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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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the russian military has taken control of novomikhailovka in the donetsk people's republic, the ministry of defense reported this today. the settlement is of strategic importance from the point of view of the approach to ukledar. we can find out all the details from our correspondent denis alekseev. yes, he joins the facts live. denis, hello, what is known, what details do you have about the liberation of novomikhailovka in general, what is the situation in other directions? yes, welcome. a small village. in marinsky area, which is of great strategic importance, the long assault on novomikhailovka has ended, the consequences of which the ukrainian armed forces can see in the very near future. as a result of successful actions, units of the southern group of forces completely liberated the settlement of the novomikhailovka-donetsk people's republic and improved the tactical situation along the front line. three counterattacks of assault groups, the thirty-third mechanized and the eightieth were repelled.
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direction, an extremely unpleasant situation is developing: a flank opens from which our now, for the ukrainian armed forces grouping in ugledar , the military, there is no doubt, will act in the most decisive manner, trying to knock out ukrainian formation from ugledar itself, but no one promised an easy life, and even the kiev elite yes... doubts the successful development of events, terrorist and extremist budanov , the head of ukrainian intelligence, said: from mid-may the armed forces of ukraine will have problems. and why not earlier, judging by these shots, there have been problems for a long time. homemade. sewerage. there's a tank over there, a fuel tank. this is the kind of self-propelled gun the militants are trying to fly on straight to victory, from a sewer pipe, cardboard of five-liter bottles. this drone has even been equipped. explosive, that is
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, they really had high hopes for it, but where are the million-euro drones promised to latvia? by the way, this homemade drone was one of 240 ukrainian drones that were intercepted by our anti-aircraft gunners the day before. avdievskoye direction, where our grouping center again improved the tactical position, nine counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces were thwarted. the militants continue to retreat to the west. behind in one day, ukrainian units lost three hundred people there. personnel, this is footage from the dnepr group, marines of the northern fleet destroying enemy drgs during their attempt to land on an island in the dnieper delta. the tactics of the ukrainian armed forces in this area is to throw their troops to the slaughter in order to indicate their intention to gain a foothold in the river area. our units are already accustomed to this, the militants’ plans are predictable, and therefore every sabotage attack like this turns into a fiasco for the military. every day something new.
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because the enemy uses new methods, and every time we use new methods, different routes, different boats, different people, so the main thing is timely preparation, that is, crews, motorists, we prepare them, then release them to the dnieper for a combat mission , our landing force from buryatia occupied an important stronghold on the approaches to the chasvyar in the village of krasnoye, which was liberated not so long ago by the russians.
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the sky battery repelled a counterattack by the ukrainian armed forces. and there are more such stories every day on all fronts. the exploits of our soldiers every day reduces the attacking potential of ukrainian formations. and it clearly does not play into the hands of those who, as soon as possible, are trying to interest ukrainian men in going to war. this is also why only one method works - sending by force. now economic news, briefly. germanic knau. the world's largest manufacturer of building materials will transfer russian assets to local management. the deal will affect all areas of business, from the extraction of raw materials to the marketing of products. thus, the company expects to preserve the jobs of more than 400 employees. now the deal must approved by the russian authorities. let me remind you that knauf
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has been working in russia for more than 30 years. the russian container market grew by 13% in the first quarter. its volume exceeded 1,600 thousand twenty-foot equivalent units. the fesco group reports this, where it records growth in all directions in foreign trade, transit domestic traffic, both through ports and along the russian railways network. according to company forecasts, container transportation will increase by 5-6% annually until 2027. the main theme of the st. petersburg international economic this year’s forum will be the basis for a lot of polarity, the organizer of the pm foundation roscongress announced this. there will be a business program. divided into four thematic blocks, they will discuss not only the prospects of economics and technology, but issues of social development. the forum will be held from june 5 to 8. let me remind you that last year napmf concluded more than 900 agreements worth almost 4 trillion rubles. x5 group doubled its net
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profit at the end of the quarter. the company earned 24 billion rubles, according to the ifrs report. revenue increased by a quarter, totaling 886 billion. this is where the growth affected comparable sales and retail space. let me remind you that as of april 5, the moscow exchange suspended trading in receipts of x5 groups. the company's ownership rights are transferred to russia under the law on economically significant organizations; a court hearing is scheduled for tomorrow. it was economic news, briefly. roshydromicenter and the regions need to work together, including to prevent damage from natural disasters. this is a statement by mikhail mishustin. chapter. government took part in a meeting of the board of the hydrometeorological service, noted that roshydromet in terms of accuracy forecasts is one of the five best weather services in the world, and for the sake of the country’s security , international cooperation must continue, despite sanctions, the work of meteorologists is important for all sectors of the economy, and separately
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, mikhail mishustin recalled that in russia it is necessary to further develop a monitoring system for long-term global peace . you are the first to see dangerous natural and climatic phenomena, warn about them, help prevent or reduce damage from emergency situations ensuring the safety of residents throughout the territory russia requires even greater coherence in working together with regional and local authorities, without waiting for the onset of a critical phase. during the meeting on the flood situation, the president emphasized the importance of timely analysis and taking appropriate measures in russian regions where there is a threat of flooding. today roshydromed is a developed structure with a powerful scientific and technical base, it allows it to carry out the most complex tasks
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facing the industry. according to the lead time and accuracy of forecasts, the department is one of the five best services in the world. and today, mikhail mishustin visited the moscow institute of physics and technology, which has been conducting joint research with roshydromet for the second year. the prime minister was shown new developments, which, according to their authors, will allow russia to independently conduct a national assessment of greenhouse gases and not depend on western technologies. this includes measuring instruments that are installed on drones for monitoring agricultural lands and forests. mikhail mishustin too.
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people and there is a possibility of a dump breakthrough, in the orenburg region the flood situation has stabilized, the water level in flooded settlements is steadily decreasing, more than 40 thousand received financial assistance. residents, well, by the way, about material assistance, there is also data that has been appearing in the last few minutes, about 400 thousand residents of the orenburg region have applied for payments, and the assistance provided is estimated at 800 million rubles, the ministry of emergency situations reports. yes, and there is also a message, and in the tyumen region, peak the flood in the city of ishim, on the ishim river of the same name, has decreased. the flood has passed, the head of the city announced this in his telegram channel, literally 4 hours ago
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the water level dropped by 2 cm, this is already very pleasing, at least we have passed the peak, he said, and we are just continuing through the tyumen region, there due to the flood, more than 3,500 people were evacuated ; additional detachments of military engineers have already been sent to the region, as governor alexander previously reported. mor is growing. what is the situation with this arrival or departure of big water. natasha georgiev, hello, indeed in the temenskaya region the flood situation is still tense, but it is actually getting easier in the city of ishim, where the ishim river has really started to decline, that is...
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they are waiting for the 24th -25th, all the forces now that were involved in strengthening the dump , here in the shimsky district, now they are helping there, in obatsky, we were there today, we managed to talk with the head of the district, yes, let's listen to what he said, big water will come the day after tomorrow, an event that we are holding on the territory of the obbatsky district with we have been implementing them since the introduction of the state of emergency, that is, since the eighth. april of this year, which means, understanding that the water is higher than
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the historical flood of 2017, we are increasing the crest of our hydraulic structures due to earthen - soil embankments, here - in the regional center this is the southern dam, the northern dam and, of course, federal road, these three objects actually protect our regional center from... it sounds in all areas that are exposed to flood danger, today we heard it three times in obatsky, continues with a siren and higher, despite the fact that, as we said just above, the peak of the flood has passed, but nevertheless , people who are in areas of potential flooding are evacuated, some to their relatives, some to temporary temporary accommodation, the authorities have organized several? points for the responsible storage of personal belongings, we visited there today, everything is set up very well, let's
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listen to what the experts say, citizens can bring things here and they bring them either on their own or through the admissions committee, the head of which i am in this part, we work out the call we work practically around the clock, that is, we never refuse anyone, the property here is registered in this way, that is... wrapped in signal tape, the owner is indicated, the address to which the property was brought, we are responsible for the safety of the property, including the russian guard, in addition to the fact that we have security on staff here, so citizens can be completely calm that their valuables will not be lost, there is a risk of flooding of the federal highway p-402, the highway is truly life. ae is vital for region and in general for russia,
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of course, we don’t want to block it, we wouldn’t want the water to block it, so now rosavtodor is carrying out work directly on the road, they have turned on reverse movement along the edges of the roadway, they are making embankments in order to the water still could not block the highway, work is underway to build... a soil dam, strengthening it with film, to avoid flooding of the federal road and stopping traffic. the work is carried out in two areas, the first area is the village of obatskaya, we protect it from flooding at the same time. in general, there is still a lot of work here, we continue to monitor the situation, we will tell you all the latest news on our air, colleagues, yes, thank you very much, stanislav bernwalt was with details about the situation in the tyumen region,
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but now to the situation with wildfires , another element, according to the ministry of emergency situations. in russia , a special fire-fighting regime is already in effect in twenty-three russian regions, dry weather has now established there, this plus the lack of greenery creates a threat fire spread. during the period of the special regime, visiting forests is prohibited; you also cannot burn dry grass, garbage, or make fires. thermal hotspots are identified using a special monitoring system from space. information is immediately passed on to local managers. russian grandmaster. ian nepomniachtchi took the final second place at the candidates tournament and lost his chance to play in the match for the world title. all the details are in the material by stas lezikoltsev. the candidates' tournament for the championship chess match in toronto, canada turned into real game of thrones. before the last round , four grandmasters are vying to play against the chinese king ding liren. among
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them is the chief expert on the candidates tournament, russian ian nepomniachtchi. he won the previous two. and the calendar lay down like that, after all. the game didn’t go as i planned, of course, i tried to play to win, only it left me a chance for the final victory in the tournament, but all my ideas and plans quickly got mixed up, already at the beginning of the game i found myself in a difficult position, theoretical chances with ... were preserved, but no more. caruana, who seemed to have driven nepomniachtchi into a corner, will say after the match: i feel like an idiot. ian dug himself out of pat and miraculously escaped, but it was no longer destined to win the match. draw. the russian played consistently throughout the tournament; he was the only one of the eight who did not lose a single one of the fourteen games, but this was not enough to become a contender for the chess crown for the third time in a row.
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it happens that the results of two or three victories are enough to occupy. first place, but here the performance was very high, in many ways, this is thanks to the new amazing generation from india, when young chess players, they already have very strong accuracy of moves, a stable nervous system, they calculate variations very well, and the performance was very high at this tournament, extremely high, and ian should i have to give him the fact that he fought to the end in every game, saved everything that could be saved, really built fortresses somewhere in an unusual manner, but he succeeded, i don’t remember ian’s bet.
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world, he has already become a more experienced chess player, his class grew incredibly, but at the same time, ian no longer went for such uncompromising chess, often took a little less risk, and well, he added in class, so here two completely different chess players were presented, seventeen-year-old gukesh will play with the chinese for the world chess crown the world champion was already this year, in the women's tournament of contenders for the championship match, the former world champion, a chinese woman, won...
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air defense reports about this from the coordinator of the nikolaev underground. and now there is footage of the tower being destroyed, and the local media are saying that there have been interruptions in the digital television signal, but we also understand perfectly well that, first of all, problems should also arise from the ukrainian armed forces after this strike. in kaliningrad , the three hundredth anniversary of the birth of one of the most famous natives of the city is celebrated on a grand scale.
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today at the russian ministry of internal affairs a meeting was held between the head of the department and his cuban counterpart, they discussed cooperation between moscow and govana in the law enforcement sphere and signed a plan for interaction between the ministries on...
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the all-russian student rescue corps is 23 years old; events in honor of this date are being held in moscow today. participants include industrial climbers, sailors, rescuers, volunteers, and firefighters. in total , the corps now has 8.00 people. branches operate in almost all regions of the country. a ceremonial formation was held in yekaterinburg, where the winners of the regional stage of the championship in professional skills in rescue work were awarded. the celebrations took place in lugansk. where is the republican student the rescue corps has been operating for the second year, well , in kurgan, volunteer student teams celebrate the holiday, one might say at a combat post, they help the ministry of emergency situations employees in
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rescuing people and domestic animals in the flood zone. one of the largest and most significant business events in the world will take place in st. petersburg in june. international economic forum. delegations from russia and foreign countries, business dialogues and of course are expected. signing of important agreements, the main theme of the upcoming event is already known, the basis multipolarity, the formation of new centers of growth. well, let's talk a little about the forum itself. so, the pmf has been held annually since 1997, and since 2010 it has been held under the patronage and with the participation of the russian president. in general, over 27 years, the forum has gained the status of a global platform where key issues of the global economy are discussed, it is a space for dialogue. here are the participants. best international practices, establish business contacts. in 2021, the pmf became the first large-scale event held in person after
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forced break due to the pandemic. today the work of the forum is more relevant than ever. we live in an era of tectonic changes, the technological structure is changing, and systems of international relations are being transformed. over the past year, the crisis of confidence between countries has only intensified under these circumstances. it is especially important to maintain an equal, constructive dialogue between business communities from different parts of the world. this year, the main business program of the ffm will be divided into four thematic blocks, which, as the organizers note, meet the main the forum's mission is to maintain the global balance of power and build a multipolar international system. for example, within the framework of the russian economy track, the goals of the new cycle, experts will discuss support issues. development through the use of internal resources, during the thematic block of technologies that provide leadership, participants will consider strategic issues of the development of digital
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technologies in all sectors of the economy. also , 11 business events are planned at the st. petersburg international economic forum in format of business dialogues with foreign partners. from abkhazia, azerbaijan, africa, venezuela, india, iran, kazakhstan, china, kyrgyzstan, aman, as well as the countries of the eurasian economic union and the association of southeast asian nations. there will also be sessions dedicated to russia's chairmanship of brix and the cis. in addition, the site will host a regional competition.
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this solemn ceremony took place at the atommash site, this is the largest production facility in the country; now the plant is already manufacturing key equipment for fourth block of the station. veronica bogma with details. these giant structures, steam generators, will become part of the asa reactor plant. the first nuclear power plant. republic, it is being built according to a russian project and will be able to supply electricity to such a metropolis as istanbul. the first shipment of nuclear equipment this year coincided with the significant date of exactly 50 years since the start of construction of the atamash plant. during the years of the most intense work on this all-union shock komsomol youth construction project, there was up to 27 thousand people from all over the soviet union were involved. the plant, followed by the city of volgodonsk, began in an open field. rastislav cherkasov, one of those who, having built
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an enterprise at... gave his whole life to it, sat here for days, i sometimes spent months on a plane, flew to moscow, back, to all the cities of the country where design institutes participated in the design of the plant, veterans are the main guests of the celebration, but here are also the so -called middle generation, who did not leave tomas in difficult times for him, and young working specialists who are just starting their journey in nuclear construction, all of them are students of the local branch of myfi, studying. and work in parallel at atommash. it is interesting to develop the mechanical engineering of my country, to develop its relations with other countries through interaction with the nuclear industry, to improve relations, plus this is a prestigious profession. in 2023 , atommash broke the record for the volume of shipment of reactor equipment in the entire history of nuclear engineering, built five reactor vessels and 18 steam generators. here
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young guys were walking. 10 years ago, in order to build the most beautiful enterprise in the world, to create unique products that no one, no one has ever made, now, when young people come there in practice, they see it, they see the spirit that lives the plant. as a reliable supplier, rosatom delivers the finished product to the customer exactly on time with the start of navigation. the steam generators will be transported by water; they will cover a distance of 3,000 km. veronica bogma, eduard ilin, vladimir shamakov, denis denisov and vladimir.
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relations between russia and azerbaijan are at continue to develop at a high level. this assessment was given by vladimir putin at a meeting with the head of the republic ilham aliyev. he flew to moscow on a working visit with plans to discuss all aspects of the strategic partnership. during the conversation , the russian president also noted that our countries’ trade turnover is growing, and russian investments in the azerbaijani economy have already amounted to.


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