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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 9:30pm-9:46pm MSK

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i argue that america’s main condition for allocating these 60 billion was the first, the adoption of this cannibalistic law, the second wasted childhood. pairs of grant and grand picant at an attractive price, just to taste. and that's it, well, debts
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on credit cards carry kapowitz interest, you need a holwa, take out credit cards, transfer the debts to someone in altai, the new baltika 7 is non-alcoholic, feel the perfection of taste, water where you need it, unipump - pumping equipment. i consider one of the most significant and responsible, hundreds of languages cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, catch a pyro of firebirds?
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for the sake of a child in trouble, his name is mikhail. he is a former military man, but does not consider his act heroic. the girl herself could not explain how she ended up on the ledge and where her parents were at that moment. a child riding a scooter was hit by a minibus right at a pedestrian crossing under a minibus. who is to blame for the accident and how to protect yourself on the road? siren's plan in krachevo, circassia , they are looking to kill the police, the criminals are armed. we'll tell you all the details.
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many entrepreneurs have already received money from the fund for quite a few businesses. now it’s your turn, alfabank will distribute 100 million rubles to entrepreneurs across the country. the best stories will get the money. tell us about your business on magnet. spaghetti maltalati 69.99. the legal program will be broadcast live by the duty department. we are continuing production. three people died as a result of a terrible fire in voronezh. the flames raged over an area of ​​3.00 km. the fire occurred on the territory of an electromechanical plant. firefighters risked their lives to carry them out burning workshop oxygen and propane cylinder to avoid explosions. black smoke in the footage, which was filmed by eyewitnesses, obscured the sky. what exactly caused the fire remains to be determined from the city. actually, we are now in a house that has been flooded. the water is gradually draining away, but the smell of dampness can still be felt here.
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here is the boiler room, this is the owner, hello, tell me, there is severe damage, well , we don’t know yet, the gas workers have turned us off, there will be these... wallpaper is peeling off in the rooms, there is fungus on the ceiling, the basement is still in water, in orenburg region, dark spots have appeared, and of course, repairs need to be done. damage assessment commissions are inspecting destroyed apartments and houses. specialists are attentive to details. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, is working in the city again. he monitored the progress of restoration work and personally communicated with residents whose houses were damaged. change the meters. they are changing, maybe heat guns for you, what do you think, well, it would be good, of course, we ’ll talk now, go up to the houses, people couldn’t have evicted everyone here, about 2. even a little more, that is, you can already let in the residents
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was defended by a group from ufa, which they told the minister in detail, thanking the employees of the ministry of emergency situations for their help, let them finish what they actually did. the main priority in it remains helping the affected population, all decisions that were made during the meeting will be reflected in the final protocol, work more often in the territories, this is important, very important, and for the population you will still need to be familiar with this, why , because all this is under the special control of the president of the russian federation, everything is already. freed up in the region on the left bank of the kurgan , work continues to strengthen the dam, two stations have been deployed for comprehensive water treatment, and rescuers are clearing congestion in the river with the help of heavy equipment and watercraft.
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disinfection is being carried out in the areas affected by the flood; it is necessary to avoid the spread of infectious diseases; mass vaccination of the population has been organized, about 90,000 people in the orenburg region. crime. along the way, the accomplices changed vehicles and managed to drive 900 km from moscow. they were detained on the territory of rostov areas. shahin abbasov 's brother, uncle, father and friend are involved in the case. the investigation considers all five to be accomplices of the alleged criminal. the capital's prosecutor's office took control of the investigation into an accident on pokrovskaya street in the capital, as a result of which a nine-year-old girl was hospitalized. at a pedestrian crossing , she was hit by a minibus when a schoolgirl was crossing the road. i didn’t notice, i didn’t have time. bus driver. got into a blind spot, the company, for its part, is ready to provide the victim and her family with the necessary assistance, a child with they were taken to the hospital with injuries of varying severity; law enforcement agencies are investigating the circumstances of the incident. on pokrovskaya street, a minibus driver of a commercial carrier hit a girl
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who was crossing the road on a scooter. the prosecutor's office controls the establishment of all circumstances and traffic movements. the injured schoolgirl was alone without adults on the pedestrian. crossing, rode a scooter without dismounting from it, the violation is one of the most common and, as a rule, people suffer children. a week ago, on mil aircraft designer street, at an unregulated pedestrian crossing , a taxi driver hit a twelve-year-old boy. on nizhegorodskaya, the driver of a car did not have time to brake when a ten-year-old child rode a scooter onto the roadway. the boy miraculously survived. where there are no traffic police inspectors, the law is not written for violators. according to statistics, most of the victims in road accidents involved. sim are children and young people under 24 years of age. oksana maksimova, yaroslav aulov, iada adamova, lead: duty unit. kracha in circassian security forces are looking for armed killers who dealt with police officers. two guards were killed, another was seriously injured. the criminals opened fire
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on the police car. at that moment they were patrolling the territory in two lada cars, they were armed. the attack on police officers occurred in karachaevski near the local lower market on monday night. there are few official details yet. according to some media reports, at the time of the attack, employees of the ministry of internal affairs were in an official uaz. all it happened so quickly that the security forces did not even have time to unfasten the seat belts in the car. according to other information, police were patrolling the area in the garage complex. and at that moment they opened fire on them. deputy platoon commander and got dressed. the investigative department for the city of karachaevsk of the regional investigative department has opened a criminal case into an attack by police officers. the necessary investigations are being carried out in the criminal case. procedural actions, as well as operational-search activities, aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the crime committed. footage of investigative actions at the scene , a service car riddled with bullets, a door broken, a hole in the windshield around shrapnel. forensic experts seized the shell casings and took fingerprints. pleasant
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raiders, ruslan elkanov, colleagues of the deceased employees characterize them as honest and decent. while fulfilling our official duty, we lost our comrades, colleagues, and employees. department of odossia karachaevsky, which were cheerful, faithful to their duty, sympathetic and kind employees who still have families. children, our entire department suffered injuries, the team worked well, the necessary measures were immediately taken, he is hemodynamically stable, by agreement with the republican hospital, the patient is taken away in an hour, and a number of local publications, citing their sources in law enforcement agencies, report that one of alleged attackers ruslan semyonov was previously included in the register of extremists, convicted of possession of weapons, inclusion in illegal armed formation. according to some reports, for encroaching on the lives of law enforcement officers, the raiders face life imprisonment
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. olga zhurenkova, denis navozhilov, fatima daurova, oleg molkhozhev, dmitry manyshev. news: duty department. the pranks of the gangs leading to increasingly sad consequences. in pensions, doctors are fighting for the life of a young hooligan; a criminal case has been opened for attempted murder. and the main suspect himself is not much older than his victim, that's just he will answer like an adult, he is 18. moreover , the quarrel was only when he met a student. there was also a knife in his pocket; he wounded one of the offenders and ran away. the suspect was quickly detained by police officers and handed over to an investigator for investigative actions. the issue of bringing charges against him and choosing a punishment measure is currently being decided. investigators will have to.
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should have taken care of a disabled person, and not lived on his accumulation in the stavropol territory , popular front activist and police vitaly korpuschenko, a patient of a psychoneurological boarding school for life within the walls. honestly paid from her pension and savings, only now the man has no savings, they were appropriated by who was supposed to take care of him, the man says, like other patients, he signed a power of attorney so that the social worker could do all the shopping for them, after that, the cards were instantly empty, it turns out i still owe the boarding school, since i didn’t pay with this money, but no one detained the co-worker, after which kolchanova allegedly went to the bank she also withdrew other people's money, not even from...
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his own king in the irkutsk region, a local businessman shot in cold blood, perhaps the most famous dog. in the hands of antonina radionova, all that was left of her pet, whom she affectionately called yosya, was shot by a neighbor in cold blood, despite the scammers' home address and phone numbers of the owners. wild temple, i ran to put on my pants, i ran here, that is, i ran to this place, he came out from around
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the corner, i asked him: have you seen a black and white dog, and he is so calmly says: no, but i didn’t have time to save you, you saw it yourself, it’s always open here, and just in a residential area a guy is shooting from a rifled gun, how’s that? antonina immediately called the police, but by the time they arrived, the neighbor seemed to have disappeared, then... users of social networks took up their own investigation, began publishing photographs of the man who allegedly dealt with the dog, this is a local businessman, viktor fedotov, he himself already has an article from 2013, code russian federation on administrative offenses, for this violation a fine of in the amount of 40 to 50 thousand rubles. seizure of weapons and ammunition. hello, viktor viktorovich, is that you? who? i don't know where you are, i'm a worker. as soon as our film crew appeared in the village, fedotovo disappeared again.
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it was also not possible to reach him by phone. instead of an entrepreneur, the reputation of the businessman himself is so tarnished here that... people are ready.


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