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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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anniversary twentieth time became champion of italy. simone inzaghi's team won the milan derby. inter yesterday beat milan 2:1 five rounds before the end of the championship. inter became even mathematically unattainable for its closest pursuer, milan. 17 advantage points. inter is having an almost perfect season in italy. during the championship, the country lost only once. this was back in september. ironically, the only defeat was against series outsider assasuola. in the history of inter's victory , a second star will now appear. in count sports championship of italy above the logo of the black and white championship titles in the entire history of the italian championships, inter overtook milan, but the record holder juventus has 36 championships. that's all for now, see you next hour.
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and now about the weather, an orange level of weather danger has been declared in kuban, crimea and the republics of the north caucasus due to the high risk of fires. meanwhile, residents of the kola peninsula are promised snowfalls and freezing rain, and contract. anna volkova will tell you about the april weather. winter and summer divided the european russia. where snowfalls and even freezing rains are possible today, and where thermometers will confidently overcome the twenty-degree mark when abnormal heat returns to moscow. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel, fobys center. i'm anna volkova. hello. and the prez stumbled, but the cooling that began on the russian plain will turn out to be fleeting. on monday.
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again reminded the residents of vyborg and the northern regions of karelia, and the heaviest snowfalls occurred among our neighbors, like this, for example, riga was powdered, the following shots from vilnius, here the trees even bent to the ground under the weight of the wet snow. in belarus , in some places, a temporary snow cover of 4 cm high formed. on the grodno-minsk highway, the april snowstorm practically paralyzed traffic. meanwhile, in the central regions of the volga, weather processes are developing according to the summer, proof of this are thunderstorms and hail . in three regions at once, the nizhny novgorod region, tatarstan and the republic of moriel. lightning strikes led to fires. interestingly, individual thunderclouds managed to break through even in veliky novgorod, where seven-centimeter snowdrifts lay on the weekends, it was quite possible to sculpt snowmen. oh, lightning!
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such contrasts are quite understandable. atmospheric processes on the russian plain are now controlled by the balkan cyclone. the baltic states and the north of russia were in his rear, where he was receiving. cold arctic air, so precipitation in these areas falls in a mixed phase, but the central region and the volga region remained in the warm sector of this vortex the day before, there are fewer clouds here, but the arrival of warmer air masses causes intense cargo activity. on tuesday, the atmosphere in most of the european territory of russia will be unstable, the most difficult weather conditions are expected on the kola peninsula, where another north atlantic cyclone at about zero ... will bring snowfalls and freezing rains. in other areas, precipitation, if there is any, will be weak and focal; the middle volga region, the urals and volgovyad regions fall into the thunderstorm zone. today the russian plain will experience cold weather. in the central regions and the black earth region it will freshen up to +10-p15. in the volga region,
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with the exception of the saratov, volgograd and astrakhan regions, it will not be higher than +20. even in the south, record heat will be replaced by moderate and comfortable warmth. from +19 to +24°, however , spring will quickly work on the mistakes, from wednesday the southern wind thrust will increase, powerful advection of the black sea air will begin in the continental regions of our country, along with it may-like warm weather will come to the middle latitude of russia, record heat will return to the south with temperatures more typical for mid-summer, for example, in sochi tomorrow it will be sunny, moderately warm, around +20, on thursday friday in... conditions of partly cloudy weather there will be a temperature explosion, thermometer readings will reach + 27-29°, and these days the weather statistics in the city may be rewritten: only on friday a cold front with the help of thunderstorms will bring down the heat to + 23.
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it was snowing in murmansk this night, with the onset of daylight the street will remain slightly minus, and the precipitation will turn into freezing rain, the thickness on the sidewalks on the roads can reach... 4 mm will be very slippery, in the following days the temperature will almost return to normal, but no significant precipitation is expected. it’s better for muscovites to leave their summer clothes in the closet today, it will be as fresh as autumn, in the afternoon it will only be +12, but then that same advection of the black sea air will begin, on wednesday in the city it’s already about +15, on thursday it’s generally +19, that is, by 5° warmer than expected, this temperature regime will remain in the capital until... in the second half of the working week the probability of thunderstorms will increase. that's all for me, goodbye.
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now advertising, then we’ll talk about the earthquake in taiwan and the new exhibition in russian museum of st. petersburg. copies, not your style. your uniqueness deserves more. choose. avita premium. original items from famous brands at attractive prices are waiting for you in the avita app. 100% originals are now more accessible on avita premium. sber presents a loan with 2% cashback. so that you have even more opportunities.
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bonuses for your next trip. avito travel. everything will go as planned, with cashback and bonuses. and footage from telegram channels in taiwan there was an earthquake of magnitude 6, in the footage of a hotel building. which suffered from tremors, fortunately, at that moment no one was in the hotel, and no one was injured. the russian museum presented restored paintings from taganrug; masterpieces of the silver age were damaged by a missile attack by the ukrainian armed forces last summer; difficult work was carried out for almost a year to restore them. how long the exhibition will last before the paintings and other exhibits return back to taganrok, he knows about it. dmitry akimov. in two halls of the marble castle there are 22 works, as if
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fresh from the artist’s brush. in fact, this is an exhibition of the golden names of the silver age. from taganrog. and a year ago, no one planned to bring it to st. petersburg. july 23 the year 2023 shared the life of our museum, successful, multifaceted, diverse. before and after. the quiet life of the provincial town was then disrupted by wzo terrorists. a rocket fired from ukraine fell on the territory of the museum. indeed , works of art and our buildings, the building itself, and museum equipment were seriously damaged. the paintings were cut by fragments, they fell and were deformed, a nightmare for any museum employee. became a reality: the head was broken off, and the shells of the ears were damaged, well,
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there was also soot and dust contamination, plus well some kind of construction dust as a result of an explosion. within a couple of days, the staff of the russian museum were in taganrog, and it immediately became clear that the damaged works needed to be taken to st. petersburg, followed by months of intense, painstaking work. the decision was made. that we will carry out complex restoration for each monument individually, research was carried out, programs were drawn up, they were approved, in fact, according to these programs we carried out the restoration, the restorers did what seems impossible, the damaged works were saved and can now return to the walls of their native museum, st. petersburg craftsmen even give a guarantee of at least 100 years, let’s believe, hope that...
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what this day in history is remembered for, we’ll tell you right now. hello. on april 23 , 303, the podokian was executed; in the christian religion he is revered as george the victorious, the great martyr saint. the facts of his biography vary, but according to byzantine life, he was born in kapadukia, this is the territory of modern turkey, he was distinguished by strength, intelligence, courage, became a prominent military leader and favorite of emperor diocletian. but when the persecution of christians began, he openly declared
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his faith, and he was captured. despite the terrible torture, he did not renounce his faith. george was nicknamed victorious for his strength of spirit, for having won a moral victory over his tormentors. he became a popular saint during the roman empire. he is revered in islam. in religion, the most famous posthumous miracle of george is considered to be the killing of a serpent or dragon that devastated the lands of palestine. in russia, george was revered as yuri or yegory. with in the 14th century, he was considered the patron saint of the capital and is present on its coat of arms. victorious, also the heavenly patron of the russian army, valiant soldiers and officers were awarded the crosses of st. george, and the st. george ribbon symbolizes the victory and military glory of russia. on the same day, april 23 in 1348 , the history of another award began in britain, also dedicated to st. george, the oldest
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order of knighthood, the blue garter or simply the garter. it was founded by king edward ii. he had a reputation. fearless warrior and fan of knightly tournaments. legend has it that the countess of saltsbury's blue garter fell off her leg at a ball. the king picked it up and, in response to the fall, said: “shame on the one who thinks badly about this.” a blue ribbon with this inscription became the official badge of the order. according to another version, we are talking about a male toilet item. then men wore bangs, which were also tied up. and during the battle with the french at crecy, edward allegedly decorated one of these. a spear with a garter, but there is an even more prosaic explanation: under the garter there was i mean a belt with a sword. according to the statutes of the order of the garter, there can be no more than twenty-four knights, not counting the king of wales himself. knights of the order were many historical figures, including winston churchel, margaret thatcher and the russian monarchs, alexander i and nicholas ii. today
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the taganka theater celebrates its sixtieth anniversary; it was created twenty years ago. in april 1964 in moscow, on the basis of the moscow drama and comedy theater, director yuri lyubimov and his students from the chukin school. the theater opened that day performance by a good man from tezuana. this has not been seen in the capital since the avant-garde experiments of the twenties. as critics wrote, it was a revival of the playful theatricality of mir holda, combined with the classics of stanislavsky, the theater of the streets of brecht and the vakhtangov school. there is no curtain, no decoration, no unity between the stage and the auditorium. it was a unique fusion of drama, acting, poetry, song and dance, with emotional intensity, passion and temperament. at a theater performance, the fallen and the living, pugachev, galileo and others productions, it was impossible to get into, vladimir vysotsky, valery
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zolatukhin, ala demidova, and slavina shone in them. 984, american microbiologist robert galla and us secretary of health margaret heckler announced that the human immunodeficiency virus - hiv - had been found. at the terminal stage, it causes a disease called the plague of the 20th century, this is spit, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. it is still unclear where this disease came from
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; tens of millions of people, including many celebrities, have died from it. rock star freddie mercury, writer. fantast, aizi kazimov, dancer rudolf nureyev. the virus is transmitted through biological fluids containing the immunodeficiency virus, which enter the human body only through blood damage to tissues. most often during unprotected sex, blood and other liquid transfusions, through unsterile needles and during pregnancy from mother to child. it is impossible to become infected through kissing, ordinary touching, or airborne transmission. heckler and gauls. back then at eighty the fourth was promised that the vaccine would be ready in 2 years, but it still isn’t there, although therapy has been developed that makes it possible to delay the transition of immunodeficiency to the aids stage. this is how this day in history was,
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guys, go ahead, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, it should be quiet in the laboratory, but we don’t care. and support our team at the international mendeleev olympiad in chemistry. melichenko foundation. guys, go ahead. and now economic news. alexandra. in the first 3 months of the year, international freight transport by far eastern railway grew almost one and a half times. tell me which one it is. let’s hit now tatyana, more than 4.5 million tons, i’ll continue the topic of cargo transportation. the baikal-amur mainline gives russia a serious competitive advantage, especially
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in the context of sanctions and the reversal of cargo to the east, said transport minister vitaly sovelyev. on monday, he took part in a meeting between the presidents of russia and azerbaijan with veteran construction workers and bam workers. according to the results of last year, the carrying capacity of the eastern landfill, where bam enter. and transip was 173 million tons, by 2032 it is planned to increase it to 270 million. this is a rather serious advantage that we are using, now many cargoes have been redirected, and in fact we are now working in this direction, developing bam, recently a decision was made to build a third queue bam, bam, and if this year the carrying capacity will be 180 million tons, 210 million tons will be in 2030 and in 230... we will already transport 270 million tons, this is a huge advantage, and we will, of course, continue to build bams. in january-march , international freight transportation on
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the far eastern railway increased by almost one and a half times. according to its press service, more than 4.5 million tons passed this route. let me remind you that over the entire last year 14,700 were transported. tone, this is a quarter more than in 2022. today the us senate will begin considering a bill on the confiscation of frozen russian assets in favor of ukraine. it was already approved by the house of representatives on saturday. we are talking about 5-6 billion dollars that are now blocked in american banks. according to journalist tucker carlson, such confiscation is actually theft from the russians. the us government is simply stealing from russian citizens without trial. we don't like you, so we 're taking it away from you.
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in the avdeevsky direction, the crew of the k-52m helicopter of the russian aerospace forces hit strongholds and manpower of the armed forces of ukraine, and struck with unguided missiles. immediately after, the alligator crew released heat traps to avoid enemy return fire. eu and nato members are putting pressure on greece, spain, romania and poland, demanding the provision of air defense systems to ukraine. so reports the financial times, citing sources. but these countries have already announced supplies. patriot system is impossible, now the footage of telegram channels, students
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of columbia university have been created. protest against israeli actions in the gaza strip. at least 100 people were detained; many us residents considered the police aggression an encroachment on students’ expression of their position and freedom of speech in general. university teachers also came to the rally in defense of the students. crimea is still one of the most regions of russia that are in demand in terms of tourism. this opinion was voiced by the head of the republic. in an interview with my colleague.
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i mean from the point of view of the quality of the infrastructure there, well, besides , of course, there are still not all the accommodation facilities there that correspond to their current class, star rating and can compete with some european corresponding hotels, but nevertheless, that is, somehow we try, we move forward, people understand this, feel the changes, every year we have pass anyway, that is, as if those who come to us, well, from year to year i think they see the difference, they will see improvement, watch the full version of the interview on our channel today on...
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people from russian, divin the lord is among the saints ours, let's see what happens next.
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in pursuit of views, entire locations are changed. we will expose all fakes. with you, briefly about the news of this hour. only thanks to the baikal-amur mainline,
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russia was able to make a u-turn on... vladimir putin announced this here, the construction of the century began 50 years ago and united.


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