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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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relations between russia and azerbaijan are at a high level and continue to develop. this assessment was given by vladimir putin at a meeting with the head of the republic ilham aliyev. he flew to moscow on a working visit with plans to discuss all aspects of the strategic partnership. during the conversation, the russian president also noted that our countries’ trade turnover is growing, and russian investments in the azerbaijani economy have already amounted to $6 billion. there are a lot of questions, our trade turnover is growing, it has already reached more than 4 billion dollars, 6 billion, if we speak in dollar equivalent, russian investments are in the economy of azerbaijan, there is an active intergovernmental commission, and there are many interesting areas of cooperation in the real sector of the economy in cooperation in infrastructure, some of them are rumored in my opinion.
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we will certainly talk to the public of our countries about the situation in terms of ensuring security in the region. russia is a fundamental country in terms of regional security in the caucasus and wider geography and from effective there is a lot of interaction between our countries, the chief executive, and we are aimed at strengthening confidence-building measures. cooperation, mutual understanding , settlement of all issues in the spirit of interaction and mutual interests. the leaders of the two countries are also scheduled to meet with bam veterans on the occasion of the anniversary. this year marks half a century since the start of construction of the baikal amur mainline. ilham aliyev’s father and his predecessor as head of the republic, heydar aliyev, made a great contribution to this grandiose project.
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construction of the baikal-amur mainline, connecting railway transport hubs in the eurasian space of the soviet union is certainly the merit of the entire country, but there were people who played a special role in the history of bam. heydar aliyev made an invaluable contribution to the implementation of this grandiose project. he headed the commission for the construction of bam, holding at that time the post of first deputy chairman of the council of ministers of the ussr. heydar aliyev was the first soviet leader to travel along the highway to see everything with his own eyes. he was interested not only in work processes, but also in everyday life bamovtsev. largely thanks to aliyev’s managerial talents, construction did not slow down. in the fall of 1984, at a ceremony symbolizing the completion of construction, it was heydar aliyev who hammered the golden spike into shpalubama. in 2008, the station at the angoy station of the baikal-amur mainline was named after the national leader of the azerbaijani people. in the new american package.
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ms missiles with a range of up to 300 km will enter kiev, western media write about this, where more than 60 billion dollars could go, will this help the ukrainian front, - yegor grigoriev found out. the final vote on the allocation of military assistance to ukraine will take place in the us senate tomorrow, the support package will be allocated, there is almost no doubt, in contrast to how much it will help, the financial times refers to experts. the influx of weapons, especially, is much needed. artillery shells and ammunition for air defense systems will help slow down the russian offensive, but not stop it , one senior ukrainian official told the social times, speaking on condition of anonymity in order to speak frankly about the combat situation, they are going to allocate $61 billion, like ukraine, it seems, no, most of the money will end up in the pockets of another recipient, these 61 billion, they are distributed according to various programs, literally... ukraine
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accounts for some 6 or 7 billion dollars there, everything else goes to the united states for those or other programs, that is, for the production of new weapons, for nuclear safety, or for the training of instructors. military support for ukraine from the united states was carried out according to two programs, for the decommissioning of weapons to the allies, usually old and unnecessary from warehouses, the second method was orders at us plants, it is longer.
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artillery guns, but also for hymers, including missiles from akams with a longer range, as they said, 300 kilometers, that is, the united states will help ukraine from... they seem to promise hundreds of thousands, but at the current pace of battles, this is a week, the american abrams tanks and the previous delivery are bashfully not used, they burn well, the patriot air defense system alone costs more than half a billion dollars, you can’t go anywhere with the allocated money, but the pentagon press secretary promises that help will come quickly, that is, a dollar... will be spent almost immediately. we have a very reliable logistics network that allows us to move material very quickly , as we have done in the past, we can move within days. arms supplies will probably go from warehouses in germany and poland, through the latter by rail, they prepared in advance,
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and the sponsors do not forget to emphasize that their support is not a panacea; kiev must plug the gaps with people. zelensky signed a law on reducing the increase in mobilization. up to 25 years, and the parliament of ukraine adopted a new a conscription bill that aims to replenish a depleted, dwindling force. analysts say the us aid package will buy some time to address the manpower shortage. german journalist julian roebke calculated: 250 thousand ukrainians need to be mobilized for military aid to work, and this is only to strengthen the front. more weapons from the us, more.
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and earlier it was reported that an air raid alert was declared in the kharkov region and an explosion was heard. now advertising, then i will continue, buddy, hello, as promised, today we are preparing pilaf, hey, hey, the butter is not on the first day, oh, i need to transfer money home, by the way, it’s better to transfer from vtb online, it’s faster and more convenient. thank you for teaching me, it’s still who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out. every second ticket wins the russian lotto easter charity draw, with 10 rubles from every ticket sold. will be donated to charity. buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. magnet - the price
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vtb, together everything will work out. now on to the news about the progress of the special military operation. russian artillery struck the fortified ukrainian armed forces, where enemy weapons and equipment were stored. russian arlan drone operators helped locate the target, in detail. igor pikhanov. the combat crew of an unmanned aerial reconnaissance aircraft is preparing to take off. orlan 30 is one of the advanced russian uavs. it is not afraid of enemy anti-drone stations, is capable of reconnaissance at a distance of up to 100 km, reaches a speed of almost 200 km/h, and rises to a height of up to 5 km. near kharkov, scouts discovered enemy positions. our task is to highlight the target with a minimum. only thirty, roughly speaking, went into action,
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with the number of shells to hit the target, when it became very difficult for the enemy to move around positions, because as soon as he leaves, even let’s say for training, he will work there for 10 minutes, we will work on him for 10 minutes , let’s say it didn’t hit somewhere, it worked, but we hit the enemy the first time, orlan 30 has been on combat watch for more than 5 hours, already at dusk the scouts discovered the enemy’s positions, the targets were transferred to the artillerymen, self-propelled gun msta s moves to the angry line, the drone aims its gun at the target, sau fires high-precision ammunition called krasnopol. russian artillerymen destroyed enemy dugouts. in the fortified area there were warehouses with weapons and equipment. the drone operators recorded the detonation of the ammunition. despite its large dimensions, the self-propelled artillery unit can be easily moved even in the forest. its weight is 40 tons. maximum speed. up to 60 km/h, so it can quickly arrive at any given point. ukrainian militants tried
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dig in near the state border. the cover group's fighters work on targets both close and far. 152-mm self-propelled artillery shells destroy both manpower and fortified positions in the ssu, with a firing range of almost 30 km. in our work we mainly use high-explosive fragmentation, everything explodes and gets blown apart. the enemy is afraid of us, because we work quickly , it’s very difficult to find us, yeah, that is, we arrived, shot and left. the fire is carried out by high-explosive fragmentation and guided projectiles, the artillery unit effectively fights both the military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces, fortified positions and enemy manpower. thanks to the coordinated work of the russian military, the enemy retreated, and another attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to strike at front-line settlements was thwarted. near kharkov regularly. western weapons are being destroyed, foreign mercenaries are being destroyed, and equipment is being destroyed in the same way,
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there is nothing supernatural in it, the most important thing is to identify it, the machine will cope with the task, i didn’t see anything new, they worked the same way, as before, each crew of self-propelled guns has extensive combat experience behind them; the unit’s fighters have received state and departmental awards for their courage and professionalism. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. rosgen center and regions need to work together, including to prevent damage from natural disasters. this is a statement by mikhail mishustin. the head of government took part in a meeting of the board of the hydrometeorological service. he noted that roshydromed is among the top five in terms of forecast accuracy. weather services in the world. and for the sake of the country’s security , international cooperation must continue, despite sanctions. the work of meteorologists is important for all sectors of the economy. and separately. reminded that in russia it is necessary to further develop a system for monitoring perennial myrrhlota. you are the first
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to see dangerous natural and climatic phenomena, warn about them, help prevent or reduce damage from emergency situations, ensuring the safety of residents throughout russia requires even greater coordination together with regional and local authorities. without waiting for the critical phase to occur. during a meeting on the flood situation, the president emphasized the importance of timely analysis and taking appropriate measures in russia. subjects where there is a threat of flooding. today roshydromet is a developed structure with a powerful scientific and technical base, it allows it to carry out the most complex tasks facing the industry. in terms of the lead time and accuracy of forecasts, the department is one of the five best services in the world. and today
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mikhail mishustin visited the moscow institute of physics and technology, which... has been conducting joint research with roshydromet for the second year, the prime minister was shown new developments that, according to their authors, will allow russia to independently conduct a national assessment of greenhouse gases and not depend on western technologies, this includes measuring instruments that are installed on drones for monitoring agricultural lands and forests. mikhail mishustin also inspected the laboratory of the institute of quantum technologies, that we have such batteries by 10%. there are a lot of things that can be confused, but with the choice
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all the forces of the ministry of emergency situations must be deployed to help the population in regions affected by large-scale floods. this instruction was given by the head of the department, alexander kurenkov, at a meeting of the government commission in orenburg. the active phase of the flood is now in the kurgan and tyumen regions. the level of the tabol river in the tyumen korkino area has risen by 60 cm over the past 8 hours. according to local authorities, more than 3,500 people were evacuated to the regions. there is a possibility of a dump breakthrough. and time. flood situation in kurganskaya
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region is stabilizing, local authorities said, the water level in the tabol river remains dangerous, but in one day it dropped by 18 cm, more than 2 thousand houses and 300 plots were flooded, our special correspondent, margarita semenyuk, reports from the region. residents of the voronovka microdistrict are counting every centimeter in anticipation of the decline of tabola, from a distance they are looking at what has survived, but so far only the roof of the house is visible, they tried to save the plots with dams, such movement, it is clear that concern was about... snt, people have lost their homes,
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property, households , and people are all in the lowlands everyone suffered, this carrot, this potato, which they want to grow for themselves, because all this, you know, we are simply deprived of this, this joy. over the past 24 hours, the water level has dropped by almost 20 cm, while the embankment dams are still being strengthened by volunteer specialists, and volunteers are monitoring their condition, we go from the tax office for 8 hours, we are on duty from 8 am to 8:00 pm, from 8 pm to until 8:00 am, the main thing for us is to ensure the integrity of the house, rescuers of the ivanovo fire and rescue academy evacuated from...
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400 dachas rescuer continue to operate in the affected areas of kurgan for days. every day we process various requests, evacuate people and animals, because they sit, sit, and then begin to evacuate. there are still people left, that is, we deliver them various products when they ask, sometimes we transport them, and we provide assistance. large waters from kurgan approach the belozersky district. tobol has already flooded sections of the roads to the village. vorovskoe passage is closed, 18 populated areas are at risk of flooding points, water flooded houses and streets in the village of rychkovo, everything was completely covered with water,
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all these gardens are all in the water, we are floating like this, there is a house all around, it was flooded, yes , we were flooded, but water came into the underground, but 30 centimeters, it probably doesn’t seem to reach the floor, and the water is still floating all around... residents of the flooded area are asked to evacuate. margarita semenyuk, mikhail vikulin, mikhail mirzayans, natalya uvarova. vesti, kurgan region. kaliningrad celebrates the three hundredth anniversary of the birth of one of the most famous natives on a grand scale city, philosopher emmanuel kant, an international congress opened in his honor, which
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brought together. what relates to what is is extremely important, this very much resonates precisely with the philosophy of kant, it is extremely important that everyone agreed on the conclusion that it is important to maintain cultural, value immunity, critical thinking and fidelity to our spiritual foundations, they they will help us overcome the various turbulences that exist, what is enlightenment, kant wrote, enlightenment is
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a person’s exit from his state...
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dmitry morocco will tell. import ban russian lng may be included in the fourteenth package of anti-russian sanctions. from a political point of view, this will be a major step for the european union, said swedish foreign minister tobias billström. but the economic consequences could be critical. a sharp restriction on liquefied natural gas purchases will likely lead to an energy shock for the european market, notes the financial times. after all, russia is now second in terms of supply volumes to... after the united states, its share was about 16% last year. in total, the bloc countries imported 15.5 million tons of russian lng, with france, spain and belgium among the main buyers. this is not the first attempt to introduce gas or liquefied natural gas into the sanctions packages; similar ones have been made over the past 2 years. shares, but every time
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there were some internal tensions, undercurrents that did not allow this step to be taken, it is clear why, because many european companies are involved in this business, plus this gas now plays a critical role in ensuring energy balance, as noted by the agency for... cooperation of energy market regulators, the european union will find it extremely difficult to find a balance between its own security and the desire to strike a blow to russia’s income. after the winter season, the level of reserves in gas storage facilities in eu countries dropped below 60% and now stands at just under 66 billion cubic meters. a significant share of these reserves was previously formed through the supply of pipeline russian gas through ukraine. however, the european commission gave
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understand. that it is not interested in extending the transit agreement, which expires at the end of the year. thus, eu countries may lose supplies of about 15 billion cubic meters. this is exactly how much came through the ukrainian route last year. the first to be hit will be austria, hungary and slovakia, which receive this gas. and if russian lng is abandoned, the european union will face a fuel famine. it will be problematic to replace all these volumes with supplies from other countries, experts say. this will definitely lead to a noticeable increase in prices, but you can expect an increase in prices, i think by 30-40% exactly, as in relation to the price of russian gas, if the winter is colder, and this is very likely, otherwise it is not at all obvious that there will be enough gas, especially during the peak period.


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