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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 10:00pm-10:29pm MSK

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for this violation there is a fine of 40 to 50 thousand rubles, confiscation of weapons, as well as ammunition for them, hello, and viktor viktorovich, is that you? who? i don't know where you are, i'm a worker. as soon as our film crew appeared in the village, fedotov disappeared again. it was also not possible to reach him by phone; instead of the entrepreneur at the meeting, the reputation of the businessman himself here is so tarnished that people are ready to talk about him only on conditions. anonymity, you see, we are afraid of this person to such an extent that we are afraid give some kind of interview in it, don’t forget, these are my lands, these are my roads, that is, this is my everything here, he behaves here like a king, i do whatever i want, according to the residents of the village, he can easily block the road for those who are undesirable or turn off the electricity in the middle of winter, if a person does not agree, so he drove to the hostel to a new passion that he skidded on turns, the bashkir law enforcement officers caught the match in a bmw, which cost cleverly. worked as a steering wheel, which
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alarmed all her classmates, when tarapyga took out his machine gun, everything we were completely stunned, then didn’t drive up in our car, we also decided to take a photo with two cars, then more people came out of the hostel, then more, more people shouted at me from the windows, wait, i want to take a photo, we’re watching the launches on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on honest detective, our episode is over, maxim movchan was in the studio, see you on the russia tv channel. four. he spent money and invited girls from russia to his place. budanov named the mistakes of the traitor pilot kuzmyanov, who was liquidated in spain. and to whom is the head of ukrainian intelligence making excuses? a shameful return
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of an american to his homeland. the broken patriot complex was delivered from ukraine to the usa. why didn’t they start fixing it in europe and how does europe itself refuse to cover up the kiev regime? the rope of conflict that these days is unwinding between two camps of professional russophobes, namely the leadership of the extremist fbk and, so to speak, veterans of similar activities from among the old fugitive oligarchy, well, like an agent. mikhail khodorkovsky, in fact, it was mbh who was one of the first to demand a little bit of an apology from the foreign agent pevchikh for a material that was quite resonant in certain circles, it’s called traitors and was filmed with the pretense of being a documentary film, so there is essentially an internecine war in the camp of those who seem to feed from the same trough and spilled like-minded people, but equally fantasizing about the collapse of russia, hence the question, what is the reason for their discord, and anton podkoven was looking for answers. “she
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calls her own people traitors.” so fierce, spiders and agents in western financial banks, it seems, have never squabbled, the head of the extremist fbk, the second washington clan, so they are trying to find out, divide the market, settle scores, naturally, such custom films appear, as made by foreign agent maria pevchikh, of course, she is trying to get even with scoundrels like her, but of an older wave. we know very well that there are categories of people who suffered in the nineties, then went abroad and live there on this dirty money, they were such a pillar of the liberal opposition, then it prevented people with beautiful faces to build a beautiful russia of the future, the main judases are fugitive oligarchs, now officials who feasted in the nineties, an exceptional case when you can’t argue with the singers, but the russophobe, alfred koch, who was then the deputy prime minister of the government, why- then i don’t like it, helplessly and absolutely...
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they have different sources of funding, some of the judas composition was made by our generation for results, the results are obvious, absolute defeat, absolute collapse, but this does not mean at all... that they are inveterate foreign agents are ready to give up their homes to the singers. agent of influence schlosberg generally lists her as an accomplice of the kremlin. naturally. the singer says it passed all the checks and was allegedly integrated into the political system. remember, they say, how in the tenth year i headed a certain russian youth delegation in vancouver. it 's difficult to even comment on this. we see counter attacks against pevchikh from those whom she attacked. yes, pevchikh is trying to stake out his image.
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the fighters of the russian group of troops-center again improved the tactical situation in the front line in the ovdeevsky section of the special operation repelled nine enemy counterattacks, as a result of which more than 360 fsu militants were destroyed, as well as a lot of equipment, including the german -made marver infantry fighting vehicle. but in the meantime, on the donetsk front, where the southern group
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of armed forces operates, the settlement of novomikhailovka has been completely liberated, eduard punigov will tell you what this means for the situation in the zone. center of the village of novomikhailovka, south of the donetsk people's republic. after 2 to months of fierce battles for our military managed to completely take control of the populated area on the roof of the tallest building, now the russian tricolor of russia 155th marine brigade, come on, let's get the hero during the assault , the 155th marine brigade of the pacific fleet worked on the front line, here are the shots of the decisive battle , we got a bumblebee. there are only a few meters to the enemy positions, there are shell craters everywhere, and there is gunfire in the trenches. guys, work in pairs, for the defense of novomikhailovka, ukrainian militants carefully prepared,
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the village was essentially turned into a large a fortified point, the ukrainian armed forces soldiers were well versed in the terrain, actively used passages between buildings, the settlement was completely dug up into houses and was engineer-prepared. dugouts were excavated and several loopholes were brought out, that is , it was made like an anthill, due to which we managed to bypass, but still turn the situation around, somewhere for now, well, probably due to our arrogance, firstly, secondly, for due to our pressure, and we adjusted to the enemy, our attack aircraft were subjected to heavy fire, cannon artillery, tanks, kamikaze drones, snipers, marines had to gnaw out meter by meter, the artillery of the eastern group helped break through powerful defensive structures and suppress firing points. in the end they simply abandoned their positions, that is, they tried somehow at night, well, we caught them anyway, you can’t run away from us, they have motivation, as i say, as spitmen say, but
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they have no motivation, that is, they are driven there, that’s it, they can’t go back , it’s as if all they can do is move forward, people who understand what’s better give up give up. all actions of attack aircraft were corrected by aerial reconnaissance, plus fpv drones were actively used, which carried out targeted strikes on trenches and dugouts. during the assault on novomikhai, our soldiers took many trophies, the famous javelins, grenade launchers, machine guns, all kinds of ammunition, but all this western weapons turned out to be useless, the enemy could not hold mikhailovka, now all these samples will be handed over to military specialists for further study, this is the so-called brownin machine gun circle.
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something turned out a little differently, so the head ukrainian gur terrorist budanov, in a fresh interview with the bbc, explains his unrealistic forecasts, but immediately gives another one, in particular, he refuses to assess the situation on the front line as catastrophic, prefers to say that the situation for ukrainian militants is difficult, but armageddon supposedly will not take place, and also promises some difficult period for the armed forces of ukraine, which will begin in mid-may, since russian troops are taking an integrated approach, well, in general, on the one hand, the head of the ukrainian...
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and therefore the reason is most likely simple: either he decided to warn potential
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traitors from making such mistakes, or he decided to justify himself, justify himself, it seems, for his initiative, for not coordinating his plans with the higher authorities in the ministry and the cia. gurk has long been together with the sbu, with the fifth directorate of active counter operations, work without coordinating with anyone, well, for example, the murder of dari dugina, and how they... by accident, and they say it was with you, but a traitor, another judas, who takes the money and commits betrayal of his homeland
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and his comrades, this will not happen. and in general, judging by these words of budanov, it was almost kuzminov’s ex-girlfriend, so to speak, who leaked it to the special services. the version of kuzminov himself is to blame, they say he led an immodest life, it was clearly thought out in advance. it’s not for nothing that the western media also circulated information that kuzminov was burning money and driving an expensive mercedes. the spanish investigator put forward certain versions, but he stated that based on the fact that this person would
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today rely on restarting the opposition protest in russia, their proteges, their followers are today in the baltic states, in georgia, including in europe, all sorts of volkovs, shevedinovs and other extremis, today they are terribly afraid to go out into the streets, they understand that they can be killed, but not by the russian special services, but by the ukrainian ones, in order to then end up blaming russia and implementing another strategy of putting pressure on moscow, this is what the proactive extremist budanov has to do. according to plans today , washington can resume military supplies to the kiev regime by the beginning of may. these were shared in the us senate. we are talking about including long-range artillery and
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atak ms missiles. amid the ukrainian jubilation over congressional support for the ukrainian aid bill, isolated voices are heard. tomorrow the senate will uphold the house's decision . however, there are a few rebels in the upper house of congress, like jaydee vance of zagayo, who recently published a devastating column for kiev called the calculations on ukraine do not add up, or his colleague from utah, mike lee. $95 billion bill won't necessarily pass
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in the senate, only 41 votes are needed to block it. there are 49 republicans in the senate, more than enough.
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after the bill is signed by biden , the white house will be required to present a plan for a general strategy for kiev, but nothing seems to have been born in washington other than fighting to the last ukrainian, that is, no one really believes in zelensky anymore, and, as he explains financial times, even in kiev itself. an influx of weapons, especially much-needed artillery shells and air defense ammunition, will help slow down russia's advance, but will not stop. him , one senior ukrainian official told the financial times on condition of anonymity. ukrainians have no illusions that american assistance will help the country survive until...trump, in order to prevent his return to the white house, they launched a leapfrog of criminal cases against the republican. i want to say that
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these are all lawsuits organized by biden, this is election interference. with these words, the second week of the trial in the case of secret payments began for trump. porn actress stormy daniels. there are 12 jurors in court today in manhattan. in 2015 he agreed to become his eyes and ears. the publisher's job was to keep track of all potential negativity. pecker made an agreement with michael coinan to buy any
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negative stories and never publish them. according to the indictment, in december 1616, cohen asked pecker to pressure trump to return money to him for buying a story about storm daniels. trump didn't want to do this. now, bloomberg writes, money trump himself is running out of money; in march alone he spent about $5 million on the courts; the accounts that the former us president uses to finance lawyers have less than $7 million left. the party treasury that collected trump’s legal expenses, a committee called save america , is also empty , since january of this year, has spent about 60 million dollars, with about four left at the bottom.
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another valuable one will appear. transport worker antonov, well, that is, it’s immediately clear where it was delivered from, why, obviously repairs were required, what conclusions arise here, we’ll figure it out with the help of boris ivanina. the shameful return to their homeland, the patri complex broken up in ukraine , was initially hidden from the united states. here are the shots from the harrisburg airport - this is the state of pennsylvania, they were filmed on april 5, and were published only now. a battered and in some places burnt
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semi-trailer from... and this is not the entire anti-aircraft missile system, but apparently only that...


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