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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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in moscow 9:29 minutes and then briefly about the main thing. the us may resume military supplies to ukraine, including atoms tactical missiles. about this. said the head of the senate intelligence committee mark warner, he suggested that senators would approve and submit for biden's signature a bill to allocate $61 billion to kiev, which was previously passed by the house of representatives. a little less than 15 thousand residential buildings in russian regions remain flooded by spring floods. in the tyumen region, the water level in the river continues to rise ishim, and near the village... batskaya, one of these days it may
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rise to a critical level. in neighboring kurgan, the peak of the flood has passed, but there are still two dozen settlements in the water. the crews of russian t-72 tanks destroyed positions in the ssu, the borders of the belgorod region on the territory of ukraine. according to the ministry of defense , the enemy tried to gain a foothold on the demarcation line. this was discovered during aerial reconnaissance. in the kupinsky direction of the special operation , our rocket systems struck a concentration of ukrainian militants. representatives of the moldovan opposition at the forum in moscow, they agreed to create a common political bloc called victory. in the country's presidential elections, which will take place in the fall, they intend to nominate a single candidate. according to opposition leaders, the meeting was held in russia and driven by the government in chisinau. new iv devices were delivered to the airborne hospital of the airborne forces in lugansk. they
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were handed over by popular front volunteers. russian doctors took part in the collection that helped purchase the equipment. we visited the hospital and talked with military doctors correspondent artyom yundos. doctors of the airborne hospital of the airborne forces again meet the volunteers of the popular front. today we brought new turbine-type ventilators, which can operate in five different modes depending on the patient’s condition.
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necessary. it needs to be like this, like this, like this. it's clear? i understand. this is how washing gel is sold at the megamarket persil for only 799 rubles. catching a bird pirouette is not easy. and anyone can get an interest rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit at selfish, that means i already have heartburn from it, it’s burning, we’ll put it out, but your food gives me heartburn. this makes it easier, heartburn from food, take it, it quenches. combat heartburn, pain and heaviness due to increased acidity in the stomach. it is active from the first minutes and extinguishes the pain. now let's talk about the weather, warming is coming to the center of the country, meanwhile residents of the urals and western siberia are warned about a sharp colder weather. all the details from our meteorologist ekaterina grigorova, she
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joins me. katya, good morning, good morning, are we waiting for the heat? well, not hot, but real, good warmth. summer will return to the european territory of russia, and early spring will come to western siberia. it was raining like summer and there was a thunderstorm in the capital region the night before. before it started , an unusual cloud appeared in the sky. before the eyes of observers , a roll began to twist at the lower edge of the cloud mass. clouds of similar a squall always foreshadows a squall, and they are formed as follows: a powerful upward flow acts on the periphery of the cloud, warm air from the ground rises upward, into the thickness of the cloud, when precipitation begins to fall, a downward flow is formed. at sufficient speeds at the lower edge of the cloud, these flows. pick up each other and a squall storm or roll cloud is formed, but this is only possible in very powerful clouds; intense showers and stormy winds are associated with such clouds. in the voronezh region, gusts reached 21 m/s. in crimea gusts up to 23 m/s were recorded. in the capital
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region, the maximum wind speed was 18 m/s. and with such wind force , trees fell, fragments of the building were torn off. unfortunately, there were no casualties. after a tree falls on the nursery. it was rainy evening and at night in other regions ; residents of the bryansk, nizhny novgorod, vladimir regions and tatarstan also posted images of the thunderstorm on social networks. so stormily, with thunderstorms and squalls, warmth breaks through to the russian plain. we’ll talk about the processes that contribute to this a little later, but thanks to them , the temperature distribution has already noticeably changed. the south, the middle zone, the shores of the baltic and the southern urals are colored ...warmly in the south of eastern siberia and the far east, well , cold air rushed into the central regions of western siberia from the polar region. several factors contribute to such a temperature distribution: powerful advection of heat or cold is the result of the interaction of various pressure
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formations. look, there is a vast anticyclone over the urals, on the periphery of the high pressure center the air moves clockwise arrow, as a result, on the western periphery the anticyclone intensifies its effect. the warm sector of the atlantic cyclone, in addition, accelerates the warming process due to solar heating; on the eastern periphery , the anticyclone contributes to the advancement of cold in the rear of a large cyclonic system, the centers of which... are now over baikal and amur. in the kurgan region, it was necessary to eliminate the consequences of flooding over the weekend in conditions of extreme heat. for 2 days in a row, thermometers in the city rose above +28, and record maximum temperatures were updated. on sunday , meteorological statistics were also rewritten in dozens of cities in the southern part of russia, the urals, western siberia, and maximums were updated, even in yakutia. it is no longer so hot in kurgan today, but the temperature is still much higher. april norm is up to +20. tomorrow the sky will become cloudy and there will be rain, which
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will bring the temperature down to +13°. on wednesday , partly cloudy, light rain possible, only +7. the cold snap will peak on thursday. even at the height of the day, the thermometer columns will not rise above +4. in the morning hours will be even colder, precipitation may turn into sleet. warmth will return only closer to the weekend. well, in moscow today it will be partly cloudy, short-term rain is possible, the air will warm up. intend to nominate a single candidate for the country's presidential elections, which will take place in the fall. the creation of a common bloc was discussed at
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a forum in moscow. anna voronina will tell you why the meeting took place in russia and what tasks the new political force sets. five political parties, a clear course to the east. representatives of the moldovan opposition today we gathered in moscow to join forces in the fight for the preservation of moldova as a separate state. new political bloc victory. can not only restore relations with russia and the cis countries, but will fight to preserve the culture of moldova, its history and independent economy, without pressure from the european union. ideologically, they are essentially trying to change our old traditions and ideals. our people, i apologize, want to go to church, and not to gay parades, not to anything else. we have people, we have values ​​and respect for our past. they are trying to eradicate all this, we must.
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differences between citizens of participating countries. for officials in brussels and strasbourg, you are not french, not austrian, not pole, not german, but you are first and foremost a european. centralized europe is fighting against gender differences. the vast majority of eu countries have legalized gay marriage. those countries where gay marriage is not recognized. officially , european authorities are twisting their arms through
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the courts. accession to the european union, according to the opposition also threatens moldova with the loss of food sovereignty. the reason is the eu’s imposition of its goods, the lack of healthy competition and the provision of a niche with goods from ukraine due to the policy pursued by the current president of moldova, maya sando. unfortunately, today most of the products sold are dairy products. in our country - it is of ukrainian origin, if we talk about meat, about meat products, then our enterprises can only provide the country with meat products, only half, everything else, unfortunately, we have imported, in ancient times everything was different, europe, in turn, today can only offer moldova problems with energy resources depending on the united states, as... vasily balya noted, 46% of europeans today are dissatisfied with the standard of living, almost 60% are disappointed with the actions of the authorities, with
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in this case, the countries of the eurasian economic union, despite sanctions, show stable gdp growth, which means that the course for moldova should lie to the east. we want the best for our citizens, in this hall today we have gathered exactly those people who understand how important it is for the entire moldovan opposition... to unite, yes, against the enemy, against poverty, against the problems that the european union and the leadership in the person of mai sandu brought us and... pass, and we are very glad that it is here, in moscow, on the territory of the russian federation, no one closes our mouth, and we can express our opinion. moldova must decide on its course this fall. on october 20, the country will simultaneously hold both presidential elections and a referendum on joining the eu. anna voronina, dmitry shestukhin, dmitry belous, news. and
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now to the news marked urgently, at the electromechanical plant. mash in voronezh at this moment a large fire is being extinguished. according to preliminary data, the fire covered 3.00 km. the ministry of emergency situations reported a fire in an electrical equipment production workshop. 13 units of equipment, firefighters and rescuers are working at the site. we continue to monitor this situation and will provide more details later. for now, let's take a break for a short commercial. guys, go ahead! russia, russia, russia, russia. the lab should be quiet, but we still want support our team at the international
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mendeleev olympiad in chemistry. milichenko foundation. forward! in ukraine, on the eve of total mobilization, raids were intensified. the kiev regime is trying to make up for its losses on the front line. let me remind you that the document was signed last week and will soon come into force. on the peculiarities of ukrainian work with recruits, egor grigoriev. now he will call, like: so catch it! he is running, moldova, the border with the odessa region, local police eyewitnesses are watching the movement of the silhouette with a smile, the ukrainian is running to save lives, there are dozens of them, judging by the cars abandoned along the border, those who are especially enterprising have already figured out how to do business with draft dodgers. opel cadet and nine, both for 900 dollars, mazda 323,
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100 dollars, who needs this car, details, i will send you a personal message. ukraine has fled, there is a little more than a week left before the law on mobilization takes effect, military commissars also want to make money, they often help the hilyants, in the footage a man in camouflage accompanies four men to the border with hungary, for those who do not pay, you have to fight back, women come to help. such opposition groups spontaneously form on the streets of ukraine as soon as they go to work...
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why are you shy? where are you shooting? the shopping mall raids have intensified. they meet young ukrainians at train stations, car washes, construction sites, and seem to work after hours. even at night, in dnepropetrovsk, a street surveillance camera records men in uniform packing another victim of mobilization into an suv in a few seconds. it is absolutely necessary to carry out the plans to dispatch death, so ukraine was told by its sponsors, otherwise no weapons, no military assistance. availability. this condition was confirmed to tas by a diplomatic source in brussels. the adoption in ukraine of a new strict law on mobilization was a condition for new supplies of weapons from nato countries. supplies of weapons are advisable only if there is a significant number of trained military personnel who can use these weapons in defensive or offensive operations and with timely replenishment of losses, for which it is necessary active recruitment of new soldiers. those who
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resist will have their lives made more difficult, for example, their ability to use government services will be limited. this was stated by the minister of justice of ukraine. various ministries are now working on adjustments to cabinet resolutions that will change the provision of certain administrative and government services without providing a military registration document, that is , the state will try to make sure that the law is the same for everyone, that everyone complies with it, that everyone is equal before the law. the ukrainian lawyer gives a caustic, extremely precise description of the minister’s statement, at the same time reminding. that i am ready to provide services, including to disabled people, because they will also be sent to the front, the so-called re-examination of disabled people is starting, the first group is not, the second, the third. you will need to double-check and prove your status, it looks like you will also have to prove your death status, the editor-in-chief of the ukrainian football magazine, for example, was invited by summons, although he died
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last year, so he risks getting also, apparently, a new document for the fight against draft evaders, a requirement for the police to deliver a hijacker, we should hope that it won’t come to the point of excavation at the cemetery. egor grigoriev, evgenia zemtsova, irina zaborskaya, news. and now sports news: spartak scored five goals against rostov, chess player ian for the second time in a row failed to reach the match with the title of world champion, the playoffs started in the national hockey league. alexander abramov has all the details, he will join me. sash, good morning, tell us about the candidates tournament? sash, good morning, nepomniacht in toronto ultimately did not lose a single game, but took only second place, he was half a point behind the winner. let's start with football, moscow. spartak won a devastating away victory over rostov in the final match of the twenty- fifth round of the rpl. spartak won with a score of 5:1. in the first half, the teams exchanged
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goals. in the sixteenth minute , daniil khaluseevich scored with a header, rostov responded in the thirty- sixth with a goal from egor galenkov, also with a header, also after a set piece. at the beginning of the second half the goalkeeper made a serious mistake rostov sergey pesyakov. he made a poor clearance and jesus meddina scored into an empty net. as further events in the match showed and... a double, he scored from the penalty spot, before this penalty valery karpin replaced the goalkeeper. in the final 15 minutes of the match, the red and white scored twice more. spartak won its biggest victory in a year and a half. spartak has not scored five goals since october '22 . this is the first victory for the red and white under the leadership of acting head coach vladimir sliskovich. in the standings, spartak rose by fourth place. in other matches of the tour. krasnodar beat the torch 2:0. krasnodar is second, four points behind leader zenit. rubin lokomotiv - 1:1, baltika - krylya sovetov 2:1. cska
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lost to akhmat at home. dynamo scored four goals in nizhny novgorod. zenit took three points in the home game against orenburg and sochi escaped defeat in the match with ural 2:2. there are six rounds left before the end of the russian championship. the next spanish el classico took place in the thirty-second round of the league. recoup. barcelona scored an early goal after a corner kick, defender christenson scored. venicius answered from the penalty spot 10 minutes later. in the sixty-ninth minute the score was again in favor of barcelona, ​​but in this case it took real only a few minutes to get even. and already in stoppage time , jute bellingham brought victory to carlo ancelotti's team. 3:2 strong-willed victory for real. madrid has consolidated its first place in the table. real madrid are already one ahead six rounds before the end of the championship. points ahead of second place barcelona. russian grandmaster ian nepomniachtchi took the final second place at candidates tournament and lost his chance to play
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in the match for the world title. the games of the final fourteenth round of the candidates tournament took place in toronto yesterday. ian nepomniachtchi played with black pieces against the americans fbiana coruana. the opponents spent almost 6 hours at the board, and on move 109 they agreed to a draw, which did not suit anyone. thus, for 14... rounds of the toronto tournaments, ian never lost a single game, but for the third, excuse me, for the second time in a row, entering the match for the title of world chess champion, it did not help, the russian was half a point behind the winner, seventeen-year-old indian gukesh domaraj. the game didn’t go as i planned, of course, i tried to play to win, only it left me with a chance for the final victory in the tournament, but all my ideas and plans quickly got mixed up. already at the beginning of the game i found myself in a difficult position; theoretical chances remained, but nothing more. the third match of the
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gagarin cup final will take place today in yaroslavl. with the score 0:2 in the series, lokomotiv will host metallurg, but overseas in the national hockey league, in the past the playoff weekend has just begun. the best regular season team in the nhl, the new york rangers, play a series against washington in the first round. in the first game of the series there was no chance for the capital. the rangers won by a score. 4:1 one of the goals in washington's goal was scored by new york's top scorer in the regular season, artemy panarin. goalkeeper igor shesterkin stopped 20 of 21 shots on his own goal. that's all about sports for now, see you in our next issues. comfort at low prices on yandex market. from little things to meaningful things. buy polaris equipment with a discount of up to 70%. every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own. the desire
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in the capital 10 we continue to broadcast the morning news, here is what we have learned by this hour: the united states can resume military supplies to ukraine, including atacoms tactical missiles, this was stated by the head of the senate committee on undressing mark warner, he suggested that the senators would approve and present it at biden's signature on the bill on allocating
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$61 billion to kiev, which was previously issued. in front of the chamber representatives.


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