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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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an additional 2 billion rubles will be allocated from the federal budget to support the belgorod region residents and businesses, mikhail mishustin spoke about this government decision. in addition, the free economic zone regime will be extended to the region. on
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behalf of the president, a bill has been prepared to extend the regime of a free economic zone on its territory, which will include the city of shchebekino, and we will send over 2 billion rubles to this russian entity. primarily to people who have lost their housing, employees of small medium-sized enterprises, individual entrepreneurs, industrial companies will also receive funds for reconstruction, modernization, and, well, to expand their production. as well as for the acquisition of new capacities, and what is very important, for the preservation of jobs. in total , we will allocate more than 6 billion rubles for such purposes this year. dear colleagues, i ask that the department that is responsible for allocating funds do everything necessary to ensure that people and companies receive these resources without delay and quickly. the us will bring europe to its knees, says the speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko. she stated that
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the united states, after approving a new aid package to ukraine of almost $61 billion, let me remind you, will demand that the eu countries allocate as much money as possible to the kiev regime. the politician announced this in an interview with the ceo of the international group russia today and the host of the news of the week program dmitry kiselyov. we will tell you in more detail about other statements by the chairman of the federation council. so, in an interview, valentina matvienko spoke in detail about the consequences of the seizure of russian assets. she stated that such a... precedent-setting step in history would be destructive for the global economy, and europe understands this well. moreover, their actions are completely illegitimate. at the same time, the chairman of the federation council noted, when preparing a package of anti-russian sanctions, the americans protected themselves somewhat. matvienko added that russia is ready for the development of any scenario; our country will provide a tough and at the same time adequate response. the federation council already has a corresponding bill. valentina matvienko stated,
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that the kiev regime is certainly terrorist. he has been involved in terrorism since the events of the coup d'etat that took place in ukraine in 2014. however , ukraine itself as a state is not allowed to be recognized as such by international law. separately , the speaker added that the ukrainian security service must be recognized as a terrorist structure. this department, according to her , is responsible for the development and execution of terrorist attacks in russia. matvienko expressed hope that the tribunal over representatives of the kiev regime will still will take place, they will be judged on all merits. the kiev regime is a terrorist regime, of course, it has been involved in terror since the bloody coup d’etat, and this is the essence, the basis of this regime, written out by the collective west in this form, in the form that exists, because all terrorist acts, there are already a large number of them quantity on the territory of russia.
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the sbu, the security service of ukraine, are the direct developers and implementers of these terrorist acts, who have nothing sacred or conscience. morality. in an interview, valentina matvienko, of course, spoke about the decision of the us congress to allocate new aid to kiev. in her opinion, this is a political step ahead of the american presidential elections, which are scheduled for november this year. the chairman of the federation council is confident that in this way the united states is not helping ukraine at all, but itself, so to speak, softening the pre-election background. but kiev has to pay for the us loan with the blood of ukrainians. as a result, the main sums from
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the americans will be stolen. also speaker stated that ms attack missiles would be shot down in the same way as all other missiles. their delivery to kiev will not fundamentally affect the course of the special operation. to the murder of a journalist, a peaceful person engaged in a peaceful profession, who honestly wrote, spoke about what he saw, what was happening, and of course, this is a terrorist act, of course,
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those who organized it will definitely be held responsible, i want to take this opportunity i would like to express my sincere condolences to his family and want to say that i still know the seeds. then i was the governor, then we invited young journalists from all over russia to join the new team of channel 5, and he was among this group of young journalists who came to work on channel 5, he first appeared on television, this was 2004-2005, and i i still remember him being so honest, so open, such a smart guy, and i was happy... about the career that followed. the human rights council appealed to the turkish ambassador after a series of incidents in which the national carrier refused to take on board russians flying in transit to latin america. boris
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ivanin will tell you what the victims can expect. turkish airlines refused to board hundreds of russian passports at the counter at the istanbul airport for their owners without clear explanations.
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she did it on madonna, and some girl from sochi, and there was a family from moscow, there was a dad and daughters there, and everyone was refused simply with one wording: oh, ruspassport is everything, that is, a russian passport for them is like a red rag for a bookmaker, they don’t they look at your documents, they don’t care what kind you have documents, what justifications, here is a russian passport for them, everything means block, turkish airlines itself refers to some tightening of migration rules and the fight against illegal immigrants, it seems, contrary to even common sense. “i showed you tickets for madonna’s concert, i’m not a migrant, migrants don’t buy tickets for a concert tour, this is just ridiculous, while on the website of the turkish carrier there are no special conditions for entry into mexico, you only need an electronic visa, round-trip tickets to mexico itself already booked
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paid hotel, the passengers had all this, but for some reason it wasn’t the decisive argument to let me board, they immediately took away my ticket, wrote something on it with a black pen and crossed out the barcode field three times with a pen so that it simply wouldn’t break, then there is even before they got acquainted with my documents, they didn’t even look at the entry permit and other documents, before they even opened them, they looked, they had already crossed out my ticket, the dreams of latin america were crossed out for the amateur astronomer alexander drakon, in mexico he wanted watch a solar eclipse, but only saw istanbul airport at night. turkish airlines, at the same time, distanced themselves from the conflict, saying that a third-party company, geyon security, is responsible for admission to the flight, they absolved themselves of all responsibility, they told me that they say that in the reservation system, in the internal system of the company, a certain entry is now being made that i am removed from flight precisely on the basis of some suspicions of illegal
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immigration, in fact, as soon as my plane took off, i received an automatic notification that i did not show up for the flight, automatically, my agency wrote to me that the russian consulate in istanbul had already sent requests to the turkish carrier to the ministry of the republic; contacting our diplomatic mission is the first thing tourists are advised to do in a conflict situation. be sure to film the refusal, send a written request to the airline and file a claim in court to recover damages, due to non-refundable booking tickets, every passenger removed from a flight to latin america lost hundreds of thousands of rubles, there it turned out to be about half a million, this is a very large amount the amount itself in fact, i saved up for a long time, put this money aside for a long time, because it was really my dream, it is much more difficult to assess the moral damage caused to russians, experts say, i deprived tourists... of impressions and ruined their vacation without any legal grounds. the
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russian presidential council for the development of civil society and human rights has already become involved in the situation. members of the standing commission express serious concern about the growing manifestations of russophobia and gross violations of the rights of russian citizens by turkish air carriers. we hope that the turkish authorities will give an appropriate assessment of the violation of the right to freedom of movement of russians and will help prevent similar violations in the future. victims. there are already more than a thousand passengers who have not flown on turkish airlines not only to mexico, but also to brazil and argentina. they do not refuse to travel, but now they are unlikely to buy a ticket to istanbul. boris ivanin and olga alvukhina, lead. more than 38,000 people were evacuated in russia from the flood zone during the first flood. in general , about 15,000 houses on almost 30,000 plots remain flooded across the regions. the water level in reservoirs of the tyumen region continues to rise. in the coming days
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, the obat district will bear the brunt of the disaster. evacuation has been announced in several villages. a regional emergency situation is in effect in tyumen . in ishim , protective structures are being urgently strengthened with sandbags. in the neighboring trans-urals, large waters began to recede. over the course of a day, the tobol dropped by about 20 cm. there is no longer any danger of a water spill near the regional center. five flooded so far. its import? imports to the european union decreased for the first time since the beginning of the farmers' protests, while
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experts, instead of the end of the protests , predict a new, more powerful wave, why? vera moroz will tell you. there is less and less ukrainian grain in europe. its purchases were reduced by more than 20% to 2 million tons. a month earlier, it was 2.5 million, which was the first decline since october last year. purchases have been reduced the most. romania almost doubled, france, bulgaria and the netherlands. the largest buyer italy reduced imports by a third to 162 thousand tons. in at the same time, there were countries that increased imports. belgium and ireland began to buy three times more from ukraine, 64 and 93. tons, respectively. according to economists, these countries, as the largest transport hubs, are trying to create a safety cushion for themselves. the old grain is running out. little by little, but we still have to wait for the new harvest and it is not clear whether it will be
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or not, there is information that, so to speak, there is simply no one to hate, and even if in the west of ukraine there is still a certain number of men who can sit down for appropriate agricultural machinery, yes, then in the center of the country closer to the line of combat contact, respectively, with men there are problems. they are all in the army. another reason for the decline in demand is farmers' protests. fuel, fertilizers are becoming more expensive, and prices for agricultural products are rising due to the demand for ukrainian goods. since november 23, polish farmers and transporters have repeatedly held protests, periodically blocking checkpoints at the border. the last wave supported by the ministry of agriculture poland lasted from february 9 to march 10. now there are protests. they calmed down somewhat, and this is understandable, the sewing began. the protests have been going on for a long time, they are taking place against the backdrop of rising
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costs of agricultural production in the european union countries, caused by obvious reasons, the rise in prices of fertilizers, nargon carriers, and of course, this gushing cheap ukrainian grain, it did not help straighten out the income side of farmers, if at first they... stood up and protested due to the complication of environmental rules, then today this is a concrete life and economy. rest agricultural products from ukraine are still in demand in the european union. there is an increasing trend, so far 3%. the most significant increase in the supply of drinks was kvass solot for foam. experts are confident that by the fall more serious protests may follow in other areas of agriculture, and problems with ukrainian grain are just the beginning. ukrainian companies, in general, are abusing such a serious relaxation
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on the entry of transport into the european union. after another goes bankrupt, on the other hand, the collective west insists that ukraine needs to be helped, in which case the blocking of ukrainian grain, which is life-saving for local farmers, will result in another wave of apparently never-ending protests for the european union. the french press criticized the words of the mayor of paris, anne idalgo,
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who today at a press conference said that on the eve of the olympics, citizens have nothing to worry about. our european correspondent, regina sevastyanova, knows what exactly the journalists doubted. the mayor of paris complained of constant beatings by the international media information, her city. the mayor complained that only negative things are being written about paris’s preparations for the summer olympics. however, she expects that the situation may change in the near future. i am extremely outraged that the image of paris, its projects, everything that could benefit france, all of this suffered from the media that began. paris, and this continued until today. however, now the beating of paris has practically stopped. paris will remain the favorite city for the french, to which they are attached. the mayor of paris's conversation with the press was timed to coincide with the arrival of the olympic flame on french soil. now the french three-masted ship bellem, built back in 1896, is already in greek waters.
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on may 8, it is expected in marseille, and it is expected that the olympic flame will be greeted by 150 thousand people, among whom... and president emmanuel macron personally, accordingly, the olympic torch relay will begin, which is considered as the finish line to the start of the games, but the media information indeed still doubts the ability of france to hold the olympics at the proper level, for example, hygiene issues are so acute that today the media are wondering how to avoid turning paris into one huge public toilet this summer. in the corresponding note, journalists write that paris is very often and not always unfounded. live in the persistent smell of ammonia, and yet this summer paris expects another 15 million additional bladders, or the quality of water in the hay is discussed every day in the media, a topic covered sufficiently, but not found no solution at the moment. this monday, paris presented two more programs to purify water in hay, but experts still say that the amount
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of bacteria contained in river water is two to three times higher than the permissible norm and it is easy to hold competitions there. irresponsibly, president emmanuel macron personally promised to swim in the river, but this immediately grew only with new cartoons and additional sarcastic comments. the greed of the parisian ateliers is also again today pages of the international press. the independent writes that only half of the rooms in paris hotels are currently reserved for the duration of the games. the situation is so difficult that volunteers can refuse their work; not all of the 45 thousand people who... are employed to host these competitions can rent an overnight stay for an average of 500-800 euros per night, but still the main question - this is security, now one of the main police unions in france has called for a strike on april 30, as stated the head of the union, the french government did not fulfill its promise to give a bonus of 1,900 euros to each policeman, which
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means, says the head of this trade union, that there is no money for the olympics to protect it. non-guaranteed olympic bonuses, frozen protocol points for the twenty- second year, unconfirmed vacation in 2024, blocked compensation for business trips, if there is no money for the olympics, then perhaps we will not have people to work at it. despite the already approved decision to reduce the number of spectators in during the opening ceremony of the olympic games this summer in paris twice, this decision was made after the tragic ones. representatives of all existing private security companies; in addition, specialists from neighboring countries can be involved in ensuring the security of the olympiad. however, as lemon writes, the
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government is dissatisfied with the situation, specifically with security, so much so that the government can take control of at least this aspect of the olympics during the opening and closing of the games. regina sevastyanova, matvey popov and svetlana mineeva, european bureau of vgtrk. this year the regiment will be held in an online format, this decision was made for security reasons, while the organizers are offering new formats of the action, which we learn from svetlana chamykh, she is joining us, yes, svetlana, we welcome how exactly the immortal regiment will take place this year year and what is needed in order to take part in this online format. greetings, from sailboats to airplanes, the immortal regiment event will be held this year on all types of transport. movement headquarters proposed new formats. portraits. heroes of the great patriotic war and home front workers can be accommodated on public and private transport. in addition, it is planned to hold a procession of the immortal regiment on water transport, on
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work and pleasure boats, river trams, yachts; a proposal to place portraits of famous pilots who distinguished themselves during the great patriotic war was also sent to flying clubs and enterprises that use air transport. yes, traditionally ascension. death regiment this year in our country decided to refuse for security reasons, but the symbolism and idea of ​​the action should not suffer from this. in addition to vehicles, portraits of heroes will appear in parks, squares, and on street media screens. the campaign begins on may 1, and on victory day, may 9 , portraits of the heroes will be broadcast on the movement’s website. commemorative events will be held in schools. due to existing threats to public safety. the central headquarters of the immortal regiment of russia decided not to hold marches of the immortal regiment in 2024 in
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on may 6, in full-time format, in all schools of our country from the first to the eleventh grade on monday there will be a lesson about important things, which will be dedicated to the victory day holiday, in particular , there is a parade and procession of the immortal regiment, so i am sure that the crimeans will understand they will react to this, this is a necessary measure, respect will be expressed to our veterans, and festive events
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will be held in a shortened format, but the main thing is love, respect for the people who defended our homeland, during this period, this applies to everyone, including children of war, those who was in the concentration camps, that is, everyone who went through this terrible tragedy, attention to these people, attention, help, support, they are planning to hold a procession of the immortal regiment abroad. requests for organization have been sent to sixty countries, and in more than 100 countries, actions dedicated to victory day will take place in one form or another, that is, even if there are no official permits, and such options, unfortunately, cannot be ruled out. so, special applications for holding a promotion are not required if it takes place on the territory russian embassy. another most affordable option is to participate in the immortal regiment campaign by replacing your avatar on social networks and instant messengers with a photo of your own. ancestor, participant in the great patriotic war. considering the scale of online communication in the life of a modern person,
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a huge number of people will be able to get acquainted with another story of a veteran or home front worker. in general, no obstacles can prevent russians from remembering and being proud of their heroes. uralsip is a bank for business. and we work on the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs, and nothing extra, we give free service for 3 months when opening an account for a business, ural sip bank, nothing extra. moldova detained the participants of the congress. positions, which took place in russia last week, at first they did not want to let them into the country, citing some technical difficulties, and later moved on to interrogation, after which some delegates even needed
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medical assistance. varvara nevskaya knows what they said after they were released. about 150 searches have already been carried out the moldovan police managed to report before lunch. representatives of opposition parties who returned to their homeland from moscow, where last sunday they announced the creation of the victory political bloc, came under the close attention of the chisinau security forces. according to the local prosecutor's office , more than $1 million was seized from sandu politicians who disagreed with the regime. that today they are threatening us with everything they want, and i would like to ask what we have violated, only that we believe that today the russian federation is our reliable partner, and that our country should cooperate with the eurasian union, yes, this is our opinion, and yes, this is the opinion of the overwhelming number of citizens, we cannot close our mouths with such actions, such a reaction from the current government did not
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come as a surprise to the opposition, just yesterday... in the port of the moldovan capital, passengers on the moscow yerevan chisinau flight were not allowed out of the transit zone under various pretexts; people were forced to spend several hours without food, water or going to the toilet. all arrivals from russia were asked to fill out declarations that according to the laws of moldova , the procedure is purely voluntary for citizens of the country; almost all participants of the congress who returned to their homeland were detained and interrogated by the police. upon arrival, they were waiting for me from the second. representatives of the sif asked to go into the office, where there were three representatives and began to ask different questions, it was clear that these were just instructions from above, since all the questions were printed in a4 format, on a printer, they were simply asked one by one, like in an exam, intimidation, i'm under legitimate psychological pressure, that's all. according to the opposition wing confiscated money and personal belongings from people, including mobile phones. no copy, no nothing, just a copy.
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they took it on the phone and said, wait, we’ve taken the money, and wait home, the day before, the reason that people who returned from moscow spent almost 5 hours locked up, the moldovan authorities called the program not working at the airport, today the police explained the delay by saying that passengers arriving from the russian federation allegedly resisted the luggage inspection and tried to evade border control, meanwhile official level of all representatives... state security monitors all actions that occur in connection with the participation of our politicians in moscow; in due time, each action will be qualified. the treason component of the crime is also considered in relation to the events that we are all witnessing . despite the obviously sharp negativity.
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position of the sandu government, to stop their activities, members of the opposition wing do not intend, god forbid, something happened to at least one supporter of paz, already the entire european parliament would shout: we have chosen our path of struggle for the good of our country, we are supported by a huge number of people, yesterday the regime once again showed its face, if these are european values, then sorry, we don’t need them. in the near future, victory lawyers will prepare complaints, and... not only to all national, but also international bodies, including the council of europe. varvara nevskaya, andrei sapegin, lead the opposition from the republic. i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally she came. spring is warm. sunny, bright,
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the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. blinovskaya’s husband turned to bastrykin. they ask that his service contract in the northern military district zone not be terminated, but what dictates the attack of patriotism, who is trying to use it and how?


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