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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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mersha in kiev, employees of the territorial recruitment center acting as a military registration and enlistment office admitted such cases are not uncommon, but all because people allegedly do not transfer personal data. an updated law on total mobilization will soon come into force in the country. i say goodbye to you with this, see you tomorrow, then the fifth studio program is on the air, my colleague anastasia efimova joins me. nastya, good morning, what will we talk about today? yes, sash, hello, as always... today we talk about the main news in the spotlight highlighting ukraine $61 billion as part of last weekend's decision with the united states. let me remind you that the us house of representatives passed a bill on providing military assistance to ukraine. $61 billion will mainly be spent on new arms orders from the american military-industrial complex. the funds will also be used to purchase air defense ammunition for the kiev regime. also in...
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american borders, that is, the problem of combating illegal migration to the united states is more important than the security of foreign borders, well then there is help for ukraine. now president biden and the white house have managed, so to speak, to wring the hands of the republican head of the house of representatives, the speaker of the house of representatives, mr. johnson that he practically capitulated; the bill was actually adopted in the form in which the biden administration proposed it back in october last year. how they managed to win against the republicans with a clean bill, well , this is a big question, but the fact is that the biden administration won an absolute victory over the republicans in congress and simultaneously. already on the legal front, she
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is putting pressure on the former president and current presidential candidate donald trump, this is the situation, so i just wanted to ask you whether this means a victory for the democrats, well, de facto, the democratic administration over the republicans in this matter, will become is it a prologue to a possible victory in future presidential elections? well, it’s quite possible, as long as the result of the presidential election, of course, remains.
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at the same time, there are quite interesting conditions under which this same 61 billion was promised to kiev, the bill instructs biden to agree with ukraine within 90 days on the reimbursement of economic assistance allocated by washington, this is the first point, it is noted that the return of funds allocated to the united states to ukraine will be carried out according to the conditions established by the president, while the american leader can write off up to 50% of the debt ukraine at any time after november 15, 2020.
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the future will not, in your opinion, this decision on confiscation will have far-reaching consequences, because well, it is clear that the right to private property, corporate, state, was considered until the twenty-second year, at least theoretically considered inviolable if other states understand that their assets can be confiscated at one time or another, just like russian ones, and under states i am under ...
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for financial the power of the united states, but in the short term the main question that people are now asking themselves is the fate of russian assets in europe, because only a small part is under american jurisdiction, well, about $5 billion russian assets, mostly they are located outside the united states, this is how the europeans will behave in this situation, is this? question: the united states, of course, will put full pressure on the europeans, they will try to force them, i think that they have a good chance to force europe to follow the united states of america, but this will mean the beginning of the end of the system that
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gave the west before in total to the united states, colossal advantages, and china, you named, this is a call, of course, to beijing, and that... simultaneously with the vote in in the house of representatives , a scandal has appeared that is now inflated or is now being inflated, allegedly doping, which chinese swimmers took, now the americans are demanding the return, not return, but transfer to them of chinese medals for the past for the past olympic competitions, so this is a call. of course, first of all , the united states acts completely ruthlessly; in one situation or another, it may diverge politically from the united states of america. china, but also other countries that are due, they act completely ruthlessly
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in relation to those whom they consider both as opponents, and as you said, it is necessary, we must admit we must give them opponents. well, they actually break it over the knee, do the republicans and the europeans, apparently, agree? yes, but... since it is not the russians and not the chinese, not the russians, here i think the scythe will hit the stone, and this will be an epochal epochal conflict, it has actually already begun, we must understand that... what is happening now, will develop further, chances, options that somehow, through some kind of compromise, this conflict can be stopped or even resolved, there is absolutely no way, we are being drawn into an increasingly intense confrontation between the united states and russia, on the one hand, and in parallel there is an increasingly tough confrontation, the degree is increasing. this confrontation between beijing and washington. thank you very much, dmitry vitalievich, it is difficult to argue with you about
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the pressure that will be put on europe , which is already being exerted on the issue of confiscation of russian assets, in particular, confirms this is a washington post article, citing its sources, which reports that european authorities are refusing to confiscate frozen russian sovereign assets, fearing that this could violate international law. at the same time, according to the publication, us treasury secretary janet yelin met with her european counterparts. with colleagues last week on the sidelines of the spring session of the governing bodies of the international monetary fund and the world bank in washington. quote: in the hope of finding a compromise on the issue of russian assets, that this is the hope and how exactly the united states is looking for a compromise, we, unfortunately, have seen very clearly recently, and there is a feeling that a compromise, of course, taking into account american interests, and primarily in american interests, will be found. we 'll take a break and then come back. comfort at low
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izber business card with 10% cashback, sberbusiness bonuses. thank you. sberbusiness. we continue to talk about the allocation of $61 billion to ukraine, in fact, a decision that was taken on saturday evening moscow time overseas. radion miroshnik is in touch with us, ambassador-at-large of the russian foreign ministry. radion valerievich, hello, hello. you wrote a very interesting thing on your telegram channel, i will quote: as soon as ukraine voted on the law on total mobilization, the us house of representatives voted to allocate $61 billion to kiev. the agreement is in action. kiev gives money for the disposal of people, the usa and the company give money for weapons. quote:
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a new portion of firewood for the furnace of bloodshed. do i understand correctly that from your point of view these two.
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a principled approach, therefore , accordingly, until ukraine was ready to adopt a total, tough law on the creation of a ghetto on its territory for any persons liable for military service, they did not, this topic did not move forward, so when the file came together, when the puzzles came together, and then very quickly, literally in emergency mode, the deputies voted in the united states, so this is absolutely not random things, these are direct...
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the next ones will be poland and germany, these are generally traditional things, but about the chances of winning from your point of view, this, in general, is also zelensky’s routine remark, which he always says when he asks for more money and more weapons, this is a weapon for me against ukrainian citizens, why say this, if even western publications are already writing that this decision is very unlikely...
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over the course of these 6-7 months, how long has the epic been going on with attempts to vote for this tranche , so this money will be are also aimed at restoring
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the pentagon's arsenals, developing further weapons there, helping allies in europe, american contingents in europe, all this goes to pay off those debts that were, the rest will go to purchase new weapons that are produced by the largest american companies, such as lock martin and - a lot of others, yes, that are claiming to cut this american money, that is, they have now accelerated their flywheel, they have launched a whole series of new productions, they are in every possible way committed to receiving more and more money, you see that here is a package of these projects, that is , which is aimed at ukraine, which is aimed at helping israel, to help taiwan, these are all funds that will mostly go to the military lobby, so they directly put pressure on them.
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which is produced by the american military-industrial complex, so in this case, you know, well, in general, no one has any illusions, probably except for zelensky, all western analysts understand perfectly well that this is money to continue the conflict, but zelensky doesn’t have enough, you know , power to say that this is money for the disposal of the ukrainian population, ukraine will participate in this process only by killing its own people, they have already created the conditions, they voted for the law of mobilization, that is, they created... inside the ghetto, in this, again , what is important, this law clearly states that there will be no rotation, that is , demobilization of those who are no longer at the front is taking place, everyone who from 18 to 60 must be
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counted, put on the register will find their place here at what stage, when will he be sent to the front line, accordingly, this further degradation is simply going on, the destruction of one’s own population, zelensky is such a direct cog in this, therefore... what else besides slogans, threats or some such, you know, there are statements that would either or called for money, or scared the europeans, zelensky cannot say now , in fact, he cannot explain to his population why he is throwing them into the crucible of this war, which ukraine does not need at all, but he cannot, so the main thing here is filling your head with slogans, shouting that that’s it, don’t think about anything else, the russians are coming, don’t think about anything, here you go...
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which proposes this decision, the parliamentarians pass it on to biden, in principle , or to the president who will come after biden , make a decision on the confiscation of assets,
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which are estimated at somewhere around 5-6 billion dollars, which are located on the territory of the united states, these are russian state assets, which the americans around whom you have long known, how the code goes around sour cream, because they really want continue the conflict at someone else’s expense, not at their expense. strangers and other people for them to die at the expense of the money that they intend to steal, so here they decided to take this step, because well, too many red lines have already been crossed during this time, now you know this, this is more all- after all, the blow is not on the usa, because well, the amounts are not drastic, the principle is important here and what is important here is how europe will react, of course, because the key thing is more than 200 billion dollars, these are the assets that are located in the territory european union, and is substituted from the point of view.
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the entire american policy is being built, now they are contradicting themselves, demonstrating that, you know, we are the hegemon, so we can make decisions as we want, interpretations, even of fundamental norms, they will proceed from our current attitude towards conflicts, or interests of our current point of view, and so the principle of this moment is difficult to overestimate, but it is long-term, it will form an echo, a wave and
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response actions to these... these steps american congress, it will happen a little later, now we need to carefully monitor the reaction of large companies that have large finances. thank you very much, radion valerievich, indeed, this can be called unscrupulousness, you can call it lawlessness, or you can simply call it the reluctance of the united states to put a good face on a bad game anymore , finally trying to put the cards on the table. thank you very much, thank you for your attention. slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank, just a moment and the fraudsters would have had access to the money, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer. i called the bank and hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, to get money out of you, hang up without talking.
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the tyumen region is experiencing the peak of the flood, the water level in the tabol river has risen by 80 cm over the past 24 hours, more than 3.00 people have been evacuated, the first flooding began in the tomsk region. an attack on police officers in korachay-cherkessia, a man opened fire on police officers. two died on... for
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doctors are fighting the life of another, they are looking for the attacker, and a criminal case has been opened. supplies of american weapons to ukraine, including atacoms tactical missiles, may be resumed as early as the end of this week. before this, the bill to allocate 60 billion to kiev must be approved by senators. a workshop producing electrical equipment is on fire in voronezh and there are casualties. about what is happening on the spot in the second half of the hour... now there is a short advertisement, and after that the broadcast of our channel will continue with the program of vladimir solovyov and pavel zarubin, moscow, the kremlin, putin.


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