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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 8:30pm-8:56pm MSK

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knowing the gigantic responsibility for deadlines, quality, and so on and so forth, and what they need for this, in my opinion, today’s communication, i think it’s great that under the colleague of our president, that means aliyeva , it means, as it were, a responsibility that... people have gathered here to do things, people are doing things, and i want to say, but a little bit, it’s not that it ’s stuck, it’s a matter of ensuring energy supply not only to the baikal sea mainline, but to that far eastern federal district in this zone and i got acquainted with the documents that today oleg valentinovich is also working on rosatom, this is the creation of nuclear power plants.
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“is it possible to negotiate with iran at that time in 2005, and he blessed me, in fact he said to me: “go, come to an agreement, we then signed a triple agreement on the beginning, that is, a kind of protocol on the preparation of a triple agreement: iran, azerbaijan, russia. things got better, but after 2000, and i wanted to come to you separately. turn, ilham heydarovich, and return to your homeland, bow and tell your father that we love him, we honor him, this is it, this was it forty-fifth anniversary, our president went for it, yes, 45 years, yes, because the bamovites, the people, the elders, are leaving, wet and so on, i bow deeply to you, for today’s meeting, well, for
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those upcoming affairs. vladimirovich, excuse me, but i want to say, with my knowledge that already tomorrow after your speech at the federal assembly, we started work, well, when it was, now it’s right for it, when, that means, we opened the severomoisk tunnel, and i informed the entire presidential apparatus, yes, well, the time was too far away, i wanted the president opened there, there is a beautiful monument to the builders on the portal of the severomoisk tunnel, and when we opened it, excuse me, i spoke out, it stands firmly on two legs in front of the pacific ocean, bam and transip. but
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it’s not that i was mistaken in my statement, yes, but that some leg was limping, today’s decision, this will be the greatest event not only in our country, in the transport industry, how to organize the transportation process, we will open this gigantic transport artery from kuzbass to the pacific ocean, this will be an example for everyone and that world.
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experience has been accumulated in fulfilling the assigned tasks through military labor and contributing to the power of great russia. bam - this was the work of young people, well, actually now there are projects
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of a similar scale, the same are young people who mainly work and create such huge promising ones. on behalf of siberia, the irkutsk region and russian students for the opportunity to develop , we always strive for more, and on behalf of the russian student teams i would like to say thank you for your trust, because it is not easy to entrust so much to young people strategic, such an important strategic object of our country, for the third year in a row within the framework of the all-russian student work, i know that you at one time... i would really like to be a student, and if i were a student, after what i learned oh
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bama, i would love to go there, thank you. why were the judases with experience offended and will they now have enough space... and money and schools immediately in ukraine offer to send schoolchildren for combined arms training. there are already few students in the howls. so let's start with something very juicy. conflict that is unfolding these days between
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two camps of professional russophobes. namely, he was guided by quite a few apologies from the foreign agent of the singers for the material, which was quite resonant in certain circles. it's called traitors and was filmed in... claims to be a documentary film about the nineties, that is, it would seem that we are talking about an era that such a public, unlike normal people, considers almost holy, but in this case the nuances are important, because in addition indiscriminate for such content criticism of the russian state, special emphasis is placed on those same oligarchs, in betrayal, it seems that some kind of competition has matured, i welcome you, and in fact this competition has not weakened, because on the one hand there is competition for western grants, on the other hand there is competition between the special services that supervise both sides of the conflict. various special services, she calls her own traitors, it seems that spiders and agents in western financial banks have never squabbled so fiercely. the head of the extremist fbk, maria pevchikh, released the first series of a video product, which people with beautiful faces call doku do. a big redistribution of the market has begun in
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this entire extremist environment, different curators, different semi-american funds, there are even two clans, you won’t believe it, one is a british clan, the second is a washington clan. we won’t talk about the quality of the film for a long time, a typical anti-russian piece, linear with curses on the bloody, this time, the agent of the singers, apparently for a change, is talking to the nightmare regime of the kremlin, well, you can’t argue with the lamentations of the singers, but the russophobe, alfred koch, who was then
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the deputy prime minister of the government, for some reason , does not like it, helplessly and completely unreasoned, he writes about one of the mentioned singing privatization schemes, and the foreigner khodorkovsky generally demands an apology. but what’s even more interesting is that pevchikh paints with broad strokes, casts a shadow on all the old men on the agents en masse, how could they not win? an agent of influence, who calls herself a journalist, evgenia albats, says that shifting the conversation to the plane of traitors is supposedly promoting a muddy wave, despite the fact that they are all there in the same cauldron are stewing, old-school liberals who plundered the country are, in the eyes of the general audience, pro-ukrainian. the internet audience to which the singer is broadcasting, to which khodorkovsky’s teams are broadcasting, and the same
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albats, venediktovs, kochs and others, fugitive liberals, the so-called foreign agent milov, sentenced in absentia in our country to eight years in prison for fakes about the russian army, this, by the way, is not an old wave of foreign agents, even in age, it is an absolutely british clan, so it is just at war with another spider, vladimir milov. but this does not mean at all that inveterate foreign agents are ready to give up their homes to singers.
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influence agent schlosberg generally lists her as an accomplice of the kremlin. naturally. the singer says it passed all the checks and was allegedly integrated into the political system. remember, they say, how in the tenth year i headed a certain russian youth image of the most oppositional russian politician in order to single-handedly accumulate all western assistance, and in the form of grants, in the form. lost their jobs, don’t let the foreign agent
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gozman lie, he didn’t lose his job, the west is ready to pay simply for the fact that you are a russophobe, but he pays while they watch you while they listen to you, that’s what the singing agent is afraid of, losing his audience completely, and with it the money, so they with the elders, with the older media hyenas, will kill each other, anton potkovenko and.. .snake games. new military assistance to ukraine from the united states will not fundamentally change the situation on the battlefield. an official representative of the kremlin stated this today, commenting on yet another american handout to the kiev regime. as dmitry peskov emphasized, dynamitsev. and what, in fact, they promised to give to ukraine and how they will have to pay, yegor grigoriev will tell you. the final vote on the allocation of military aid to ukraine will take place in the us senate tomorrow. a support package will be allocated, there is almost no doubt, in contrast to that. an influx of weapons,
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especially much-needed artillery shells and air defense ammunition, will help slow the russian advance but not stop it, one senior ukrainian official told the financial times, speaking on condition of anonymity to speak candidly about the fighting situation. select 61 billion dollars are being collected, like ukraine, it seems not, most of the money will end up in the pockets of another recipient. these 61 billion, they are distributed according to different programs, literally some 6 or 7 billion dollars go to ukraine there, security there, for the training of instructors, military support to ukraine from the united states was carried out under two programs, for the decommissioning of weapons to the allies, usually the old one and unnecessary from warehouses, the second method is orders from us enterprises, it takes longer and is more complicated. under the write-off program ukraine was helped in failed counter-offensive, according to experts, for 5 billion dollars, while the amount
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was large, replenishing the us economy, american companies, we are no longer talking about weapons, mainly about ammunition, which they purchase for ukraine, but also ammunition not only for gaubit street apparatus and for other artillery pieces, but also for hymers, including. with a greater range, as they said, 300 kilometers, that is, the united states will help ukraine out of hundreds of thousands, but at the current pace of fighting, this is a week, american tanks. and the last delivery was bashfully not they are used, they burn well, the patriot air defense system alone costs more than half a billion dollars, you won’t be able to get away with the allocated money, but the pentagon press secretary promises that help will come quickly, that is, the dollars will be spent almost immediately. we have a very robust logistics network that allows us to move
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material very quickly, as we have done in the past, we can move within days. will probably go from the warehouses of germany and poland, through the latter by rail, they prepared in advance, not at the same time, sponsors forget to emphasize that their support is not a panacea; kiev must plug the gaps with people. zelensky signed a law lowering the mobilization age from 27 to 25, and the ukrainian parliament passed a new bill on conscription, which is aimed at replenishing depleted dwindling forces. analysts say the us aid package will win the day. ukrainians need to be mobilized for military aid to work, and this is only to strengthen the front, more weapons from the usa, more lives of ordinary ukrainians, for their death they will still be owed, billions of dollars allocated, borrowed funds, egor grigoriev,
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matvey popov, polina anishchenko, he does not regret what he promised. ukrainians quickly seized crimea and does not consider himself to be the culprit for their false hopes, to say that something just turned out a little differently, so the head of the ukrainian gur terrorist budanov, in a fresh interview with the bbc , explains his unrealistic predictions, but immediately gives another, in particular, refuses to assess the situation on the front line as catastrophic, prefers to say that the situation for ukrainian militants is difficult, but armageddon supposedly will not take place, and also promises some difficult period for the ukrainian armed forces, which will begin in mid-may, because... russian troops are taking an integrated approach, well, in general, on the one hand, the head of ukrainian military intelligence seems to be trying to reassure the population, with the other, on the contrary, provokes new fears, apparently so that there are no questions later, and of course, budanov did not miss the opportunity to use the media platform of a british corporation for the purpose of pr for his department, but also boasted about recruitment again russian traitor pilot kuzminov, you
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only had to admit that in this case gur still made a mistake, which one he will tell...
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also then they begin to call girls from the russian federation, familiar to them from the past, to tell how they now have a lot of money, how they live well in spain and so on. extremist budanov, in general, does not hint, he directly says that the liquidated traitor kuzminov talked a lot, so maybe that’s why he was no longer beneficial to the kiev regime, but budanov is careful, uses certain formulations, for example, such a quotation, it was necessary for him...
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to justify himself, it seems, for his initiative, for not coordinating his plans with his superiors in mi-6 and the cia. gur, together with the sbu, with the fifth directorate of active counter-development operations, have been carrying out work without coordinating with anyone for a long time, for example, the murder of dari dugina, and it seemed to them that at the time of the murder they had performed a brilliant operation, but apparently, british, american the special services asked them a question: what did you use to kill him? well besides after such, in quotes, the caring care of a guru, finding new traitors to russia will not be so easy, but who wants to become expendable?
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services, the version of kuzminov himself is to blame, they say he led an immodest life, it was clearly thought out in advance, it was not for nothing that the western media also circulated information that kuzminov was burning money and driving an expensive mercedes, but what about the evidence, in addition to the unfounded accusations of russia, the spanish investigator put forward certain versions, but he stated that based on the fact that this the man was killed with cartridges from a makarov pistol. so why
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were western intelligence agencies unhappy with the murder of kuzminov? this is another reason to portray russia as a bloody regime, saying that moscow killed a traitorous pilot, but the murder of kuzminov, apparently, interferes with those who today are building work with russian oppositionists, that’s why. today, the emphasis is on restarting the opposition protest in russia; their proteges, their followers are today in the baltic states in georgia, including in europe, all sorts of volkovs, shevedinovs and other extremists, today they are terribly afraid to go out into the streets, they understand that they can be killed, but not by the russian special services, but by the ukrainian ones, so that they can then ultimately blame russia and implement another strategy of pressure on moscow, so ... the proactive extremist budanov has to make florid excuses to western intelligence services, because the gur’s mistake, due to which the plans of the mi-6 and the cia could have been disrupted, may well
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cost the terrorist budanov his position, and then what about the trench in the ssu? evgenia petrukhina, and miscalculations of ukrainian terrorists. well, in turn, our military regularly uses modern high-quality drones in order to inflict painful attacks on ukrainian armed forces targets, for example, an entire enemy one was destroyed in the kharkov region. the area where ammunition and equipment warehouses were located, and the coordinates were detected using orlan drones, which, due to their flight range , can be launched from russian territory. details in the report by igor pyakhanov. the combat crew of an unmanned aerial reconnaissance aircraft is preparing for departure. orland 30 is one of the advanced russian uavs. it is not afraid of enemy anti-drone stations, is capable of reconnaissance at a distance of up to 100 km, and reaches a speed of almost 200 km/h. rising. height up to 5 km, near kharkov, scouts discovered enemy positions. our task is to highlight the target with a minimum number of shells to hit the target. as soon as the thirty, roughly
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speaking, went into action, it became very difficult for the enemy to move around positions, because as soon as he leaves, even let’s say for training, he will work there for about 10 minutes, we are behind we’ll work on it for 10 minutes, let’s say it didn’t hit somewhere, it worked, but we hit against it the first time. orlan 30 maintains a combat watch for more than 5 hours, already at dusk the scouts discovered the enemy’s positions, the targets were transferred by the artilleryman, the crew of the mstas self-propelled gun moves to the firing line, the drone aims the gun at the target, the sau fires high-precision ammunition called krasnopol. russian artillerymen destroyed enemy dugouts; in the fortified area there were warehouses with weapons and equipment, drone operators detonation was detected. ammunition, despite its large dimensions, the self-propelled artillery unit can easily move even in the forest, its weight is 40 tons, the maximum speed is up to 60 km/h, so it can
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quickly arrive at any given point. ukrainian militants tried to dig in near the state border, the fighters of the cover group are working on targets both near and far (152-mm shells from the mstas self-propelled artillery mount destroy both manpower and fortified ones). positions in the ssu, firing range up to almost 30 km. in our work, we mainly use high-explosive fragmentation, everything explodes and scatters splinters. the enemy is afraid of us because we work quickly and it is very difficult to find us. yeah, that is, we arrived, shot and left. the fire is carried out with high-explosive fragmentation and guided projectiles. the artillery unit effectively fights both the military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine, fortified positions and manpower of the enemy, thanks to its well-coordinated approach. although the enemy retreated from the russian military, another attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to strike at front-line settlements was thwarted points. western weapons are regularly destroyed by foreign
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mercenaries near kharkov. yes, the equipment is destroyed in the same way, that’s it, there’s nothing supernatural in it, the most important thing is to identify it; the machine will cope with the task, i didn’t see anything new, they worked the same way as before, each crew of self-propelled guns has a lot of combat experience behind them, for courage and professionalism, the unit’s fighters have state and departmental awards, igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region.
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