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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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everything is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what sitra helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is the overall situation with production, raw materials and exports, what he, our product, we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev called relations between russia and china a model of interaction between major powers. on the sidelines of the international forum.
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russia, russia's china partnership is a model of interaction between major powers in the modern world, built on the principles of mutual respect and equality, deep trust, and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs. trusted contacts at the highest level play a special role in strengthening the russian-chinese partnership. quite recently, a monstrous terrorist attack took place in the moscow region, which claimed many lives. the chinese side categorically opposes terrorism in all its manifestations, condemns this terrorist attack, and also supports all the efforts of the russian country, aimed at ensuring national security. this year the immortal regiment event will be held online; this decision was made for safety reasons. at the same time
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, the organizers are offering new formats of the action, which we will find out from svetlana chemykh, is she joining us? yes, svetlana, welcome to exactly how the immortal regiment will be held this year, and what is needed in order to take part in this online format. greetings, from sailboats to airplanes, the immortal regiment event will be held this year at all types of transport. the movement's headquarters proposed new formats. portraits of heroes of the great patriotic war and home front workers can be placed on public... and personal transport, in addition, it is planned to hold a procession of the immortal regiment on water transport, on work and pleasure boats, river trams, yachts, a proposal to place portraits of famous pilots who distinguished themselves in the years of the great patriotic war also sent to flying clubs and enterprises that use air transport. yes, traditional they decided to cancel the marches of the immortal regiment this year in our country for reasons...
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sergei aksyonov explained the decision by saying that the region is close to the front. in order to avoid such cases, the following decision was made, that is, not to hold mass events this year, including, that is, parades and processions of the immortal regiment. therefore, i am sure that the crimeans will treat this with understanding, this is a necessary measure, respect will be shown to our veterans, and festive events will be held in a reduced format, but the main thing is love and respect for the people who defended our homeland, during this period, this applies to everyone and children of war. who were in the concentration camps, that is, everyone who went through this terrible tragedy, here is attention to these people, attention, help, support, they are planning to hold a procession of the immortal regiment abroad, requests for organization have been sent to sixty countries, timed to more than 100 countries by victory day, the rallies
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will take place in one form or another, that is, even if there are no official permits, and such options unfortunately cannot be ruled out, so here are special applications for holding the action... not required if it takes place on the territory of the russian embassy. another most accessible option for participating in the immortal regiment campaign is to replace your avatar on social networks and instant messengers with a photo of your ancestor, a participant in the great patriotic war. considering the scale of online communication in the life of a modern person, a huge number of people will be able to get acquainted with another story of a veteran or home front worker. in general, no obstacles can stop you to russians. remember, be proud of your heroes. the list of technical rehabilitation means for svo participants will be expanded to include manually operated vehicles. this proposal was made by the chairman of the fatherland defenders foundation, anna tseveleva.
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she discussed issues of legislative support for fighters with state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin. as a foundation that directly helps people. you see that there are gaps in the legislation, of course, it is very important that you make suggestions to us and identify those problems that require solutions, of course, we will do everything to ensure that our legislation is more adapted to solving the problems that you are dealing with, this will increase the efficiency of providing assistance, we simply offer to provide an opportunity. we need to make a car as a technical means of rehabilitation and it will be issued exclusively for medical reasons, when no other opportunities will allow a person to be socialized, this is an important point, that is, it is not even a gift from
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the state, it is precisely a necessity so that the person socialized as quickly as possible. greece will not send air defense systems to ukraine to ensure. the safety of their own skies, this was stated in the country's cabinet of ministers, now western countries are actively trying to find those who can supply kiev with such equipment, berlin is most concerned about this, why our correspondent emil mirsaev will tell you from the german capital. these were one-way tickets for a long time, or rather forever, tour operators, at the same time, the main sponsor of mortal sensations, the armed forces ukraine, which offer foreign mercenaries to make money from the war with... i think that what most provoked my brother was the economic situation in the country, most people who go there do so for economic reasons. these are the words of harison ostudillo’s cousin, a former professional soldier of the colombian army in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine served for a year and 3 months, died in
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march, while his still living compatriots are filming funny tiktok advertisements. when i joined the ukrainian armed forces battalion, i signed a contract for 3 years. this is a good military experience, guys, so that if you have questions, write. now the only question for the relatives of the victims is how to return the body to their homeland, which is 1,100 km from the combat zone. the losses among those who are ready to fight under foreign flags, allegedly for the idea of ​​democracy, number in the thousands, among them many former military police from latin american countries. the cia is actively helping to recruit citizens of this region, even those imprisoned for drug trafficking. i recently talked about this. russian foreign intelligence service the idea of ​​fighting with the yellow-bladed flag is still popular in europe. in my youth, i committed a minor crime, after which i dropped out of school, and then ended up in the army. there i learned to respect my elders and shoot a machine gun. returning to civilian life was a disaster. i
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hung out on the street with bad guys all the time, and then the war began in ukraine. this was a great opportunity to start over, to become a good guy. it's a pity that he's a young frenchman. doesn’t know that it is reckless to hope for this, because the goal for which he is fighting is unattainable, we are talking about the dreams of the bank, about the borders of the ninety-first year, a journalist from the american new york times , citing local analysts... gives an unequivocal verdict: the ukraine of old will no longer be seen. many experts are skeptical that kiev will be able to regain control over donbass and crimea through military means, especially after last year's disappointing counter-offensive. well, the partners of the ukrainian authorities themselves now seem to be competing to see who will supply more independent weapons, or rather, who will say it louder. there seems to be no limit to washington's cynicism; the united states hopes to supply part of the aid for ukranazis will arrive exactly by may 9 - the politician writes, but also adds that such an outcome is unlikely. meanwhile, berlin,
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which itself is cautious in this matter, is trying to encourage the states to transfer at least one more patriot air defense system to kiev. bloomberg writes about this, according to the agency's interlocutors, berlin also intends to increase pressure on its allies in the eu, including france and italy, so that they sacrifice their weapons. only in france and in italy they do not agree with such plans, because they consider them pointless to supply ukraine weapons can only help stabilize the situation a little, but not change the overall picture; at the moment, the advantage is on the russian side. time has given another signal, already nato, to curb the expansion of the alliance; no country or bloc can strengthen its influence at the expense of others, but this is exactly what the government of olaf scholz is now actively doing; he, as the press writes, will have a joint meeting with prime minister sunak, who is now in poland, will again ask the latter to increase. going to defense, this despite the fact that the british government has already announced that it will send
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an additional number of shtorshadow cruise missiles to square. some members of the german parliament called on both politicians to abandon the escalation. of all the members of the bundestag, perhaps only deputies from the alternative for germany party try to face the truth. they again called on the cabinet of ministers to lift anti-russian sanctions, because they endanger the well-being of the citizens of germany themselves. in fact, real wages are not only in germany, but also in... spain entered a dive. the french opposition once again declared the meaninglessness of the restrictions. according to the leader of the patriots party, sanctions harm europe more than russia. this year, russia will experience one of the highest rates of economic growth in the world, after already very strong growth in 2023, five times faster than french growth. congratulations to our national champion bruno lemaire, who promised to bring the russian economy to its knees. hungarian prime minister orban called the collective west to dialogue. the conflict in ukraine may be settled by the end of 2025 if
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pro-peace rather than pro-war candidates win the u.s. presidential election in june this year. in fact, dialogue is not beneficial for brussels and washington. european bureaucrats from the first need to earn political points ahead of the summer parliamentary elections. as a hawk from the second, pump up your military-industrial complex and financial sector. after all, a third of the promised aid will go to uncle samm, a comparable amount to zelensky as a loan. emil mirsaev, news: berlin, germany. a ukrainian citizen was detained in lugansk on suspicion of preparing an assassination attempt on ex-sbu lieutenant colonel vasily prozorov. according to information from the fsb public relations center , his actions were supervised by an sbu agent whom the defendant met 3 years ago. after the start. for a special operation, she went to warsaw, a car explosion, let me remind you, occurred in april on the korovinskoye highway in moscow,
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former sbu officer prozrov, who moved to russia, was wounded, the detainee during interrogation told how he prepared this attack. in may of the twenty-third year, at the request of yaroslav, i went to the address korovinskoye highway and photographed the house and the cars that stood nearby for a monetary reward of 4.0 rubles. in april of twenty-four, she asked yaroslav , asked me to transport 10,000 to the driver ivan, who was transporting a package from warsaw to moscow, later i learned from the media that at this address, where i went, there was an explosion of a car in which he was injured sbu officer, former sbu officer. explosion of an suv in moscow, ex-sbu officer vasily prozurovov is not the first attempt on his life, he
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stated this on our tv channel and promised to redouble his efforts in the fight against the kiev regime. the ex-lieutenant colonel has already been discharged from the hospital; he is now completing work on a film investigating terrorism. in any case, you see, such actions are sanctioned by the very top. i think they are sanctioned no less. chairman of the sbu, or maybe the report is coming and the state leadership, well, earlier, yes, the attempt on maximomen, on daria dugina, you’re great remember that... the same mr. vasily malyuk, he repeatedly stated personally, told details and so on, this indicates that the first person in the sbu, he is aware of this, and he is aware of it in detail, in detail, i even i’ll redouble my efforts so that these ukrainian customers, so that they cry bitter tears from what
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has happened to them again, i just kindly envy the professional work of our... operational services of the investigative committee, they’re just great, i’m like someone who has would have had a past attitude towards such activities, i i'm just amazed. more than 38 thousand people in russia have been evacuated from the flood zone since the flood began. in general , about 15,00 houses in almost 30,000 plots remain flooded across the regions. the water level in reservoirs of the tyumen region continues to rise. in the coming days, the brunt of the disaster will take its toll. abad district. evacuation has been announced in several villages. a regional emergency situation is in effect in tyumen. in ishim. protective structures are being urgently reinforced with sandbags. there is a lot of water in the neighboring trans-urals began to retreat. over the course of a day, the tobol dropped by about 20 cm. there is no longer any danger of a water spill near the regional center.
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five bridges and more than a dozen road sections have been flooded so far. plus housing and dachas. in the straight waters, the water cut off from the mainland yet. one village had to block a section of the road, the situation is difficult in four regions, the level of the zeya river is rising, the flood in the primorsky territory passed relatively calmly, there was no major river flooding, according to the ministry of emergency situations, all roads in the region are already open for travel. and in in the regions of siberia, winter has returned today, at the same time there were freezing rains in the north of russia, about whether to expect any more in the russian regions in the near future. cataclysms, let’s ask the leading specialist of the faubus center vadim zavodchenka. yes, vadim, again on our live broadcast. hello, they are reporting that a hurricane is raging in tatarstan right now. what's going on with the weather anyway? hello, the fact is that very contrasting air masses enter the territory of russia, so in some places it is very cold, and in others unseasonably warm. in the zone where pluses and minuses
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occur, it is precisely such cataclysms that develop. the storm played out in tatarstan.
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warming , rain began to mix with the snow more and more actively, and hail fell asleep in the capital of khakassia this afternoon, while the temperature in abakan dropped by 4° in a short time, meanwhile in the north-east of the republic nothing was visible for several tens of meters due to snow charges, at times the snowfall turned into a blizzard, no less weather tests fell to the lot of residents of the tomsk region today, skutrom survived transport collapse, city streets were jammed with ten-point traffic jams, such traffic jams do not often appear even in the middle of winter after heavy snowfalls, the situation was aggravated due to the appearance of icy conditions, some drivers had already changed the tires on their cars to summer ones, cars were slipping even on small inclines,
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all weather conditions cataclysms from thunderstorms, squalls and downpours to snowfalls, blizzards and freezing rains without... not a single chain, you see, a ridge of frontal clouds stretches across the territory of russia, the eastern volga, these clouds carry arctic air masses, and the mediterranean heat spreads to the west after them. tomorrow, on the russian level , only the north of the region will be in the bad weather zone; in siberia, the snowfall zone will move to the central regions; in the volga region , showers and thunderstorms will continue to be observed. in orenburg today. precipitation in the afternoon can reach 12 mm in 6 hours, in just 24 hours about 20 mm of moisture will pour out here, three
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volumes, 3/4 of a month's volume, while the temperature will drop, today in orenburg there is about a record +27, but on wednesday it will be already not above +20. on wednesday , the weather in european russia is generally expected to be warmer than usual. in the average... in the volga region up to +15-20, in the full world the mediterranean flow will warm the south of the country, here it is +227, while the entire territory of siberia will be under the control of the arctic air due to the urals, even in the south the thermometers are as if in march will not rise above zero +5, in novosibirsk today there were still snow charges, but tomorrow the clouds will thin at... the maximum temperature will be only +3, in the future the weather will take a course towards warming on thursday to +7, on friday the temperature regime will reach
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the level of the climate norm, on the weekend it will even exceed it on saturday-sunday +12:14, in moscow in the middle of the day the air managed to warm up to almost +13, it seems that’s all for today, it won’t be any warmer, the evening and night will be cold in... the city in the morning the temperature will drop to +3°, tomorrow afternoon it will be about +15, on thursday up to 19° warm, on friday it’s possible even +20. now economic news, briefly: the european union threatens sanctions eastern companies for helping russia, according to bloomberg we are talking about 10 companies from turkey, the uae, china and hong kong. the eu thinks so. that these organizations continue to supply european products to our country, in particular military products, such as navigation systems, antennas and computer components; also
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, companies that allegedly provided russia with satellite images may be subject to new sanctions. in austria, they said that the refusal of russian gas will not harm the country’s industry, economics minister martin told the newspaper derstandart. kocher. according to him, first you need to make sure in practice that stopping the pumping will not lead to this. 98%. russian authorities will soon consider support measures for rusal, including the abolition of export duties on the purchase of the company's products for reserve. this was stated by deputy head of the ministry of industry and trade viktor eftukhov. according to him, to make a final decision. we need to analyze the global balance in the aluminum market. another major metal producer, norilsk nickel, which also suffered from new sanctions, is seeking help i haven’t contacted the government yet,
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eftukhov noted. and the liquidation of kiwibank will require more than 2 billion rubles. this assessment was given by the deposit insurance agency. the main expenses will go to salaries and compensation to employees; the organization will be forcibly liquidated by decision of the moscow arbitration court. at the same time the kiwi group. estimated losses from the sale of russian assets at a discount; this year they will exceed 22.5 billion rubles. the company now plans to focus on business in kazakhstan and the united arab emirates. it was economic news, briefly. the human rights council contacted the turkish ambassador after chida incidents when the national carrier refused to board russians who were in transit to latin america. what can they count on?
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despite all the documents and past trips to europe and asia, they refused to explain the official reasons to me. you are russian with a bad travel history, mexico does not want
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to accept you. there was a girl there who... flew to madonna, and the guy who flew to madonna, and some girl from sochi, and there was a family from moscow, there was a father and daughters, everyone was refused simply with one wording: oh, ruspassport is everything, that is, a russian passport for them is like a red rag for a bull, they don’t look at the documents, they don’t care what documents you have, what justifications, they have a russian passport, everything means block, the turkish airlines themselves refer to some tightening of migration rules and the fight against illegal immigrants, it seems, despite even... trauma to the meaning. i showed you tickets to madonna's concert. i'm not a migrant. migrants don't buy tickets for a concert tour. this is ridiculous. however, on the website of the turkish carrier there are no special conditions for entry into mexico. all you need is an e-visa and round trip tickets. in mexico itself , a hotel has already been booked and paid for. passengers had all this, but for some reason it wasn’t the decisive argument to let them board? they immediately took away
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my ticket with a black pen on it. they scribbled something down and crossed out the barcode field three times with a pen so that it simply wouldn’t break, that is, even before they got acquainted with my documents, they didn’t even look at the entry permit and other documents, before they even opened them, they looked, they had already crossed out my ticket, the dreams of latin america were crossed out for the amateur astronomer alexander drakon, in mexico he wanted to watch a solar eclipse, but i only saw... the reservation system in the company’s internal system may now contain some kind of record that i was removed from the flight precisely on the basis of some suspicion of illegal immigration, in fact, as soon as my plane took off, i i received an automatic notification that i did not show up for the flight, automatically...
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my agency wrote to me that they could return 8 thousand out of 150 to me . the russian consulate in istanbul has already sent requests to the turkish carrier to the ministry of the republic. the first thing tourists are advised to do in a conflict situation is to contact our depnission; be sure to film the refusal, send a written request to the airline and file a claim in court to recover damages. due to non-refundable bookings, every passenger removed from a flight to latin america, lost hundreds of thousands of rubles. it turned out to be about half a million. this is a very large amount, in fact, i saved for a long time, put this money aside for a long time, because it was really my dream, it is much more difficult to assess the moral damage inflicted on the russians, experts say. tourists were deprived of vivid impressions and their vacation was ruined without any legal grounds. the russian presidential council for the development of civil society and human rights has already become involved in the situation. members of the standing committee express serious concern about the growth
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manifestations of russophobia and rudeness. will help prevent similar violations in the future. there are already more than a thousand victims, passengers who did not fly on turkish airlines not only to mexico, but also to brazil and argentina, they do not refuse to travel, but now they are unlikely to buy a ticket to istanbul. boris ivanin and olga alvukhina, lead. today, the honored coach of russia, master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, elena korpushenko, passed away; she prepared the 2016 olympic silver medalist yana for competitions kudryavtsev. elena korpushenko was 62 years old, her contribution to russian and world rhythmic gymnastics cannot be overestimated, the press service of the all-russian federation of rhythmic gymnastics said in a statement. the head of the federation irina
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winner also commented on the sad news. she stated. 18:00 in moscow. you are watching a tv channel.


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