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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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today in moscow we said goodbye to izvestia military uniformer semyon, who died in the special operation zone. russian troops have the initiative along the entire line of contact in the special operation zone and are pushing the enemy out of his lines. this statement was made by sergei shaigul at a meeting of the defense board. according to the minister, moscow intends to increase the intensity of attacks on ukrainian logistics centers and storage bases for western weapons. at the same time, our military-industrial complex is increasing its output.
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russian enterprises the military-industrial complex has increased its capacity significantly and significantly increased the combat capabilities of our armed forces. this is evidenced by the situation in the special military operation zone. secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev called the relationship between russia and china an example of interaction between major powers. on the sidelines of the international security forum in st. petersburg, he met with the head of the central commission of the communist party of the people's republic of china for political and legal issues, chen wenqing. beijing, let me remind you, traditionally takes part in this forum every year. i am glad to see you again; china’s participation in this annual international conference is a good tradition. further strengthening of the comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction with the prc is a priority of russian foreign policy. russia's partnership with china is a model of interaction between major powers in modern times.
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the obbat region will bear the brunt of the disaster. evacuation has been announced in several villages. a regional emergency situation is in effect in tyumen. vyme in urgent in order to strengthen protective structures with sandbags. in zorali, the large water began to recede. over the course of a day, the tobol dropped by about 20 cm. there is no longer any danger of a water spill near the regional center. five bridges and more than a dozen road sections were flooded. plus housing and dachas. in the straight waters , another village was cut off from the mainland. roads, difficult situation in four regions, the level of the zeya river is rising, the flood in the primorsky territory passed relatively calmly, there were no large river floods, according to the ministry of emergency situations, all roads in the region are open to traffic.
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now footage from the government house. good afternoon, dear colleagues, in his address to the federal assembly, the president presented a whole range of specific initiatives to support large families. head of state, the government has prepared appropriate changes to the current legislation, now a family with three or more children can receive 450,000 rubles to pay off their mortgage, last year about 190,000 such payments were provided,
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now we are extending this measure for another 7 years, for those whose third and subsequent child is born before december 31, 1930. this will help parents take advantage of state assistance to purchase housing; in total , more than 600 billion rubles additional are required for these purposes, including about 50 billion rubles this year. the next question on our agenda is about support for the belgorod region, during the government report in the state duma, we talked about this in detail. a bill has been prepared on the instructions of the president. extension of the free economic zone regime on its territory, in which will include the city of shchebekino. we will send this russian entity another 2 billion rubles. first of all, people who have lost their housing, employees of small medium-sized enterprises,
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individual entrepreneurs, industrial companies will also receive funds for reconstruction, modernization, but also to expand their production, as well as to acquire new capacities. well, which is very important for preserving jobs. in total , we will allocate more than 6 billion rubles for such purposes this year. dear colleagues, i ask that the agency that is responsible for allocating funds has done everything necessary to ensure that people and companies receive these resources without delay and quickly. now to another topic, the next budget cycle begins, and today we will consider the scenario conditions for the functioning of the russian economy, and... in the next 3 years, a number of systemic issues will have to be resolved, primarily those that the president spoke about in his message:
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it is necessary to launch new national projects, to ensure the continuation of the country’s progressive movement towards national goals, despite the strengthened...
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forecast suggests that in the next 3 years gdp growth will be about 2.3 or 4% per year, this will be ensured by an increase in domestic demand. today, minister of economic development maxim gennadyevich reshetnikov will tell you more about the scenario conditions and the main parameters of the forecast. please, maxim genadyevich, you have the floor. dear mikhail vladimirovich, dear colleagues, at the first stage of the new budget cycle, as you noted, we formed scenario conditions. main forecast parameters for the next three years. let me remind you that at the end of last year the economy grew by 3.6%. at the beginning of this year, we see that growth continued, moreover, the figures for february that you mentioned indicate that it is generally intensifying,
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key sectors are developing at a high pace, manufacturing, construction, trade, catering, transport, tourism. taking into account the current dynamics, we expect gdp growth in the twenty -fourth year to be 2.8%. the nominal volume of gdp is estimated at more than 191 trillion rubles. this is 11.5 rubles. more than we expected in september last year. the main growth factor. domestic consumer investment demand, we forecast investment growth for the current year at 2.3%, we did not change the estimate compared to september, but last year’s base turned out to be higher, i would like to remind you that at the end of last year we had a record growth in investment by 9 ,8%. this year, high consumer activity will continue; we expect retail trade to grow by 7.7% in real terms. paid services by 5.1% and higher consumption growth rates are achieved first
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total increase in own production. consumer activity is a consequence of rising incomes of the population. in the twenty-fourth year, cash income will increase by 5.3% in real terms and by 12.3% in nominal terms. the main factor in income growth is wages. we expect growth of 6.5% in real terms. unemployment will remain at no higher than 3%. in terms of inflation, we expect a slowdown to 5.1% by the end of the year. let me remind you that at the end of last year the inflation rate was 7.4%. that is, there is a decline. we expect the average annual ruble exchange rate to be level of 94.7 rubles per dollar. in the twenty -fifth to twenty-seventh years, we expect continued sustainable economic growth at the level of 2.3-2.4% per year, by the twenty-seventh year it will be nominal. rub. we forecast investment growth to average 3% per year,
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consumer activity growth to 3.7%. real incomes of the population will grow at an average rate of about 3%. the trade balance will gradually increase due to the rapid growth of exports with a more restrained growth of imports. the ruble exchange rate will weaken in accordance with the inflation differential and real effective course. in terms of inflation , we expect to reach the target level of the bank of russia of 4% in 2025. risks from external conditions also remain - this is, first of all, a slowdown in the global economy as a whole and the economies of russia’s main trading partners, as well as the continuation of sanctions pressure. internal risks are associated primarily with the sufficiency of domestic supply in the context of labor market restrictions. the realization of these risks is taken into account in the conservative scenario, which... in accordance with the order too proposed, the presented basic version of the forecast is realistic, it takes into account
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all the measures being implemented by the government, including within the framework of new national projects that the president of the country has been instructed to develop, this is the development of domestic industry and projects of technological sovereignty, machine tool building, aircraft manufacturing, microelectronics, shipbuilding, medical technologies, energy, space and other industries, this is support for investment activity. including preferential lending priority projects and priority industries, active participation of development institutions, development of a taxonomy of technological sovereignty projects, development of a project financing factory, use of agreement mechanisms for the protection of capital investments, spokes, public-private partnerships, concessions and others, active regional policy, including the development of geostrategic territories, supporting regions with insufficient economic potential, stimulating investment activity through infrastructure menu mechanisms. also takes into account the increased flexibility of the labor market
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through active training and retraining of personnel and the measures that are provided, increased participation in the labor force by young people, and the removal of excessive barriers to the labor market. increasing labor productivity in those sectors where it is insufficient, supporting exports, primarily not raw materials, not energy, developing transport infrastructure in general, which will improve connectivity within the country and population mobility. and also improve external logistics trade, support for small and medium-sized businesses and other measures related to the development of the supply economy, development of infrastructure to improve the well-being of the population. mikhail vladimovich, i propose to approve the presented scenario conditions, to accept the basic option as the basis for developing a forecast of socio-economic development and federal budget projections for the medium term. thank you! thank you, maxim gennadievich, without a doubt, consideration of stationary conditions is a stage within the budget process, but now, based on the forecast and other equally important
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strategic planning documents, it will be necessary for the ministry of finance with all departments to form budget parameters for the next 3 years, where it is very important to take into account the necessary funding for national projects, for government programs and areas that were outlined by the president in the message so that people would receive the necessary support. in other topics, the mayor of paris, anne dalgot , spoke today at a press conference on preparations for the olympic games in paris, said that everything is under control and there is nothing to worry about. however, the local press does not agree with this. we will find out the details from our european correspondent regina sebastianova, she is now in direct contact with the studio. regina, greetings, tell us how things really are and what our colleagues are dissatisfied with, what
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criticism is there? hello, the mayor of paris today complained that she was constantly. beat up in the media about the city , nothing positive is heard, and preparations for olympics, only complete negativity, she said, however, she is convinced that this should end in the near future. i am extremely outraged that the image of paris, its projects, everything that can benefit france, all of this suffered from the media, which began to beat up paris, and this continued until today, but now the beating of paris has practically stopped, communication of the mayor of paris with the press was timed to coincide with the arrival of the olympic flame on french soil, now the french three-masted ship beliem, built back in 1896 is already in greek waters, on may 8 it is expected in marseille, and it is expected that the olympic flame will be greeted by 150,000
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people, including president emmanuel macron personally, and the olympic torch relay will begin accordingly. which is seen as the home stretch to the start of the games, but the media still doubt france's ability to hold the olympics at the proper level. for example, hygiene issues are so acute that today the media are asking question: how to avoid turning paris into one huge public toilet this summer. in a corresponding note, journalists write that paris is very often and not always unreasonably accused of a persistent smell of ammonia, but this summer paris expects more... 15 million additional bladders or the quality of water in hay is discussed every day in the media, the topic is covered enough, but has not found any solution at the moment. this monday, paris presented two more programs to purify water in hay, however experts still say that the amount of bacteria contained in river water is two to three times higher than the permissible norm and that
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it is simply irresponsible to hold competitions there. president emmanuel macron personally promised to take a swim. in the river, however, this was immediately overgrown only with new caricatures and additional sarcastic comments. the greed of parisian ateliers is also again on the pages of the international press today. the independent writes that only half of the rooms in paris hotels are currently reserved for the duration of the games. the situation is so difficult that volunteers may begin to give up their work. not all of the 45 thousand people hired to run these competitions can. rent an overnight stay for an average of 500-800 euros per night, but still the main issue is safety, now one of the main police unions in france has called for a strike on april 30, as the head of the association said, the french government has not fulfilled its promise give a bonus of 1,900 euros to each police officer, which means, says the head
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this trade union, that there is no money for the olympics , there may be no one to guard it. non-guaranteed olympic bonuses, frozen protocol points for the twenty- second year, unconfirmed vacation in 2024, blocked compensation for business trips, if there is no money for the olympics, then we may not have people to work for it. despite the already approved decision to reduce the number of spectators during the opening ceremony of the olympic games this summer in paris by half, such a decision. was adopted after the tragic events in moscow region, at the moment there are still doubts that security will be ensured at the proper level, at least even other countries have expressed corresponding doubts. the day before, a meeting was held in paris with the participation of representatives of those existing private security companies; in addition, specialists from neighboring countries may be involved in ensuring the security of the olympics.
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nevertheless, as lemon writes, the government is unhappy with the situation, specifically with our security. and its purchase was reduced by more than 20% to 2 million tons, months earlier it was 2.5 million, which was the first decrease since october last year, the largest purchases
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were reduced by romania, france, bulgaria and the netherlands, the largest buyer italy reduced imports by a third to 162 thousand tons. at the same time, there were countries that increased imports; belgium and ireland began to buy three times more from ukraine.
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there is an increasing trend, so far 3%. the supplies of beverages that increased the most were kvass and malt for foam. experts are confident that more serious protests may follow by the fall. this is already true for other types of agriculture, but the problem with ukrainian grain is just the beginning. ukrainian companies, in general, are abusing such a serious relaxation on the entry of transport into the european union. but, which, according to documents, was intended for other countries, ended up on the markets of those countries of the european union through which transit was actually carried out, yes, that is, the supply
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of ukrainian grain to the territory of the european union countries, they were quite possibly much larger than what was going according to the documents , it turns out, closed in a circle in which the eu itself is extinguishing its economy, on the one hand it would be necessary to support... their farmers, who one after another are becoming bankrupt, on the other hand, the collective west insists that it is necessary to help ukraine, in this case the blocking of ukrainian grain , which is life-saving for local farmers, will result in another wave of apparently never-ending protests for the european union. slana petrovna, good afternoon, your security service. another moment and the machine would have had access to the money. but svetlana petrovna turned on scout. seconds counted. urgently dictate your card number so that
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the money can be transferred to a secure account. i called the bank and hung up myself. scammers pretend to be all kinds of people to get money out of you. hang up without talking. economic news in brief. austria stated that the refusal of russian gas would not harm the country's industry. about this newspaper. sbr announced dividends for 23rd year. the bank's advisory board recommended paying a record amount, more than 750 billion. this is half the annual net arrived - said the head of sberbank german gref. the yield on payments will exceed 10.5%. gref also predicted that this year the bank could
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earn even more than last year. expectations for net profit above one and a half trillion rubles. this year is much more difficult than last for the banking sector due to tightened regulation, due to the fact that with such rates the demand for loans has dropped significantly, so interest income will not show such an impressive result of such dynamics this year as previous year, but nevertheless, according to all our... prices, this year we will be able to earn a net profit greater than in the previous year. the russian authorities will soon consider support measures for rusal, including the abolition of the export duty on the purchase of the company's products for reserve. this was stated by deputy head of the ministry of industry and trade viktor eftukhov. according to him, to make a final decision it is necessary to analyze the global balance in the aluminum market. another major
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metals producer - which also suffered from new sanctions, has not yet turned to the government for help, eftukhov noted. and at the end of the year, switzerland unblocked russian assets worth $318 million. there was no legal basis for freezing them. this was reported by the swiss state secretariat of economics. at the same time, the country continues to find and then block more and more new assets worth another $630 million over the past year. real estate will also be confiscated. cars and works of art, that was economic news, in a nutshell. democracy, openness, in general in one word perestroika. went to these guests, went out
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and... friends and partners sincerely wanted to help, why should russia completely copy all western devices, american democracy is now also shaky, this scale of russia, there is something in you russians that europe does not understand, stand , who are these new guys, is this
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a passenger, a reporter, a director with me? i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can, you can sing somehow, bruce lee, she’s alive, we don’t need names, don’t bother her, ilicha, don’t bother her, yours, well, you, daisy, light of god, camera to the bullet gun, no, what to do, commander, what to do, shoot, call sign passenger. i propose to change the call sign of the passenger to the call sign of rebin, no, the call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s for sure.
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next is a special report by taras kucherenko: how to increase the financial literacy of russians, teach young people first of all to get the maximum benefit when buying a home, reveal all the opportunities that state support provides, what new mechanics, including number of games appear, what can be transferred and how to transfer this knowledge, look right now. what techniques help you achieve your financial goals? option a, for example, waive treatment and education costs. option b is to set your priorities correctly.


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