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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety
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starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. hello, and the main legal events of the day will be told by the correspondents of the vesti program, the duty department and i maxim movchan. in kirov, a former paratrooper came to the aid of a little girl who almost fell from the root of a fourth-floor balcony. city authorities, together with rescuers, have already announced that they will reward the hero. in the video taken by eyewitnesses, the man climbed down from fifth floor, opened the window and let the child inside. girl. remained unharmed, as
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local journalists have already found out. the daredevil, who risked his own life for the sake of a child in trouble, is called mikhail. he is a former military man and does not consider his act heroic. the girl herself could not explain how she ended up on the ledge and where her parents were at that moment. three people died as a result of a terrible fire in voronezh. the flame raged over an area of ​​3,000 m. the fire occurred on the territory of an electromechanical plant firefighters risked their lives to carry them out of the blazing fire. workshop cylinder with oxygen and propane to avoid explosions. black smoke obscured the sky in footage captured by eyewitnesses. what exactly caused the fire remains to be determined by investigators. employees of the investigative committee have opened a criminal case, and the investigation is being carried out by prosecutors. the big water is receding, the residents of orenburg are returning home, the authorities have a lot of work ahead of them. we have to figure out what the disaster destroyed and calculate everything. restore. similar work is now underway in others. the large water that surrounded neighborhoods
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and washed out roads is leaving the city. actually, we are now in a house that has been flooded. the water is gradually draining, but the smell of dampness can still be felt here. here is the boiler room, this is the owner, hello, tell me, is there water like this, is there severe damage? well, we don’t know yet, the gas workers have turned us off, they will check the gas equipment. the wallpaper in the rooms is peeling off, there is fungus on the ceiling, the basement is still in water.
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the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov works, he i monitored the progress of the restoration work and personally talked to residents whose houses were damaged, the meters should be changed, they will be changed, maybe heat guns are for you, what do you think, well, of course, it would be nice, we will now talk about this topic, the forces of the rescuers are thrown into eliminating the consequences of a powerful flood to help residents, in the affected areas water is pumped out using motor pumps of special equipment; in orenburg they deployed a shkval pumping and hose complex, which is capable of... pumping out up to 350 liters per second. with the arrival of great water, housing the emerald city complex almost turned into an archipelago. rescuers here fought the elements around the clock. well, people couldn’t approach the houses, they evicted them all, here there are about 2.
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even a little more. that is, you can launch it. the residents were protected by a group from ufa, which they told the minister in detail about.
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in addition to the orenburg region , the kurgan and tyumen regions were hit by disasters; on the left bank of the kurgan, work to strengthen the dam continues, two integrated water treatment stations have been deployed, and rescuers are clearing congestions in the river using heavy equipment and watercraft. disinfection is being carried out in the flood-affected areas, which is necessary to avoid the spread of infectious diseases, mass vaccination of the population has been organized, about 90 thousand people in the orenburg region have been vaccinated against hepatitis a, the city is gradually returning to normal life. alexander
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mastyvaeva, vladimir shabalin and khalimat kuchmezova, lead the duty unit from the orenburg region. the zamuskovoredsky court of moscow took into custody the probable murderer shahin abbasov. five possible accomplices. another suspect is wanted. according to investigators, twenty- one-year-old abasa lovingly stabbed biker kirill kovalev with a knife last wednesday on a high-rise building. the conflict began after a motorcyclist made a basic reprimand for an illegally parked car. immediately after the vile massacre, the accused, along with his two brothers, fled the crime scene. along the way, the accomplices changed vehicles and managed to drive 900 km from moscow. they were detained in the rostov region. in addition to shahin abasov, his brother is involved in the case. uncle, father and friend, the investigation considers all five to be accomplices of the alleged criminal. the capital's prosecutor's office took control of the investigation into an accident on pokrovskaya street in the capital, as a result of which a nine-year-old girl was hospitalized. at a pedestrian crossing, she was hit by a minibus when a schoolgirl was crossing the road on a scooter.
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during a large-scale raid, traffic police inspectors reminded people of the need to dismount with a scooter at the crossing. report by oksana maximova. now it reminds me of the accident that happened here. only emergency sign today at about 8:00 am, at a pedestrian crossing on pokrovskaya street, a nine-year-old girl fell under the wheels of a minibus. the accident occurred at the moment when the driver, wanting to jump through the yellow light. and added gas, a girl with a scooter ran out, didn’t notice, did n’t leave, the bus driver got into a blind spot, the company, for its part, is ready to provide the necessary assistance to her injured family, a child with injuries of varying severity was taken to the hospital, law enforcement is investigating the circumstances of the incident organs. on pokrovskaya street, driver a commercial carrier's minibus hit a girl who was crossing the road on a scooter. the prosecutor's office controls the identification of everyone. circumstances and causes of a road accident. the section of the road where everything happened is busy, right next to
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the pedestrian crossing there is a kindergarten and a school, but for pedestrians the green light is on for only 27 seconds; people complain that it is not always possible to cross at a calm pace, people complain. you are already running here, who is going, who is how. be sure to take children with them so that they take this point into account, that it is very dangerous, that it is necessary control traffic movements. the injured schoolgirl was alone without adults, at the pedestrian crossing you... on a scooter, without dismounting from it. the disorder is one of the most common and, as a rule, children suffer. a week ago, on mil aircraft designer street, at an unregulated pedestrian crossing, a taxi driver hit a twelve-year-old boy. on nizhny novgorodskaya, the driver of a likhkovskaya car did not have time to brake when a ten-year-old child rode a scooter onto the roadway. the boy miraculously survived. with the start of the cycling season dangerous intersections are patrolled by traffic police officers who remind adults and children. how not to behave on the road, riding in twos, sometimes in threes, when crossing the street at
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a pedestrian crossing, they do not get off these vehicles, which is also a violation, where there are no traffic police inspectors, the law is not written for violators, according to statistics, most of the victims in road accidents involving sim are children and young people under 24 years of age. oksana maksimova, yaroslav aulov and ada adamova, lead the duty department. security forces are looking for krach in circassia. armed killers who dealt with the police, two law enforcement officers were killed, and another was seriously injured. the criminals opened fire on the police car . at that moment, they were patrolling the territory and drove into a garage complex. there they started shooting at them. olga zhurinkova for more details. information on suspects in the attack on security forces in karachay-cherkessia has been sent to all police departments in the region. all personnel were alerted. the siren plan has been introduced. patrols on roads have been strengthened border of the republic. it is known that the raiders. they will travel in two lada cars, they are armed. the attack on police officers
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occurred in korachaevsk near the local nizhny market on monday night. there are few official details yet. according to some media reports, at the time of the attack, employees of the ministry of internal affairs were in an official uaz. everything happened so quickly that the security forces did not even have time to unfasten the seat belts in the car. according to other information, the police were patrolling the area in the garage complex, at that moment they were opened shooting. deputy platoon commander and one of his subordinates. were on the spot, another employee was hospitalized in serious condition, it is known that the attackers took the police’s service weapons, two makarov pistols, a kalashnikov assault rifle, and the ammunition fled. the investigative department for the city of karachaevsk of the regional investigative department has opened a criminal case into an attack by police officers. in the criminal case, the necessary investigative and procedural actions are carried out, as well as operational investigative measures, aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the crime committed. footage of investigative actions at the scene of the incident. the official car was riddled with bullets, the door was broken, there was a hole in the windshield with shrapnel around it, forensic experts seized shell casings and
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took fingerprints. the deputy commander of a mobile platoon of a separate company of the police patrol service, murat kalakhanov, died on the spot, he was 36 years old, he had been working in the ministry of internal affairs since 2013, in his free time the policeman was fond of mountain hiking, he still had wife and four-year-old daughter. police driver roman gushchin died from militant bullets, journalists report. gushchin studied at the same school as one of the probable raiders, ruslan elkanov. colleagues of the deceased employees describe them as honest and decent. in the performance of our official duty, we lost our comrades, colleagues, employees of the municipal department of modorsiya karachaevsky, who were cheerful, faithful to their duty, responsive and kind employees, who left behind families, children, everyone. our department is scarpit about this loss. a third police officer was
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taken to hospital with gunshot wounds to his thigh and back. he was operated on. doctors assess the victim's condition as stable and serious. the patient was admitted to us at night in serious condition with multiple gunshot wounds. eh, the team worked well, the necessary measures were immediately taken, he is hemodynamically stable. by agreement with the republican hospital , the patient is taken away within an hour. yes. a number of local publications, citing their sources in law enforcement agencies, report that one of the alleged attackers, ruslan semenov, had previously been included in the register of extremists. we are convicted of possession of weapons and being part of an illegal weapon. armed formation, according to some sources he kept explosives, manufactured and sold bladed weapons. for encroaching on the lives of law enforcement officers, the raiders face life imprisonment. olga zhurenkova, denis navozhilov, fatima daurova, oleg molkhozhev, dmitry manushev, news, duty department. the antics of teenage gangs lead to increasingly sad consequences. in pensions, doctors are fighting for the life of a young
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hooligan; a criminal case has been opened for attempted murder. and the main suspect himself, a little older than himself... investigators will have to answer a difficult question: was it an attempted murder or unsuccessful self-defense, because the detainee did not pester anyone, he was alone against an aggressive crowd and the minors were armed.
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should have taken care of a disabled person, and not lived on his accumulation in the stavropol territory , activists of the popular front and the police are sorting out the scandal in which they got caught a social worker, having obtained a power of attorney from a boarding school patient, she emptied his bank cards, but a criminal case has not yet been initiated, why did vladimir bazov look into it? a patient of a psychoneurological boarding school, for life within the walls of stumps, honestly paid her pensions and savings, only now the man has no savings, she appropriated them so she had to take care of him, the man says, like other patients, he signed a power of attorney so that the social worker could do all the shopping for them, after which the cards would instantly omitted, it turns out that i still owe the boarding school, since i did not pay with this money, i did not
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pay for accommodation on the internet. at the boarding school they conducted their own investigation and actually found employee natalya kolchanova, after which the social worker was shown the door, all the information about what happened was passed on to the police, but no one detained the social worker... and after that kolchanova allegedly went to abank and withdrew more other people’s money , without even hiding the fact that he is spending it himself. in the twenty-second year, this is in this august, where she explained to us that there were seven of us at the commission, so what about our personal needs? my husband and two children drink, i have no money, it seems that dismissal was
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the only punishment for the former social worker, she is free, does not complain of flour, and other circumstances. based on the results of the inspection, a procedural decision will be made in accordance with the law. in total , kolchanov , according to employees of the blagodarninsky pni , appropriated at least 700,000 rubles for her own social needs. accurate law enforcement officials have yet to find out the amount, but it is possible that there may be even more victims. vladimir bazov, news: duty department. the investigation into the attack of a bashkir
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businessman on teenagers was taken under personal control by the head of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin. reports this. in the telegram channel of the information center of the investigative committee of russia. the attention of department leaders to the situation was drawn to the plot of our program. it told how several strong men, under the leadership businessman rauf gabdulin , a young man and his companion were brutally beaten in the village of iglena. the attack was allegedly caused by a carelessly thrown word. go to the car, what are you telling me, leave, man, he started showing some photos of us with some deputies, he said: i have a lot of connections, he began to hide behind this, he said that i can’t live anymore. i can. calmly after that he ran into nothing, began to threaten in every way, as the injured teenager assures, he was beaten, and then he and his girl were forced into a car and taken to another
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the area was beaten again, in addition, they were intimidated, now they fear for their safety, bashkir investigators have opened a criminal case, they will personally report the results of the investigation to the head of the department. a king of his own in the irkutsk region, a local businessman cold-bloodedly shot dead, perhaps, the most famous dog in the city. affectionate favorite of tens of thousands of people, whose owner left after the accident and began to travel with her around the world, became a victim of a cruel businessman when the story spread throughout country, it turned out that his relationship with people was not much better, dared kachuk from the irkutsk region. in the hands of antonina rodionova, all that was left of her favorite, whom she affectionately called yosya, the home address and telephone numbers of the owners were revealed to the bright scammers; an affectionate, trusting dog was shot in cold blood by a neighbor. second. shot, wild temple, i ran to put on my pants, i ran here, that is, i ran to this place, he came around the corner, i asked him, have you seen the black and white dog, and
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he so calmly says, no, and i'm like this i turn around, and it turns out she ’s lying there, my little friend, my little one, a little celebrity, together with her owner she traveled a lot across the expanses of the country, her adventures were followed by tens of thousands of antanina’s subscribers, it all started with their touching acquaintance. a year and a half ago , a girl saw a puppy get hit by a car, couldn’t pass by, picked it up, went out, and after that they went to the mountains together in joy. on april 18, yosya snuck out of the yard for a walk on her own.
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antonina immediately called the police, but to their upon arrival, the neighbor seemed to disappear. then social network users began their own investigation and began publishing photographs of the person who allegedly killed the dog. this is a local businessman, viktor fedotov, he himself has already... his position, trying to convince everyone that he was defending himself, but when he tried to approach her, she began to throw herself, in connection with this i took measures to protect myself and my family. why mr. fedotov was so frightened of the neighbor’s dog is a big question, since he himself unceremoniously lets his own hefty allabaevs out for a walk along the street. the police have already found out that the businessman had a hunting rifle legally, but whether he had the right to shoot from it in the center of a populated area is still being investigated. responsibility for shooting in populated areas, as well as in places not designated for this purpose, is provided for in article 2013 of the code of administrative offenses of the russian federation; for this
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violation a fine of 40 to 50 thousand rubles is provided. seizure of weapons and ammunition. hello, and viktor viktorovich, is that you? who? i don't know where it is, i'm a worker. as soon as our film crew appeared in the village, there was no trace of fedotov again. it didn’t work out for him either, instead of the entrepreneur , his young relative came out to meet the journalists, let’s get out of here, you understand that this is now a media attack, you are now, we are now leaving for the territory, girl, you have not opened the door to the article, i not of age, with this stupid prank the young brawler risks getting herself into very big trouble, she would be better off staying at home and read books, especially... the criminal code and yes, the residents of the village are not surprised by such an upbringing in the fedotov family, the reputation of the businessman himself is so tarnished here that people are ready to talk about him
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only on condition of anonymity, you see, we are so afraid this man, that we are afraid to give some kind of interview in him, do not forget, these are my lands, these are my roads, that is, this is my everything here, he behaves here like a king, i do whatever i want, according to the residents of the village, he can calmly block off an unwanted car road or... this is not just a family member, this is not just a dog, i don’t even know, this is really like a part of the heart, like a part of me. daria atkachuk, mikhail glyzin, conductor,
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duty department. irkutsk: i drove so hard to the hostel to meet my new passion that i skidded on turns. bashkir law enforcement officers caught macha in a bmw, which was deftly driving, which alarmed all her classmates. and when torapyga took out his machine gun, everyone was completely stunned. we didn’t drive up later in our car, so we also decided to take a photo with two cars, then more people came out of the hostel, then more, more people shouted at me from the windows, wait, i want to take a photo. not appreciated. only the police ruined the date, wrote out a thick stack of reports, because there is no point in waking people up with the squeals of their tires, the machine gun, by the way, was not real, it was a toy, the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective, subscribe, also ours we watch the investigation and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on honest detective, our episode is over, maxim movchan was in the studio, see you on the russia 24 tv channel. it is clear to everyone that russia
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is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions will be taken to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours will be more brutal more than exactly the zither helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is in general with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product like.
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i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty-four, 2124, this is the situation, now i can cover the future for a century and back, i see everything.
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space pirates are hunting us, well, they were already there when i came here, we need to find mom, what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to fix everything and it’s time to act somehow, questions, suggestions, objections , but not anything else, what do you want, let’s say, light on ahead,
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how this day in history is remembered, we’ll tell you right now. hello. on april 23 , 303, george of capadocia was executed. he
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is revered as st. george the victorious, the great martyr. facts of his biography vary, but according to the byzantine life, he was born in...


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