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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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i understood correctly. the future, yes, yeah, twenty
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-fourth year, 2.124, this is the situation, now i can jump a century into the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting for us, well, they were already there when i came here, we need to find my mother , what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed with, now... it’s time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow questions, suggestions, objections, tributes, what do you want, 100 years from now.
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and now to the footage from virginia, a warehouse caught fire there, thick black smoke can be seen many miles away kilometers. the fire was allegedly caused by a gas pipeline explosion. fire crews are at the scene. according to local media reports, the fire is almost contained. but no casualties were reported. an orange level of weather danger has been declared in kuban, crimea and the republics of the north caucasus, due to the high risk of fires. temperatures in the region are already breaking all records. meanwhile, residents of the kola peninsula are promised snowfalls and freezing rain. anna volkova will talk about the contrasts of april weather. winter and summer divided european russia among themselves. where is it possible today? snowfalls and
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even freezing rains, and where the thermometers will confidently overcome the twenty-degree mark when normal warmth returns to moscow. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel , fobys center. i'm anna volkova. hello. april has stumbled, but the cold snap that began on the russian plain will be fleeting. on monday, winter again reminded residents of vibburg and the northern regions of karelia. and ours experienced the heaviest snowfalls neighbors. like this. for example, it covered riga, the following shots are from vilnius, here the trees were even bending to the ground under the weight of wet snow. in belarus and in some places in general , a temporary snow cover of 4 cm high formed. on the grodno-minsk highway, the april snowstorm practically paralyzed traffic. meanwhile, in the central regions of the volga , weather processes are developing according to summer, evidence of this are thunderstorms. yes,
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in three regions of the nizhny novgorod region, tatarstan and the republic of moriel. lightning strikes led to fires. interestingly, some thunderclouds managed to make their way even to veliky novgorod, where seven-centimeter snowdrifts lay over the weekend. and it was quite possible to sculpt snowmen. oh, lightning. such contrasts are quite understandable. atmospheric processes on the russian plain are now controlled by the balkan cyclone. the baltic states and the north of russia found themselves in its body, where cold arctic air enters, so precipitation in these areas falls in a mixed phase, but the central region and the volga region remained in the warm sector of this vortex the day before. there are fewer clouds here, however the arrival of warmer air masses causes intense cargo activity. on tuesday the atmosphere in most of european russia will be unsettled. the most difficult weather conditions are expected on the kola peninsula. yes, another
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north atlantic cyclone at near zero temperatures will bring snowfall and freezing rain. in other areas, precipitation, if there is any, will be weak and patchy, the middle volga region, the urals. the volgovyad regions fall into the thunderstorm zone. today the russian plain will experience cold weather. in the central regions and chernozem region is fresher up to +10-+15. in the volga region, with the exception of the saratov, volgograd and astrakhan regions, it will not be higher than +20. even in the south, record heat will be replaced by moderate and comfortable warmth, from +19 to +24°. however, spring will quickly work on the mistakes, and from wednesday the southern draft will intensify. winds in the continental regions of our country will begin a powerful advection of black sea air, along with it may-like warm weather will come to the middle latitudes of russia, record heat will return to the south with temperatures more typical for mid-summer. for example, in sochi tomorrow is sunny, moderately warm, about
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+20, on thursday friday in partly cloudy weather there will be a temperature explosion. thermometer readings will reach +27-29°. and these days. in the city , meteorological statistics may be rewritten: only on friday a cold front with the help of thunderstorms will bring down the heat to +23. it was snowing in murmansk this night, with the onset of daylight it will remain slightly minus on the street, and the precipitation will turn into freezing rain, the thickness on the ladies, on the roads and sidewalks can reach 4 mm, it will be very slippery. temperatures will almost return to normal over the next few days, but no significant precipitation is expected. it’s better to leave summer clothes in the closet today, it will be fresh like autumn, in the afternoon it will only be +12, and then that same advection of the black sea air will begin, on wednesday in the city it’s already about +15, on thursday it’s generally +19, that is, by 5° warmer than
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expected, this temperature regime will remain in the capital until the weekend; in the second half of the working week the likelihood of thunderstorms will increase. that's all for me, goodbye.
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tell you briefly about the main thing for this moment. more than twenty strikes were carried out by our fpv drone crews on ukrainian armed forces facilities in the zaporozhye direction. our reconnaissance discovered enemy positions, and then the paratroopers took over. they hit the dugouts with drones. the enemy lost a large number of manpower. members. the eu and nato are putting pressure on greece, spain, romania and poland, demanding provide ukraine with air defense systems, the financial times reports, citing sources, but these countries have already stated that the supply of patriot systems is impossible. the water level in the tabol river dropped by another 5 cm overnight, but it is still above the dangerous level. in total , thousands of residential and country houses remain flooded in the kurgan region. nuclear exercises took place in north korea. actions to launch a nuclear counterstrike using ultra-large multiple
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launch rocket systems of 600 mm caliber. north korean leader kimchek attended the event. a now alexander's economic news, in the first 3 months of the year. international freight transportation on the far eastern railway has increased by almost one and a half times. tell me, what is the volume now? tatyana, more than 4.5 million tons will continue the topic. cargo transportation the baikal-amur mainline gives russia a serious competitive advantage, especially in the context of sanctions and the reversal of cargo to the east. this was stated by transport minister vitaly sovelev. on monday he took part in the meeting of the presidents of russia and azerbaijan with veteran construction workers and bama workers. at the end of last year , the carrying capacity of the eastern range, which includes bam and transip, was 173 million tons. by the thirty-second year it is planned to increase it to. 270 million. this is a rather serious advantage that we are using; now
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many cargoes have been redirected, and in fact we are now working in this direction, developing bam. and the other day a decision was made to build the third stage of bam and bam, we already have, if this year the legal capacity is 180 million tons, 210 million tons will be in 2030, in 2032 we will transport 270 million tons. this is a huge advantage, and we will of course build it. further. in january-march, international freight transportation on the far eastern railway increased almost one and a half times. according to its press service, more than 4.5 million tons passed this route. let me remind you that over the entire last year, 14,700,000 tons were transported, which is a quarter more than in 2022. today the us senate will begin consideration of a bill on the confiscation of frozen russian assets in favor of ukraine in saturday. it has already been approved by representatives. we are talking about 5-6 billion dollars that
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are now blocked in american banks. according to journalist tucker carlson, such confiscation is actually theft from the russians. the us government is simply stealing from russian citizens without trial. we don't like you, so we're taking it away from you. the funds are now in american bank accounts, i don’t want to sound like cynics, but it’s possible that all this money is being spent on... products, it was called batch, because it can be tracked will be a consignment of goods, it will last until may of the twenty-fifth year. for all representatives of the industry, participation is voluntary; today , dairy products are controlled individually; in the new system, the code of each unit of goods will be included in the information about the batch in which it went to the store. one of the goals of the experiment is to find out which option
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is more convenient for market participants. let me remind you that the honest mark marking system has been in effect in russia since 1919, it... operates against the illegal circulation of goods. that's all i have for now, more news in next hour. this is not necessary. it's clear? i understand. this is how the megamarket offers discounts on the tony moll brand up to 50%. catching a firebird pyro is not easy. and get an interest rate on a deposit at gazprombank before 16. ru. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, afalaza. at the first symptoms of the prostate - afalase. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. water
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7:48 am
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the opportunity to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay! opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please at first. opportunities to get new impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions. apply for a loan with sber and receive a monthly cashback of 2%, more profitable with sber prime. mandatory caviar labeling will be introduced this year. may now any buyer will be able to scan a qr code to determine whether the product on the shelf is real or fake, fresh or expired. maria kudryavtseva has all the details about the expansion of the honest sign program in the program instructions. caviar is one of the most popular delicacies, but how to make sure that you are buying a truly legal and
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safe product. from may 1 , caviar producers must supply caviar to stores with it already applied to the packaging. markings have already seen a lot of things, how caviar can be emitted, how it can be faked, from what can be produced, we are interested in legal companies that are fully present in this market. they are ready to take responsibility for what they produce, to guarantee all the necessary safety parameters and quality parameters, they received, well, more than that, let’s say,
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a wider market share, the system is already ready, the experiment on digital marking has been going on for almost a year, most large producers and importers of caviar joined it; in the experiment we saw quite active industry participation there and more than 100 companies took part, these are not only manufacturers, including such large companies as the russian sea, russorny house, fish world, but also other types of participants in the turnover, meaning the wholesale and retail link, but also actively , which was very important for us, the professional community took part in the person of, first of all, the all-russian association of fisheries enterprises, the cost... blocking was a penny , manufacturers had enough time to set up the lines, measures were also in place support for small medium-sized businesses, the contribution of labeling to the price of the final product will be
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no more than a couple of rubles per package, but it will be easier for the buyer to understand where this caviar came from and how long it has already been on the counter. let me remind you that the average price of a kilogram of game is approximately 5,500 rubles. and the labeling on one can is valued there at a little more than a ruble. therefore , there cannot be any negative influence here - there are no problems with components or consumables either, today it’s much more than half, in my opinion it’s 80%, well depending on the industry, and this is all equipment and consumables either russian or from friendly countries, that is, there is no dependence here and there will be no negative impact, moreover, in order to further reduce any possible risks for the company , we like. ..
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was signed before may 1, will go through customs until the end of the month without any questions asked, sellers will have another year to set up all their cash registers and scanners, they will be required to inform about the entry and exit of caviar iso-turn from april 1 next 2025, i sure, that all manufacturers will strive to comply with these requirements in a timely manner, well, if only because there are already almost 20 million users in the private sign application. people are very actively checking caviar, as expensive goods will definitely be checked, and we see this , for example, there are 17 industries where labeling has already been introduced, such expensive goods are always
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checked as a priority, every buyer can check right in the store what kind of product is in front of him, this does not apply only caviar, but many other types of products for this on your phone with android or ios you need to install the honest sign app, check the product, with its help you can scan the code on the product and check... whether the information on the code matches what they are trying to sell you, and whether such a product is even in the system , if after scanning a green status is displayed, then this is a valid label, check what is written in the application and what is the product itself, if the labels say one thing and the application says something else, then the seller is trying to deceive the system, you can report this directly in the application, if the status is gray neutral, this means that the product has been removed from the system as sold if you have not yet purchased it or... the date of sale is different, then this is also a violation, if the status is red, negative, then the product has not passed the authenticity check buy it dangerous. so, let’s repeat the main thing:
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mandatory caviar marking starts on may 1st. this step will make the market more transparent and safer and will have virtually no impact on the price for the end buyer. control over retail sales will begin in april next year. every anyone can download the smartphone app, fair sign. product to learn everything about it, and we are not just talking about caviar, but about hundreds of types of other products. if you want to know more about what other products are already marked or will be marked, write to us in telegram, we will ask your questions to the experts and we will tell you everything in our next instructions.
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democracy, glasnost, in general , perestroika, in one word, these guests came in, came out and among themselves they said, figassimi, and what are you saying there, that everyone is equal, speed, with
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which this reorganization took place showed. american democracy is now also shaking, this scale of russia, there is something about you russians that europe does not understand. wait, who are they? new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am the commander of the battalion, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why is adam and not adam,
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i’m a chechen artist? white rose? can you sing sometime? bruce, quickly, we don’t need names, don’t touch her, go, don’t touch yours, well, you, daisy, light of god, homer to machine gun, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing to the call sign rebin, no, this is the call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, right? exactly.
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the evacuation of residents has been announced in the obatsky district of the tyumen region, the flood is moving downstream along the rekshi and tabol, in the amur region the village is completely cut off from the mainland by water. we are waiting for our correspondent to talk directly about the flood situation. the embodiment of labor and
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courage. vladimir putin and ilham aliyev held a meeting with veteran construction workers and employees from


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