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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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negotiations between vladimir putin and ilham aliyev took place. the visit of the azerbaijani leader took place on the eve of the fiftieth anniversary of the baikal-amur mainline, the construction of which during the soviet union took place under the supervision of heydar aliyev. decades later, relations between the russian and azerbaijani peoples remain extremely friendly. the heads of state noted the positive dynamics of bilateral cooperation; the president of azerbaijan also emphasized russia’s unique role in security in the south caucasus. today there will be a meeting with bama veterans, let's talk, there is something to talk about, but now we, you probably know about this, we are developing the so-called eastern training ground, and bams, transip, everything connected with this, so all this matters to us, and very great importance today, and i think that i don’t think so, i am sure that all the efforts,
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labors, years of work that your father invested in the implementation of this huge project, they still play a significant role today, and not only for russia, but also for the entire community, an independent state, i have in i see that in one way or another many of our partners use this transport artery. of course, we will have the opportunity to talk about bilateral relations, which are at a high level, developing, our trade turnover is growing, it has already reached more than 4 billion dollars, 6 billion, if we talk in dollar equivalent, russian investments are in the economy of azerbaijan, there is an active intergovernmental commission , and many interesting areas of cooperation in the real sector of the economy in...
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russia and ukraine. the madness of the poles and among the balts it turned out to be contagious. secretary general stoltenberg calls for preparations for a protracted conflict and promises that a new aid package from the united states will help ukraine hold the front line and carry out deep strikes on russian military targets. the european public is accelerated. they are rapidly preparing to send troops
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to ukraine, they are trying to convince them that this step will stop russia and force it to back down. we have to deliver. air defense and ammunition to strengthen the ukrainian air defense system. orban speaks very precisely, and what’s interesting is that he reminds me a well-known classic work of antiquity, when some people also broadcast and broadcast,
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they did not listen to him, three nevertheless fell. today in brussels the majority are the war parties. there is a war mood in europe. and politics is governed by the logic of war. everyone on all sides is preparing for war. the nato secretary general wants to create a nato-ukraine mission. europe's leaders are already involved in the war. i talk to them. i can hear them. they perceive the war as their own. calls it his own war. this is a military whirlwind that can drag europe into the abyss. brussels is playing with fire, he is tempting god himself. we
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remember this well. they have personal experience, we have learned this well. world wars were never called world wars in the beginning. "we, in my opinion, seriously underestimate the west, for some reason we are used to reading it as weak, and so, you know, hypocurean and that they will not agree to anything, they will go, this now does not raise the slightest doubt, they will go, america is already going into hysterics, very accurately forenes, the favorite magazine of our americanists, is already says it's very important. send europeans there to fight, the averton window is already opening when they say that this will all be very simple, we need to start with military missions, which, as they believe, will not provoke the russians, they will not kill russian pilots, they will shoot down russian shells, then we need missions that will not only train, but will allow
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for liberation, let’s get away from the border there, that is, it doesn’t matter what they all say, it’s clear that it will destroy any foreigner who finds himself on the territory ukraine, anyone, each of them will become a target, we...
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it wouldn’t hurt to get it out and review it again, that’s what, but as a practitioner of the political process, he was of course very precise, very cruel, for sure someone, and he was before ... he clearly understood the logic of imperialism, for him there were no illusions about who was opposing, we had these illusions, we need to get rid of them, we need to get rid of them, because we need to understand that a clash with the west is inevitable, a special military operation , de facto after istanbul, escalated into war, first with proxinate, now it may turn into a direct clash with...
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they declare and legitimize the presence , they say that the nato mission is already of the americans, they have increased their personnel, i think that we need, i will repeat again, we do not need to wait, let me remind you. that today is passover, this is a major jewish holiday, by the way, which plays a significant role in christianity, because this is precisely the exodus for freedom, and so in the part that relates to the old testament, there is such, let’s say, wisdom that sounds so if anyone wants to come kill you, rise up, kill first. if we clearly understand what these people have prepared for us,
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i, for example, am not going to wait, i don’t think that the lives of the citizens of belgorod, kursk, rostov, moscow, st. petersburg, and beyond can be reached in a circle to any city, village residents, our military personnel. so insignificant that we have to sit and say, no, what are you talking about, well, they will never strike, this is when in the history of our country it happened that the west never struck, in all the centuries of our neighborhood with them, at least once it happened that v our worst forecasts were not justified, but there was no such case, we are dealing with a vile, satanic, absolutely convinced one. don’t deceive me, don’t look for my compassion for them,
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the destruction of everyone by the west, which is always my compassion for my people, don’t look for excuses and phrases in me: no, well, let’s wait until they launch a nuclear strike on our cities, they are planning this, after however, at the expense of the ukrainians, they will try... to cause a crack in our nuclear network, i don’t have the slightest doubt about it, don’t bother them wait for the manifestation of what they don’t have, they have neither common sense nor humanity, there is only absolutely deep-seated animal hatred of us and our country, this must be taken into account, vitalitovich, well, that’s a lot, thank you, and obama’s anniversary... i’m of course i could go into the memories of when i first visited bama
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in those distant years, for the first time in siberia, minusinsk, krasnoyarsk, it was winter, the frosts were appropriate, but i ’ll leave that for the next volume of my memoirs, and i’ll turn to the present, usually we will continue to argue. that's what i what i will say now will only partially coincide with what you were talking about, but in its objective part, regarding lenin, naturally, i cannot help but mention lenin, today is april 22, for many reasons, the main one of which, it coincided that the anniversary of kant’s birth coincides... the year, i mean, with the centenary of the death of vladimir lenin, if kant is certainly one
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of those thinkers who made a decisive contribution to the philosophy that developed after him, then lenin, ours, kant, of course, is not ours, of course, he is a german philosopher, of course, then lenin is, of course, a political thinker and activist who made a decisive contribution to...
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that many denied that boundaries in history are constantly changing, but a person does not participate either in wars or in political activities, directly, everything lives and lives , suddenly one thing, then another, then a third, then a fourth, it was...
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is gradually being realized, and if someone thinks that russia is doing badly by returning its former lands, novorossiya, in particular and first of all, then then why don’t you have any complaints against romania, i don’t i’m talking about germany there, we just passed through, why don’t you have any complaints about romania? who is purposefully moving towards this, by the way, according to the ukrainian model, through all kinds of surveys, gradually, gradually, as if changing the insistence of the population, at least in the form of surveys, in favor of joining the united nations, joining nato, joining romania, and also the ukrainians , the ukrainian authorities, more precisely, conducted
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surveys one after another, a corresponding propaganda campaign, as they say now, pr campaign, so... it will say, on the following questions, the number of people willing to join nato or the european union increased, in reality it was unrealistic, it didn’t matter, but it led to the fact that one day it would happen. another thing is that this is also your speech, by the way about kant, who dreamed of eternal peace, uh, i’m not a supporter of that, uh, i mean, i’m not that much of a fatalist. to believe that a third world war, not a quasi, not a hybrid, a real third world war, will certainly break out, i believe that it can be avoided and should be avoided, but we cannot, in my opinion, not see that it is unconditional, i don’t remember how it is the game is called, in short, head-on
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the collective west and russia are moving towards each other. there are all sorts of nuances, there are countries that are maneuvering, trying, trying to fall away from there, from here, most countries are watching, but this movement is happening, it’s really not straight along such a winding road, that is, at some point someone can make fun , take away, but still this road is different and sooner or later, someone should be on it, someone should be on it to finally fly into the ditch, the west doesn’t want to go into the ditch, i hope we don’t want it either, although there are doubts about some representatives of our so-called elite, but such a movement is happening, it really needs to be taken seriously, then i suggest just remembering the past, but yesterday i also remembered you, is any policy moral, what is it about today they said,
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i’ll give you such an episode, which means i laughed.
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perhaps earlier, this does not mean that i am in favor of a first nuclear strike, this is a separate topic, specific there, but for me it is indisputable that there can be no compromises or hesitations here stupid pacifism, especially since i personally have not seen a single pacifist, at least among those who proclaim themselves, that’s who i know for...
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enough, i’ve already lived, i have enough experience, journalistic and even political, i i was surprised when i found out that
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a congress of the moldovan opposition was being held in moscow, i just couldn’t believe my ears, like modern russia, it shies away from any opposition in any post-soviet country, it just speaks only to the official authorities, which means something has changed.
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political actual military theater military actions, but with europe as before, we, in my opinion, are working little, in the sense of the collapse of europe, here again is lenin, lenin is the united states of europe, as he said, this slogan is reactionary, and the european union is the united states, this slogan is reactionary, if capital, that is, modern ones, is at the head of this process.
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i think that we will see in the coming months, we will see in the coming months, extremely important processes, the main thing is that they do not frighten anyone even more in our elite stratum political, who would start to turn back, run to the side, or god forbid harm his own country, in those conditions when we only need to win, because if we don’t
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win, we will lose. and we will disappear, we just need to realize, i agree with you, we need to realize that for the west this war is just as existential as it is for us, we underestimated this at the beginning, and we don’t need to calculate the weakness of the west, we don’t need to think about what to do with them weaknesses, of course, but we need to work on weakening it, but there’s no need to expect that the weakest, the seventh is now falling apart, of course not, of course not, the west was experiencing the most.
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the united states, regarding how they see the next stage in the development of international relations for a future longer than the next few months, which seem to be striking, the $61 billion actually allocated there is probably enough from washington’s point of view to hold out until... november twenty-four before the elections so that the elections take place somehow relatively calmly, further as the card will fall, but in reality - this document, peace through force, it concerns not only russia, it also concerns china, and iran and palestine are named there, even the mexican cartels, that is, in essence, the united the states sent a signal to their allies, well , in a sense, to their opponents,
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as to how exactly they see... i’ve been crying for months that there aren’t enough shells and not enough money, but here there seems to be such a powerful signal , well, in any case, he looks powerful, and for this purpose, of course, he has i got the impression that the western countries, our opponents, what is called pressing all the keys, all the buttons in order to, as it were, excite , create some kind of appearance of active support
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or... even from this document that the united the states are giving to europe.


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