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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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a solemn ceremony was held today in the kremlin to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the start of construction of the baikal amur mainline. vladimir putin called it one of the main transport arteries of the country and emphasized that bam’s capacity will only grow in the coming years. well, in addition, the president presented state awards to those who personally participated in the great construction. details in the report by olga armyakova. just like 50 years ago, they meet in the state kremlin palace, then future builders, now veterans of bama, who the komsomol received the first beams on the 17th bam, but they didn’t yet know which one, either chassis or iron, but then they figured it out. the first detachment, about 700 volunteers, set off to conquer the siberian taiga directly from the kremlin, and here today they are accepting congratulations from the president. half a century ago, the construction of a unique transport began.
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the legendary baikal-amur highway, the idea itself, certainly inspired by the romance of creation and the enthusiasm of the young, inspired almost the entire country at that time, and poems were composed, as we remember, songs were sung, you hear, time is humming, bam, these and other lines of popular songs of that time reflected the mood of hundreds. thousands of people, they left to build the legendary highway, choosing for themselves the fate of pioneers. the starting point of the grandiose infrastructure project was the seventeenth congress of the komsomol on april 23, 1974, then bam was declared a shock komsomol construction site, we met there, fell in love, these are our wives, we met at your place, we met, arrived in the same year, met, got married.
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we will pay special attention to improving the quality of life of people in settlements tied to bam, including on the basis of well-developed masterplans , the capital's stronghold, bama, tynda and sero-baikalsk, will receive long-term development, we have a large debt to the people here, and of course for... the further development of bam will serve to increase export transit opportunities russia, as the most important link in the eurasian transport system. i am sure that we will definitely implement all our plans, we will do it for the benefit of russia and our people. bam is one of the largest construction projects country, which gave impetus to the development of eastern siberia and the far east. they built the track of courage, as they called the legendary one, in severe frosts and unbearable heat, where no one had set foot before. people, here it is,
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a chronicle of those days in person, in order to lay a highway almost 400 km long, it was necessary to overcome seven mountain ranges from taishet, a town in the irkutsk region, to the port in the tatar strait, the soviet harbor. it took 10 years to lay the bam, but construction was finally completed only at the beginning of the 21st century, now the bam is experiencing a rebirth, it is necessary not only to open up narrow sections, the task is now much larger, namely... along the entire length of the bam, continuous second tracks will have to be laid, in fact, more than 300 infrastructure facilities will have to be put into operation, including backups for the severomoisky, kuznetsovsky and kadarsky tunnels, as well as a bridge across amur. the eastern direction is in maximum demand, not only trade and economic ties are important, where roads are developed and life moves forward, the president presents state awards for contributions to the development of bam. we are proud that the bamtor system was built by severomorsk.
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what are locks ? the work of millions of great people, a great country, there is nothing more pleasant when people can observe the results of this work and the results of their lives.
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almost all those awarded whispered in my ear: i serve russia, thank you for service. in the kremlin, the new chairman of the supreme court of russia, vladimir putin, congratulated irina podnosova on her appointment to a high , yet very responsible position, and also expressed hope that the work of her predecessors, vyacheslav lebedev, who held this post for 35 years, will be successfully continued. this is a very important, even position,
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an important mission, because it is a separate, separate power in the country, a very important component. the entire state structure, a lot for strengthening law and order and developing the judicial system made by vyacheslav mikhailovich lebedev, who headed the country’s supreme court for 35 years. of course, in such a huge matter there are always many questions. dear vladimir vladimirovich, i would like to thank you for the trust you have placed in me in connection with my appointment to this position, and of course, taking up this post. after such an outstanding lawyer and leader as vyacheslav mikhailovich lebedev, this is of course a very big responsibility, the staff of the supreme court, and the entire judiciary that operates today, was formed precisely with the participation of vyacheslav mikhailovich, this is a judicial
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community of professionals who are ready and have the opportunity to fulfill all the tasks assigned to the judicial system. in the village of obatskoye in the temen region , an alarm siren is sounding today due to the approaching flood wave. in the flood zone, more than six hundred houses of local residents are being evacuated due to water overflow on the road. traffic in this area is already limited, and several nearby villages are completely cut off by high water. you can now only get there by boat from the disaster zone. report our special correspondent stanislav bernwald. and shim sinitsina went into flood a few days ago, now you can get to the village of sinitsina itself only by boat and only under the supervision of emergency situations ministry employees. the ishim in the area of ​​the highway has flooded widely, even the locals are now wondering where the mouth of the river once was, but where is it now?
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all around is just an endless sea. the sharply changing current makes it clear that we are already walking along the river. to get to the village of senitsina, you need to go by boat on the water. about 40 minutes, the fact is that the village was simply blocked due to the flood of the ishim river, the highway, the city of ishim and sinitsina also went into flood, so now it is possible to deliver food, gasoline, and medicines there, for example, only by boat, and also take boats out of people who need, for example, medical care. as you move along, flooded villages, a children's sanatorium and a rest home, you can see that the water is already receding from the building.
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the documents are all folded, the whole bag is here, put all the documents, everything goes on your shoulder, wife gennady daria is also not in any way, they say i won’t go anywhere alone, especially since a couple of kilometers away in that same village a children’s sanatorium flooded their apartment, yesterday i came
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to the apartment there, sat down on a chair and burst into tears, i say, this is what this has never happened before, hello!
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leave the suspected area that may flood. ishim in the area of ​​the city of the same name begins to recede, but downstream in the obatsky district of the temen region the water level begins to rise. the tobol river rises in the uporovo region. here to talk there is no reason to think that the flood situation is getting easier, so it’s probably worth thinking more seriously about your own safety and that of your parents. stanislav bernval, sergey ukhvarenok, danilo kuznetsov, ivan kuznetsov. valeria sapegina, vesti, tyumen region.
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schools in kurgan, switched to remote learning due to the flood, are returning to their usual operating hours. the level of the tobol river near the regional capital is gradually falling. over the past 24 hours, several dozen houses have been cleared of water, but the flood continues. belozersky district is in the risk zone. our other special correspondent, margarita semenyuk, is monitoring the situation. the foundation is still not dry. yes. this is all ours, too, all these buildings, and you have a vegetable garden here, probably, yes, yes, a vegetable garden of 40 acres, it turns out that this is the height of a person there, there is no point in pumping out the water yet, there is simply nowhere, flooded basements, a vegetable plot, regional authorities supported, paid financial assistance, well, we received support in the amount of 10.00, as it turns out, there are four of us living, two children and my husband and i for... four, well, it only came to me at the bottom, yeah, well, as if it came to me,
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it will come to them, now the home ownership is assessed by a commission, as soon as the houses are freed from water, experts record the damage in the list of things, the first necessity - furniture and household appliances. when the water came, of course, we had a headquarters here and we were on duty around the clock every 2 hours, well, we still measure the water every 2 hours, now on departure, then on arrival and as it becomes free. at our home, we come with commission, we write down what the damage is, which residential properties were damaged, non-residential properties, we rewrite everything, people submit an application so that we can write a conclusion, during the entire period of the flood in the kurgan region , over 15 thousand people were evacuated from flood zones, some went to their relatives , others to temporary accommodation centers; vaccination against hepatitis a began here; during the flood period, a temporary accommodation center was set up here.
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well, we’re releasing the spring flood from the village, well, after the snow, well, i went through it back to village, well, i buried it with a tractor, well , for the next two days we would have escaped from the big water, well, during the course of the neighbors , it turns out that i went through the garden. past my dam, well, here are the consequences. in the belozersky district there are 18 settlements in the flood zone
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. the authorities for the urals will help financially to all victims. using their salaries , civil servants will transfer more than 10 million rubles to repair houses. margarita semenyuk, mikhail vikulin, mikhail mirzayans, conduct the kurgan region. today on the territory of ukraine near the border with the belgorod region positions of ukrainian armed forces militants, which were discovered with the help of russian intelligence. drones, after which the tank crews opened fire; as a result, the enemy suffered quite serious losses and defensive structures buried deep in the ground did not help him, igor pikhanov will confirm. russian intelligence officers are using a drone to inspect the border area from a high altitude. the drone went hunting for ukrainian militants. experts are carefully studying forest plantations. it is in such places that he often hides enemy. the enemy is trying to dig near the state border. this is not the first flight, yes, we are neutralizing, removing fortifications, and accordingly showing that
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we control this crossing. we can take the drone 40 km away, respectively 40 km. what will get us? enemy electronic warfare units are trying to interfere with our fighters, but russian uavs are too tough for the enemy, drones are created with the participation of units at the front, testing on the front line has shown their effectiveness, here in this time the drone detected enemy positions, information about the amount of military equipment and its coordinates is transmitted to the tankers. this is a t72 tank, better vehicles, it seems to me that the armor is more modified. the crew of the t-72 tank is on round-the-clock combat duty in camouflaged positions; when a signal for battle is received, the crew moves to the firing line. the maximum
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operating range of the tank is up to 12 km, tankers work at ukrainian strongholds. underground, tankers hit enemy positions, despite the great distance, each shell lands accurately hit the target, the enemy was neutralized, reconnaissance recorded a fire and the explosion of ammunition in a camouflaged warehouse, military equipment in the ssu was destroyed. we work both directly and from closed firing positions, support our infantry, systematically... we push back, push back the enemy, destroy their equipment, their dugouts, armored personnel carriers, also supplies, armored personnel carriers. often in such fortified areas, the ukrainian armed forces store shells and weapons for attacks on populated areas of the belgorod region; each destroyed shell means the lives of civilians are saved. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region.
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an additional 2 billion rubles will be allocated from the russian federal budget to support residents and businesses. on behalf of the president, a bill has been prepared to extend the free economic zone regime on its territory, which will include the city of shchebekino. we will send over two billion rubles more to this russian entity, primarily to people who have lost their homes and employees. small medium-sized enterprises and individual entrepreneurs will also receive funds industrial companies for reconstruction, modernization, and to expand their production, as well as to acquire new capacities, and what is very important, to preserve jobs. in total , we will allocate more than 6 billion rubles for such purposes this year. dear colleagues, i ask that the department
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that is responsible for allocating funds do everything necessary so that people. and companies received these resources without failure and quickly. the prime ministers of great britain today promised to put their country's economy on a war footing, as well as guaranteed a record package of assistance to the kiev regime, which should receive from london, including many missiles and floating equipment for landing operations. rishisunok spoke about all this in poland at a meeting with donald tusk and secretary general nata stoltenberg. denis davidov will tell you what the reaction was.
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it was proposed to emulate the uk, it allocates an unprecedented tranche for the purchase of weapons, half a billion in pounds, more than 600 million in dollars, in the package that the sun transfers to ukraine 400 vehicles, 60 boats, under 2000 missiles, including long-range stormshadows, will supply another 4 million rounds of ammunition, so they are investing in security. if we don't support ukraine now, the costs will be much higher. we will put the uk defense industry on a war footing. one of the main lessons of the war in ukraine is that we are needed.
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this is the price for having russia as our neighbor, and we must pay the price for ukraine to win, we cannot run away from these
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costs, we must pay, and we must understand that the most expensive alternative will allow putin to win in ukraine. they create the illusion of unity; great britain announces assistance to ukraine on the same day as the discussion of the next package in the american senate, but... but the examples of london and washington are not contagious for everyone. not the richest members of the eu could help ukraine, if not with money, then with weapons, but no. greece does not want to send its patriot complexes, and a number of european countries are against the supply of air defense systems. among those who patriots keep with them is poland, where they call it as an excuse russian threat. their myth about the far-reaching plans of the kremlin, which will not stop in ukraine, is selling well. there is a war right beyond our borders, we as a government have a responsibility to protect our citizens and our territory. i appreciate those who understand
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our special situation. in poland, one exercise replaces another or several take place simultaneously. they practice attacks from the east in such a way that soldiers die at the hands of their own. this time, the live-fire exercises did not save the corporal from spain; he died on the spot, that is, at the training ground. spanish soldier died in poland during nato maneuvers, forty-three-year-old kopral, the father of two daughters , a native of ecuador, entered service in 2004 . during the negotiations, condolences had to be expressed to the nato secretary general. this is not the first death in poland since the beginning of the year. in march , three soldiers died within days of each other. the tragedy had no effect on the intensity of the exercises. the alliance continues to prepare. if nato does not stop the escalation of the conflict and decides to ignore diplomatic and balancing interests settlements, such as granting ukraine neutral status, the conflict
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will further escalate into a large-scale war. there are few voices calling for peace in german politics. the chorus of those who advocate supplying more ammunition to ukraine will sound even louder. british prime minister sunok moves from poland to germany to discuss arms supplies there too. denis davidov and timofey mukhin, lead. the uk will deport illegal migrants to rwanda. the controversial deportation bill was approved by the british parliament tonight. the un has already stated that this law creates a dangerous precedent in the world, and the high commissioner for refugees asked london to reconsider its plans and not forget about the norms of international law, however , these calls are unlikely to be heard, and our staff in the uk, alexander khabarov, will explain why . a boat carrying illegal migrants sank off the coast of france this morning. three men, one woman and a seven-year-old girl died. they all dreamed of getting to britain; about
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100 people crowded into their inflatable boat. this group of migrants is lucky moreover, they were intercepted in the channel by british border guards and taken to the english port. but such people are not welcome here at all. a few hours earlier, the british parliament removed the last obstacles to the approval of the new law.
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my lords, rwanda is a safe country that has proven itself again and again to offer asylum seekers the chance to build a new life. the government claims that they are engaged in a noble cause, they are saving migrants from risky journeys, warning them in advance that they have no reason to sail here. among those who are trying to get to england at any cost are refugees from afghanistan, from where great britain and...
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150 people are subject to deportation, it is estimated that sending each of them will ultimately cost 1.8000 pounds sterling. the government faces huge expenses, considering that in the last 2 years alone , almost 76 thousand illegal migrants entered britain through the lomanche. budget expenditures have decreased slightly due to the fact that more than 17 thousand of them have already fled. those remaining under the control of the authorities, in case attempts to deport them have the right to reverse.
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