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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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we are talking about what we are obliged to destroy, here comes transport from america with bradleys, with abrams, why don’t we drown them, comes, for example, from germany, there is a marder or that they are going to supply combat vehicles there, why don’t we we are destroying, transport is coming from england, why don’t you destroy, the west decides,
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there was a battle going on, maybe it’s still there, it’s possible, the question has been raised for a long time about transitions, now they have moved there to their territory, we can, based on this, hammer there, now they are discussing, now they are discussing the question if they will set up a system on their border with poland; we can strike poland based on this, i think it’s unlikely, well, we won’t agree to this, we won’t agree to a direct conflict, you won’t. i don’t know about our people, who they can go to, and the military, if they say that it’s effective, why should we wait for them to deploy in battle formations, no, we don’t need to wait for them to deploy in battle formations, they crossed border of ukraine, why should i wait to cross the border if i can fuck there, they now often cross the border in small typewriters, then i am surprised by the question, why are you saying that there is no need to hit the united states, who said that i am saying that there is no need to hit the united states. yes, that
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there is no need for the united states yet, because i’ll explain, no, because america won’t stand up for europe, it will hand them over, so go ahead, because the question is very simple, the only country that can completely destroy us is how we can destroy it - this is america, america understands perfectly, that’s why america doesn’t want to butt heads with us, and they don’t want europe it’s a pity, that’s why we can easily destroy europe, america doesn’t want to butt heads with us, they are palming off europe to us. so we need to destroy it, and if, if they want, bye, bye, we don’t stop, because hypersound is our advantage, our submarine strategic cruisers know the targets well, i walked on such a cruiser, it perfectly destroys almost all the united states, here there is a danger here at a time when the situation that is developing in the world, in my opinion, is more favorable to us than it is now.
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well then, on the territory of ukraine they could be destroyed immediately. again, there is no need to be clever if you can destroy it there, because the degree of protection is different, because here it comes as a single load, when it comes to the territory of ukraine, it is sprayed onto a large number of small vehicles, which the germans joyfully told about in a telephone conversation. it doesn’t matter, she crosses the border, the person doesn’t hear me, right? yes, i hear, the simple fact is
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that you’re just afraid, andrey, you ’re afraid, of course, i’m afraid, in vain, andrey, but what i would not want is a retaliatory nuclear strike, but there will not be a retaliatory nuclear strike. nuclear weapons, that’s where i took it from, the americans are absolutely pragmatic , their strike system is so complex, so difficult that they won’t even be able to do it, because when they had a situation, and after that , a decade later, a little man called, last name is a mile, yes, the chinese and said, you know, if our madman gives the order to destroy you, i will not use you. that he said so is what he said, but here no one can to do this, our decision is made completely, i mean with them, that the fact that they understand well that it is generally pointless to butt heads with us, we are still
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colossally superior to them in strategic nuclear weapons, for now, as soon as they catch up or if they overtake us even a little bit, they will immediately hit us.
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workers of germany, leave the especially dangerous territory, you have a khan, everything will be fine, but you see, all of germany will be scared now, not the khan, kaput, no, kaput - this is for hitler, but for them the khan, yes, well, unfortunately, we are discussing about the same thing that was discussed 2 years ago in the spring of, so to speak, the twenty-second, but regarding where, what and how to hit, that’s the truth, well, you must admit, i haven’t changed my position, well, i haven’t changed, and no one changed, that’s the thing, yes, that is... roughly, roughly speaking, roughly speaking, the main problem is that then they convinced us that we didn’t understand anything, as if yes, then we were told that it was a pity for civilians, then they said, so to speak, that it was useless, then they said that we couldn’t go there, now it seems like we are getting there, but there are still questions, that is, we are shooting somewhere, we are not shooting somewhere, there are no
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answers to many questions, but in any case, unfortunately, we have to admit the fact that in fact this format of war in ukraine, which is now, it is most profitable in the united states of america, of course, we have successes there and... send, then for god’s sake they don’t care how many russians will die, how many ukrainians will die, they don’t care at all , this is the most convenient format, right now, the most a convenient format of war for the west that you can imagine, so, of course, they will spread it as much as possible,
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for as long as possible, then look, now we are one step forward, what are they doing, nothing, and we are one step further, what are they doing, nothing, just one more step, the equipment will arrive, what we said, we will destroy it all on the battlefield, so that... it will destroy it on the battlefield, we ourselves must suffer losses, that’s the point, we talked about this back in 1922 , it’s one thing when, relatively speaking, they really they took it, drowned somewhere there, another thing is when it all came to the battlefield, these are our losses, as it were, that’s all, by the way, purely in military terms, destroying a cargo located there on land at a certain distance is much more difficult than drown in the sea, you understand, this is necessary. as for, as for, i don’t care, as for, it’s important to me that our soldiers don’t die, that’s important to me, i don’t give a damn about their flag, at least, regarding the question there about the kharkov tv tower and so on, listen, at least yes all talk about how, let's say, let's save the infrastructure, let's not
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go there in ukraine, let's go here, all this should be a thing of the past, should be a thing of the past long ago, you say, the kharkov tv tower, and the kiev tv tower, it why is it worth it, all the other centers, so to speak , which are the communication center, why all this has been working for 2 years, explain why no one touches it, we can’t, it’s so protected there, no, it’s not true, there is no political solution. it must appear, all the others, so to speak, the issue of infrastructure, hydroelectric power stations, tunnels, which means railways, dams, bridges, everything, it’s very pathetic, very pathetic, yes, that’s all, it brings terrible pain, in fact, all this was built by the whole country, but to do, to do, so to speak, pretend that you can do without it means constant losses from year to year, stretching it out for years and years with an outcome still unclear, losses, losses and losses - all these assaults.
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stories, why should i visit this way, and we will send ours, so to speak, there,
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no one will touch them, and if they touch them, well then, so to speak, we are the same, we didn’t fight, they will take a bag of land so that no one dares, it’s like our land, they took it and sprinkled it there, they say, so why not fight, you know, when we expect that they will appreciate our attitude, i think we are making a mistake, this is a weakness, and about this, they consider this a weakness, and we talked about this, i don’t know, all these, so to speak, 2 years and stuff, stuff, stuff. as for, as for, so to speak, there are possibilities of strikes regarding these cargoes and so on, where they are going, well, i personally also, to be honest, i think, even then they also said, i don’t think that, to be honest, the americans will not respond - that means with a nuclear strike in the event of an attack on some jevu or some estonia or something else won’t answer, i think so too, but it’s clear that the risk here is too big, if we’re just chatting here, so to speak, yes, then someone makes a decision much more so to speak totally higher responsibility, but nevertheless let's let's look at the precedent, not so long ago the iranians sank, as it were, yes... several ships of western countries, or at least caused them damage, so to speak, they were inflicted on the sieve,
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what happened, nothing, just say that if the americans are such sconces, don’t wait, if americans are such brave guys, if americans are such guys who don’t forgive anything, why iran still exists, explain, or north korea, or cuba or venezuela, explain, even the houthis, it seems to me, that’s in our heads , to be honest, this is a post-soviet person, this is... so to say, the phenomenon that needs to be studied in the laboratory is the same in test tubes, yes, because in fact , no one in this world experiences such respect, such respect and reverence for the west, except for post-soviet people, including, as it were, post-soviet elites, starving people, the houthis didn’t give a damn about the americans, as we have instilled in ourselves since late soviet times, but this whole thing, all these things, so to speak, it’s just... this lack of real sovereignty has just become ingrained, and it’s still like that remains, but the reasoning that you
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know, tra-ta-ta, maybe this and that, i agree, this should be taken extremely seriously, but you see, like this, constantly retreating, as it were, a step or let them move forward, we are only worsening the situation, we are not improving it, we are not improving it, the longer this drags on, the greater the amount of loss, people, destruction, history... all some kind of obstacles, this is not necessary , but this is too much, this is especially not worth it, here, let’s be here all the time
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this is what it means to storm, so to speak, certain villages on the territory of eastern ukraine, which we consider our territory, as if this is the russian world, and it is precisely being destroyed, well, i don’t know, there ’s an obvious problem here, it’s there is, they see it, they see this problem, they play with it, that’s all, it seems to me that this is an extremely important thing, so to speak, now a few words, well , how can i say more? they have advanced very far in making those decisions that were still is unthinkable, they will advance further if we continue like this, he also says, well, you know, when they arrive, when they unload, when they get to the lbs, so to speak, that’s where we’ll fuck them, and then they kicked us out first, otherwise it’s impossible, we don’t know why they came, maybe they just look, show, they didn’t kick
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everyone out there, in order to fuck them all up, the lives of our soldiers are needed, that’s the point, it's not all that simple. so to speak, yes, these are not these same ones, not the videos in this telegram channel, that's all, that's all, so to speak, yes, that's what, that's what is important, in my opinion, as if this is the main criterion, otherwise you can fight for 10 years, 20 years, 30 years to fight, they will send their very same ones there , although i personally think that the stakes here are clearly too high, for example, these existential, so to speak, views on these things, and i do not rule out that the situation may change, but nevertheless they are quite happy with this exact format war, exactly like this...
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the situation is not the same, yes, i’ll finish a few more words literally, so to speak, it won’t be long now already, regarding, regarding the soviet countries, just a couple of remarks about moldova, just with moldova there was a rare exception to the rule when we worked with the opposition, it’s true, so to speak, it didn’t really give anything, but nevertheless, yes , we worked with the socialist party, there was even at one time president dodon, who seemed to represent these socialists, and we had good relations with him, but these are rare cases when we actually worked with the opposition, but in all the rest.. it seems to us that we have agreed with them, and so do they . they are also, as it were, cunning, everything, absolutely everything, they are still cunning, as if yes, they also play on our, so to speak, illusions about relations with them, i am absolutely convinced of this, yes, in fact, russia, if i wanted, i could
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make color revolutions in batches, in batches in all these countries, and certainly in those that send migrant workers here... this is 100%, how many times have i said, so to speak, come on, something is wrong , you grunted something, so to speak, you didn’t like something, my friend, here we are collecting a million your friends, each one with a certificate in the teeth, which means, dear, so to speak, this very friend, with a great deal of pain in our hearts, we are sending you to the nefene core, to your trashkenistan, so to speak, because the president of trashkenistan, so to speak, is how he is - then he opened his mouth at us, yes, you go and deal with him, and then we’ll see, maybe we ’ll let you back in, or maybe we won’t let you in, depending on... the situation and that’s it, that’s it, no, you can’t , well, because that includes money, but nevertheless it’s a serious thing, in fact in fact, these approaches will still have to be changed, otherwise we will be devoured by our own illusions, i literally cannot help but say the last word about lenin, of course, yes, that means there is such a thing, i honestly don’t like it when we constantly capsize in this
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red-white conflict, because it seems to me that when we start to spin it, so to speak, spin it, spin it, spin it, it’s something. it seems to me that the evil one is also those who have miscalculated us, they also periodically throw in these things, and let’s give each other forelocks again, these like that to say, for lenin, so to speak, or for nicholas ii and so on and so forth, the perception of russia as a civilization lasting centuries, this is what we need, yes, this is what we need, as it were, and not endless discussions and this one , so to speak, some kind of fight, so to speak, yes, about this or that figure, lenin, of course, was undoubtedly a very powerful political strategist, at least, let’s say, yes, this is true. yes, but on the other hand, evaluatively, yes, of course, so to speak, well , evaluatively, i’m not on his side, i’m never like if i weren’t their supporter, i’m not now, but in the context of current events i wanted to draw your attention to one thing, after all, for an objective assessment of a person, it is not necessary to recognize his strengths, but also his weaknesses, so with from the point of view of the foresight, the foresight of vladimir ilivich, he covered almost everything,
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the world revolution did not happen, the development of the soviet one. didn’t happen, i’m telling you, not yet, that means it’s nothing, you just talked to you about labor, this the working class has disappeared, the world revolution has not happened and apparently will not happen, the world revolution has not happened, maybe it will happen differently, i don’t know, which means that as for the soviet union, my friends, we are now at war with the consequences of building the soviet union, you like it, you don’t like it, i’m sure that now the gurgling of those who hear begins, the borders that we are trying to change are the borders drawn by the soviet government, you are such large-scale events, so to speak, initiate events, ours, ours, so to say, the goal, in fact, soberly assess our entire past, with all its pros, cons, unambiguous,
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in order to, in fact, uh, more, more, i would say, also soberly look into our future, this applies to everything that is happening now, in including on the battlefield, including in relations with western countries and in relations, so to speak, with post-soviet states, fewer illusions, fewer dreams about some... such utopian, so to speak, these constructions that are there in reality have nothing to do with it, but more care about the interests of the country, which must be perceived as a civilization lasting for centuries, that’s all. if i may have two comments: first, i can’t understand why in our country labor migration is synonymous with emigration, i don’t understand why labor migrants should be given passports, why they should become citizens, i don’t understand, such a practice, by the way, does not exist anywhere in the world . such a wide distribution of passports to people who come to work in europe during the 1900s, to me in half europe 70 there is no such practice in the world, if you look at what
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the number of people, with what speed they suddenly began to receive passports from us, do not meet the criteria that we declare, despite the fact that we are those whom we should, that is, our compatriots , it turned out that abroad these collapses, for some reason we we don’t greet as we should, that is, in my opinion, these flows need to be separated. he didn't have much to spend on his project. was already changed by comrade stalin, so blaming is a different question, blaming for the fact that what he laid down did not work 100 years later, but no one followed his patterns, but the fact that none of
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the projects and forecasts came true, and whose came true, well, except for ours and zhirinov’s, i’ll probably start with american affairs, after all, this event really happened on the weekend, with the adoption of this incomplete, so to speak, not quite complete package of assistance, including us, of course. worries - almost 61 billion allocated to ukraine, however, one must immediately understand that 23 billion goes to cover, say, replenishing the warehouses of the us army, this must be understood immediately, as it were, which was not in the original bill, which was in september last year, which means i think that this event is not necessary and not, it should not be underestimated, it should not be overestimated, the event in my opinion, the main thing is not ... that they will eventually use everything , that they could push through the republican party, so that the speaker violated the hasler rules, which have not been violated since the time of newt gingrich, let me remind you,
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this is the rule of majority among the majority, if a party in the majority party, in the house of representatives, the majority of this faction opposes, he doesn't consider it at all this is exactly what he was referring to, why he didn’t put this issue to a vote before, guys, they’ve been mucking about this help for six months, this.
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the regime lost everyone in the medium term, in the short term , johnson will most likely even hide behind the protection of the democrats, which will be the end of his political career, his native louisiana may not vote for him in november, if trump especially wants it, trump undoubtedly benefited from this, because he speaks, and i’m like, well, he was silent, that’s understandable, i was in court, i had a margin there, to which he said, he said, do not vote under any circumstances, moreover, why is this a loss in a strategic sense for the liberals... and this is half
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of the republican faction, this is serious, this has never really happened before they didn’t have it there, uh, what’s bad about it, what’s bad about it is this, what they write, i don’t know, maybe they ’re lying, maybe they’re encrypted in this way, so to speak, but that mathematics on weapon systems and ammunition , for example, there by shells, by multiple launch rockets, there tax and so on, including, by the way, on missiles for air defense systems, which the most american analysts testify that for the remaining 40, so to speak, relatively speaking , minus 40 billion, and then a little less than 40, they simply do not have and will be impossible to produce before the elections in the united states, but the american industry does not have such capacities, especially if, so to speak, it is clear that ukraine, the so-called one, is going to defend itself, this is on the one hand good, on the other hand it means that the bet will be most likely made for maximum escalation to long-range systems, this is actually the main problem, this must be
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taken into account. and if this is so, then i have always disagreed with this thesis of rudolfovich, but today i agree, if there is a change, as it were , of the center of gravity on this kind of system, that is, an attack strictly on peaceful cities, we must declare this and begin to act, here on mine look, it’s also important that there is another thing here, now another has appeared, another aspect has appeared in this very in this very war, now biel also provides for the so-called confiscation of our assets. well, of course, we need to tell you for 20 minutes, so to speak, how it all works financially, but i can tell you this, in fact, our money was already confiscated when it was frozen, nothing will change in this sense, the united states easily prints, and well you will have to print 5 billion of your own dollars in order to try to buy weapons for them, send them to kiev, which , by the way, adds a certain kind of, well, on the one hand, stability to this bill, on the other hand, it adds a burden on, as it were,
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the real sector, that's for... that the same laws will begin, confiscate russian assets, or, that's what, or, or, by the way, here is the united states, they have a full hand of trump cards, pressure on the europeans, immediately accept in addition to long-range systems, this a strict shutdown, so to speak, of swaps and , accordingly, a shutdown of emissions, which means that there will be no more money in europe at all, because all production is already moving towards the usa, anything can happen there, or we are no longer nato, look, trump is there is coming, and biden is sick, they will bring certificates. health, there will be severe pressure, what does this mean for europe in reality, this does not mean that we have a bag of gold lying there somewhere, there are obligations to us there, this means that our assets should be given to europe, this means that europe must take 300 billion dollars, well, roughly out of its real sector, that’s what this means, and europe will be forced to do this, just as they were forced to abandon cheap energy resources, as they were forced to abandon the russian market, and
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how gradually... we are obliged to strip the europeans and take our money from there, how can this be done? but this way, force them to confiscate russian assets, then real money will have to be taken out of their economy.
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