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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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moscow has the lowest temperature this week, what is the reason for this and what weather forecast do our meteorologists make? russia's turn to the east at the current stage has become possible thanks to the baikal-amur mainline. the day before, vladimir putin announced this at events in honor of the anniversary of the start of construction of bama. the president of azerbaijan, his father, heydar aliyev, was also at the meeting with construction veterans. during the soviet years, he oversaw the implementation of the project. anastasia efimova has all the details. one of the largest railway arteries in the world is a real road of the future. and also a symbol of dreams and romantic aspirations for several generations at once. the baikal-amur mainline, the construction of which began exactly half a century ago. this monday , the president met with veteran construction workers and bam workers. russia and azerbaijan,
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i would like to say the warmest words to everyone who lives, works on bam today, continues the glorious traditions of the pioneers, and is engaged in the reconstruction, reconstruction, development and maintenance of this most important railway line. i am sincerely pleased to personally congratulate you on the half-century anniversary of the beginning of the construction of the bam, the president of azerbaijan ilham gedarovich aliyev. his father, all the builders of bama know this well, gedar alievich, played a special, huge role in the history of bama. as the first deputy chairman of the council of ministers of the ussr, gedorevich oversaw the construction of the baikal amburg mainline and did everything possible to ensure that this most complex project took place. at the same time, bam, who once played a strategic role in the development of a unified soviet country. and today it remains
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the most important interstate project interaction, including between russia and azerbaijan, because a significant area of ​​cooperation between moscow and baku already in the new millennium is the transport corridor, north-south. another area of ​​russian-azerbaijani cooperation corresponds to the scale and historical significance of bam; today we are talking about the development of a north-south transport corridor, in fact it connects. the northern sea route with the persian gulf, or so, let’s say, can and should connect, just as the ibam, which became a truly all-union construction project, was called upon to serve interests of all republics of the union, the north-south transport corridor should become an example of the broadest international cooperation, we are talking about the formation of new logistics routes for the purpose of accelerated economic and social development. from countries of eurasia and the global
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south. i want to emphasize once again that we invite all interested states to participate in this project. we hope that it will definitely make use of the best, time-tested traditions of friendship and mutual assistance of the builders of bam, the people of the most different nationalities united by a common goal. participation in today's meeting, as ilham aliyev himself admitted, is a great honor for him, after all.
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and all those involved in the grandiose project are united by satisfaction from the work performed, joy of the goal achieved, and, of course, pride in themselves, in the cause, in the country. the ministry of defense of ukraine has introduced a ban on consular actions in relation to those liable for military service. the document is signed and comes into force tomorrow. it states that persons from 18 to 60 years old living outside of ukraine will not be able to extend their for a passport. exception, documents for returning home. and after the new law on tightening mobilization comes into force, it will be possible to issue an identity card only upon presentation of a military id. in the ukrainian media p. sources write that kiev is preparing for a new large-scale wave of mobilization. the russian t-72 tank attacked fortified positions of the ukrainian armed forces on the territory of ukraine near the borders of the belgorod region. our drone operators helped locate the target. read more about joint combat
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work by igor pikhanov. russian intelligence officers with using a drone to inspect the border area from a high altitude. the drone went hunting for ukrainian. tough, drones are created with the participation of units at the front, testing on the front line has shown their effectiveness, this time the drone detected enemy positions, information about the amount of military equipment and its coordinates is transmitted to tankers, this tank 72 b3e is a better car, it seems to me, the armor
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is modified, more dynamic protection, more more powerful. a multi-layered defense line has been created along the russian border, the crew of the t-72 tank is on round-the-clock combat duty in camouflaged positions; when a signal for battle is received, the crew moves to the firing line. the maximum operating range of the tank is up to 12 km, tankers work at strongholds of ukrainian militants, they fire high-explosive fragmentation shells at the militants’ dugouts and fortifications. in isu she dug deep underground. tankers hit enemy positions, despite the great distance, each shell hits the target, the enemy is neutralized, reconnaissance has recorded a fire and an explosion ammunition in a disguised warehouse, military equipment in the ssu was destroyed. we work both directly and from closed firing positions,
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support our infantry, systematically push back, push back the enemy, destroy their equipment, their dugouts, armored personnel carriers, also supplies, b... often in such fortified areas, the ukrainian armed forces store shells and weapons for attacks on populated areas belgorod region, every destroyed shell means the lives of civilians are saved. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. in moscow today a forgiveness ceremony will be held for izvestia military correspondent semyon eremin, who died in the special operation zone. the publication reported the death of its journalist on april 19. he first worked in the special operation zone.
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journalists who came to work on channel 5, he first appeared on television, this was 2004-2005, and i still remember him, so honest, so open, so smart, guy, and i rejoiced
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at his career, which later let's go, here's another statement from valentin matvienko, she spoke out for recognition of the security service ukraine is a terrorist structure, declaring that... these are the direct developers who carry out terrorist attacks. let's move on to other topics. today, the us senate may begin discussing the confiscation of frozen russian assets. we are talking about $5 billion. the white house wants to use this money to support ukraine. we’ll find out all the details from alexander nazarova, she’s joining me. sash, good morning. but in the meantime, the european commission plans to use profits from assets. what are the amounts? sazh, good morning, first tranche maybe around 3 billion euros. the us senate is preparing to discuss the confiscation of frozen russian assets in favor of ukraine. it should start today. the house supported the bill on saturday. representatives, if the document passes congress and is signed by the president, this
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does not mean immediate confiscation, experts say, this will be some kind of presidential right, which he may or may not use, and that is, perhaps this will be some kind of political blackmail between democrats and republicans, maybe even be more specific between the trump and biden fight. the us government is simply stealing from russian citizens without trial. we don't like you, so
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we're taking it away from you. the funds are now in american bank accounts, i don’t want to sound like cynics, but perhaps all this money is being directed to ukraine because it is much easier for our ruling class to steal when the funds are in offshore areas. of the 280 billion dollars blocked around the world, only 5 or 6 billion are in the united states. for kiev, such an amount will not change the situation. washington will face retaliation moscow’s measures, but most importantly, the decision to confiscate will cause irreparable damage to the image of the united states and may lead to an outflow of foreign capital. sovereign assets, they are respected by virtue of international law, this is customary international law, if one of the parties to legal relations, well, as in this case, the united states, violates, then retaliatory measures can follow not only from the injured state, that is... the federation, but already other states, they will consider this as a kind of such practice, a new practice, and they will
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also somehow prepare, that is, it will begin some kind of, you know, reshaping of the existing international legal order. according to experts in washington, they hope that brussels will be the first to decide on confiscation, so that the united states could smooth out the negative effect on its own economy. it is in the eu countries that the bulk of frozen russian assets are located. from $20 billion, however, as the washington post reports, in this matter, the eu does not follow the lead of the united states, it is afraid of undermining confidence in the euro and scaring off investors. such risks were discussed in particular at the largest depository euroclear securities at the european central bank. moreover, confiscation without compensation is contrary to the eu charter of fundamental rights. there is article 17, it says the same thing as the first article. echr, please confiscate it, but pay
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commensurate compensation to the owner, no one will now change article 17 to please some kind of political situation in ukraine, or i don’t know, it’s just that then the very foundation of the european legal order will collapse, so there are no other legal grounds for what something without confiscation they do not have adequate compensation, so the european union is discussing an option. use of frozen russian assets without confiscation, in particular, seizure of profits from them. the european commission said that due to this , the first 2.3 billion euros could be transferred to ukraine as early as july. transfers are planned to be made quarterly or twice a year. this measure has yet to be agreed upon. the topic of assistance to ukraine was one of the key ones at the meeting of the heads of the eu foreign ministry and the ministry of defense, which took place on monday. however, at the final press conference, the head of eu diplomacy josep baret. never mentioned russia's frozen assets. experts explain the caution in brussels by the fact that there is a fear of
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retaliatory measures from moscow. we also have certain trump cards, there are certain funds from european states and even more funds from european companies in russia, and many experts believe that in fact up to 500-plus billions of western money from unfriendly countries are blocked in russia, that is, even significantly more. usa and the european union on the use of frozen assets of russia. now let's switch to short
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alexander, good morning, really big water is now receding from kurgan, we are really seeing a decrease, now the water level is 9,964 cm, i note that at the same time , the ministry of emergency situations employees still continue to work around the clock in flooded areas, continue to provide targeted assistance. population, also monitor bank protection structures, monitor so that the dams perform their full functionality, are intact, i will also note that they notify residents about the situation, i will note that despite the fact that it remains tense, the water is already leaving, people can gradually return to their homes where the water is already full left, i note that damage assessment commissions are also starting to work there, and now the water is heading towards the belozersky district. there now in some villages the streets and not some houses are flooded, the residents there are now building embankments on their own
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dams in order to hold back the incoming water and i suggest you listen to the commentary, well , the water has come, we have a stream there, a stream that turns out, well, we are releasing the spring flood from the village, well, after the snow, well, it went through it back to the village. well, i buried it with a tractor, well, that’s how we would have saved ourselves from the big water for the next two days, well, during the neighbors, it turns out that through the garden i walked past my dam, well, here are the consequences, i’ll also note that they are now forming humanitarian aid, which will also be distributed targetedly, employees will take part in this social protection, already several.
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victims to purchase certificates in order to buy building materials to restore damaged houses, a total amount of about 10 million rubles. this statement was made by the governor of the kurgan region, all funds will be sent to those affected by the big water. alexandra, thank you, our special correspondent margarita semenyuk told us about the flood situation in the kurgan region. currently, about 15 thousand residential buildings remain flooded in russian regions. the most difficult the situation in the south of the urals in siberia in the far east. the active phase of the flood is now in
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the tyumen region. the ministry of emergency situations reports that the crest of the flood is moving downstream of the ishim and tabol rivers. evacuation was announced in the obad district. a regional emergency situation is in effect in tyumen . the peak of the flood is expected in the next 2 days. the higher ones prepared about 300 thousand sandbags to strengthen it. in the straight waters the water cut off the village from the mainland, a section of the road there is still blocked, the erosion is being eliminated, the situation is difficult in four districts, the level the zeya river is rising, the situation in orenburg and the region as a whole is stabilizing, according to forecasts there will be no new flooding, however, there are still over 12 thousand residential buildings in the water, almost 18 thousand local residents have been evacuated, in the primorye region, the flood passed without dangerous phenomena, according to the ministry of emergency situations, all roads...
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monitors the work of builders who are laying communications across the territory of tauride chersonesos, he recalls excavations in the southern suburbs of chersonesos and says that the current generation of archaeologists has not seen such finds, finds number in the millions. there were a lot of finds related to the functioning, apparently under the walls of the city, of such, well, let's call it a garbage dump, the people who threw them out considered them broken and unnecessary, and we now consider them masterpieces of artistic production, ceramics. there were also two burial complexes on marscope, both very rich and interesting in their architecture, and apparently belonging to,
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well, rich people of their time. to the townspeople. daniil kostromechev discovered several lead funeral urns, along with ashes, remains of personal belongings and jewelry . the urns date back to the first century ad. at that time , only very rich people could afford the burial ceremony, which today is called cremation. the process required considerable costs, mainly for fuel. one of these finds has been studied and restored by ekaterina strukova for several months. it contained three bone blades - these are dice. and the fourth was a glass spear, it also contained two darts of an unusual shape and gold jewelry, which were funerary, which are placed on the face of the deceased, the reserve's museum holdings contain more than 90 thousand objects from excavations in the southern suburbs, tens of thousands of coins, various ceramics, rare bone glass items, more than 300 ancient and byzantine exhibits have already been selected for new exhibitions, terracotta
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figurines... . and heroes accompanied people in the ancient era, they were located both in temples and in houses. among the latest finds transferred to the funds, scientists are especially delighted with a fragment of the goddess’s face and this cute lion the latest addition is 10 thousand items, they were donated by the funds just a week ago. processing and restoration work is still underway, which means that new exhibits will soon be presented to scientists. indeed, 20,000 gaskop is a lot, it’s half a hersanes, and it really worked a lot.
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we are currently working on material, so when this is done, then we can talk about numbers, but you understand that not all of these finds, they will end up in the museum, there is mass material that is processed and then does not go into museum collections. the construction of the new khersanez park is proceeding at a rapid pace, museums of antiquity, byzantium and orthodoxy will meet modern world requirements, the builders are running out of time; july 28, the day of the baptism of russia, is planned to be held here.
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russians who travel abroad, but today the whole world is in a fever, to be honest, that is, where to go, and where it is calm today is probably not clear to our citizens, so crimea is more or less, not more or less, for everyone understandable even with all our shortcomings there, i mean from the point of view in terms of the quality of the infrastructure there, well , besides, of course, there are not all the accommodation facilities there that correspond today to the star class and can compete with some european corresponding hotels, but nevertheless, that is, sort of anyway. we are trying, we are moving forward, people understand this, they feel the changes, every year we have it all the same, that is, as it were, those who come to us, well, from year to year, i think they will see the difference, they will see improvement, full watch the version of the interview today on russia-24 after 12:00 moscow time.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours will be more brutal, ourselves, there will be more. how exactly does the number help?


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