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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm MSK

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according to investigators, a forty-five-year-old resident of st. petersburg, along with her accomplices , effectively registered the criminal scheme in st. petersburg mothers of many children so that they receive social benefits. at the same time, the criminals purchased land plots in advance in remote regions of the country and effectively sold them to large families at an inflated price. investigators from the main investigation department, the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for st. petersburg and the leningrad region, opened four criminal cases out of twenty. during the searches , funds and documents of evidentiary value were seized; the preliminary investigation continues. i note that detentions took place simultaneously in several regions of the country; in kurgan, langepas, st. petersburg and dagestan , investigators are now working with the detainees. the bet did not work, a large-scale special operation by security forces in blagoveshchensk eliminated a large network of underground casinos. every day they brought millions to their owners. meanwhile, in primorye...
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a network of illegal casinos was managed by a previously convicted resident of the city, he carefully observed secrecy, did not even meet his subordinates personally, kept in touch through instant messengers, i give 3 seconds, the door does not open, 10 people were detained in a criminal case, judging by the operational video footage, it was physically difficult for some to quickly assume a horizontal position on the floor. 160
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gaming terminals, office equipment, money coupons, everything that is of interest to the investigation were seized. a criminal case was initiated against six defendants, and preventive measures were taken in the form of imprisonment.
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they face, the prospects are bleak, up to 6 years in prison. olga shurenkova, mikhail shirin, denis novozhilov, dmitry manyshev, lead the duty department. chelyabinsk fsb fighters detained a young man who was preparing to set fire to a strategic facility. it is reported that the attacker is 26 years old, and he received instructions from certain curators on the internet. how foreign recruiters process some particularly suggestible citizens in the region was discussed during an interdepartmental meeting on counter-terrorism issues. employees took part in the event.
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based on the results of today’s conversation , relevant instructions have already been given on how we can improve work in the field of preventing terrorist threats, and, accordingly, information support for this work. in addition, after the meeting, representatives of the nag information center interacted with students and discussed the prevention of terrorism among youth. two of the five attackers were members of the gang of bioslan gochiyaev, who 15 years ago tried to seize power in the region and led suicide bombers. we are talking about ruslan semenov and vladimir overyanov. previously, they were included in the register of extremists. it is known that overyanov worked part-time as a plumber. these details became known as security forces
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continue to search for the alleged killers. let me remind you that on monday night in the city of karachaevsk, a group of bandits opened fire on police officers. two employees of the ministry of internal affairs died on the spot, the third was hospitalized. the attackers took it away. russian deputy defense minister timur ivanov was detained on suspicion of taking a bribe. information about this is reported by the official telegram channel of the investigative
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committee of russia. no details yet there is no criminal case, but we are talking about the sixth part of article 290 of the criminal code, that is , a bribe on an especially large scale. all the most interesting things after the short one.
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program will be broadcast live by the duty department. we are continuing production. in tatarstan, they are counting the damage after a hurricane that swept through several cities at once, tearing off roofs and breaking trees. during the bad weather, the authorities called on residents not to leave their homes or offices without urgent need. one of the strongest impacts of the elements fell on the city of zelenodolsk, where dangerously large hail was added to the powerful wind, in other cities, sihi brought down billboards. jealousy of the headmistress in moscow sentenced the head of a private school who ordered the murder of her lover's wife. she chose former students as performers. after listening to the teacher's lecture, the criminals waylaid the woman and attacked her with a knife. it was only by miracle that the victim remained alive. the headmistress and her charge were not in time.
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relatives of his victim are watching in the hall of the novgorod district court alexander golubev, who killed his beloved so as not to be jealous. the defendant strangled the victim with a bag handle, after which he kept her body in a metal barrel; after committing the crime, he purchased it specifically for this purpose. this story thundered throughout russia last summer; here is footage of an investigative experiment, where golubev tells in detail to icr employees how he killed twenty-year-old victoria kurman. how to close a barrel, i closed the whole thing with bags,
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black plastic bags, thick ones, and one blue one, in my opinion, a young couple lived together, she is a concept artist, he is an ardent fan comics, the girl’s disappearance was not immediately noticed, victoria often retreated into herself in search of inspiration, for some time golubev even corresponded with her parents on her behalf, but it was not possible to hide for long, it was not really a conflict, i was afraid that it was a conflict will come, panic attacks, i was afraid, but still cheated, and then killed, so as not to quarrel. the act defies logic, but golubev acted confidently and calmly. after the murder, i ordered that same barrel from the online store, bought several packs of baking soda, to eliminate suspicious odors. the girl’s body was kept on the balcony for a month, the pigeon himself led a normal life all this time, reading comics and throwing
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parties. he invited friends and girlfriends and said that this is where parents’ fertilizer comes from. is in this barrel, so it was standing here. after his arrest, golubev immediately realized that he couldn’t get away with it and began to actively cooperate with the investigation. the defendant fully admitted his guilt, and spoke with the accused, apologized to the victim, and it also turns out that there are a number of mitigating circumstances, that is, he assisted in the investigation, that is, in all checks, in all investigative actions that were proposed earlier during the preliminary investigation. alexander golubev was sentenced to 9.5 years in a maximum security colony, vika’s mother believes that this is not enough, but she will not appeal the verdict, she is too tired of everything that she learned during the investigation, loans were taken out for vika before her death and after her death. could this money have become the reason for the reprisal, to this question, mother vicky never found an answer. he hopes that the investigation will figure it out; if it is possible to prove fraud on golubev’s part, his prison term will be longer. ekaterina
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lekhomanova, news. duty department. now there is urgent news that our editors receive directly from the lenformagency. vladimir putin was informed about the detention of deputy head of the ministry of defense timur ivanov. tas reports this with reference to dmitry peskov. it is clarified that defense minister sergei shaigu was informed in advance about ivanov’s detention. timur ivanov, detained on suspicion of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale, has held the post of deputy head of the russian ministry of defense since 2016. he was responsible in the department for organizing property management, quartering troops, as well as housing and medical support for the russian armed forces. before that, he was general director of defense for 3 years. while building, he also worked as deputy chairman of the moscow region government at enterprises of the russian fuel and energy complex. the professional holiday is celebrated today by employees of the press services of the criminal executive systems of russia. thanks to these specialists and the course that the leadership of the ministry of defense has set in recent years, the department is firmly
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among the most open government agencies to the media. it is noteworthy that in addition to the employees of the press bureau, the penitentiary system. work, including work on objective coverage of the real state of affairs in our service, as in other federal executive bodies. arkady guest presented departmental medals and valuable gifts to employees of the federal media; journalist eduard received a personalized watch from the hands of the directors. petrov. also receiving departmental awards were the producer of the documentary project investigation of eduard petrov, andrei skrobota
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, and the correspondent on duty, andrei romanov. during a conversation with reporters, the head of the department touched upon. the question is the situation in the black dolphin colony, maniacs and hired killers are serving life sentences there. information has appeared in the media that allegedly a number of hardened criminals are complaining about beatings and bullying. arkady gostev said that he had already sent a commission to the black dolphin the central office of the department to study the situation on the spot. in the form of a publication , again, by your colleagues, including, but about such and such processes taking place in a territorial body or in some colony. we are reacting and here we reacted the same way, we sent a commission from the central parade there, in order to objectively look on the spot, to make sure this is true or not, in order to simply evaluate and react as soon as we receive the results, i assure you , you will be one of the first to receive this information. in in orsk, humanitarian aid continues to be provided to people affected by the flood,
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everything they need is being distributed to them, at the same time , houses and communications are being restored, and where for some reason they cannot be reached. the ministry of emergency situations from the orenburg region, alexander mostovaya, helps the utility workers and the administration. in a huge warehouse the size of a football field, there are hundreds of boxes that will be received by residents of orsk. dozens of packages of bottled water, food, all this is humanitarian aid, which is located in a huge warehouse, it is delivered to all residents whose houses were damaged due to the arrival of high water. volunteers distribute goods into packages, humanitarian aid for flood victims. a real salvation, here are cereals, stewed meat, clothes, personal hygiene items and even a blanket, how much have you already collected? well, about 200 have already been collected, a lot of work. normally enough, the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov works in orsk for a week, the minister was told how humanitarian aid shipments are distributed, the number of food packages issued,
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how long is it designed for? we calculate, that is, you issue a kit that includes oil, cereals, buckwheat, rice, sugar 5 kg, canned food, tuyonka, orsk suffered a large-scale blow from the elements due to the breakthrough of the bolshaya dam. on the street, one of the first to arrive in the flooding zone was the king on duty from fire and rescue unit number 10. the personnel helped people get out of water captivity. our film crew in orsk for the fourth time, the head of the city vasily kazupitsa has been afraid of journalists for some time now, not wanting to answer uncomfortable questions, but we still asked the mayor how the restoration work is going and what kind of help local authorities are providing to residents. have you somehow established contact with the residents?
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get through by phone, the head of orsk proudly declares that complaints are responded to almost instantly, but many residents do not seem to share his point of view. the first flood victim we meet, maxim oskin, immediately complains about the work of city services. elektroset, i called personally, didn’t get through to anyone, then they called me back, they sent me to the organization on one phone number, no one picks up there, they sent me to the second phone again. maxim is not the only one who was not heard on time at the meeting with the head. now an initiative group of orsk residents is talking about painful issues, we are with great pleasure meeting with you, why, because well, first, we draw on these questions, accordingly, together with
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you we find certain solutions, those episodes that i promised to answer, i will now try to answer about snt, pumping water, the matter is that our snt, we have four or more there, but it’s a large territory. flooded, we are in a bowl, if we let our water go, it turns out to be in another territory from where it came, everything is already dry there, there is nowhere to waste time, as for the western part of the orenburg region, the pumps that were freed up there have now moved here and well those on a wheeled base are definitely already marching, those that are available, they will be transferred here to the low-lying parts and will be sent before the meeting.
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pumps for pumping water out of residential buildings. alexander mastva, vladimir shabalin, khalimat kuchmezova and olga mazurak. lead the duty unit from the orenburg region. in moscow they said goodbye to military correspondent semyon eremin. our colleague died last friday, april 19th. this happened in a special operation zone as a result of a targeted drone attack in piwi. the funeral ceremony took place in the temple on the territory of the victory park memorial complex. family journalists came, his colleagues, those who knew the military correspondent personally or followed his work on television. those gathered celebrate. one care semyon eremina is an irreparable loss. during all this time, semyon never spoke about any difficulties of his work, about the complexity of the work
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of the military correspondents, his friends and comrades. basically , all his considerations concerned primarily the fighters, concerned the army, he always talked about some things that could help, we... lost a very honest man, very honest towards us, towards the homeland, towards the cause that he was studying. semyon eremin is survived by two daughters, one of whom was born quite recently. the military correspondent was buried in the alley journalists from the troekurovsky cemetery. he was posthumously awarded the order of courage. in bryansk, fsb officers managed to prevent a major terrorist attack that was being prepared by a supporter of ukrainian nationalists. the alleged saboteur was detained by security forces. on instructions from representatives of a company banned in russia. he planned to detonate an explosive device in a public place. during operational search activities , a homemade bomb was discovered in the cache, and a criminal case was initiated. the detainee faces up to 20 years
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in prison. he has already been arrested court decision. a passenger paid for a trip with his own health. in bashkiria , a very lenient sentence was given to a taxi driver who almost killed a client for refusing to pay for the trip twice. either the card payment went through or it didn’t, the driver didn’t bother to figure it out , first attacked the passenger, and then rolled him over the car door, resulting in an accident. and soon, it looks like he will be released. read more alina zinatulina. without hiding the smile on his face , the egyptian taxi driver walks into the meeting room. the verdict agreement remains just a matter of minutes, he still speaks russian poorly, but from his lips the much -desired word sounds clearly: freedom. muhammad atiya found himself in handcuffs last fall, a foreign student working part-time as a taxi driver. after the trip, the passenger’s card payment failed, then the temperamental foreigner asked to pay in cash, but upon being refused, he got angry and sprayed an aerosol from a spirit can into the ufa resident’s eyes. i don’t want
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brubles, i don’t want them either, go ahead, i don’t want them, atya didn’t stop there, he tried to take them away from the client, who couldn’t even open them at the time eyes into the mobile phone, and apparently hoped to hide, but the victim ran after him, as a result a fight broke out, after getting behind the wheel, the driver was about to leave the yard, but it didn’t happen right away, with a man hanging on the door of the car, the taxi first crashed into a parked gazelle , and not... a few seconds later he collided with another car, then he seemed to come to his senses, returned the cell phone to the client, disappeared, the victim was urgently hospitalized, does not deserve forgiveness, this act is leftist i didn’t see with my eye for 8 days, with my right eye for 3-4 days, i didn’t believe it, but they sewed up my head, they also put stitches, the egyptian was charged under the article of robbery, after long proceedings the court decided to change
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the classification of the crime, in the end... atiya was sentenced to one and a half years of imprisonment in a penal colony. it was established that the defendant had no intent to steal property, and the reason for committing the crime was a dispute over non-payment for passenger transportation services provided. the actions of the defendant were qualified by the court as part two of article 330 of the criminal code of the russian federation, namely as arbitrariness with the use of violence. considering that atia spent 7 months in a pre-trial detention center, where one day counts as... he could have been released at the end of this summer, but prosecutors considered this sentence too lenient, so they intend to appeal it. alena zinatulina, denis speredonov, conduct the duty department, ufa. a record batch of so -called banned items was seized by employees of the nizhny novgorod headquarters of the federal penitentiary service. attackers they planned to turn one of the colonies into a real call center on the territory of a secure facility, they tried to get, just imagine, 130 mobile phones,
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a sim card, and headset chargers. along with them several liters of alcohol and potent medications. all this turned out to be hidden in several gas cylinders. in prison jargon, such a scam is called a free will on a grand scale. participants in the organization of the channel for prohibited items were identified by employees of the operational department of ik6. currently verification is being carried out. the director of the russian ministry of defense, arkady gostiev, has already decided to reward the vigilant colony employees who discovered the cache of mobile phones. and we return. on the topic of the detention of the country's deputy minister of defense timur ivanov , the investigative committee commented on the situation. on suspicion of committing a crime under part six of article 290 of the criminal code of the russian federation - taking a bribe, deputy minister of defense of the russian federation, timur vadimovich ivanov, was detained. conducted appropriate investigative actions. let me remind you that we are talking about a bribe on an especially large
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scale, that is, its size is at least... a million rubles. if the guilt of the deputy minister is confirmed, he faces up to 15 years in prison. according to tas, defense minister sergei shaigui was informed in advance of the detention of his deputy. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in telegram channels from the duty department and an honest detective. maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you.


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