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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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vesti, chumen region. the head of tatarstan, rustam menikhanov, called on residents of the republic not to leave their homes due to strong winds, thunderstorms and hail. according to weather forecasters, the hurricane is heading towards kazan. in zelenodolsk there was hail the size of tennis balls. the buinsky hurricane wind blew away roofs, felled trees, fences and billboards. nikolai, having chatted on the sidelines of an international security meeting in st. petersburg, held.
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nikolai patrushev held a meeting with the head of the general intelligence service of the state of palestine majid faraj, they discussed the situation on middle east. in moscow , the literary prize was awarded to the party fairly. competition, to all new participants of the competition i wish a successful continuation of our creative success, and of course, most importantly, i wish victory. our victories,
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a special military operation, you and i know, our cause is just, victory will be ours. russia and uzbekistan can effectively cooperate in the development of artificial intelligence, this opinion was expressed by the first deputy chairman of the board of sberbank, alexander vidyakhin. he presents the bank's projects at innoprom exhibition in tashkent. and this is how sberbank assesses the prospects for the development of the republic and future cooperation, taking into account its growing role.
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dollars, that is, this is plus 10 billion, this is a very decent contribution, but if artificial intelligence develops even faster, then , in fact, we looked at the effect, it could reach 15 billion, but we are focusing on the number 10, what industries are these, this is industry , this is construction and this is agriculture, these are the three sectors that are now actively developing in uzbekistan.
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the human rights council appealed to the turkish ambassador after a series of incidents when the national carrier refused to take on board russians who were flying in transit to latin america, what can
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the victims expect? boris ivanin will tell you. hundreds of russian passports at the counter at the istanbul airport of their owners without... there are already hundreds of stories. st. petersburg resident danil solynin was on a flight to cancun; he was flying to mexico for a madonna concert; he was checked in at snow-covered pulkovo, without any problems, and was immediately given two boarding tickets. well, we are now broadcasting live.
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thank you very much, please! dear friends, i congratulate you on your significant, bright anniversary . half a century ago, the construction of a unique transport route, the legendary baikal-amur mainline, was launched. this project was historical. century , the first proposals for the transport development of transbaikalia and the amur region appeared. at the beginning of the 20th century, the geography of future grandiose construction projects was studied, and even
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the route was traced. before the great patriotic war , in the post-war years, separate plots. small-scale construction of the railway started in april 1974, it was then that at the seventeenth congress of the komsomol the bam ball was declared a shock construction project, the first detachment of volunteers was formed, this event and the idea itself, of course, inspired the young people with the romance of creation and enthusiasm. almost the entire country, and they composed poems, as you and i remember, they sang songs, you hear, time is humming, bam, these and other lines of popular songs of that time reflected the mood of hundreds of thousands of people, they left to build the legendary
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highway, having chosen for itself the fate of the pioneers, i repeat, bam has become truly national. all union project, its objects were patronized by a team of hundreds of enterprises, research institutes, design organizations from all republics of the soviet union. about 2 million people were involved in the project, and for many of them, the construction of bam, and then work on the highway, became the work of their whole lives, the embodiment of their dreams, work, and courage. the vocation of many generations of families is certainly a real feat, this is without any exaggeration, in impenetrable swamps, in the taiga, in rocks in permafrost conditions, our builders laid kilometers of steel route, solved problems of an prohibitive
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level of complexity, brought to life fundamentally new constructive, engineering, technical solutions, a participant is present here. construction of bam, it was they who implemented this one of the world’s largest infrastructure projects of the entire 20th century, who laid a transport artery vital for... the country. bam played a huge role in the development of eastern siberia and the far east, our north, made it possible to bring into circulation the richest deposits of coal, iron ore, tin, gold, copper, malebdenum, oil and gas. to use this powerful raw material base for the operation of combines, plants, factories, for the long-term development of domestic industry. at the turn of the century, bam helped. open the markets of the asia-pacific region to the russian economy, and provided
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a reliable transit route for all of eurasia. together with transib it has become a truly strategic transport a corridor of not only national but also global significance. this year , the railway's carrying capacity was almost 42 million tons. over the past 12 years it has tripled and...
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commission more than 300 infrastructure facilities, including backups of the severomuysky, kuznetsovsky and kadarsky tunnels, as well as a bridge across the amur. over the next 10 years, the volume of transportation along the eastern railway range should reach the level of 270 million tons per year. this will allow for more widespread development of natural resources in the attraction zone bama and transib will be a powerful impetus for the opening of industrial complexes and the creation of modern ones. jobs, development of social infrastructure in eastern siberia in the far east of russia. in this regard
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, i would like to emphasize: we will pay special attention to improving the quality of life of people in settlements tied to bam, including on the basis of well-developed master plans, the strong points, the capitals of bam, tynda and severobaikalsk, will receive long-term development. we have a lot of debt to the people here. and, of course, the further development of bam will serve increase. we will implement all our plans, we will do it for the benefit of russia and our people. once again, i congratulate you all on the anniversary of the start of the construction of the bama. i thank the veterans, bamovites, and wish the current and future generations of builders and railway workers success and great achievements.
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by decree of the president of the russian federation, for special labor merits, a great contribution to the construction, reconstruction and development of the baikal-amur railway. the title of hero of labor of the russian federation was awarded to: sergei mikhailovich nichaev, road foreman urgal railway distance, open joint-stock company russian railways, khabarovsk territory.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear guests, colleagues, thank you for the highest award, this honor, from all railway workers, sincere thanks to you, vladimir vladimirovich, for the attention and support provided to the workers and veterans of bam. bam is a school of courage that educates true professionals, dedicated to their work, whose contribution to the development of these harsh territories, especially today, is so in demand and appreciated. thanks to everyone who walked with me to this award, i serve russia, the order for services to the fatherland, first degree, was awarded to efim vladimirovich basin, president of the all-russian public organization, bam community.
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the order for services to the fatherland, second degree, was awarded to oleg valentinovich belozyurov, general director, chairman of the board of an open joint-stock company. russian railways,
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order of merit for the fatherland, third degree, awarded to ferdmanich. dear vladimir vladimirovich, as they say, tunnels are the keys to the bam, thank you very much for the high assessment of our work, of course, this is the reward of the entire team of non-construction professionals created for the construction of all tunnels on the baikal-amur railway.
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we are proud that bastroi built the severomushsky tunnel. one of the longest tunnels in russia and the most difficult tunnel to excavate in the world. thanks a lot. the order for valiant labor was awarded to grigory iosifovich kagatka, chief inspector of the directorate of inspectors general of the ministry of defense of the russian federation. yakimov alexander petrovich, leading engineer of the department of the railway troops of the eastern military district.
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the team of the joint stock company bamtanel stroy most. the order is presented to the chairman of the board of directors of the company, ruslan sulimovich baysarov. dear vladimir vladimirovich, this is a great
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reward and a huge responsibility. in 975, orders of the ussr ministry of transport construction for the construction of all tunnels on the baikal-amur mainline. it was at this construction site of the century that professional tunnel builders and bridge workers. and today pamta naristroy is working. over half a century of history, our specialists have built over 3,000 unique infrastructure facilities for the benefit of our country. the anniversary year of the start of the construction of the baikal-amur mainline, specialists from bamtanelstroy, as befits a tunnel builder, celebrated the briskness of the new duselinsky tunnel in the conditions of the eternal world of gold using the drilling and blasting method, which is being built in the khabarava region on bama, i would like to dwell separately on the prospect. under the leadership of
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the ministry of transport of the russian federation and russian railways, bamtenstroy has moved forward to a new construction site of the century, where the largest infrastructure facilities in our country will be built at the expense of attracted private investments, this is the second severomuisk tunnel. the second kadarsky tunnel, the bridge over the amur river and the kuznetsovsky tunnel. the project pays special attention to the creation of social infrastructure for builders and local residents, including the construction of sports and fitness complexes, medical gardens, and we are even planning to build a maternity hospital. implementation the third stage of the eastern test site will give a new impetus to the socio-economic development of siberia and the far east, where about 100,000 new jobs will be created. thank you very much, vladimir vladimirovich, we will definitely implement everything. thank you! the team of the limited liability company, company group 1520. the order is awarded to the general director of the management company
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bam stroymekhanizatsiya, ismail zade vusal, mahmud agli. “i’m worried, i’m sorry, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear veterans, dear colleagues, builders, 50 years ago here in moscow a decision was made, announced, to announce the all-union construction of the bama, in these words, the labor feat of a dream will strengthen a million."
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period from 1993 to 1997. fodeev, gennady matveevich, advisor to the general director, chairman board of the joint-stock company: russian railways.
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dear president of the country, vladimir vladimirovich, i thank you for awarding me this high award, but i take this opportunity because yesterday we met with the president of azerbaijan, aliyev, and we discussed a lot, it was nice to meet everyone, veterans, engineers, and i wanted to today. here is this hall that has come to meet you, with you, which maybe someone sees you for the first time, hears you,
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maybe so that we all thank our president together for his titanic work, which is aimed at the development of our state and defense , and let's wish him... lieutenant colonel of the railway troops of the ministry of defense of the russian federation.
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the order of honor was awarded to oleg kimovich egorov, head of the branch of the all-russian public organization bamovskoe commonwealth, krasnodar region. the order of friendship was awarded to alexander viktorovich vasin, diesel locomotive driver of the tynda locomotive depot, open joint-stock company russian railways, amur region.
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mirzuev abdul ashur agli, foreman of the february track distance of the open joint-stock company russian railways, amur region. svigachev pyotr nikolaevich, car driver, limited liability company mostotryad 43, amur region.
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spiredonov ernst serafimovich, professor department of design and construction of railways, russian university of transport. dear friends, first of all i want to congratulate those awarded with state awards, i want to congratulate all bam residents on
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their anniversary. and there is nothing more pleasant to watch the results of your work, for the builders, for the bam workers, in particular, we have gathered today in their honor, this is a special event, the anniversary of such a grandiose object, such a project, when people... this business all their lives , can observe the results with this work for the results of your life. almost all those awarded whispered in my ear: i serve russia, thank you for your service. thank you! good evening.
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in the meantime, they have the initiative along the entire line of combat contact; will american assistance change anything, the ministry of defense estimates. for the third time in this case, the fsb detained in lugansk, suspected of preparing an assassination attempt on ex-sbu lieutenant colonel vasily prozarov. the defendant confessed to his crime and is cooperating with the investigation, details of this assassination attempt, who else could stand?


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