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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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sent a signal to their allies, well, in a sense, to their opponents, regarding exactly how they see their immediate strategy, in this sense, we are, of course, interested in what signal they sent here, to our part of the planet, in eurasia in europe, there is an impression that we are now in the center or close to the center of such an information storm, but because of matters related to this strategy of the united states. the fact is that there was no good news for our opponents for quite a long time; we heard people crying for months that there were no shells enough, and not enough money, but here there seems to be such a powerful signal, well, it looks powerful in any case, and for this purpose, of course, i got the impression that the western countries, our opponents, are what they call all the keys pressing all the buttons in order to somehow excite...
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it’s not going anywhere, then the own situation arises regarding how europeans will react to their unenviable fate, you know, viktor tsov has this song anthill, which i think very reminiscent of modern european unions, there are words there that i don’t know what percentage of crazy people are at this hour, but if you believe your ears and eyes, then it’s several times more, there’s a feeling that in the crazy people in europe, who are discussing now... probably or forms of participation in the war
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in ukraine, around ukraine, indeed several times more than we even thought about how many there actually are, these are all these plans for cautious participation, somewhere along the border , somewhere that is odessa are not going to fight off the advancing russian army, in principle, if, if i understand correctly, the discussion is that eastern ukraine, the europeans are apparently ready...
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escalate the conflict look rather banal, but in their simplicity they are dangerous. firstly, this is an attack on the crimean bridge.
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we see how many years dmitry has been talking about this, well, it’s true, every time we said, oh well, stop, you don’t understand, money, remember this ukrainian political scientist came to us, who said, money, money, determines everything , so ohremeinko was so big, money, no, not money, don’t underestimate the ideologization of the west, well, it’s not money at all. we would
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also like to shake off the psychology of the central bank in this regard, and in general there is a lot of things that need to be done, and most importantly, we need to start . the conversation between biden and zelensky took place now . the conversation was simple. zelensky spoke to his grandfather. yes, most likely they were already brought in much earlier than the house of representatives adopted anything there. but - i would say this, here is
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the reasoning, we always say, what is the west? what is the west? not in the west such a concept where a decision is made by a team, or what? the west is the united states, in fact. that's how they strategize , as i see it now. according to all these publications, including in this famous magazine, which some. they call it a communist, in the nineties the democrats called it a diplomat reference book, i mean a head start on the fs, and god forgive me, their impact factor there is 0.6%, well, not in decent words, please explain to us ordinary soviet engineers - fact, here it is for me i also really wanted to understand this, because in some mathematical journals, it is 8, 10, 10, this one is 0.6. so when before, before , normal people wrote in this magazine, in general, at one time, there
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really was, this is a magazine that is published under the auspices of the council on foreign relations, and this is a serious organization, here is what is called the deep state , i don't remember any secretary of state, i remember one kissenger who sent them, he was invited to give a lecture there, he was this a member, he said, i won’t go, and what they did with this administration, a country or a coalition of countries, this does not mean, under the national or european banner , that nato is present there. then the next thing is that there are troops there, and they are already defining the battlefield, there is right-bank ukraine, we will defend, odessa we will defend, if the russian
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troops approach and start shooting at us, we will respond. in ukraine, please, fight. but there could also be finnish soldiers, an estonian platoon, well, everything else, so can we in this case, we should hit these states, no, we can’t do this, because this is nato territory, you’re fighting with them with european states in ukraine, you can’t hit nato territory, but what i’m going to say now, otherwise, but then nato will invoke article 5, the americans say, we will consult. yeah, we’ll consult, that’s what it says in the fifth article, that’s what it says in the fifth, we’ll consult, that is, another step back, the europeans are at war, we’re consulting, but there’s a sign of silence, that’s when they say, yes, that’s who makes the decision, but the one who has the weapons, the united states has nuclear weapons, we are a power that, i can’t say now that oh, listen, well,
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they have nuclear weapons, their ridiculous one spoke about this, a very important point, if french troops enter there, the important point is not how we will beat them there, the important point is how we will explain this to comrade si, why what will be against, no, it is very important to explain to our allies in the global south why we use it not in the west specifically, on those who are now our friends, partners who are not part of this western bloc, explain, remember the plan?
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a very interesting idea, because the solution with taiwan, well, there are three scenarios, but the first is that the chinese are knocking taiwan to the ground, to the mainland, to the rock, who believes in this, well, 99.99, that the chinese will not do this will be that in this case the united states does not react in any way, here are two other scenarios, they are quite logical, the americans are now practically stopping them,
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the first scenario is that the chinese they will carry out an amphibious operation, this...
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and therefore, therefore, the move is simple, here north korea, finally, in the game of tic-tac-toe , brinkmanship will not fail, as if this is the strategy that the united states is pursuing. the main centers
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will be located in the philippines, they reach the chinese, including, by the way, the launch sites, so from the point of view of the united states, china will do what the soviet union did in its time, how is that? if, suppose, yes, french missiles are planned to be sent to ukraine, so that strike on our territory, on
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the territory of ukraine, these french missiles are a legal target, of course, at the time of transportation to third parties, if they are under the national flag, we can consider it that way, yes, but if they are under what flag, well, that’s shipping there it goes, for example, israel has at least one sanction taken against israel for the fact that they...
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this is generally, yes, this is generally the first time that there will be some kind of sanctions against israel, don’t translate the topic, the topic is simple, it hasn’t happened even once sanctions imposed for attacks on transport with weapons on the territory of third countries, so of course, a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation, the interest-free period of 120.00 starts every month, and the service notifications are free forever, which is why the credit sbercard is the best in the country, apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you
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stand, who are they, newbies, this is with me passenger, reporter, director, i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, chechen i’m an artist, white rose can, i can, you’ll sing somehow, she’s alive, we don't need names, it's not hers, it's not yours, well, you, chamomile, god's light, no, no, what to do, commander, what to do, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger i suggest changing to call sign rebina, no, this my brother's call sign, you remain a passenger, that's for sure.
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