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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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said the head svetlana chubsheva. recently, many young entrepreneurs have emerged who have opened businesses in the technology sector, the consumer goods sector, and new clothing and cosmetics brands have been registered. where to start your business, how to get the necessary skills to create business plans, how to come up with an idea, how to analyze customer experience, how to conduct marketing research, draw up a business plan, get it.
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several such serious structural changes will occur, each one structural change is opportunities, opportunities to realize themselves, it is very important that more children try themselves in entrepreneurship, in creating new things, in coming up with new products, new approaches to conquering different kinds of markets, that this is also such energy, such strength , which will move the entire economy forward. in the current environment for young entrepreneurs.
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roshymicenter and the regions need to work together, including to prevent damage from natural disasters, this is mikhail’s statement mishustina. the head of government took part in a meeting of the board of the hydrometeorological service and noted that roshydromet is one of the most accurate forecasts. one of the top five weather services in the world. and for the sake of the country’s security , international cooperation must continue, despite sanctions. the work of meteorologists is important for all sectors of the economy. and separately , mikhail mishustin recalled that in russia it is necessary to further develop the monitoring system for the eternal mirzlota. you are the first to see dangerous natural and climatic phenomena, warn about them, and help prevent or reduce damage from emergency situations and... ensuring
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the safety of residents throughout russia requires even greater coordination of work together with regional and local authorities, without waiting. the onset of the critical phase. during a meeting on the flood situation, the president emphasized the importance of timely analysis and taking appropriate measures in russian regions where there is a threat of flooding. today roshydromet is a developed structure with a powerful scientific and technical base, it allows to solve the most difficult challenges facing the industry. foresight in terms of timeliness and accuracy. the department is one of the five best services in the world. and today, mikhail mishustin visited the moscow institute of physics and technology, which has been conducting joint research with roshydromet for the second year. an example was shown by new developments, which, according to their authors,
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will allow russia to independently conduct a national assessment of greenhouse gases and not depend on western technologies. this includes measuring instruments that installed on drones for... monitoring agricultural lands and forests. mikhail mishustin also inspected the laboratories of the institute of quantum technologies. all the forces of the ministry of emergency situations must be deployed to help the population in regions affected by large-scale floods. this order was given by the head of the department, alexander kurenkov, at a meeting of the government commission in orenburg. the active phase of the flood is now in the kurgan and tyumen regions. the level of the tabol river in the tyumen korkino area has risen by 60 cm in recent hours. according to local authorities. v more than 3,500 people have been evacuated in the region; there is a possibility of a dump breach. in the orenburg region, the flood situation has stabilized, the water level in flooded settlements is steadily decreasing, and more than 40,000 residents have already received financial assistance. today is the 154th anniversary
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of the birth of vladimir ilyevich lenin. throughout the country, communists are holding commemorative events. one of them took place in moscow. several hundred people gathered on red square. party leaders, members of the central and moscow city committees of the communist party of the russian federation, state duma deputies and representatives of public organizations, event participants laid wreaths and flowers at the lenin mausoleum, and the head of the communist party of the russian federation recalled the role of the leader in the history of the country. he fought for a united country and ensured peace, that he stopped the peaceful disease of the civil war, that he did everything to make factories and factories work. transport, that he provided free education, medical care to every person, that he was already a future civil, during the civil war he opened more than forty institutes, including the institute that we allowed the creation of nuclear weapons and
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a brain institute. the cartographic jaconda, as semyon remizov’s large drawing of siberia is often called, was shown to journalists today at an off-site meeting. the map is huge in size, the size of a khrushchev-era wall panel, and is oriented upside down to the south. in addition, it does not have the usual scale and coordinate grid, and the landmarks are, for example, the places where i quote, alexander the great buried his gun. the unique map will be restored; for this, specialists will have to create the latest techniques for strengthening the ancient fabric and cleaning the drawing from dust. why? because today in the capital there was an award ceremony for the winners of the big wood sycamore tour. the final race in the year of the final stage of the russian cup in cross-country skiing for the 2023-2024 season. and after the award, the cross-country skiing federation signed a memorandum of
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cooperation with phosagro. she will perform with the title sponsor of the federation next season. but we need a roller ski track, which is registered. now in the memorandum, of course, we need more space for accommodation, as i call it, there is a sports dormitory there, we need a gym, not a gym, where you can play volleyball, just where you can work on the machines, it will be a very good center that will be all-season, which is actually very important, in including for the fusagro company itself, which, of course, when something is done, you want it to be year-round, historically we have traditionally had a strong, this is a children's and youth section... a section that is attended free of charge by more than 7,500 children at our sites, but also created very good infrastructure at our enterprises for physical education, sports for our employees, members of their families, veteran organizations, and the third component is the sport of great achievements, which
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is also important for us, so today we are proud to have signed a memorandum on strategic cooperation with federation of ski racing, order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest . cashback in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable, you don’t need it like this, you need it like this, like this, like this, i understand, like this at the megamarket , a tipal induction frying pan for only 2,199 rubles. maybe a neighbor, anywhere appetite, gotcha, daddy. only dad will tame, dad can, dad can, have a beastly appetite, a snack won’t hurt, have a beastly appetite,
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the international exhibition innoprom opened in tashkent central asia. delegations from several dozen countries, including russia, belarus, china and turkey, arrived in the capital of uzbekistan. the head of the ministry of industry and trade denis mantarov noted: about 24 thousand companies with russian capital operate in the countries of the central asian region, and mutual trade is growing. robert frantsov sorted it out. familiar motifs: tashki for example, central asia, this is already a tradition, the exhibition opens access to a market that is well known to russian manufacturers, the potential of which is far from exhausted. this is the sixth time we have come here for exhibitions. and there is great interest, that is, due to the great development of uzbekistan as a whole here. the scale is quite good for further cooperation, these are industrialists from the tula region, they supply equipment
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for the food industry, they say the demand is huge. at the exhibition, all the flagships of russian industry, the best machines and new materials, modern transport and information technology, a favorable environment for the emergence of ever new joint projects, is ensured by growing mutual interest of moscow and tashkent. support instruments, both from uzbekistan and from russia, well, in total, this ultimately influences the formation of a new one.
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russia and uzbekistan this year for the first time exceeded 10 billion dollars, the volume of investments is all 20 billion. behind these statistics are thousands of contracts, tens of thousands of jobs; in total , about 2,400 companies with russian capital operate in the countries of the central asian region today. we are all participating in the transformation of our region into a single trade and investment transport and communication platform. joint projects are being implemented in various sectors of the economy. automotive industry is complemented by agriculture, contacts between regions of countries are expanding, cultural and humanitarian ties are deepening. this year the focus of the exhibition is on regional cooperation; the level of interaction is so high that the regions themselves establish contacts with foreign partners. with uzbekistan this year it increased by almost 30% and amounted to $370 million.
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we are ready to share not only technologies, but also competencies. in novgorod, one of the best construction technical schools in the country, if not the best, judging by the ratings, the victories of the guys at the championships are professional, and colleagues from uzbekistan approached us with a proposal to open a branch of this technical school in uzbekistan. inoprom is a truly universal exhibition; truly all advanced industrial technologies are presented. our latest developments in the field of client technology, you can see a transformable laptop, an already well -proven tablet and two models. we will speak the same language. foreign industry huge interest in solutions in the field of artificial intelligence, its application in healthcare and education, cooperation in this area is also a guarantor of what russia clearly demonstrates in the future, remains one
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of the world technological leaders, while not closing itself off from friends, on the contrary, inviting develop together.
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he was supported by the head of the national moldovan party, the same one that is ready to completely abandon everything moldovan and... subjugate the country to romania. opposition to maisand is no stranger to such statements and provocations from the current government led by president. as the head of gagauzia, evgenia gutsul, noted, such a call for reprisals against the opposition will be answered by contacting the prosecutor’s office. all residents of the region, which refuses to be at enmity with russia on the orders of chisinau, are subject to pressure and financial repression. last year, in the fall of twenty-three, and ours. international partners, philanthropists, transferred about 17 million lei to the department of health and social protection, that’s about a million dollars to a special account that was opened in the health department, in order for our pensioners to have the opportunity to receive an increase in pensions, the chisinau authorities
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blocked this special account, thereby preventing... we will complete this work in the near future, full understanding of the technology yes, everything is fine, so here i think that we are moving correctly, calculations between growth are also important for us here.
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in june, one of the largest and most significant business events in the international world will take place in st. petersburg. in the world - this is, of course, an international economic forum, delegations from russia and foreign countries, business dialogues and, of course, the signing of important agreements are expected. the main theme of the upcoming event is already known - the basis of multipolarity and the formation of new centers of growth. well, a little about the forum itself, so pmf has been held annually since 1997; since 2006 it has been held under the patronage and with the participation of the russian president. in general, over 27 years the forum has gained the status of a global platform where key issues are discussed. economy, this is a space for dialogue, where participants exchange best international practices and establish business contacts. in 2021, the pmf became the first large-scale event
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held in person after a forced break due to the pandemic. today the work of the forum is more relevant than ever. we are living in an era of tectonic changes, the technological structure is changing, the system of international relations is being transformed. over the past year, there has been a crisis of trust between... countries has only intensified, in these circumstances it is especially important to maintain an equal, constructive dialogue between business communities from different parts of the world. this year, the main business program of the tfm will be divided into four thematic blocks, which, as the organizers note, meet the main mission of the forum to maintain global balance and build a multipolar international system, for example, within the framework of the russian economy track, the goals of the new cycle. experts will discuss issues of ensuring sustainable development through the use of internal resources during the thematic block of technologies providing leadership, participants will consider strategic issues of the development of
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digital technologies in all spheres of the economy. also , 11 business events in the format of business dialogue with foreign partners are planned at the st. petersburg international economic forum. from abkhazia, azerbaijan, africa, venezuela, india, iran, kazakhstan, china, kyrgyzstan, aman. as well as the countries of the eurasian economic union and the association of southeast asian nations. there will also be sessions dedicated to russia's chairmanship of brix and the cis. in addition, the site will host a regional consultative forum of the business twenty. well, now some footage from the presidential press service.
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dear ilham heydarovich, dear friends, these days half a century ago the construction of the baikal-amur mainline was launched. this is one of the largest railway arteries of the world, the real road of the future, and, of course, this is for many of those who did it. implemented this project, they said then, now this can be confirmed, a symbol of the dreams and romantic aspirations of an entire generation. bam is the embodiment of the colossal work and courage of 2 million of all very young people from all over the soviet union. they carried out a unique project in every sense, which had no equal in
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world history. today we see. that bam largely determines global logistics for the entire 21st century. our country received there are enormous opportunities for the exploration and development of siberia, the far east, for the expansion of cargo transportation towards the pacific ocean; we can directly say that the turn to the east at the current stage has become possible precisely thanks to the baikal-amur mainline. i would like to congratulate. with the beginning of the construction of the bam, the participants of our meeting, and here first of all i would like to say about the veteran in the railway industry, the construction industry, the railway troops, i want to congratulate on this your family, friends, colleagues, colleagues, who, together with you shared the hardships of victory, you had everything, now i’m addressing the veterans.
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everything was there and songs around the fires and, but most importantly, hard, hard work, low bow to everyone who worked next to you on obama, for the feat of labor that you all accomplished, for the fact that in difficult times, in the nineties of the last century, you remained faithful to your life’s work, preserved your work teams, provided you with reliable work, the warmest words. i would like to say to everyone who lives and works on bama today, continues the glorious traditions of the pioneers, is engaged in the reconstruction, reconstruction, development and maintenance of this important railway line, as a sign of gratitude and appreciation for the valiant work, as you know, a decree was signed on awarding veterans and workers of the construction and railway industry with high state awards, i am sincerely
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glad. to personally congratulate the president of azerbaijan ilham gedarovich aliyev, his father, on the half-century anniversary of the beginning of the construction of bama, this is good for all the builders of bama it is known that gedar alievich played a special, huge role in the history of bam, as the first deputy chairman of the council of ministers of the ussr, gedar alievich oversaw the construction of the baikal amburg mainline and did everything possible to...
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that with the support of heydar alievich , azerbaijani designers and builders during construction bama built two villages with station complexes ulkan and angoy, and are now taking part in the reconstruction and modernization of sections of the baikal-amur mainline in the khabarovsk territory and yakutia. bama
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also corresponds to its scale and historical significance.


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