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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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military assistance to ukraine is another package of anti-russian sanctions; these topics are discussed in luxembourg at a meeting of the heads of the foreign ministry and the ministry of defense of the european union. our european correspondent is following the progress of the negotiations. the tyumen region
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is experiencing the peak of the flood. the water level in the tabol river has risen by 80 cm over the past 24 hours. in the kurgan region, the water is already receding. about the situation on the ground, in the live broadcast of our correspondent. attack on police in krachaevo-cherkessia. the man opened fire on police officers. two died on the spot, doctors are fighting the life of another one. they are looking for the attacker and a criminal case has been initiated. affairs. multipolarity, new centers of growth, as well as the social policy of the state, the business program of the st. petersburg economic forum has been published, it will be held from june 5 to 8. a meeting of foreign ministers and defense ministers of eu member states is currently taking place in luxembourg. on the agenda is assistance to ukraine, a new package of anti-russian sanctions, and also use. income from frozen
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russian assets. our correspondent will tell you what statements have already been made regina sevastyanova. the united states, the european union and nato are competing to see who will supply more weapons to ukraine, which in turn leads to an escalation of the situation, says hungarian foreign minister peter szijjártó. on the eve of the council in luxembourg, he announced that brussels seemed to be preparing for a new world war. preparations for a world war in brussels are intensifying; now the auction is almost underway. between the american left, nato and brussels, instead of focusing on peace seeking diplomatic solution. today, new arms deliveries and billions of euros are on the agenda. belgium, which currently holds the presidency of the european union, said that today the first topic for discussion is the ukrainian ministers of foreign affairs and defense of ukraine, also invited to luxembourg. first of all, they will ask for even more air defense systems. as the media found out, it was still the tenth.
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spain and greece are now under serious pressure from other eu countries, it is claimed that at a summit here in brussels last week head. countries of the european union, the leaders convinced
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the heads of the spanish and greek governments to transfer more air defense systems from their own reserves to ukraine, but at least before the start of the council today, the foreign ministers of these two countries did not make any specific promises, so berlin hopes for a faster resolution of this issue, as you know, germany announced that it is ready to transfer another air defense system to kiev, but according to experts, this is not enough, because just this month...
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including in the field of air defense. for this we have there was an initiative from the german side to transfer another patriot system, and joint steps are planned within the framework of the semey group and the nato council ukraine. everyone is studying their arsenals and looking at what they could convey. information, however, indicates that this may be an attempt to slightly improve the public image. berlin is still under fire for refusing to hand over damaged taurus missiles to ukraine. also today, during their council, ministers.
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making such a similar decision may lead to the collapse of the existing economic system, in general we are also very skeptical about this, because this is nothing more than the destruction of all the foundations of the economic system, this is an encroachment on state property, on state property, on
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private property, this cannot be perceived in any way like some legal actions, they are illegal and , accordingly, they must become, will one way or another be the subject of some retaliatory actions, b the subject of legal proceedings, both of which will be a very complex process, but it will cause great harm to the economic interests of the united states. if such measures are implemented, of course, many countries, many investors will think 10 times before making any investments in the american economy or storing their holdings there. polish president andrzej duda said that poland is ready to deploy nuclear weapons on its territory if nato allies decide so. according to him, this topic has been the topic of negotiations with the united states for some time. duda added that in his opinion, such placement would help strengthen the eastern flank
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of the north atlantic alliance. and the words of the president of poland on the issue of the deployment of nuclear weapons were commented on in the federation council. this is what the head of the committee said in an interview for our channel. in the international situation, poland, it can seriously plunge into the whole situation since we are not talking about the deployment of some kind of wedges and so to speak cars, but the deployment of nuclear weapons, if you think about it, this is absolutely boorish. some reckless statement by duda can bring a lot of harm, tears and problems to poland itself. in more than 3,500 people were evacuated due to the flood in the tyumen region.
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an additional detachment of military engineers was sent to the region. as governor alexander maor previously reported, the likelihood of a damp breakthrough is growing. our correspondent, stanislav bernwald, is monitoring the development of the situation on the ground. now in direct communication, stanislav, greetings again, to what levels can the ishim river rise and what is the current situation in the region? dasha, dasha, hello, really in the tyumen region. the flood situation is still extremely tense, but if we talk about the city of ishim, it has become easier here, the fact is that the increase in rivers in the city area, as experts say, was small, only 13 cm, but nevertheless there is an increase, when compared with previous days, the increase in the area was 2 .5 m, so it’s already going a little lower, but the obbatsky district of the tyumen region is now at risk of flooding, it is located lower. downstream, but i’ll tell you about this a little later, today the governor told us what the situation
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is in the tyumen region itself and where a water spill is possible, the water is slowly leaving, but it moves along the ishim river, to the city of ishim, yesterday there was a slight increase, but today at 8 am the water level is 10 m 64 cm and this is 82 cm higher than the level that was reached. in 2017, by and large this is a new historical record, but the dynamics over the past hours indicate that today we can expect the formation of a peak water level in the city of ishim. in the obbat region, as i said, a little higher up, they are now expecting high water, the same events are now taking place there as were held the day before and here, directly in the city of ishim, the dams are being strengthened, the ridge of the dam is being built up, the problem there is that... the federal highway r-402 is located nearby, there is a risk of flooding, i’ll also tell you about this
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a little later, a large number of volunteers from here from ishim were redeployed to the village obadskoe. let's listen to what the head of the district says: the big water will come the day after tomorrow, an event that we are holding on the territory of the obad district, we have been carrying them out since the introduction of the emergency regime, that is, since the eighth. april of this year, this means, understanding that the water is higher than the historical flood of 2017, we are increasing the crest of our hydraulic structures due to earthen embankments, in the regional center this is the southern dam, the northern dam and, of course, the federal road, these three objects actually protect our regional center from... there is a risk that the water will rise so high that
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an overflow could occur right on the federal highway, this is already serious, the flow there is quite serious, this problem must be solved now, experts say, rosavtodor employees are now building up the so-called edges of the road to prevent water from pouring onto the road surface. temporary accommodation points are operating for evacuation, people can also leave valuables for storage, and
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respite for their pets has been organized, in general, everything is still going on here, we continue to monitor the situation, all the latest news is on our air. stanislav, thank you, it was stanislav bernwhite, about how they are fighting the flood in the tyumen region. well, now from the floods, to the situation with natural fires, according to the russian ministry of emergency situations, special. regions, dry weather has now established there, this plus the lack of greenery creates a threat of the spread of fire, for the period of the special regime it is prohibited to visit forests, it is also forbidden to burn dry grass, garbage, or make fires. thermal hotspots are identified using a special monitoring system from space, and the information is immediately transmitted to local managers. a plan has been introduced in karachay-cherkessia. two
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employees of the ministry of internal affairs died on the spot from their wounds, another was taken to the hospital, his doctors assess his condition as stable and serious, and a criminal case has been initiated. russian prosecutor general igor krasnov proposed creating a permanent working group with colleagues from the united ones. this proposal was made during a meeting in moscow with prosecutor general hamad saiv al-shamsi. this was reported by the press service of the russian prosecutor general's office. new structure, according to. current joint working group for i would like to invite you to create ongoing discussions and solutions to current problems in the fight against crime, as well as the protection of rights and freedoms of our citizens. if you
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agree, we will promptly submit all the documents to work out the creation of this... regarding your proposal to create a working group, i think that it is necessary for the department of international cooperation of our bodies to discuss this issue, for our part we will attach special importance to this issue, i am with you i completely agree, we welcome any suggestions you may have. rosgimeter and the regions need to work together, including to prevent damage from natural disasters. this is michael's statement mishustina. the head of government took part in a meeting of the board of the hydrometeorological service. he noted that roshydromet
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is one of the five best weather services in the world in terms of forecast accuracy. and for safety's sake. residents throughout russia requires even greater coordination of work together with regional and local authorities, without waiting for the onset of a critical phase. during a meeting on the flood situation, the president emphasized the importance of timely analysis and taking appropriate measures in russian regions where there is a threat
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floods. today roshydromed is a developed structure with a powerful... scientific and technical base, it allows you to perform the most complex tasks facing the industry. in terms of the lead time and accuracy of forecasts, the department is one of the five best services in the world. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin is working today in his constituency in the saratov region. there he took part in a discussion of the development of the space explorers park. a symbolic place for the townspeople . yuri gagarin landed in this area 63 years ago, and is now there a memorial complex, an educational laboratory for rocket science, a cosmonaut training center, and also a drone factory and an immersive cinema will soon appear; all this will begin to be built this year. we are obliged to do everything on our part to
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preserve the memory of the first cosmonaut. yes, there is a memorial complex, but is it right? the younger generation showed interest, which is why, as part of the implementation of the project for the development of the second stage space explorers park, it was proposed to make it educational. all-russian student the rescue corps is 23 years old. events in honor of this date are taking place in moscow today, with participants including industrial climbers, rescue sailors, and volunteer firefighters. total in the corps now. human. branches operate in almost all regions of the country. a ceremonial formation was held in yekaterinburg, where the winners of the regional stage of the championship in professional skills in rescue work were awarded. the celebrations took place in lugansk, where the republican student rescue corps has been operating for the second year. a in kurgan, student brigade volunteers celebrate
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the holiday, one might say, at a combat post. they help emergency workers rescue people and pets. in the flood zone, we continue to provide assistance to special services right today during floods, we also provide humanitarian assistance to the residents of donbass and novorossiya, our organization is growing, our main goal is to help people, and we educate the younger generation. youth, children, a culture of safety, so that everyone knows how to help themselves help their neighbors. in shenzhen on the joint russian territory. the chemistry olympiad, this year for the first time being held outside the cis, has a record number of participants.
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about 300 schoolchildren from dozens of countries around the world came to the competition in china. our team is represented by the strongest, what awards will the young chemists compete for and what are the chances for the russians, our special correspondent in china alexander baletsky found out. non-cancellation of flights entering the tropical season. only today a breakthrough appeared, the time difference did not affect their personal chemistry, to chemistry, just to three olympiad stages, the chairman of the jury, professor gladilin, jokes, there was also an unplanned fourth, the first round was how to get here, but thank god, the vast majority of participants managed, at the international mentel olympics, which this year is being hosted by china for the first time, a team of russian schoolchildren is able confident, it was a bit rustic, well, yes, what does he count on, i count on first place, mikheev generally breaks all stereotypes. an eleventh-grader from a rural school in altai took international silver in chemistry in switzerland, and mikhail perelman, who dreams of creating medicines in the future, as
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his last name obliges. there are 10 of them, all of them are already the best in russia, winners of the all-russian olympics, but participation in the mendeleev olympics is still at a different level. this year it will be very difficult for them, because china has a very strong squad. for the home olympics, they entered, one might say, the first line-up of prize- winners. all the chinese olympiads are set up this way or that, it’s still stuffy, but the tasks here are superior in terms of difficulty, those that at the world olympiad, even the inspectors would have to sweat, this is of course not science in its purest form, but the main thing is to make the groundwork, identify talented children, watch how they develop, support, well, this is the most important thing, because in the end science is will consist of those who will gain interest in this type of activity, who will then follow this road in life; russia in such competitions is usually always in the lead to win. they are now reading all the reasons for this, usually, as they say, the walls at home help, but here the walls, well, almost like at home, the main building of the joint russian-chinese university in
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sheinjen, a quarter-size copy of the legendary moscow state university skyscraper on vorobyovy gory, a symbol of all russian education. the largest russian-chinese educational project, the joint university of moscow state university and beijing polytechnic university, was created by the decision of vladimir putin and sidzenping exactly 10 years ago on the basis of the best russian education. science, so the choice of a site for the olympiad of programs with an emphasis on the exact and natural is logical for young chemists to have a week ahead brainstorming and storming, and developed their own chemical formula for success. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, news from shinzhenya, china. the european union is considering the possibility of including a ban on the import of russian lng in the 14th package of sanctions. a decision could be made before the end of spring. what will be the consequences of this? dmitry morocco will tell you about the steps for the european market itself. a ban on the import of russian lng may be included in the fourteenth package of anti-russian
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sanctions. from a political point of view , this will be the most important step for the european union, he said swedish foreign minister tobias billström. but the economic consequences could be critical. a sharp restriction on liquefied natural gas purchases will likely lead to an energy shock for the european market, finance notes. times, because russia is now the second largest supplier to europe after the united states; its share was about 16% last year. in total, the bloc countries imported 15.5 million tons of russian lng, with france, spain and belgium among the main buyers. this is not the first attempt bring in gas or flared natural gas, sanctions packages have been undertaken over the past few years.
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energy balance, as noted by the agency for cooperation of energy market regulators, it will be extremely difficult for the european union to find a balance between its own security and the desire to strike a blow to russia’s income. after the winter season passed, the level of reserves in the gas storage facilities of eu countries dropped below 60%, now amounting to just under 66 billion cubic meters. a significant share of these reserves was previously formed through pipeline supplies. russian gas through ukraine, but the european commission has made it clear that it is not interested in extending the transit agreement, which expires at the end of the year. thus, eu countries may lose
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supplies of about 15 cubic meters, which is exactly what came through the ukrainian route last year. austria, hungary and slovakia, which receive this gas, will be the first to be hit; if russian lng is abandoned, the european union will face a fuel famine, replacing all these volumes with accounting for supplies from other countries will be problematic, experts say. this will definitely lead to a noticeable increase in prices, but we can expect an increase in prices, i think by 30-40%, exactly in relation to the price of russian gas.
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supplied 8,700,000 tons. in addition to europe, the main buyers include asian countries: china, japan, south korea, thailand, so if necessary, supplies can be redirected, especially since there is demand and prices are only rising. in april, amid fears of conflict in the middle east, they reached their highest levels since the beginning. january - reports bloomberg. if a complete ban on russian lng supplies to europe is suddenly introduced, then we will have to look for other markets. today. japan occupies second place after europe, china is second, south korea is third, the rest of the niches are quite small, that is, we are talking about individual parties, and therefore if suddenly the need arises to completely abandon the european market, to look for alternatives, then -first, we will have to look for and expand these new niches, that is, not rely only on china, and let’s say expand supplies to india, which so far only purchases individual batches. in the context of a reduction in pipeline
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gas supplies to russia. intends to further develop lng production. by 2030, it is planned to increase this volume to 100 million tons, which will be equal to 1/5 of the world’s production.
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now economic news, briefly. german to...


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