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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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a patrol service squad was fired upon in karachay-cherkessia, two policemen were killed, one was wounded, the press service of the investigative department of the investigative committee for the region reported this, we will return to this topic a little later, now about the flood situation in the trans-urals. over the past 24 hours, the water in the tabol river near the regional center has dropped by another 18 cm, but the level still remains dangerous. across the region, two dozen settlements and hundreds of gardening communities are now flooded. our special correspondent, margarita semenyuk, joins the broadcast from kurgan. rita, good morning. we told you that the city residents, in preparation for the arrival of big water, strengthened 30 km of the river bank. how does a protective structure cope with the load? yes, alexander, greetings, indeed, the situation in kurgan still remains tense, so specialists, volunteers and just residents of the city are still strengthening the dam. now she is standing. withstands the approach
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of water, while the level is now decreasing in kurgan, as i note over the last 24 hours the level has dropped by 18 cm and now the level is tabola in the kurgan area is 9 m 85 cm. now in eight municipalities of the region , 2,186 residential buildings, 3,405 country houses, five low-level bridges, etc. are flooded.
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how their houses are freed from water and i suggest you listen to the commentary now, but the people in the lowlands were all suffering, this carrot, this potato, which they want to grow for themselves, because all this, you know, we are simply deprived of this, this joy , well, right now we are together with... with the rescuers of the ivanovo fire and rescue department academy, we are cruising around the topol microdistrict , you can notice how the water level is falling, you can see the strip along which the water level has already dropped, now all the residents here have been evacuated, only those who look after their houses remain, and at the same time , employees of the ministry of emergency situations are constantly cruising, are examining the situation, also monitoring how the water level is falling, while in the belozerovsky district tobol... on the contrary, it is gaining momentum,
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an increase of 10 cm to 1.5 m is expected, the tobol river has already overflowed on a section of the road to the side the settlement of borovskoye, traffic there has now been blocked, they are also strengthening the offensive dam, while now the authorities are recommending that residents of eighteen settlements in the belotyorovsky district evacuate, because now the water from kurgan has gone there, while in the kitovsky district in the area of ​​​​the settlement.. at the sanatorium point, the river level is about 11 m in the area of ​​kitov itself, above 10 m. i note that rescuers are traveling in every settlement where there is currently flooding and i suggest listening to the commentary. every day we process various requests, we evacuate people and animals, because they sit, sit, and then begin to evacuate; there are still people left, that is, we deliver some various products to them when they ask.
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we sometimes transport them, provide assistance, yes, i note that the rescuers of the ivanovo fire and rescue academy in the topol microdistrict evacuated over 90 people, including pets, continue to monitor the situation, we are working with them to monitor the development of events. thank you oh leashes in the kurgan region told our special correspondent, margarit. semenyuk. and to other topics. already on tuesday, the us senate may vote on a new package of financial assistance to ukraine. at the end of last week it was approved by representatives. how do they plan to distribute more than $60 billion? let's find out from alexandra nazarova. she joins me. good morning, where will most of this amount go? sash, good morning, to replenish the arsenal in the usa. ukraine can receive from the us. $51 billion financial
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help. the house of representatives has already passed the corresponding bill, and us president joe biden called on the senate to also vote in favor as quickly as possible, he suggests. that most of the funds will remain in the american economy, in particular they will be used to replenish their own arsenals, which have been greatly reduced due to supplies to kiev and payment for current us military operations in the region; more than 20 and 11 billion dollars, respectively, will be spent on the purchase of weapons for ukraine about 14 billion dollars, the money basically really goes to the united states, they remain there, but we understand perfectly well that kiev... is just a screen for the west to solve its problems. directly, kiev will receive about $9.5 billion in economic support; these are loan funds; after signing the bill, the us president will have 90 days
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to agree with ukraine on the terms of compensation. after november 15, if he wishes, he can write off half of this debt, and from the twenty-sixth year, completely cancel its balance. let me remind you that, according to the national bank of ukraine, the country already owes everything to external creditors receive more than $160 billion, which is almost 91% of gdp. and recently i also agreed with south korea on long-term loans for more than 2 billion. in ukraine, in general, it doesn’t matter whether they are loans or free grants, well, there are fewer and fewer free grants, basically it all comes in the form of loans, anyway, no one is going to give money and... the main thing is to solve your current problems now; no one cares about what will happen tomorrow. simultaneously with financial assistance, the us house of representatives passed a bill on confiscation of frozen russian assets in favor of ukraine from the $280 billion blocked worldwide.
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there are only 5-6 billion in the united states. and yet, if the states decide to confiscate this, they will have to answer for it, said the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov. reaction.
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which has most of its frozen russian assets refusing to confiscate them, despite us pressure, reports the washington post, is afraid of undermining confidence in the euro and causing retaliatory measures from russia, in these conditions the states they hope that the european union will at least reduce taxes on income from assets, so it will be possible to free up to 50 billion. sash, washington wants europe to give this money to ukraine. thank you, sasha, it was alexandra nazarova with a story about us plans to financially support ukraine. and in other news: russian artillery struck
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the ukrep district of the armed forces of ukraine, where the enemy’s weapons depots and equipment were located. operators of russian orlan drones helped locate the target. igor pikhanov has all the details. unmanned combat crew aerial reconnaissance aircraft is preparing to take off. orlan 30, one of the advanced russian uavs, is not afraid of enemy anti-drone stations, is capable of reconnaissance at a distance of up to 100 km, reaches a speed of almost 200 km/h, and rises to a height of up to 5 km. near kharkov, scouts discovered enemy positions. our task is to highlight the target with a minimum number of shells to hit. target, as soon as the thirty, roughly speaking, went into action, it became very difficult for the enemy to move around positions, because as soon as he leaves, even let’s say for training, he is there it will work for 10 minutes, we will work on it in these 10 minutes, let’s say it didn’t hit somewhere, it works, and we
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hit the enemy the first time. orlan 30 maintains a combat watch for more than 5 hours, already at dusk the scouts discovered enemy positions, the targets were handed over to the artillerymen, the crew of the self-propelled gun... moved to the firing line, the drone aimed the gun at the target, sao fired high-precision ammunition called krasnopol. russian artillery. destroyed enemy dugouts. the fortified area contained warehouses with weapons and equipment. the drone operators recorded the detonation of the ammunition kit. despite its large dimensions, the self-propelled artillery unit can be easily moved even in the forest. its weight is 40 tons. the maximum speed is up to 60 km/h, so it can quickly arrive at any given point. ukrainian militants tried to dig in near the state border. the cover group's fighters work on targets both close and far. 152-mm shells of the m100s self-propelled artillery mount destroy both
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manpower and fortified positions of the ukrainian armed forces, firing range up to almost 30 km. in our work, we mainly use high-explosive fragmentation, everything explodes and scatters splinters. the enemy is afraid of us because we work quickly and it is very difficult to find us. yeah, that is , we arrived, shot and left. the fire is conducted by high-explosive fragmentation and guided projectiles, unit. artillerymen effectively fight both the military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces, fortified positions and manpower of the enemy, thanks to the well-coordinated work of the russian military, the enemy retreated, another attempt of the ukrainian armed forces to strike at front-line settlements, near kharkov, western weapons are regularly destroyed by foreign mercenaries, and equipment is destroyed in the same way, there is nothing supernatural in it, the most important thing is to identify it and the machine will cope with the task. i didn’t see anything new, they worked the same way as before. each crew
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of self-propelled guns has extensive combat experience behind them; the unit’s fighters have state and departmental awards for courage and professionalism. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. in moscow today negotiations between the presidents of russia and azerbaijan will take place. according to the kremlin press service, the leaders plan to discuss key issues in the development of bilateral and regional relations. in addition, vladimir putin and ilham aliyev will talk with bam veterans on the occasion of the anniversary. this year marks half a century since the construction of the highway began. the construction of the baikal-amur mainline, which connected railway transport hubs in the eurasian space of the soviet union, is certainly the merit of the entire country, but there were people who played a role in history bama has a special role. heydar made an invaluable contribution to the implementation of this grandiose project. aliyev, he headed the commission for the construction of bam, holding at that time the post of first deputy chairman of the council
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of ministers of the ussr, heydar aliyev was the first of the soviet leaders to travel along the highway to see everything with his own eyes. he was interested not only in work processes, but also in the life of the bamovites. largely thanks to aliyev’s managerial talents, construction did not slow down. in the fall of 1984 , at a ceremony symbolizing the end construction, the golden crutch in shpalubama scored precisely. heydar aliyev in 2008 , the station at the angoy station of the baikal-amur mainline was named after the national leader of the azerbaijani people. every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own, a desire to stand out. the desire to act and
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any other ideas? of course, let's pay for it. well, how did it happen, of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card, vtb, together everything will work out, these are the ivanovs, the average russian family, in a year they throw away 664 plastic bottles, and if you sort the waste, this could you get 21 backpacks for your son or 11 sneakers. for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom, sort waste, give things a new life, i've been waiting for you
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forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally she came. spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you. at the exhibition russia. we continue broadcasting. in karachay circassia, they are looking for a man who opened fire on police officers. the attack happened today. in the morning, resulting in two police officers they died on the spot from their wounds; another was taken to the hospital. doctors are fighting for his life. the attacker stole the service weapons and ammunition of the ministry of internal affairs officers, and then disappeared. the investigative committee opened a criminal case. global defense spending has reached a historic high,
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according to the stockholm international peace research institute. the top leaders are the usa, great britain, and germany. ukraine, france and japan. earlier, washington approved a new aid package for kiev, and not everyone is happy with it. american experts loudly declare money in the armed forces of ukraine will no longer help. maria skorodilka has all the details. they begged, they humiliated themselves, they cried. they still gave me the money. american dollars are welcomed in kiev like children, sending ukrainians to slaughter. zelensky is proud of this. but money itself doesn’t fight. on the battlefield, the military needs these pieces of paper, but send your own. their soldiers will not join nato in ukraine, an agent of the secalliance directly stated this, and they also need weapons, but the west simply does not have them, leading newspapers write, in the eurozone they are afraid of the united states, they are making europe extreme in the matter of support ukraine, assistance to kiev approved by the house of representatives may be the last american assistance before a long pause, the bundestag said. local politicians believe that by helping ukraine, germany is killing
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itself. the eu is playing with fire, said hungarian prime minister orban. western aid to ukraine will not help, experts say. what i meant was that if you look at what's happening on the battlefield or air combat.
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japanese journalists write to european elites to justify their own failures. and if the west supports the dying ukraine, there is the likelihood that the matter will end with the collapse of the european union itself, the authors write. most americans completely despise ukraine. the losers waved flags of another country, waved ukrainian flags. this hurts the hearts of our military patriots. you voted for these people who promised you that they would protect you.
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november, for the last 2 years russia has been missing out on participation in the beinal, this year our country has provided its exhibition space to artists from bolivia and other latin american countries. zinaida kurbatova has all the details. bienali - a show that takes place every 2 years. venice mid -20th century is the most important and prestigious competition in art. there is a main program, national pavilions and a parallel program. during it , artists, art critics and simply fashionable people try to come to venice; artists try, if not to participate, then to exhibit at least in
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a small gallery in order to come and talk about art. russia participated and was successful. since the beginning of the 20th century, we have had our own national pavilion, created by the great shchusiv. semyon mikhailovsky was a commissioner our pavilion from 2014 to 2019, turn on.
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such and such, such and such, they reached russia, i always said, well, of course you are waiting for what russia will show this year, it intrigues you all, interests you, well, this is how it will be, in the 21st century everything more interest in architecture, the architect ilya utkin was awarded the golden lion star prize in 2000, as a result, it was precisely this topic, the attitude towards cultural heritage and historical monuments, and the ethical attitude towards... that was what attracted those of that time, the then jury of the italian festival. in 2022 , russia refused to participate. in this we surrendered our pavilion to latin america
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under... fire between israel and hamas. been this year is as politicized as possible. not that this hasn't happened in past benals, but this year it's easy. it turned out that in the parallel program ilya and the emilia kabakovs cannot do without russian art, they are known here, at one time they received a grand prize for their red carriage, now a version of this object has been donated to the hermitage, the recycle group is also on display,
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they... took part in a parallel program in 2015, and 2 years later they were exhibited in our pavilion, these are the shots. the golden lion is given right at the opening. this year it was awarded to the australia pavilion. the archimura project is a family tree spanning 2,400 generations of the moore family. this tree does not look artistic at all, but it explains the trends in modern contemporary art; the form is not so important, the narrative is important, the idea that needs to be clearly explained. touch the viewer, motivate him, think. that's why contemporary art is often associated with social issues and politics.
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moscow 9:29 and further briefly about the main thing. the united states may resume military supplies to ukraine, including tactical missiles from atoms, said the head of the senate intelligence committee , mark warner. he will assume that senators will approve and... sign for biden a bill to allocate $61 billion to kiev, which was previously passed by the house of representatives. a little less than 15 thousand residential buildings in russian regions remain flooded by spring floods. in tyumen region, the water level in the ishim river continues to rise, and near the village of obatskaya one of these days it may rise to a critical level. to the neighbors.


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