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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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the washington post writes that european officials are afraid of scaring off investors. the lion's share of reserves is held at the largest securities depository, euroclear in belgium. the head of the international platform has repeatedly stated that the logic of confiscation will undermine confidence in the system and european capital markets, and the euro as a currency will suffer significantly. the head of the european central bank, christina lagarde, also spoke about high reputational risks. the hall consists of second-tier countries, the so-called yes. that is, the baltic states, poland, there, the eastern bloc, and germany and france are against it, since this blow will primarily be dealt to them; they are also the main drivers of the european economy. in the meantime, the eu is ready to consider ways to use frozen assets without their complete confiscation, for example, increasing the income from their storage in order to provide additional assistance to ukraine. so the belgian prime minister proposed.
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issue bonds secured by profits received from frozen assets. the eu is also close to an agreement on the taxation of special tax on income from these assets. the first gathering may begin in july, however, no matter what europe’s decision is, russia will act symmetrically. by and large, now the majority of european companies, which are still directly or indirectly present on the russian market, yes, their assets, they have actually been transferred to russian management. let's say a representative and, by and large, works for russia, yes, for the russian market and the russian - well, let's say, industrial and economy. in principle , in this situation, maybe even such direct confiscation measures will not be required. no fewer foreign assets are frozen in russia than russian ones abroad, finance minister anton silunov spoke about this. if now we are talking about direct retaliatory actions against the united states, then in the case of new decisions of the european authorities. the scale of the answer may
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be different, which is already clear; western actions may provoke an outflow of capital from the continent, so an attempt to steal money from russia may cost europe too much. this is a fact and we continue, relations between russia and azerbaijan are at a high level and continue to develop. this assessment was given by vladimir putin at a meeting with the head of the republic, ilham aliyev. to moscow on a working visit, with plans to discuss all aspects of the strategic partnership. during the conversation, the russian president also noted that our countries’ trade turnover is growing, russian investments in the azerbaijani economy have already amounted to $6 billion. our trade turnover is growing, it has already reached more than 4 billion dollars, 6 billion. if we speak in dollar equivalent, investments russians contribute to the economy.
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cooperation and regional issues, as the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov commented, our countries, quote, have many common interests, great potential for cooperation and, most importantly, rich traditions of bilateral relations. and speaking of traditions, today the two presidents will meet with veterans, builders and workers of the baikal-amur mainline as part of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of this railway artery of our country. on april 23, 1974 it opened in moscow seventeenth congress. straight from the congress , komsomol members went to the yaroslavl station and went by train to taiga, volunteers came to build a railway line and a page from the transsocialist camp. and by the way, the father of the current president of azerbaijan, the former head of the republic heydar aliyev, directly supervised the construction of bam during the soviet union. today bam is four. 1,287 km of railway track,
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280 stations and sidings. in february 2019 , vladimir putin, in a message to the federal assembly, emphasized the need to increase. in april 2021, units of the railway troops of the russian armed forces began construction of the second bama branch, a total of 340 km from ulak to fevralsk. in july of the same year, the second baikal tunnel was opened. in 2022, russian railways announced the completion of the first stage of development of the eastern range, within which the total carrying capacity of transib and bama. grew to 144 million. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest , you get a super cash in rubles every month, and
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there is little doubt as to how much it will help. the financial times cites experts. an influx of weapons, especially much -needed artillery shells and ammunition for the system. air defense will help slow russia's advance but not stop it, one senior ukrainian official told the financial times, speaking on condition of anonymity to speak candidly about the fighting. they are going to allocate 61 billion dollars, like to ukraine, it seems not, most of the money will end up in the pockets of another recipient, these are 61 billion, they are distributed according to different programs, literally some 6 or 7 billion dollars go to ukraine there, everything else goes to the united states for certain programs, that is, for the production of new weapons, nuclear safety, there for... training of instructors, military support to ukraine from the united states was carried out according to two programs, for
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the decommissioning of weapons to the allies, usually old and unnecessary from warehouses, the second method is orders from us enterprises, it is longer more complicated, according to the program write-offs helped ukraine in the failed counter-offensive, according to experts, by $5 billion, while the amount was large; the states replenished their reserves with new weapons. they enrich the american one.
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this is a week, american abrams tanks and the previous delivery are bashfully not being used, ok, they burn painfully, just one patriot air defense system costs more than half a billion dollars, you can’t go anywhere with the allocated money, but the pentagon press secretary promises that help will come quickly, that is, the dollars will be spent almost immediately, we have... a very reliable logistics network , which allows us to move material very quickly , as we have done in the past, we can move within a few days. arms supplies will probably come from the warehouses of germany and poland, through the latter by rail, they were prepared in advance, not at the same time, sponsors forget to emphasize that their support is not a panacea; kiev must plug the gaps with people. zelensky signed a law reducing the mobilization age from 27 to 25 years, and the parliament. ukraine has passed a new draft law on military conscription, which aims to replenish depleted
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dwindling forces. analysts say the us aid package will buy some time to address the manpower shortage. german journalist julian roebke calculated: 250 thousand ukrainians need to be mobilized for military assistance earned, and this is only to strengthen the front. more us weapons, more lives of ordinary ukrainians. egor grigoriev, matvey popov, polina anishchenko, news. open interference in the internal affairs of china, and an even greater escalation of the conflict in the middle east, this is how the russian foreign ministry commented on the other two parts of the american military assistance bill, those relating to the supply of weapons and finance to israel and taiwan. both of these documents were controversial, to put it mildly. reaction both in the world and in the united states itself. israel american congressmen are ready to provide
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$26 billion, which is more than two times less than for ukraine. but the articles themselves are more specific, that is, it is clear what money will be used for what, for example, 4 billion will be allocated for strengthening israeli missile defense systems, iron domes and david’s farewell. more than a billion are proposed to be spent on an iron beam defense system, which is designed to withstand short-range missiles and mortar attacks. in addition, more than 9 billion more will be spent on the purchase of new weapons systems for the israeli army. allocated for humanitarian aid. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has already stated that the american bill will help protect not only the israelis, but also quote: the entire western civilization, but the us itself is divided in opinion. for example, california congressman rohanna said that america should not recklessly provide military assistance to israel, given that the idf is preparing an operation in rafah. which will almost certainly result in a huge number of civilian casualties. as for
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supplies to taiwan, they are provided in as part of the so-called indo-pacific security bill. of the $8 billion allocated for these purposes, $2 billion will go directly to taiwan's military funding. moreover, taiwan itself appears everywhere as a separate independent entity along with other countries that the states call their partners in the region. the russian foreign ministry stated that there is direct interference in the affairs of the prc, because officially washington adheres to the policy of one china, that is, on paper it recognizes taiwan as part of the prc, but at the same time supplies. weapons, money, unofficial trips of senators and officials and fairly unambiguous rhetoric. military assistance to taiwan is direct interference in china's internal affairs. will this bring more stability to the region? the united states walks through it as if it were its own home, which causes
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a large number of crises, including , of course, will not bring any greater security. the trends will be exactly the opposite, but as for the supply of weapons to israel, everything, the whole world, the entire world community, i mean, of course, the world the majority demands an end to the escalation, demands a stop to the bloodshed, against this background the united states is only adding weapons to the region, which will, of course, unfortunately, lead to a worsening of the situation. well, what is typical is that a whole group of influential republican congressmen, including speaker of the house mike johnson, were initially against the bill on foreign military assistance, but then there was a sharp reversal, which also had political consequences for the united states itself. to those opponents of today administration, which, represented by republicans
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, sits in the house. factions in the house of representatives, it split approximately in half. most experts are confident that the main beneficiary of all these american aid packages to other countries will be, whoever you think, the american military-industrial complex. you see that here is a package of these projects, that is,
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which is aimed at ukraine, which is aimed at helping israel, and helping taiwan. these are all funds that will mostly go to the military lobby, so they directly put pressure on me i think, here are the legislators or american legislators, regardless of parties, in order to collect the necessary pool, these voters, so that this decision is made after these many months. there are a lot of things that can be confused, but you can’t go wrong with the choice of thermal insulation. pinoplex boards
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bigfest you definitely choose a double cheeseburger for 99 rubles. and other offers at a very favorable price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank, delicious, period. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin is working today in his constituency, the saratov region, where he took part in a discussion of the development of a park for space explorers, a symbolic place for citizens. it was in this area that yuri gagarin landed 63 years ago. now there is a memorial complex there; soon there will be an educational rocket science laboratory, a cosmonaut training center, and also a drone factory and an immersive cinema. all this will begin to be built this year. we. showed interest, which is why, within the framework
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but correctly, so that the younger generation of the implementation of the project for the development of the park of space patrons of the second stage, it was proposed to make it educational. shengen on the territory of the joint russian-chinese university. 300 schoolchildren from dozens of countries around the world. our team is represented by the strongest. for the competition in podnevestnaya we came to see what awards the young chemists will compete for and what chances the russians have, our correspondent in china alexander baletsky found out. flight cancellations.
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set up one way or another, it’s still stuffy, but the level of complexity of the tasks here exceeds those at the world olympiad, even the inspectors would have to sweat, this, of course, is not science in its purest form, but
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the main thing is to make a groundwork, to identify talented children , watch how they develop, support, but this is the most important thing, because in the end science will consist of those who will gain interest in this type of activity, who will then follow this road in life, russia in such competitions is usually always in leaders, count on victory and now. there is every reason for this. usually, as they say, walls help at home, but here the walls are, well, almost like at home. the main building of the joint russian-chinese university in sheinjeni is a quarter-size copy of the legendary moscow state university skyscraper on vorobyovy gory, a symbol of all russian education. the largest russian-chinese educational project, the joint university of moscow state university and beijing polytechnic university, was created by the decision of vladimir putin and sidzenping exactly 10 years ago, on the basis of the best russian educational programs with an emphasis. for accurate and natural sciences, so the choice of a site for the olympiad is logical; the young chemists have a week of brainstorming and storming ahead, and have developed their own chemical formula
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for success. today is the 154th anniversary of the birth of vladimir ilyevich lenin. throughout the country , communists are holding remembrance events. one of them took place in moscow, several hundred people gathered on red square, party leaders, members of the central and moscow city committees of the communist party of the russian federation, state duma deputies and representatives of public organizations. participants in the event laid wreaths and flowers at mamzaley lenin, and the head of the communist party of the russian federation recalled his important role. he fought for a united country and ensured peace, that he stopped the internecine carnage of the civil war, that he did everything to make factories and factories work , transport, that he provided free education, medical care for every person, that he was already a future civil war, during the civil war war opened more than 40
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institutes, including... the institute that allowed us to create nuclear weapons and brain institute.
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