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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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now economic news, briefly. the eec plans to include in the fourteenth package of sanctions a ban on the supply of liquefied gas from russia. this was stated by swedish foreign minister tobias billström. according to him, the european union will also fight the so -called shadow fleet. which transports
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lng, europe may adopt a new package of restrictions this spring. earlier , the berliner zeitung wrote that without russian lng, the eu will face an energy shock. last year , our country accounted for 16% of all european imports. the main topic this year's st. petersburg international economic forum will be the basis of a lot of polarity. this was announced by the organizer of the pif, the roscongress foundation. the business program will be divided into four. thematic blocks will discuss not only the prospects of economics and technology, but issues of social development. the forum will be held from june 5 to june 8. let me remind you that last year napmf concluded more than 900 agreements, worth almost 4 trillion rubles. for the first time, gazprom has surpassed turkmenistan in pipeline gas supplies to china. in february , the country purchased 2.5 billion cubic meters from russia, - reports the general customs administration of the people's republic of china. if you add to this. lng shipments, then our
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country has been a key supplier for several months, while turkmenistan has reduced exports. another major exporter , uzbekistan, has completely stopped lng shipments to china. inornikel will smelt copper in china, the company plans to transfer the smelting capacity of the copper plant to china. for this purpose , a new production facility will be created in the country. nordnickel president vladimir potanin stated this in an interview with interfax. according to him, construction. already towards the middle twenty-seventh year, the transfer of production will simplify calculations and also bring the products closer to the sales market. china, in turn , will provide russia with access to battery technology. it was economic news, briefly. the presidents of russia and azerbaijan will hold talks in moscow today. according to the kremlin press service, the focus will be on the development of bilateral relations and regional issues. in addition, vladimir putin and ilham aliyev will meet with bam veterans. on the occasion
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of the anniversary. this year marks 50 years construction of the highway began. the construction of the baikal-amur mainline, which connected railway transport hubs in the eurasian space of the soviet union, is certainly the merit of the entire country, but there were people who played a special role in the history of bam. heydar aliyev made an invaluable contribution to the implementation of this grandiose project. he headed the commission for the construction of bam, holding at that time the post of first deputy chairman of the council of ministers. in ussr. heydar aliyev was the first soviet leader to travel along the highway to see everything with your own eyes. he was interested not only in work processes, but also in the life of the bamovites. largely thanks to aliyev’s managerial talents, construction did not slow down. in the fall of 1984, at a ceremony symbolizing the completion of construction, it was heydar aliyev who hammered the golden crutch into shallubama. in 2008, the station at the angoy station of the baikal-amur mainline was assigned.
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national leader of the azerbaijani people. now to the situation with natural fires, according to the russian ministry of emergency situations, a special fire regime is already in effect in twenty-three regions. the weather there is now dry. this plus the lack of greenery creates a threat of fire spreading. during the period of the special regime, visiting forests is prohibited. you should also not burn dry grass or make fires with garbage. thermal hotspots are identified using a special monitoring system from space. information is immediately passed on to local managers. the all-russian student rescue corps is 23 years old. events in honor of this date are taking place in moscow today; participants include industrial climbers, rescue sailors, volunteer firefighters. in total, the corps now numbers 800 people. branches operate in almost all regions of the country. we continue to provide assistance to special services today during flooding. also.
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we provide humanitarian assistance to the residents of donbass and novorossiya. our organization is growing. our main goal is to help people and we are raising a culture of safety in the younger generation, in children, so that everyone knows how to help themselves and their neighbors. new evl devices were delivered to the airborne hospital of the airborne forces in lugansk. they were handed over by popular front volunteers. russian doctors took part in the collection that helped purchase the equipment. with the military. my colleague artyom yundos spoke with doctors. doctors of the airborne hospital of the airborne forces again meet the volunteers of the popular front. today we brought new turbine-type ventilators, which can operate in five different modes depending on
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the patient’s condition. the devices are necessary and will complement those already available to doctors. we have a neurosurgeon. our neurosurgeon very often performs operations here. included oxygen sensors, special batteries for equipment, and also a vaporizer for inhalational anesthetics, doctors and their patients were in dire need of upgrading their equipment. the people's front regularly helps the hospital, everything that is purchased from funds is agreed upon with the doctors, all their needs are taken into account. today we were convinced that there are not extra facilities for 20 beds, here there were only nine of them, and therefore we are working further, we will continue to help and
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equip these institutions with everything necessary. according to doctors, there are many soldiers in the hospital with injuries from shrapnel, the most common cause being the actions of drones. the commander of the medical ... detachment, lieutenant colonel with the call sign kavkaz, himself takes part in operations, he was recently wounded while removing ammunition from a soldier on the operating table, new equipment means a lot to him, some equipment, unfortunately, breaks down, we have to replenish it , we need something to increase our capabilities, and systematic help the popular front, in addition to being effective, is also a moral help for us. huge, we know that the whole country is behind us, all patients of the military hospital will receive help and treatment, all this thanks to the professionalism of military doctors and the participation of the whole country through training camps organized by the popular front. artyom yundos, alexander khvastov, yana aleshina, vesti lugansk. next on air
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are the diaries of the forty-sixth moscow international film festival. the author of the leading film industry program, ivan kudryavtsev, will talk about the main events of the film festival. hello, ivan kudryavtsev is with you and we continue to travel through countries, film territories and stories, together with guests participating in the forty-sixth moscow international film festival. today is the fourth page of our travel notes. on sunday, in the main competition, germany with the film shlimazal, where a journalist goes to interview a former prison guard in a moscow concentration camp, through the eyes of a moldovan doctor who came to work in...
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the drama shlimazal of the main competition takes the viewer to germany in the late nineties. not confusion. this is how you can describe what is going on in the life of the main character. johanna has just experienced the death of her grandmother, and this death once again revealed the coldness and alienation that hovers inside a seemingly large family. the scandals began right at the funeral due to the division of the inheritance. trying to fill the inner emptiness, johanna plunges headlong into work. she meets. an author who in his work exposes
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one of the main problems of society, the lack of contact and trust between people. damian, the main character of the film survive in mo, leaves the moldavian village for moscow with the hope of making a career as a doctor. he dreams that he is in the hospital. where an acquaintance got him a job, he will gain experience and earn money for medical studies, but damian’s rosy expectations turn out to be rušac in reality, the hospital turns out to be a morgue. now the hero will have to try on the role of an orderly, get used to the strange sense of humor of a cynical boss and think about whether it is worth continuing to fight for his dream. director grigory becket came up with the plot of the film while studying in new york; the script was won awards in romania and germany. he is some kind of perfectionist and he really wanted to achieve everything, so that everything would be
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very precise, absolutely beautiful, he prepared this picture very carefully, he prepared very carefully for filming, he wrote, in my opinion, there were 10 drafts of the script him, therefore in this sense he can be trusted, he could be trusted absolutely, surviving in moni is just a name, and the call to maintain sincerity and faith in oneself in any situation to remain alive is a role. the film was one of the last in the life of the honored artist theater and cinema by boris becket, the image of the main character was embodied by the moldovan theater actor catalin lungu. chinese director luodong , under the guise of tickets to a screening as part of the moscow international film festival, gives viewers a ticket to shanghai, but not to the tourist metropolis. and the city of an elderly lonely woman.
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mei lives in china's largest financial center, with a population of 24 million. she carefully considers her pension and, despite her age, tries to find her love. mei has already been married twice, has become a doctor and distrustful, but this does not stop her from noticing the beauty of night shanghai or dancing in the rays of the sun. the film can fascinate with shots in the spirit of voong kar-wai and at the same time amaze with its documentary nature. mei is not the screenwriter's invention, but... the authors' amazing find: a charismatic pensioner really lives in china and is constantly going on dates. the filmmakers do not interfere in the life of the heroine, they only talk about her through the camera, which creates the very magic of documentary cinema that makes it worth watching. the annual competition russian premieres brings viewers back to russia. petersburg, leningrad and the russian hinterland have become places
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the action of the film by evgeny telegin, writer and artist viktor tikhomirov, based on his own book. this is a new and unusual interpretation of pushkin's anegin. but if the russian classic has a novel in verse, then tikhomirov has a poem in prose. the action of pushkinsky evgeniy is transferred to the eighties, when the leningrad rock club and the famous marks were born. creative association of artists. it is not yet known how much the film will be released into wide release, but
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anyone can watch evgeniy telegin at the moscow international film festival. will be repeated on april 26, the exact schedule and tickets are available on the festival website. this is the film that is probably the first filmed outside the hollywood scheme, and i think it’s very interesting. i mean that the hollywood scheme is not the only possible one, that of cinema. funny, i’m impressed, the film is so atmospheric, and it’s just so
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surreal, sincere, very real, and it’s really wonderful that such films appear in our cinema, i’m probably proud that such films are born here and that this truly a real movie, amazing, very cool, such an unusual reading, even... there are no words to describe the delight that takes over after watching it. on monday, an international competition invites film travelers to reflect on the existence of knowledge without faith. and about the deologists of religion and civilization in the film martin reads the koran. we will visit bangladesh, from where director asif islam brought the film nirvana, about something hidden that will definitely come out, in russian premieres, the creator of the naughty man, vladimir kot , will show the almanac man and woman, work which lasted for 2 and a half years, although it was filmed in just 14 shifts.
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martin reads the koran, an acute social drama. director yuri saulya takes us to modern territory. germany, but tell a universal story about the search for truth. according to the plot, a simple engineer, martin harirat, comes to a professor of islamic studies to talk him out of committing a crime. all that the professor has in his hands is the holy koran, but martin also appeals to it, and for the truth to be born in a dispute, something more than knowledge is needed text. the film speaks to the viewer on very complex topics in an expressive artistic language. dynamic editing. free camera creates a unique surreal atmosphere and accurately conveys the psychological state of the main character. the film will be of interest to both fans of auteur cinema and fans of thrillers with an unexpected ending. what effect would you like to achieve with your film among your colleagues? and may be in a public environment. well,
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in general, i can say that the goal of my film was... very banal, it sounds banal, but it was easy to show that, uh, islam and christianity, judaism, are uh, they’re the same, as it were, that’s all, everyone says this, but i wanted to show with the film that - they want to let the viewer feel that the spirit of uh, different religions, they are the same, i just wanted them, for people to feel it, they just understood with their minds, this is the difference, and this is love. about the test of faith by knowledge, that is, what is knowledge without faith without love, how did you answer this question for yourself, what is faith, why does a person need it, in fact,
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so that we don’t just think logically, if we only think logically... then maybe our colleagues are simply not useful, who just lie in bed, don’t move, then we will, if we think logically, then these colleagues are less useful to society , less valuable than a beast, if only logically, religion itself, faith itself gives us... shows that every person has a soul, and this is his value. we head to bangladesh, a small country that shares a border with india but has retained its unique culture and language. director assiv islam invites us to immerse ourselves in collective meditation to see how silent heroes cope with their internal conflicts. in the film nirvana there is no
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color, dialogue or plot as such, but looking away from the screen - perhaps with a detached gaze we follow the routine of the villagers, they work in a factory, at a signal they go home and do their daily business, as the director himself says, this picture is not needed understand, you need to feel it, and indeed, after the first half hour of watching you slow down, you start to get better feel your body, ask questions about the meaning of life, an incredibly beautiful image and subtle dramaturgy, this is the find presented at mmk
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. the author offers viewers a guide not to wild exotic countries, but to the winding streets of human destinies. the title of the film refers to the romantic drama of the same name by the french cinema classic claude lilouche, who directed one of the most interesting melodramatic films of the last century, but the cat has a different approach: instead of two heroes there is a whole scattering of little people characters, instead of extreme sentimentality, a lively, witty and ironic narrative. i looked, well , it’s kind of revealing everything that we all have inside, each of us has something of our own, men have their own, this has theirs, women have this, it’s just like that... so to the surface volodya brought it all out very delicately and with such love. the film contains seven short stories united by the theme of relationships that develop between people. they all connected their lives
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with each other, some for years, some for moments, but the memories of sincere strong feelings remain forever. these are stories in which everyone who watches will find something of their own; they capture those tiny, but very important moments that everyone has ever encountered. small stories that i started writing while i was on covid, there was no work, and as for me, i’m an actively creative person, and i
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needed to somehow sublimate my life, i started writing stories, and at some point i i realized that as time goes on, it’s necessary to somehow translate them into films, because all the stories are written more like scripts, but i don’t know how write. in this film, this is a very cool question, because - i have a feeling that there are different genres and different moods in these stories, and
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this mood, in fact, is due to the fact that time is changing, and i am also changing, and it seems to me that i have a lot of stories, and i chose this one at this time, and then this one, and it seems to me that really... the mood of the stories depends on me, this is very, this is very correct, what effect did you want would achieve with your film, touch, move the viewer, and for the viewer to laugh a little, i have funny dialogues, and then cry, this is my life hack, so it’s important for me that the viewer laughs and cries, that is, this is probably my genre itself. the most distant and fantastic journey today in the multiverse section, a cartoon from france called mars express. in the serial program of yegor moskvitin
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, the first episode is the psychological thriller route, where the heroine enters into an unequal battle with a criminal network that kidnaps teenagers. those who decide to get out of the cars for the night stop, the wild nights program, there will also be a lot of strong impressions. the series "track", presented in the first episode of the program. this is the third joint project of the director of the thriller “surviving dushan gligorov” and the screenwriter of the serial films method and trotsky oleg molovichok. together they worked on the crime series khrustalny and chimera. there are no good or bad characters in the track. each hero has his own skeletons in his closet and secrets that the authors will reveal over the course of ten episodes. roles performed by karina razumovskaya, semyon serzin, elizaveta ishchenko, anna mikhalkova and danil steklo. as part of the non-competitive section of the multiverse, viewers will be treated to a flight to mars, and even in the year 2200, the main characters of the french animated feature film mars express (private
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detectives) are looking for a hacker girl who can change the face of the universe. jeremy peren's debut feature film was first presented at the cannes film festival last year, and then received numerous awards at shows in germany, denmark and canada. saifiy thriller is not only created using technology classic.
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unfolds in the caucasus in 1942, all the men have gone to the front, women, old people and children remain in the village, when neighbors begin to receive funerals or black papers, two teenagers persuade the postman to hide them so as not to deprive the village residents of their last hopes. the plot is based on the story of the same name by the ossesin writer mikhail bulkata and the personal story of the debutant director, whose grandfather was a participant in the great patriotic war. the war will end, then we'll give it up. my father also went to war, yes. but he will return. father is a great warrior. the blockbusters section of the world will open to viewers a crime drama from filmmakers from kazakhstan and russia, i was promised you. taira, a young actress, witnesses a terrorist attack on the set. trying to survive the stress, the girl goes to her brother on the shore of the caspian
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sea. there she falls in love with an ornithologist. from europe, not suspecting that he was the leader of a group of muslim fundamentalists who organized the explosion during that very filming. the director was ivan aganesov, known for the series with yuri kolokolnikov hook. a repeated participant of the miff, this year the author will present himself in the non-competition block under the pseudonym avanes avanesyan. the search for fugitives is underway across the region. i was worried about tyra. in the program wild nights. will show the action-packed detective story the door by the japanese master bameya takasahi, filmed in 1988. the main character nervously reacts to an attempt by an intrusive advertising agent to push a booklet through the slightly open door of her apartment and accidentally pinches the man’s finger. from this moment the agent begins to monitor behind her, gradually moving on to full-scale stalking. time to turn to page four of the moscow international film festival diaries
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to rediscover tomorrow. unknown worlds and unexpected stories. see you at the festival.
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ilham aliyev arrived in moscow for the russia-azerbaijan summit. negotiations with
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vladimir putin are planned for the afternoon. will help come from europe and what kind of military supplies to ukraine will the next package of anti-russian sanctions be discussed today in luxembourg at a meeting heads of mit and the ministry of defense of the european union. our european correspondent is following the progress of the negotiations, we are waiting for the live broadcast. a siren plan has been announced in korochaevo-cherkessia. they are looking for a man who committed an armed attack on police officers. two employees of the ministry of internal affairs died on the spot. doctors are fighting for the life of another. multipolarity, new centers of growth, as well as social development of the state. the business program of the st. petersburg economic forum has been published; it will be held from june 5 to 8. a meeting is currently taking place in luxembourg foreign ministers and defense ministers of eu member states. on the agenda are assistance to ukraine and a new package of anti-russian sanctions. honestly.


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