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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal. there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you have incomparably original questions, what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what kind of product is it, let’s return to one of the first topics of the issue: the third alleged accomplice in the attempt on the life of former sbu officer vasily prozarov was detained in lugansk , the car that was blown up in moscow. now. vasily prozarov, in direct contact with
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studio, vasily nikolaevich, hello, tell us how you feel, first of all, how severe were the injuries, how is the recovery going? listen, i feel great, the injuries turned out to be not serious, that is, i actually cut a little on my arm and a little on my leg, well, of course the car was damaged, that is, now the rehabilitation is actually already completed. well , no, how else would doctors, you know, they just get it in their hand, they’ll immediately find anything there, no, i actually feel great, you see, i’ve resumed work actively, yes, well, that’s gratifying, then let’s get to the details of the investigation, i understand that not everything can probably be told, but maybe you can provide some details, it is known about the detainee today that he is a citizen of ukraine, born in 1995 , two other people were previously arrested, what do you know about them? who are they, who
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did they collaborate with, what was the motive? you know, you said correctly that not everything can be said, and in fact the investigators asked not to go into too much detail, what i can say is firstly, i want to say that, well, i just kindly envy the professional work of our operational services of the investigative committee, they’re just great, as i have...
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in the frame there was someone who allegedly supervised the actions of this third detainee, she - like it is believed that an sbu employee who left for warsaw and from there allegedly coordinated and directed actions, you also have this information, it is confirmed, you can confirm it, there is such information, i’ll just probably express my opinion, what i think, she is not an employee of the sbu, not a career employee of the sbu, but also an attracted, let’s say, agent, a confidant, who was already used by personnel employees for some operations with the territories of poland, well, it’s no secret, there are a lot of ukrainian residents who have left, among whom you can, in principle, look for executors of a variety of assignments, well, this is a common old practice, so i think she is not a career officer, a career employee, i think it’s all the same, it’s all undercover...
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how do you assess the level of preparation for assassinations, do you have an understanding of who exactly may have ordered it, did it come from top officials, or could someone else be behind this assassination attempt, what do you think? in any case, you see, these kinds of actions, that is, this is really a pirate, called whatever you want, murder, they are sanctioned at the very top, i think they are sanctioned no lower than the chairman.
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i’m sure that at least this is reported and agreed upon, i don’t presume to say what is approved, but by the first person of the state,
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well, in principle, yes, but you know, it’s impossible, as if only i had appeared in the active media sphere, in 1919, this is already 5 years, more than 5 years, it has always been, always for 5 years they were looking, they tried to figure it out, they broke through, that is, it never stopped , so of course, well, this was expected, but you see how... it happened, it happened, as for the direct executor, well, did you observe any security before this and will you strengthen security, maybe now, if i don’t know, do you have it, did you have it before do you still need to change your lifestyle somehow? listen,
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well, of course we will take some measures, but i say again, this is not the first , not even the second, well, this is life, but all this is already sort of with it. we will have to live for the rest of our lives until our victory, of course, something will change, some measures will change, maybe, well, i don’t know, how would you understand, you can’t quit my social work, yes, then yes, you can lock me up somewhere in the outback, completely change all the documents there and so that i didn’t appear in the media, in the telegram, and so on, and then they won’t find me, no one will find me, not even the cia. but since i still have to, well, again, even go on air there, appear on some kind of programs at some kind of documentary film festivals there, for example, anyway, no matter how you look at it, i have to communicate in society and
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i can’t afford leave society because, well, now this is my job, so yes , that is, you will continue this social work and... public activity, undoubtedly, yes, moreover, i will even redouble my efforts so that these ukrainian customers, so that they cry bitter tears because they have failed again. vasily nikolovich, as for this public work and your professional activities now, as far as i understand, after you publicly declared in 1919, as you just mentioned, you settled in russia, founded the agency ukрleaks, yes, in which publish, including revealing materials on ukrainian topics.
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the beginning of the ato and i’ll honestly tell you that i came across documents that are simply shocking there for april of 1914, i will publish them again in the near future, and then, as it were, people appeared who began to help, began to support, began to share information, and we have already begun to conduct some investigations, already based on modern facts, more modern... concerning modern events, well, especially after starting from our own, of course, here is our last investigation, which concerned the smuggling of weapons from ukraine, in the countries of the middle east, which fall into the hands of islamic radical terrorist groups, well
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, indirectly, i believe that this also served as, say, an impetus for the sbu to carry out an action against me, because there, well, as with mine... and such work requires time and money, so our materials are not often,
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no matter how often we post them, well, this is already specific, who is your audience, uh, they look, read your publications in ukraine, i mean wide viewer, yes and what is the reaction, is there any feedback, you know, it was very nice to know that our channel on...
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spain and france and canada directly caused a very serious resonance. yes, i’m sure, my personal opinion, i’m sure that the ukrainian trace there is present in full
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increase, and i, my opinion, i believe that it was no coincidence that they lured terrorists into the territory of ukraine, because they, of course, needed to quell the terrorists so that they don’t talk, i will repeat it again, i repeatedly say that this is simply huge the success of our intelligence services that the perpetrators were taken alive. because they can tell, i 'm sure we don't know, and there's 10%, well , or rather, we only know 10% of what they actually said, here's what they said and what's being developed further, this is, perhaps, the most terrible thing for the ukrainian side, and those who stood behind them, i think the western light has shown itself very much, therefore, as in the case of my terrorist attack,
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unfortunately, our communication has been slightly spoiled, it is a little undermined if it will disappear completely, i will ask the editors to contact you again, but let’s hope that it will get better now, here ’s another important tragic event of the last few days: today in moscow they said goodbye to the izvestia correspondent semyon eremin, who died during an attack by a drone of the armed forces of ukraine, and do you think that they are purposefully hunting down journalists who cover the topic? well, you know, again, this is my opinion, our journalists are now working there, they are in the same uniform, in the same equipment, bulletproof vests, helmets, as ordinary military personnel, so i do not exclude the possibility that they hit the car, they saw, what people they run out in uniform and decided to finish off, but at the same time i... remember very well how, starting in 1914
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, a bulletproof vest with the press brand was not a guarantee at all that the ukrainian security forces would not shoot at you, so on the contrary, it’s even it was like bait, and a more attractive target, so in the case of the journalist you mentioned, rest and rest, i think it still played, it was just a military target in the eyes of the ukrainians, but... what they they deliberately knock out journalists, this is also true, and it is no coincidence that our journalists now they wear military uniforms in order to - to hide, to camouflage themselves in the general mass of the military, because the blue bulletproof vest with the inscription press is just a bait, it’s like uh, i don’t know, a drop of honey for the ants, yes, so in this case, i think , it was still not a deliberate attack on journalists, even if my colleagues
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there don’t scold me for my opinion, but the fact that the ukrainian side is trying to deal with journalists... i would like to discuss a few more topics with you, tell me how you characterized if the situation is inside now ukraine, the mood among the elites, the mood among ordinary people, especially after the adoption of the law on mobilization and the tightening of these rules, listen, i am in contact with people in ukraine, i periodically go there to chat roulette to communicate with ordinary people.
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and it’s no coincidence that we see many videos when second-hand stores are stormed, many stores are closed, let’s say there are some bottles, in their place the same second-hand stores appear there, this is also like that, you know, to some extent a litmus test, as for
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so-called elites, you really know, the most the phrase now is such a feast during the plague, that is... people are rowing everything they can, you know, i think why they were so happy that the united states will now allocate amounts, well, this financial aid package, because it will be possible to tear apart , it will be possible to rob, it will be possible to steal and , accordingly, trample paths to the west for themselves, the fact that almost everyone, and probably everyone, is more or less wealthy people or high-ranking... officials are already preoccupied with some kind of escape routes and golden parachutes all on west, this is 100%, you can be sure that anyone, even the most petty official who has more or less the opportunity to steal, already has a house somewhere in the store somewhere, i don’t know, in europe,
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canada, the usa, and some amount of black money, and i think many...
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diplomats during the maidan from december of the thirteenth year to february 18 of the fourteenth, when you start to read these documents, just even the analytical reports of the counterintelligence department, where they described, what were the representatives of the european union doing there, representatives the usa, great britain, it was direct pressure, they didn’t hide, they didn’t even hide, they directly put pressure on the ukrainian authorities. so that the maidan would not be dispersed, even when yanukovych had already given the order to disperse the maidan, they still got through to him, by the way, none other than joe biden got through to him. it was precisely on february 19 that he convinced him, and he put very hard pressure on him and demanded that such an order be cancelled, so without the support of the west,
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without financial, without administrative, without information support, there would be no maidan at all it wouldn’t even start, i think, so now there’s nothing to talk about at all, no one will come out, well, some people will come out there... 300-500 people, look, almost every day ukrainian residents come out there, mostly women whose husbands are in captivity or have disappeared, including from the azov regiment, which is banned in our country, and that nothing is happening, that is, absolutely no progress on the part of the authorities, nothing is happening, of course. skepticism in this regard is understandable. vasily nikolaevich, allow me to ask you a few more questions, here you are you mentioned the united states aid package, how do you assess it, and what impact do you think it could have on the situation in
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your zone? uh, well, in any case, it will be worse than if it didn’t exist, because well, long-range missiles, i think artillery shells are air defense weapons, in any case, this is bad for our army, but just like... ukraine right now there are loud statements that this is it, we will win now, i don’t believe in this, you know, i’ve been saying for a long time that ukraine is like the state of ukraine looks like a person who is in a clinical state of clinical death, now he is already dying, and then he gets an electric shock, boom, there is some tranche worth 10 billion. and now this electric shock comes to life for some reason.
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army to understand whether this will be effective against the russian army or not, that is , there will be more of them, there will be more and more of them, i don’t think it will come to the introduction of direct
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military units, because western countries, after all, whatever one may say, they depend on the common man who lives there, he depends on the mass media and if real personnel units arrive, they will go... weapons such as long-range missiles, air defense systems, almost 70% of the personnel there consist of foreign
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specialists, there will be more and more of them. accordingly, yes, they, they are also learning, you know, they are thinking in the future that they will have to fight with russia, directly openly, one, well, uh, eye to eye this and that, so they, of course, want to study how the russian army is operating, study it directly with your own eyes, with your own experience, so there will be of course, there will be more, but as for the simple mercenaries who come there for the admin dollar, well, listen, in the countries of latin america, where the economic level of economic life is low, i think there will be no shortage of people who will go in the hope of earning extra money in the war against russia, well, you know, the further you go, the more of them will be sent back in
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coffins, and this is also... well, inevitable, because well, our army is also learning, vasily nikolaevich, yes, i thank you for your comments, thank you that answered the question live, and let me remind you that former sbu employee vasily prozarov was in touch with the studio, if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional, then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative competencies art.
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assessment figures sergei shaigu spoke about the situation in the special operation zone, commented on the american aid package for kiev and assessed the nato group at the russian borders. reason for persecution in
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moldova, opposition representatives report searches, why is the reason for such actions consider a trip to moscow and what statements are being made. map of a natural disaster: in some areas the high water is receding, but in others it is only gaining strength. what is the situation with floods in different regions of russia by this time?


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