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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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now it’s 20014, i’m absolutely delighted, i’m amazed, very cool, informative, simple, i love children, this. unreal, unreal cinema, this is just the level, this is a childhood story, this is a guest from the future, a film from the future, from the future to the past, from the past to the future, once again, i understood correctly, the future, yes, and i liked the music, graphics humor, i’m not from the parent committee, i don’t have any change in experience, the main thing remains love, i see how he looks at you, and how he looks, well, how they look, he looks like that, there’s something...
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a lot of different things, a surprise, of course, that ’s it, 10 out of 10, a brilliant choice, it will be interesting for everyone, we’ll meet in the future, tell me, when 100 years in the future, it’s clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions will be brought to a new height, there are prospects, even more brutal. ours is more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is it, our product, exactly 25 years ago, the aircraft of the north atlantic alliance bombed television center of the capital of yugoslavia.
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nato generals called the military operation, which began without the approval of the un security council, a humanitarian mission, and resulted in the deaths of several thousand people. the head of the balkan bureau of vgtrk, daria grigorova, will talk about this bitter date and the chronology of those terrible events. at night, at exactly 2:6 , relatives, friends and colleagues of those who died from a nato air strike gather in front of the serbian radio and television building. april ninety-nine . at the monument with a simple question "why", candles are lit every year in honor of sixteen dead." american politicians called both them and other victims of the bombing of yugoslavia collateral damage. when the first bomb fell on the building of the television center, a night news broadcast was on the air. this moment was caught on video. the tv presenter miraculously managed to escape and died. those who i was on
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duty with him that night, technicians, cameramen, editors, makeup artists, security guards, another 16 people were seriously injured, the bodies of the dead were pulled out from under the ruins of the bombed facility for several days. and 25 years later, after the bombing. in the old rts building, so everything remained virtually untouched, two tamohawk missiles hit the studio complex, where people were present around the clock. the missiles hit the so-called master, a technical center, from where... his older brother miroslav was not on duty that day. as you know, foreign reporters were here until about 8-9 pm, and they were not here at night, so there was always some tension at night, but nato never directly said that the rts could be a target for bombing. never warned
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civilians so that they leave the building on time. with this strike, the nato alliance, for the first time in the history of military operations, declared journalists to be legal targets for missiles, allegedly because the television center was engaged in propaganda, that is , disseminating information that contradicted the point of view of washington. during the night attack on radio television of serbia , another building was damaged, this is the russian church of the holy trinity, it is very close, literally 150 m away. it was destroyed. altar, glass broken, roof damaged, irreparably the ceiling fresco has been lost. one of the first to arrive at the scene of the tragedy was icon painter zor endabich. the explosion was so powerful that a television set and even the remains of the dead were found inside the temple. i found an id , a personal card, a sweater. on the roof was a piece of a human body covered in blood. it was really very scary. during that first period we couldn't even serve here.
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russian orthodox church shared the fate of belgrade residents who were under the so-called humanitarian bombings, repairs in the church has not been completed yet, this fall the church of the holy trinity will celebrate its... it happened on april 19, a ukrainian fpv drone precisely dropped ammunition in the area where the film crew was working.
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from colleagues, friends, correspondents, military, of course, everyone remembers today, everyone is sad, everyone looks at the video, semyon eremin is on them, on april 19 he went on air with his last report, the sound is vile, the sound is really vile, from our team semyon was the best. the bravest, the most daring, i have always admired his calmness in the most extreme situations, he was an example for us all, everyone wanted it, but it was an unattainable height, well, everyone probably saw footage of his work, there were shellings, he walked calmly with such a poker face, and you
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know, he was such a person for me , well , something like a personal psychotherapist, you know, when something like that accumulates in your soul, something... depressed, you talk to semyon, you know, he put his brain back in place. valentin trushnin, his close comrade, colleague, remembers, says warm words, about his comrade in arms, and before this... about drones, this was his last report, filmed in zaporozhye, again the same place, again the same ukrainian-fascist drone that hovered over the correspondent and dropped a shell. semyon, unfortunately, was not saved. i also remember footage from ugledar in 2022,
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when a group of journalists was hunted by the ukrainian armed forces, they also tracked down a group of journalists using a drone, but only caught up after... 2 years, it’s hard to find words, but a close colleague, cameraman dmitry, tried to do it klimenchenko, with whom semyon eremin worked a lot together, his people they believed, such energy, people were drawn to him, and he knew how to somehow convey it to everyone, directly through the screen, through his texts, hard. it’s very hard to talk about the loss of families, semyon eremin with the attack aircraft was the first to enter volnovakha, he
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carried out the wounded from marinka under shelling, and of course, not everyone is capable of this, only those who are brave, only those who are not afraid, but the fighters are not they will take everyone with them. only with someone with whom, in the literal sense of the word, you can go on reconnaissance, with a cool mind, with a cool head, that they say, and with a warm heart, and that’s what semyon was, he, as his colleagues say, had such a theory of survival, yes, a theory of luck, despite this, he was always very prudent, always prepared, yes, he had this theory about the limit luck, and there were even...
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those with whom semyon ross, grew up in the vstavropol region of alexandrovskoe, came here today, these are the residents of the house where he grew up, they brought photographs with them, brought memories, and even take the initiative to rename one from the streets, there named after semyon eremina, i came from that, on behalf of the entire courtyard, on behalf of the entire street, you can’t imagine what we have in alexandrovskoye and... alexandrovskaya, they said that he was born in prikumskoye, yes he was born, but at the age of 3 he moved and lived in alexandrovsky.
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now we have such things going on in aleksandrovsky that they are even thinking about renaming the street where we lived at zavodskaya in honor of semyon eremin. semyon yurimin is not just a great professional, he is a person, a soul. unfortunately, i didn’t have to work a lot in one trench, only now you understand what a pity that he didn’t have to, he loved to sing, he loved to read poetry, he loved to read his poems lined up, which he composed himself, everything about the war, the development in which he worked from the very beginning, he worked for his homeland, for the people , for his family, and for family and for loved ones and for colleagues, semyon, a real man, a real hero, daria. yes, indeed this is so, egor, thank you, egor grigoriev was in direct communication,
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a forgiveness ceremony is now taking place in moscow with our colleague, izvestia military correspondent, semyon eremin. upright vacuum cleaner kitford or kitford air fryer with discounts up to 18%. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback so you can get it. even more opportunities, opportunities to get everything you’ve long dreamed of without delay, opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please the first time, opportunities to get new impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions. apply for a loan at sbery and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, it’s more profitable with sberim. every second ticket wins the russian lotto easter charity draw. and with for every ticket sold, 10 rubles will be donated to charitable causes. buy tickets in branded stores on the
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kyuniksberg, eastern administrative center. the hometown of the great philosopher of the enlightenment, imana kant. in the last 23 years of his life he settled not far from the port. one can imagine how a thin, straight- backed gentleman in a powdered wig walks along the banks of the pregel river and admires the ships. in those days there were port warehouses, customs, life was in full swing, dockers scurried about, tarred by the seas, skippers with they discussed their travels across the oceans with clay pipes in their teeth. kant sat down on a bench and watched the bustle of people. here you can acquire such knowledge without traveling. the museum of the world ocean recently opened a route called the philosophical trail. there is a legend that every day after lunch kant took a walk. when he appeared on the street, the residents were ringing the clock, half
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past four. the paving stones are ancient, professor kant walked on them. he was a sick man , he thought he was fresh. the route starts from here, this object is called kant's bench. today, here on this territory there is a ship, cosmonaut viktor potsayev, a space communications ship, probably for good reason, because one of kant’s most famous sayings: the starry sky above my head and the moral law in me. a complex philosophical path also passes here through the territory of the museum of the world ocean, but it not only passed here, you can name many places where it passed. kant's path on the other side of the prigoli river, he also walked, he loved to walk throughout the city, so our city is associated with this name, but here on our path we they installed special signs where we write sappers auda, ​​these are the words that kant translated, how dare you think, strive for enlightenment, comprehend the world. according to the new routers.
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walk around reading qr codes. from kamya kant, from here along the peter the great embankment, then to the building of the amber manufactory, ending at the friedrichsburg gate on port street. the gate was built in the 19th century, but beyond it is the suburb of forstadt, where kant was born. the entire world of philosophical science does not ignore kant, and even more so in kaliningrad, learned philosophers study his ideas. read the cant difficult, especially since this is the language of the 16th century, as a rule. know about kant’s three fundamental works: three criticisms: theoretical reason, practical reason and aesthetic judgment, so what is the greatness of kant? in the 18th century, young science entered the advance scene, explaining previously inexplicable natural phenomena; on the other hand, religious sentiments were growing. kant reboots philosophy. kant reconciles opposing
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positions and creates a new language for philosophy, gives it a new subject, gives it... new ways consideration of this subject, it is because of this that he is considered a revolutionary of philosophical thought, it is because of this that he is one of the most cited philosophers still in the world in russia, that is, that is all that we are now talking about the nature of consciousness, neurophysiology, in many ways, this begins with kant, well, before him with descartes, but kant here is certainly the most important milestone in order to understand the world... you need something more than just seeing it, you need to know what exactly you are looking for in the distance, straighten his pigtail, straighten his bow, everything is fixed, now we are planning to move it to the royal gate, and an exhibition will be opened there for the anniversary of kant's geography. kant turned to philosophy
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already in adulthood, before which his scientific interest was limited. he ate once a day, but with great taste, gathered nine people at his table, considering that this was the ideal number for an intellectual company; svetlana could well be in this wonderful company.
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teleplas, the origin of the solar system, we talked about this at astronomy and the book, when it was prepared, we were looking for reviewers, and one of the reviewers was the dean of the faculty of geography of moscow state university, dobrolyubov, we sent him lectures to sergei anatolyevich, asked him to review, surprisingly, the best reviews, he wrote amazingly that kant could do so deeply. it’s interesting to present geography, a wide variety of geography, physical geography, including issues of austranomy. during the seven years' war in 1758
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, russian troops entered the capital of prussia and the residents swore allegiance to empress elizabeth petrovna. no doubt, sworn and kant, how could it be otherwise, he continued to give lectures on geography in albertina, including for russian students who arrived in kinexberg, because the city was part of the russian empire until... 1762. on july 28, 1794 , immanuel kant was elected a foreign honorary member of the imperial academy of sciences in st. petersburg. the university administration building was built in 1569 in the north-eastern part of the island of kneiphov right next to the cathedral. it has not survived. raf bombing in august 1944 destroyed the building. on the island from the cathedral ruins remain and it was only restored in the late 1990s. after the restoration of the cathedral, the cathedral immediately became a secular institution,
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a concert hall, and a little later the immanul kant museum was organized there, but there are still two chapels functioning in the cathedral: one lutheran, the second orthodox, this is that smooth ideal world that probably should be , when all confessions are side by side under one... of course, professor kant often visited the university cathedral, but there is also a legend that he read public ceremonies here
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lectures, for example, in 1755, after a devastating earthquake in lisbon, the residents of künexberg were afraid that the same thing would happen here, so kant gave a lecture on geography and reassured people that there would be no earthquake on prussian soil. on february 12 , 1804, his last words were, this is good, he spoke about his life, which ended, what was good in it was what he left for his descendants, and the fact that he made himself, a boy from a poor family who ended up in an academic wednesday, he was buried next to the cathedral in the academic crypt, after the cant no one was buried there anymore, there is something mystical in the fact that during the bombing of the british air force, all the buildings on the island that... now bear the imikant were burned, ruins remained of the cathedral, but the grave and the gravestone of the philosopher were not damaged. over the graves on april 10, 1945, a soviet officer
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will write: now you know that the world is material. kant brought about, as philosophers believe, a revolution in philosophy. before kant, there was no appeal to man, it was kant who drew attention to this, said that man - well, we can probably remember florensky, solovyov spoke about kant, spoke very warmly, someone argued with kant, but
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but we live in the age of enlightenment, kant proceeds from the givenness of scientific knowledge, that is, in other words, here we have, we have such a way of knowing the world, yes, we have the reality of scientific knowledge, moreover, this reality of scientific knowledge as once it is well known that kant understands it, kant’s question is further posed: what makes such knowledge possible, how is it in general? not organized in an elementary sense, not in terms of methodology individual procedures, and what is in the nature of human knowledge, what in the structure of human knowledge makes this way of knowing the world possible, what is its basis, what is it that allows it to be reliable, this is a very interesting kantian moment, because kant proceeds precisely from the fact that that reliable scientific knowledge, yes, it
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exists, it just... exists, and the problem that arises here is that from the existing understanding of the human mind, from the existing understanding of human thinking, we seem to be unable to deduce that fact of existing scientific knowledge that exists, kant will talk about it...
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there is such a tradition: every year, on kant’s birthday on april 22, everyone can come here to drop letters in the mailbox for the philosopher, then the museum selects the most interesting, mostly the great kant is asked what he would think about us, people of the 21st century. all-union shock construction and still one of the longest railway lines in the world. today marks 50 years since the construction of bama began.
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vladimir putin will take part in the ceremony. peak the flood has passed, but when will the water finally recede and how will the affected areas be restored? about 15 thousand houses remain sunk in russia, more than 3800 people. evacuated due to snowstorm in kusbas and tomsk region, snow in murmonsk and


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