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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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in voronezh, a workshop for the production of electrical equipment caught fire, the fire covered 500 km, by this time the fire had been extinguished. the tyumen region is experiencing the peak of the flood. the water level in the tabol river has risen by 80 cm over the past 24 hours. in the kurgan region, the water is already receding, our correspondent is reporting the situation on the ground live. attack on police officers in krachaevo circassia. the man opened fire on police officers. two died on the spot, and doctors are fighting for the life of another. they are looking for the attacker, they are excited criminal case. multipolarity, new centers of growth, as well as social development of the state, the business program of the st. petersburg economic forum has been published, it will be held from june 5 to 8. three people died and two were injured in an electrical fire. repair plant in
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voronezh, where an equipment production workshop caught fire this morning; more than sixty firefighters and 20 pieces of equipment fought the fire. the fire was extinguished an hour later; several gas oxygen cylinders were removed from the building. the cause of the fire will be determined investigators, they are already working on the spot. a siren plan has been introduced in korochaevo-cherkessia. the republic is looking for four suspects in the attack on police officers. this morning , unknown persons shot a police squad. when he was on duty, after which they stole his service weapon with ammunition and fled. two employees of the ministry of internal affairs died on the spot from their wounds, another was taken to the hospital. doctors assess his condition as stable-severe. a criminal case was initiated under two counts of encroachment on the life of a law enforcement officer and theft of weapons and ammunition. and now, regarding the situation with natural fires, according to the russian ministry of emergency situations, a special fire-fighting regime is already in effect in twenty. three regions, there
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is now dry weather, this plus the lack of greenery creates a threat of fire spreading. now it is forbidden to go into the forest, you cannot burn dry grass, garbage, or make fires. the situation is monitored from space using a special monitoring system. information is immediately passed on to local managers. well, now to the floods: more than 2,000 houses and 3,000 plots remain sunk in the kurgan region. the water level in the tabol river remains dangerous, but... within a day it has dropped by 18 cm. now our special correspondent, margarita semenyuk, joins the broadcast from kurgan. margarita, hello, what is the current situation in the kurgan region? yes, greetings, well, according to the updated forecasts of the ministry of emergency situations, in the coming days we expect a decline in the tabol river in the kurgan area, as you noted, in one day the level has already dropped by 18 cm, in the last hours it has not changed. now it is 8 m 85 cm.
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i would like to note that in eight municipalities, 2,188 residential buildings, 3,405 country houses, 13 sections of roads, and five low-water bridges remain flooded. in total , over 15,000 people were evacuated, including 2,000 children. now people come to their snt to see how fast it is.
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i would like to note that the condition of bank protection structures is monitored around the clock, while the embankment dams are constantly being strengthened, despite the fact that the water is already receding, nevertheless, groups are on duty in the area of ​​the dams, these are employees of the ministry of emergency situations and law enforcement officers, as well volunteers take part in monitoring the dam level, and i propose now to listen to the commentary, from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, from 8:00 pm to 8:00 am, the main thing for us is to convince the integrity of the house. in kurgan, despite the fact that the situation remains tense, we nevertheless observe a decrease in water and stabilization of the situation, but at the same time in the belozerovsky district the situation is now only getting worse, the large tobol water from kurgan is now flowing to... belozerovsky district,
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where in the zone 18 settlements were flooded, and water is already flowing to some streets, i note, are now flooded in the village. several streets are already in water, also in okhotina the water has come close to the houses, the tobol river has also overflowed on a section of the road towards the village of borovskoye, traffic there is now blocked, in a few hours the water level has risen by 5 cm and is now in the area of ​​the village of pamyatnaya, this is in the belozerovsky district, the water level is 4 m 20 cm, residents of the flooded area are now being asked... asked to evacuate before the big water comes and before the streets and roadways are heavily flooded units, i would also note that in those areas where areas are still in the flood zone, employees of the ministry of emergency situations continue to operate, i will note that now we are in
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the topol microdistrict, we are still here, despite the fact that everyone has already been evacuated, rescuers from the ivanovo fire and rescue academy continue to work, they are on the move. in some microdistricts , assessment commissions are already starting to work, they inspect damaged houses, also assess the damage. let me remind you that residents of the kurgan region can count on financial assistance in the amount of 10 thousand rubles, as well as in the amount of 30 thousand and 50 thousand rubles for loss of property. studio,
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thank you, our special correspondent, margarita semenyuk, spoke about floods in the kurgan region. well, now we move on to discussing the international agenda, communication with the studio via skype. head of the federation council committee on international affairs grigory karasin. grigory borisovich, hello. hello, daria. well, let's start with the main international news of last weekend. the us house of representatives approved a bill to provide aid to ukraine amounting to 61 billion dollars. now it needs senate approval. according to your estimates, how soon can this bill be adopted when arms supplies to kiev can actually resume? well, you know, first of all, this is very bad news for the international community, for the world community in general, because this once again proves that the united states is planning to escalate the conflict, planning to redouble its
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efforts so that ukrainian military personnel continue to die for other people’s interests, that’s the point . .. united states, for renewal their potential in weapons and military transport, this money will not go to the ukrainians to the current regime in kiev, it will primarily go to the internal needs of the united states, but...
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to soften and so on, it is unlikely that this will work, but the decision is alarming, the decision will be made with hostility and not only by russian public opinion, i think that europe will also think a little about where this money will go , why a continuation is needed, against the backdrop of some half-hints of...
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we are widely celebrating the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, we hold events within the framework of the cross- years of culture program. it is difficult to overestimate the personal contribution of the leaders of russia and china to the development of bilateral cooperation. it is especially valuable that in march last year, mr. sidzenpin, after being re-elected to the post of chairman of the people's republic of china , made his first foreign visit to russia. and the main event of this year in bilateral relations will be the state visit of president
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putin to the people's republic of china; in october we are waiting for the head of the people's republic of china for the brix summit in kazan. the government is carrying out effective work to implement the agreements that are being reached at the highest level. the heads of government of the two countries, the meshustinals, met three times last year, this year for... the visit of the prime minister of the state council of the people's republic of china to the russian federation. inter-parliamentary cooperation has intensified, and noticeably. last year, the chairmen of both chambers of the federal assembly, matvienko and volodin, visited china. the speaker of the chinese parliament, jaol ji, is scheduled to visit our country in july. timed to coincide with participation in the meeting of the brix parliamentary forum. the most important part of our strategic partner.
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russian-chinese trade and economic cooperation is developing, this despite the persistent attempts of the states of the collective west to put a spoke in the wheels, as they say. there has been an almost complete de-dollarization of bilateral economic relations. today, more than 90% of mutual settlements are translated into national currencies. cooperation in the energy sector is progressing steadily, and supplies of our agricultural products to the chinese market are growing. joint projects are being implemented in the investment and industrial spheres. the mutual
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benefits from such cooperation are clearly felt on both sides of the russian-chinese border. an important component in strengthening the multifaceted complex of our relations has traditionally been interregional cooperation. after the coronavirus restrictions were lifted last year, there has been a sharp increase in the number of exchanges between the constituent entities of the federation and the provinces of the prc, and the intensity of contacts in trade, economic, cultural, humanitarian, educational and other spheres. our ministry provides the necessary assistance in organizing visits to china by delegations from our regions; in the last 6 months, by the way, there have been 15 of them . delegations are often headed directly by the governor, which undoubtedly increases the effectiveness of the dialogue. between... 43 russian regions and provinces and autonomous regions of the people's republic of china, 117
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agreements on cooperation in various fields were signed. russian municipalities have 313 twinning agreements with china, with their chinese partners. in general, we can state a steady interest in the implementation of joint projects, primarily in the economic and educational spheres. extension.
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format of interregional cooperation of the volga-enza between 14 regions of the volga federal district and six regions of the upper middle reaches of the yangza river. another institute of our interregional relations is the permanent working group on issues of interregional and cross-border cooperation and special economic zones. it operates within the framework of the mechanism of regular meetings of heads of government russia and china. i would like to note another significant factor in creating a positive background for our interregional exchanges, meaning contacts in the humanitarian sphere. joint sports and cultural events on the occasion of international holidays and memorable dates common to the two states have become traditional for the border regions. this is especially
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true for the amur region and the neighboring heilongjiang province. within the framework of the completed ones. russian-chinese years of sports exchanges, 22-2 years, many events in the field of physical activity were held across the regions sports culture. i have already mentioned the cross years of culture between russia and china, which are taking place this next year, and within their framework we note the significant interest of the russian and chinese regions in this work. public diplomacy, of course, makes and should make its contribution. the development of contacts, for example, is actively promoted by the russian-chinese friendship society, the chinese people's society, friendship with foreign countries, the chinese society of friendship with foreign countries, fruitful work has been established through the interregional council russian-chinese committee for friendship, peace and development. we see additional opportunities in
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interaction on international platforms with the participation of our regions, first of all. these are brix, where russia is chairing this year, and the shanghai cooperation organization, where, on the initiative of the chelyabinsk region, a useful format has been created, an annual forum of heads of regions and sco member countries. concluding my opening remarks, i would like to say that we proceed from the fact that the potential of interregional interaction is far from being exhausted, in new international realities open up wide opportunities for its further development, how... to use this in practice, i hope we will discuss it more substantively today. thank you for your attention and express my gratitude to our colleagues from the media. it was a live broadcast. sergei lavrov holds a meeting of the council of heads of russian subjects under the midi. this time it is dedicated to the development of interregional
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cooperation with china. development of russia's strategic partnership. and azerbaijan will be discussed by vladimir putin and the head of the republic, ilham aliyev. he arrived today to moscow on a working visit at the invitation of the russian leader. after the negotiations , vladimir putin and ilham aliyev will also hold a meeting with bam veterans on the occasion of the anniversary . this year marks half a century since the start of construction of the baikal amur mainline. ilham aliyev’s father and his predecessor as head of the republic, heydar aliyev, made a great contribution to this grandiose project. construction of baikal. highways that connected railway transport hubs in the eurasian space of the soviet union are undoubtedly the merit of all country, but there were people who played a special role in the history of bam. heydar aliyev made an invaluable contribution to the implementation of this grandiose project. he headed the commission for the construction of bam, holding at that time the post of first deputy chairman of the council of ministers of the ussr. heydar aliyev, the first of
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the soviet leaders , drove along the highway to see everything with his own eyes. he was interested not only in work processes. but also in the everyday life of the bamovites, largely thanks to aliyev’s managerial talents, the construction did not slow down. autumn 1984 at the ceremony symbolizing the completion of construction, it was heydar aliyev who hammered the golden spike into shpalubam. in 2008 , the station at the angoy station of the baikal-amur mainline was named after the national leader of the azerbaijani people. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur, you don't just prepare cakes, give unforgettable emotions, don't. fashionable haircuts, but you help to be closer to each other, you don’t create fashionable things, but you give the opportunity to be in the center of attention. for each of you, this is not just a business, but
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will not be slow to follow, it needs to be thought through, we have the brains for this, we have experience and the desire, so to speak, to teach
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those people a lesson, should we follow the example of the united states and pass similar bills? well, in the created nothing can be ruled out. european officials and parliamentarians, politicians, sometimes they go much further, they simply fall into hysterics when they talk about ukraine, when they talk about the need to curb, pin russia, so to speak, to the wall. there are
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a lot of people interested there. it’s time to stop the intervention of washington, london and nato in the affairs of ukraine, which is completely unrelated to them, which they raised in their spirit. er, this means that the act of financial banditry that we are discussing now once again confirms that things have gone too far. yeah, so you 're talking about the pressure they
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're facing right now. other nato countries in connection with the events in ukraine, the financial times newspaper just today, literally yesterday, with reference to its sources, just reports that greece and spain are now under strong pressure from nato, which demands that greece, spain hand over kiev has its own air defense systems, and nato motivates this by saying that the needs of greece and spain are small, but the needs of ukraine are great, do you think the european ones are ready now? countries to give up weapons? the united states, nato, not only spain, greece, there are many states located in latin america,
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africa, asia, all of them. they tell us this directly when they come here to moscow or don’t even come at international forums, they are threatened, they are threatened financially, they are threatened in terms of status, there are other threats, so do greece and spain have enough character and independence to in order to resist this pressure, well, let's hope for the best, although many of this nature are not...
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it is quite serious, it can seriously affect the future of poland, it can seriously affect the international setting in general, since we are not talking about placement. some kind of wedges and cars, so to speak, and the placement of nuclear weapons, if you think about it, this is...


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