with their standard of living, almost 60% are disappointed with the actions of the authorities, and the country at that. the eurasian economic union, despite sanctions, shows steady gdp growth, which means the course for moldova should lie in the east, we want good for our citizens. in this hall today we have gathered exactly those people who understand how important it is for the entire moldovan opposition to unite, yes, against the enemy, against poverty, against the problems that the european union and the leadership in the person of mai sandu ipas have brought us, and we are very happy , that
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it is here in moscow, on the territory of the russian federation, that no one closes our mouths, and we can you...
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kant is simple, although it was difficult to understand the philosopher, he never traveled outside his native city, and at the same time he could grasp with reason the whole world. all over the world, he was first of all respected for his geographical discoveries, that is, a person who essentially invented such a subject as physical geography, who discovered the mystery of the origin of the pasatov and monsoons, was able
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to penetrate the mysteries of the universe, there were many legends about kant, one of them said that... the daily lunch meal lasted several hours and took place among friends. the interactive composition “lunch at kant’s” tells about this, where guests talked about various world news, but not about philosophy. of course cod with potatoes. emmanuel kahn was very fond of cod. in the window is a camisole, tailored to the figure of a thinker. he was short, only 157 cm. they said that he was a dandy and wore suits in the latest fashion. and the students nicknamed him. “it’s really better to be a fool according to fashion than a fool out of fashion.” scientists from 15 countries gathered in kaliningrad for the three hundredth anniversary of emmanuel kant. at the international congress, in addition to classical philosophy, the problems of the development of artificial intelligence and neural networks will also be discussed. marina naumova, evgeny bikish, alexander
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naumov, ivan kireev, lead kaliningrad. in the stavropol region, the reconstruction of the kuban cascade is being completed. the only thing left to do is to modernize the switchgear at the fourth hydroelectric power station. this will increase its reliability, safety and environmental friendliness. alena klimenko's report on the importance of such work. water into electricity, and electricity into houses, the principle of energy generation is as simple as it is ingenious. hydropower is the power and pride of the stavropol territory. there are seven hydroelectric power plants in the region, all of which are part of large cascade of kuban hydroelectric stations. station.
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the rest of the time the station is stopped, here it stands, preparing for the next cycle of work, the water up the canal comes higher from the overlying hydroelectric station3, kuban hydroelectric power station3, here, water accumulates here, the igs4 hydraulic units turn on, the water is turned on, the accumulated water stops in the lower basin leveling reservoir, then it is evenly distributed. like the entire cascade, these intertwined transformers, familiar to the eyes of russians, are an open switchgear, it works as a single harmonious organism, transmitting the energy generated by the station to
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the homes of stavropol residents. the switchgear itself is a very important element, because without a switchgear it is impossible to transmit the generated power, therefore, having a reliable power supply, we ensure reliable supply of electricity. and in return for such a huge accumulation of equipment. an innovative replacement was underway, a closed switchgear . the area of ​​this entire gigantic switchgear is 2,500 km2, while while the new one is located only 250 km away, that is, all this air equipment was placed in such, one might say, a small box of a building, while all its power was preserved. the characteristics of the equipment have been improved significantly, and there are dozens of advantages of such a project. each phase is controlled separately under pressure, this is a module. system, all individual elements are separated from each other, which increases reliability, we can cut off any of the compartments that may fail,
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cut off and continue to work on the remaining one in fact, this is a rather serious breakthrough in the field of energy in general for the kuban hydroelectric power cascade - this is a move away from air circuit breakers, an increase in reliability, a reduction in the size of switchgears, a move away from... hazardous production facilities when operating pressure vessels and compressor facilities, this is an increase in environmental friendliness. and there are already five such closed switchgears at hydroelectric power stations in stavropol. we can say that the hydropower industry of our region is reaching a new level, and the implementation such a project continues the course of the planned energy strategy for the whole of russia. alena klimenko, vyacheslav gaidakov and alina didigova. news stavropol territory. snowfalls are moving from the russian plain to siberia, the weather in russia this week will again be mixed up by atlantic cyclones, how soon
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will abnormal heat return in the central region, and where will the literal summer heat last, when the siberian megacities will be covered with snow, current weather analytics on the russia 24 channel, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, leading specialist of centrophobos, hello, the cold snap from the russian plain is moving east. the entire past week was stormy in the european part of the country, but by the end of it the storm had reached its peak. in st. petersburg, for example, already on friday the temperature became negative, and there were snowfalls for two days. in total, by saturday evening in the city on the neva , a third of the monthly norm of moisture had fallen and a snow cover of 11 cm high had formed, even if you got up on skis, of course. not only st. petersburg suffered from bad weather. blizzards swept from yamal to central europe. it's snowy, for example, certain areas of germany and the czech republic.
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and after the extremely warm first half of spring, such weather changes raised natural questions among residents of the northern latitudes of eurasia. are we planning something like spring? snowfalls did not reach the central regions. here. precipitation was observed in the form of rain with local inclusions of ice grains. however, the weather was also extreme in its own way. in moscow , strong winds arose with gusts of up to 21 m/s. there was an emergency. a tree fell on one of the playgrounds. two year old girl hospitalized with a traumatic brain injury. and, for example, in neighboring kaluga, the disaster paralyzed city transport. he shield fell. from the wind on the wires of the trawlers, and the trawlers are now all standing. on sunday, ninasti hit the south of russia and a storm arose here too. in crimea, the main news was related
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to the alushta-sudak highway. in one area it was washed away by waves, in another it was blocked by a collapsed roof. the reason for the rampant nature is the high activity of atlantic cyclones, in the coming days they will continue manage. weather in the western half of our country, one whirlwind, the one that brought cooling to the russian plain, will go to siberia today, and now it will snow there, but a new cyclone will come to european territory, its circulation contains warmer air masses, so snowfalls will remain in places on the kola peninsula, ice conditions are possible on the border of the murmansk region and karelia, as for the temperature regime, then... due to two active cyclones it will become extremely contrasting, the arctic will begin in siberia invasion, in the western and central regions, on the contrary, thermometer readings will go up...
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up, in the ural region there will still be a hotbed of heat, which until now has remained in the country due to cold snaps. in orenburg, for example, on saturday and sunday the thermometers showed +27-28°, in yekaterinburg the air warmed up to almost +29 during the same period. in the following days, the planned trends will continue to the west and east of the urals. the cyclone will squeeze out within a week. cold from the european part of russia and here the weather will slowly but surely improve, here in siberia, on the contrary, will increase the influence of northern currents in the rear of the outgoing vortex, and this part of the country will have to experience the same thing that st. petersburg experienced over the weekend. in kemerovo, for example, today it will still rain at +8, and on tuesday and wednesday the cold will drop to +1, the precipitation will turn to snow.
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the weather will return to normal only in the second half of the working week. in moscow today +18 light showers. tomorrow they will stop, but it will become cooler -13. then the temperature will be set at +16-19°, which significantly exceeds the norm in the third ten days of april. in general, spring on the russian plain is still developing according to an abnormally warm scenario, and this is where a certain one lies. danger, for example, ticks are highly active; they have already begun to bite people in moscow parks, despite the fact that the center of russia is not an endemic territory for them. that's all for me, goodbye.
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in the regions, spring floods in the kurgan region remain a risk of flooding the administrative center, we are waiting for direct input from our correspondents, the president
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russia and... kiev can receive almost 61 billion dollars from the united states, how do they plan to distribute these funds? the candidates tournament has ended in toronto, what place did the russians take? venice beinali, one of the main shows of contemporary art opened over the weekend, what? this year. warming is expected in the capital region. our meteorologists have all the details. and now these messages are urgently marked as news on the agency’s news feeds. so,
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the patrol service outfit. two policemen were shot at in karachay-cherkessia, one was wounded, this was reported by the press service of the investigative department of the investigative committee for the region, we will return to this topic a little later, now about the flood situation in the trans-urals. over the past 24 hours , the water in the tabol river near the regional center has dropped another 18 cm, but the level still remains dangerous. across the region , two dozen settlements and hundreds of gardening associations are now flooded. our special one joins the broadcast from kurgan. rita, good morning, we told you that the city residents, in preparation for the arrival of big water, strengthened 30 km of the river bank, this is how they cope with load protective structure? yes, alexandra, they are welcome, indeed, the situation in kurgan still remains tense, so specialists, volunteers and...


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