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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

3:30 am
it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions can be brought to the heights...
3:31 am
there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are not comparatively original in your questions, what is with production in general, raw materials, exports, what it is, our product. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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this is, in fact, in my opinion, what ultimately convinced that part of the republicans who voted in response to us to take away all the hard money of the foreigners who were here before is still there, and another beat, who was accepted into the place, was beat in support of israel, and here it must be said that things are very bad, even in the short term, because everyone rebelled. university, if earlier it was only columbia university, which supported the bosom university there, partly, so to speak, garvar there, said something like that, but now berkeley and el have joined them, by the way , the police are already just barely just stormed, so to speak, obviously hacked the bars, by the way, here in israel on the territory hospitals have found mass graves of dead palestinians, no one is starting an investigation, no one is talking about the riots, sanctions. or
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normal, that is, the palestinians are allowed, i understand correctly, but no, well, of course, for a long time now either israeli or american universities have been indignant on this topic, no, american universities find themselves in a completely different, so to speak, very in fact, it’s an extreme, the whole point is that, as usual in the united states in the current political situation, there is no middle ground, that’s what’s reasonable, you know, that’s how we are here we’re trying to say reasonably, you know, let’s do it this way, as if you understand, let’s not do it like that, not like that, let’s figure it out, this is unacceptable, this is... unacceptable, we call on everyone to show restraint and so on, this is not the case, i always call for an investigation , and then to the conclusion, and not vice versa, but here is a very simple situation, in these universities, it means that they absolutely bred, educated, literally nurtured levada youth, diverse, and with anti-white russian sentiments, which immediately turned into the penetration there and marxism into in its current form, that’s islamism, well, such trachism to say, well, of course yes.
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marxism, like pedithracism, and this, by the way , is real marxism, like this, but, but, but in a good way, so to speak, as if, in addition to this, islamism also penetrated there, because they fought against trump, and trump is anti-islamist or anti-islamic, more precisely, a resident, he also led muslim gangs there, that’s all, it means that as a result they are now, so to speak, creepy there, there are generally rabbis there, locals in berkeley simply called on jewish students to evacuate from there, because unsafe, well, they actually beat me, yes, it’s like, it’s not a pogrom yet, but they just beat me, they showed me bruises, what a horror. that is , it’s like this is the situation, the police are taking it all by storm, and these are tent cities, it’s all as it should be, everything is like on the maidan, this is what they actually got, they nurtured it themselves, they nurtured it for several years in these universities, so this situation is also quite interesting, it will continue to tear them apart, so to speak, in this situation , in my opinion, there will be bombing, look how to drown what sergei aleksandrovich said about the fact that of course the situation seems to be on the battle line, like this...
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in general, the hybrid war is developing in our favor, as far as i am concerned, from the experience of observing our president, as i understand it, that he doesn’t touch what works, he only touches what frankly begins to not work, so if we take this whole three-dimensionality, it’s in our favor, i’ll just say a few words about lenin, since sergei alexandrovich
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touched on this topic, time, i’ll start about lenin story, but not because there is no pain, everyone should listen, this is what i want to say. lenin undoubtedly did what he believed, lenin in your destiny, yes, yes, in every happy day? yes, well, he undoubtedly himself did what he believed in, as he considered necessary, and so on and so forth, but here, so to speak, what they did, so to speak, after lenin, here i have it seems like a lot of questions arise, including how sergei alexandrovich approached this fanning of the conflict between the reds and the whites. and really how the curious thing is that it was precisely this inflating of this conflict that seemed absolutely contrary to the whole idea of ​​our statehood. by the way, i will also remind you of such a simple thing that all of us present here do not remember the leninist ussr, we don’t know it, that’s it, we knew,
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we knew the stalinist ussr, so to speak, in the form in which it slightly was, so to speak, as they say, softened by brezhnev, that’s what, so to speak, we actually remember, so talking about... the politics of that time and so on, as about thousand-year politics of russia in a special period there of the 20th century, this is one conversation, but if we are talking about the fact that before and after - this is not a country at all, the ussr, this is the only one, so to speak, in general this is a mistake, of course, this is of course, here this is not just a mistake, if you want, i ’ll offer you, it’s not just a mistake, it’s worse than
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a mistake, as comrade said, so to speak, if you want, i’ll offer you a simple criterion, when you look at the leader, you ask a question, you took the country , what was the territory? and you left the country, what was the territory, well by the way, lenin is in the minus here, lenin is in the plus here, hello, we arrived, the baltic states, he gave it away, finland, dalla, dalabia, he was the one who signed, signed, so far in mathematics, the february revolution, to that, just a minute, led to that , that all these territories rebelled and said: there is no right to a successor, which means it was signed by the decree committee of lenin personally for finland in the three baltic republics, so they loved him, but let me remind you that vladimirich, what, what come on, that vladimirich ultimately began with the fact that he was a small red state, what
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was or was not, that he was actually born in a country that was larger than the one that should be noted, stop, stop, vladimirich did not destroy the country in which. vladimir ilivich did not destroy the country, let’s admit that vladimirich did not lead to the fall of the tsarist regime. vladimir, well, one way or another, vladimirich came to nicholas ii, whom he did not even know personally, and said: “so, comrade romanov, let’s free, let’s so, the fact that he was one of hundreds of thousands of people who brought down, rocked the russian empire, does not at all justify him as a subversive person, just a minute, but at the same time, it was not he who dumped, he, too, everyone.”
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he was shocked, who wrote the work on the transformation of the imperialist war, the person read it at that time and its leadership, all the revolutionary parties discussed it , here he looks at this. stalin is often presented as so tough, he straight up pushed such an imperialist line in the external arena, and
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if we look, here is finland, who actually saved finland from the most severe consequences of its participation on the outside of hitler. the second world war, who created modern poland, now poland was given everything around the city region 23 east prussia went to poland poland.
3:42 am
they say thank you in general, they talked about moldova, stalin could have created a great soviet moldova by annexing suceava, iasi, the moldova that remained on the territory demanded the destruction of germany, the destruction of industrialization, stalin did nothing of this, did not do it, i am deeply convinced, not because that he was so kind, and he wanted to create some new, more just world, i am convinced of this, in fact, if we carefully read and...
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we can do all this germany thanks stalin says: you know, the only person after the second world war who stood for the only germany was joseph isarionovich, they will erect a monument to him there somewhere, i don’t know, in the basement where he was, it’s not close, and this has a direct bearing on what we are talking about today, the policy should be realistic, we are discussing whether to strike, not to strike, well, okay, what's the alternative russia? yes, most likely he wins on the battlefield, inflicts a series of serious
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defeats on the ukrainian army, and does the west recognize this? that’s who said it, yes, there are some negotiations going on, they are throwing something in there, but we understand perfectly well that these negotiations are only for a break, these negotiations are only to deceive russia, that’s who said that the west recognizes russia’s victory on the battlefield, they somehow announced it somewhere publicly, they never admitted it.
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the initiative in the geopolitical confrontation belongs to the west, we, russia in this in case it reacts to whether you supply the wrong or not the wrong weapons, everyone is waiting, yeah, that means the hymers have now delivered these... these long-range missiles will now deliver something else, we need to react to this somehow, that is it’s not the west that reacts to actions, but russia that reacts to the actions of the west, they really raise the bar for this confrontation, and this is, well , not good at all, everyone knows whoever has the strategic initiative wins in the end, in principle, the next point
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is the most important , yes, the americans are trying overload on europe, but the average european feels... completely safe, nothing threatens him, they often give an example, but what are you comparing, because the soviet union supported north korea, north vietnam, the americans fought there in south korea in south vietnam, but in none of these wars were attacks on us territory either as a result of the korean war or as a result of the vietnam war, there were no terrorist attacks in ganalu, san diego, in washington, there was some cronkite there who would
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not taking any proactive actions, well, this is definitely not the path to victory, i generally draw all the red lines in this regard, if i say so very mildly. another very important point that we are talking about, we are constantly discussing, duda spoke and said: we are ready to place nuclear weapons on our territory. tusk comes out, this is the prime minister of poland already, yes, and says: i didn’t understand mr. president, i’m with him...
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when will you give us the money for the trailer, we’re still waiting, waiting, yes, but no way all of us proved that there was no money, what a trailer, we forgive everything, well, of course, military rhetoric is indeed growing, it is growing,
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no matter what we say, no matter how we argue, but the fact is a fact, military rhetoric is growing, in terms of significance in its own way position, a general in the luftwaf, he is a lieutenant general in his rank, he received the task of creating a plan for the defense of germany, well, i just want to remind you that here for some reason the luftwaf has been constantly acting in some kind of hypostases, or participants
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war, or conspirators, in the beginning there was this gerhards, the first. officer or the first general of the luftwaf, the first inspector of the luftwaf, who held this famous meeting now on the taurus, now the second lieutenant general, who holds the meeting creates a plan, he, he was quoted, his quote sounds like this: we, of course, are not yet at war, but we are far from being in peaceful conditions, we are far from living in peaceful conditions, no matter how we evaluate this phrase and how to treat it, no matter how we treat it like, well, you never know what he said, the words are not a sparrow no. when about this says lieutenant general luftwa, a man who occupies one of the highest positions in this hierarchy and officially received the plan for creating the defense of germany. then, in general, you have to take this seriously, but it’s true that he immediately corrected himself and said that i will be engaged in civil defense, well, what does civil defense mean, new bunkers
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will be built, well, they are still old from the time of 1945, there are still some left, which are sprinkled there, but they can be dug up, but it’s clear that conversations arise regularly about the fact is that the germans call it hamster kof, these are hamster reserves, if translated exactly. they say this all the time, well, you are citizens, don’t forget that you have to get a little carried away, and that means they give there such a list that every household, every person should buy something for themselves. i want to remind you that vladimir rudolfovich once spoke on your program, i think a year and a half ago it became known that germany unexpectedly purchased millions of doses of iodine, which, in principle , are not actually needed in peacetime, but for they didn't need crowns, that was approximate.
3:52 am
i happened to be here, not by chance, specifically looked into the german press forty years ago, and so it was precisely in these april days of 1984 that two
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important issues were discussed, one of these issues was the deployment of medium-range missiles with new nuclear warheads, that is, this is the impression , as if they are writing about today, the second boycott of the olympics, well, really , then they discussed the boycott of the olympics, which took place in moscow, in los angeles, well... when with the taurus, he, of course, played very well an important role in the fact that this has slowed down, i deliberately use the word slowed down, because
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i cannot say that the taurys will not be deployed, firstly, i don’t know this, and secondly, i’m no longer sure, looking at the last few days, the development of the last few days is that scholz didn’t turn on the reverse gear, i have a complete feeling, you know, there’s an expression, i feel it in my stomach, there’s a certain intuition. according to some individual words, according to some expressions, according to some information that appears in the press, you begin to understand that scholz is everything, he unscrews it back, this means that this situation may develop in the near future, well, we even know why, we saw the example of tanks, yes, this is a 100% analogy, they gave the range of the natakamsa, which means he considers himself to have the right to give taurys, undoubtedly, undoubtedly, and i simply think that we must declare that based on this we are taking a blow to the manufacturing plant. this is, well, since they are used for peaceful objects, it’s just a suggestion, since the metal headquarters is in france, you start with france, we don’t care
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we are at the headquarters and at the plant, well, that’s me , they avoid taxes, no, there is joint production, there is joint production, there is joint production, in general the headquarters is there and partially. i can predict with great accuracy that the increase in the number of nuclear warheads will occur primarily in germany, and not
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in poland, because poland needs it. fast train, because other forces will come to power, which will not need to restrain themselves, which will not need to talk about peace, which will persecute one single goal, and this goal, of course, is for germany, for the revanchists in germany, i don’t like the word revanchism in relation to the whole of germany, but there are certain political revanchist forces, the goal is one thing: we need to reshape history and we need this history to return in such a way
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that in a new history... the face of germany looks different, not a loser, not a criminal, one who builds new relationships in the world in a new way, this is a dangerous trend, maybe this is the most dangerous trend, well, first of all for myself germany.
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taste, and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra, the united states of the west, but they initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian, god is divine in his saints. let's see what will happen next.
3:59 am
many interesting topics are touched upon, therefore very briefly, about lenin.
4:00 am
state terror, i’m not even talking about the fact that the people would get it, who was for the bolsheviks, and what figure, who was there, there was one, it’s simple.


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