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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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democracy, glasnost, in general, in a word , perestroika, they went to visit these people, came out and talked to me, nothing. why are you
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telling us that everyone is equal? the speed with which this restructuring occurred showed that soviet society, in principle , was a capitalist society, democracy, it was clear that this was freedom, this was liberalism. i remember a great sense of freedom among the people, but people did not know many things about the collapse of the soviet union, they were carried away by western ideas, we can be friends, the americans are with us they started talking about how we need to democratize, they saw us as friends and partners, and they sincerely wanted to help. why did i come, i am the commander. should russia completely copy all western conditions? american democracy now is also on the scale of russia; there is something about you russians that europe does not understand. stand, who are they, newbies, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i’m behind my brother
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, call sign is rebina, no, my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s right.
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we continue to air the parliamentary hour. the state duma is working to protect the rights of participants special military operation and support for their families. just this month, deputies expanded financial guarantees for fighters and exempted the heirs of fallen defenders of the homeland from paying duties. read more in the report by yana dobrovolskaya. alexander has a wife and two children. in 2020 , we took out a loan and went to the front as volunteers a year ago. today, the serviceman is confident that the family is surrounded by care, attention and effective social support measures. the fighter took advantage of one of them. it all started with the fact that...
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my wife and i took 2 million rubles to purchase car for the family, when i went to the front, i found out that you can use credit holidays for the entire period; in fact, i took advantage of this benefit. the law on credit holidays for svo participants was one of the first to come into effect in october 2022. all family members of a serviceman can take advantage of the benefit; the financial protection of the soldiers themselves was further expanded this spring; they were exempted from paying interest accrued during participation in a special operation on all types of loan agreements, except for mortgages. we looked how much the burden on credit institutions will increase, but our calculations show that this is quite the case. a feasible burden, which i think the bankers will take with understanding, in order to free the guys from accrued interest during the period when they perform relevant duties during a special military operation. banks must notify the borrower that there is no obligation
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to pay interest, and also send him an updated payment schedule. if it turns out that during the credit holidays the sbo participant has already paid interest, the bank will use these funds to repay... in april, the state duma supported another initiative: disabled children who have lost their parents in the northern military district can now receive two pensions, for disability and for the loss of a breadwinner. previously, you had to choose between two benefits. the bill was adopted in the first reading. this is a sign that his homeland cares about him. for the federal budget it’s mere pennies, for departments there’s no problem with that, there ’s only one in the program. to fix everything, this is very important for families and for people, the state duma supports the widows of soldiers, they will not be left without work, amendments to the labor code of the russian federation have been adopted in the third final reading;
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it is prohibited to terminate an employment contract with the spouses of deceased combat veterans at the initiative of the employer within a year from the moment of the death of the soldier. this additional measure of protecting the labor rights of this category of citizens is extremely in demand today in connection with the ongoing special military operation. year, we all understand perfectly well that the most difficult period in life is after the loss of a member families, it happens in the first year, this is where special support is needed, the widows of our heroes should know, they should be
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sure that they are not alone. an important support measure, for defenders - a simplified registration procedure, family members of military personnel can apply for registration at... the place of residence for soldiers by proxy. the law requires the personal presence of the applicant, but sbo participants cannot fulfill this requirement, so an exception was introduced for them. the state duma continues to work to expand support measures the true elite of our country. those who today defend the interests of the state on the front line. deputies strive to do everything possible to ensure that the members of the svo and their families are protected. yana dobrovolskaya, sergey gordeev, andrey tarasov, anna melikyan, elena bogdan. parliamentary hour. gas supply to siberia and the far east, unique vocational education programs from the kaluga region, experience in medical care and rehabilitation and zastrakhani. this week, several state duma committees held on-site meetings
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in russian regions. deputies discussed what practices can be scaled up on what issues require the help of legislators. elena zhelnina will tell you the details. in makhachkala , chairman of the state duma labor committee yaroslav nilov held a meeting with representatives of public organizations. it raised issues that are typical for the whole country. these include measures to support svo participants and members of their families, searching for missing soldiers and finding employment for demobilized people. sometimes we will do everything at the legislative level, but it is impossible to find certain documents. or the issues are not resolved because as the decision-making center is scattered throughout the country, our task is to hear, understand, connect the necessary officials and help faster, being in constant communication,
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gasification to the maximum, literally every household should receive blue fuel by the end of 2030, the state duma committee on energy sector discussed legislative support. biri and sakhalin, khabarovsk, vladivostok into a unified gas supply system of the country is designated by the president of russia as a priority task. the main goal is, of course, to ensure first of all, energy resources, gas, the economy of our country, the economy of the regions of the far east, primorye, and eastern siberia, this makes it possible for economically justified reification, providing for the country's consumers. energy resources, parliamentarians got acquainted with the energy infrastructure of the region, visited the khabarovsk
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tets-3 power plant, the largest power plant in the region, the second largest in russia, and visited the construction site of a gas combined heat and power plant. the state duma family protection committee is studying regional experience. in kaluga, deputies visited the modern mfc, the kaluga electromechanical plant, where the meeting was held, looked at... in addition, we will support it, broadcast it. the state duma committee on
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health protection worked in astrakhan. at the retreat, deputies discussed the creation of a hospital in the region for veterans of military operations. initially, the regional governor’s idea was supported by the president. leonid ogul announced the details. a building is identified that is under the operational management of a multidisciplinary state budgetary healthcare institutions.
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a large oncology clinic will be built in kalmykia with the support of the federal center. parliamentarians assessed the work of the current medical institution. in what cramped conditions do doctors work, how strengthened is the material and technical base? today all specialized structures, the dispensary, the surgical department, the radiological service exist independently, separately from each other, and this is one of the significant obstacles in organizing complex treatment. personnel who will provide technological sovereignty of the country, how
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to prepare them? the topic became one of the central ones at a visiting meeting of the state duma committee on science and higher education, at the site of the national center for physics and mathematics in sarov, nizhny novgorod region, politicians discussed the development of scientific infrastructure, the construction of new educational buildings and intellectual centers is important not only for the development of the country, but and significantly improves people's quality of life. sorov is a unique center. the corresponding bill is currently being drafted
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under consideration in the state duma. issues of development of the sphere were discussed this week in minsk, where the second russian-belarusian tourism congress was held. last year, belarus received a record number of guests from russia. more than 5 million of our compatriots visited the friendly republic. this is a third more than before. the number of so-called organized tourists is also growing. those who travel on package holidays, however , the share of this type of holiday in the total mass is not yet large. in the development of this direction, the parties today see great prospects, and this is where initiative will help. natalya kostenko, deputy chairman of the relevant state duma committee, spoke about this following the trip. this will give the correspondent of our program in minsk a big start to increase organized tourists, the flow of organized tourists, now there are about 230,000 of them, but this is not quite a lot, this will be
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a priority. tour operators will not block. their accounts have a lot of money, because that’s how the system works, but this money can be directed specifically to attracting tourists and bringing them to this priority destination. particular attention must be paid to the development of interregional transport links. for example, belarus is currently connected by air routes with only 16 constituent entities of russia, new destinations include flights to dagestan and arkhangelsk, but the need for air communication with the republic today is much greater, it is being expressed. infrastructure development, development of unified regions of russia, passenger transportation, service standards, these issues are now a priority for parliamentarians. now we are waiting from the belarusian side, just so that they formulate a list of topics that are interesting to them, and we , for our part, will propose our own topics, within the framework of which we could
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develop joint legislation and maybe even work out a single... regulatory bill for the union state in this tourism sector. closest to people, on april 21 in russia they celebrate local government day. as state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin emphasized, this is a very responsible, complex job. a lot depends on its effectiveness. they decide here issues in communal, social and other spheres create conditions for a comfortable life for citizens. the chairman told us about what is changing today at this level of government. profile committee of the state duma alexey didenko. alexey nikolaevich, tell us what has changed in local governments during the work of the state duma of the eighth convocation. the most important thing, of course, is that we have adopted a number of decisions aimed at developing constitutional reforms. now local governments and this primary level of public authority are included in a single system of public power and, of course, the
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tasks that the state as a whole faces are national. development goals of the federal task that are set before the federal authorities, including the president of the russian federation, the government, they are decomposed vertically of a unified system of public power to the primary level, to the level of local self-government, and this model, which existed in many regions for many years, is now was elevated to the rank of a constitutional norm, and of course we had to adjust the legislation in order to this model worked throughout the country, it worked to the maximum. it is effective that local government bodies have all the necessary resources, sources in order to solve the problems not only of local government, but also transferred from other levels of government, including within the framework of the implementation of large national, federal projects, and this work is being carried out, is it possible to say that thanks to these legislative initiatives, local governments have more independence, well,
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probably on the contrary, they are increasingly integrated with taking into account the fact that they are being integrated into a unified system of public... cultural centers, multifunctional cultural centers, roads, so we can say that to some extent they have more freedom, just from the point of view of maneuver it has become less, but from the point of view benefits for citizens, of course , colossal resources are attracted, what initiatives aimed at regulating the activities of local governments are currently being developed in your
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committee. the agenda is intense, quite serious, we have tasks ahead in connection with... with the implementation of the president’s message, we sent our proposals to the commission, the state, working group in the state duma, we have a large portfolio, now there are portfolios of 17 draft laws, we continue to bring many of our legislative acts, federal laws and codified acts into conformity with the constitution, therefore work is ongoing, a million in help, president vladimir putin announced a new program: zemstvo cultural worker, in which regions will they pay? is in libraries houses of culture and children's art schools. the president announced a new program that will help solve the problem. we will launch the zemstvo
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cultural worker program in 2025. a specialist who comes to work in a village will receive a million rubles from the federal budget. in the far east, donbass and novorosiya this amount will be twice as high. the decision of the head of state became the central topic at a recent meeting of the state duma committee on culture. it’s ours that in such a difficult time the country will make such a decision, but it did, thanks to the president, a common victory, we all congratulated each other then, we continue to congratulate each other to this day, so to speak, even in general there were no hopes, political will, despite all fears, young people today go to work in cultural institutions, noted minister olga lyubimova . for the first time in many years, the age of the library began to get younger, this is incredibly important, each one. a young girl or a young man who has chosen his path of work in a cultural institution in the municipality, he is a canopy of gold. some regions program the zemsky cultural worker was launched even
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before it was announced at the federal level and the effect was already felt. in bashkartastan , more than 120 people have already become its participants. so teacher galina kochenova, together with her husband and children, moved from her hometown of kumertau in the south of the republic to the village of iglenov. where, after a successful interview, she became part of the friendly team of a children's art school. in addition to her main job, galina teaches a course in decorative and applied arts and modeling. we always wanted our own home, to live, so to speak, on land, in a village, and so we ended up in the glinsky district. the work is very interesting, responsible, i like working with documentation, but, of course, i like working with children more. moreover, the regions confirmed their readiness to leave their programs in force. then a young specialist who comes to a village in such regions will receive double support, so local authorities will have to decide not only about money, but it is also very important where he will come, what are the living conditions there,
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questions about providing housing, about creating conditions for comfortable living. nikolai burlyaev proposed eliminating the age limit and attracting not only young workers, but also people of the older generation. these people were extremely important for this zemstvo. cultural activities, so i would not limit the age of 50-55 to 60, if you have the strength, then you need to attract these people, this is a very useful program. vladimir putin, during his address to the federal assembly, also proposed expanding the pushkin card program, with the help of which schoolchildren and young people can visit museums, cinemas, exhibitions and theaters free of charge. at the same time, cultural institutions themselves receive an incentive for development. creation of new projects - the president emphasized. separately, the head of state focused on fundamental projects in the field of culture. at least a thousand objects will be put in order by 2030. we will
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update the infrastructure of museums, theaters, libraries, clubs, art schools, dinosaurs. over 6 years, we will additionally allocate more than 100 billion rubles for educational, educational, historical and other popular creative projects. in cinema, the internet, social networks. the president proposed forming a long-term program for the preservation of russian cultural heritage sites for the next 20 years. the head of state noted that it is necessary to provide measures to support citizens, companies and public associations that are ready to invest their labor, time and means of restoring monuments. this program is linked to changes in legislation that should attract business to this area. this is where the direct role of the state duma lies. it is necessary that these changes were reasonable and did not result in cultural objects becoming
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purely business objects instead of being preserved. the head of state also asked parliamentarians, the government and relevant commissions of the state council to analyze the regulatory framework in the field of protecting the use of cultural objects. obviously excessive, contradictory requirements, due to which the monument is sometimes destroyed before our eyes, must be eliminated, vladimir putin said. alexander shavyrin, anna melikyan, andrey tarasov, sergey vergunov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. and that’s all for me, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you in a week. we watch to understand the world. educational programs and documentaries. let's look, look. in the application or on the website.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there is a prospect, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what color helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what in general with production of raw materials for export, what is our
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product? we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. only thanks to the baikal-amur mainline, russia was able to make a turn to the east, vladimir putin stated. the construction of the century began 50 years ago and brought together thousands of enthusiasts. the president congratulated the veteran builders of bam
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on their anniversary.


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