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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks in the control center. the south, west-east groups occupied more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formations lost more than a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers. three tanks and four other armored vehicles, as well as 14 self-propelled guns and howitzers were destroyed. in addition, it was liquidated. american holk missile system. the strike was carried out on a warehouse with uav drones, and air defense systems shot down 104 combat drones. huge damage has been caused in su. first, kiev lost almost half a million military during the special operation. this was reported by sergey shaigu. we have the initiative, we push the enemy away from the occupied lines, our combat potential is at a high level. but this is briefly about how things are today. bogdanovka,
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pervomaiskaya and novomikhailovka. the expansion of the control zone in the avdievsky direction in the berdchi area continues. our high combat potential allows us to constantly exert fire on the enemy and prevent him from holding the line of defense. total losses since the beginning of the special military operation. amounted to almost half a million military personnel. the kyiv regime was unable to achieve its goals counteroffensive targets trained by nato instructors. our military personnel have dispelled the myth of the superiority of western weapons. yes, half a million people, militants, losses in the ssu, the numbers are terrifying, and at the same time kiev is doing nothing to change the situation, somehow, it continues to dance the tune of overseas curators, but for these dances. the kiev elite pay well,
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first of all, and they, in turn, sacrifice their own citizens on a gigantic scale. washington to prevent the collapse of the armed forces forces of ukraine, intends to allocate almost $61 billion to the kiev regime, most of the allocations will go to finance the military-industrial complex of the united states. the american authorities cynically declare that ukrainians will die for their interests in the fight against russia. shaigu noted. the situation in the special operation zone shows that our combat capabilities have been significantly increased, and enterprises of the russian military-industrial complex are regularly increasing their capacity. in proportion to the threats posed by the united states and its allies, we will continue to improve the composition and structure of armed forces, increase the production of the most popular weapons and military equipment, and increase the intensity of attacks on logistics centers and storage bases for western weapons. the russian armed forces
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will continue to solve assigned tasks until the goals of the special operation are fully achieved. separately, the minister of defense dwelled on the prospects for the development of air and missile defense forces. one of the priority areas was the provision of advanced weapons. the share of modern samples in the next 2 years is planned increase by 2% to 85. this year, the troops will receive the first samples of the novo anti-aircraft missile system. generation s-500 in two modifications, long-range single-missile systems and missile defense systems. unitary missile systems s-400, s300 v4, beech m3, tor m2. the new generation radar stations and the pantsir anti-aircraft missile and gun systems have proven themselves well. this year we will almost double their supply. all this will allow us to provide high-quality cover on... more important
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objects of the control system of strategic nuclear forces, force groups, and what results have already been achieved? well , at least: first, special operations with the forces of our missile defense and air defense systems destroyed more than 22 thousand drones and 6.00 rockets, of which 400 were shells fired from western mlrs of the khaimars or vampire type, and a considerable part of them did not fly at our firing positions, military bases, equipment parking lots, and... denis alekseev, to lead. kiev has big problems with mobilization. at the front, the armed forces of ukraine suffered huge losses, and the number of deserters exceeded 100,000. as a result, the zelensky regime hopes to recruit cannon fodder abroad. runaways will not be able to receive or renew a grant passport at the embassies. here you either become illegal or go to the front. the kiev regime is going to dispose of another quarter of a million citizens in exchange for money from the west. alek komarov about the war. to the last
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ukrainian, if you don’t want to fight, we ’ll buy it here right away, ukrainians can’t escape from forced mobilization, for men the country’s consulate will now process that... the center’s employees blame everything on the failure system, fends off questions from fellow citizens, the head of the ukrainian mit in his social networks, the diplomat is sure that those who left the country showed their indifference to the fate of ukraine, as it looks now, a man of military age went abroad, showed his...
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it is known, there are more than 100 thousand of us, the authorities cannot find them, because the military courts have been liquidated, and the military law enforcement service does not have the appropriate powers. meanwhile, ukrainian territorial recruitment centers have a new special offer: you just need to come to military registration and enlistment office without a summons. for this, after
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passing a medical examination, the volunteer will allegedly receive 2 months of freedom before being sent to the front, more and more resistance groups are being formed in large cities, in order not to get caught by the military commissar, they are called to mark: kiev is taking such draconian measures to trap the population in order to justify the hopes of washington, as it claims russophobe journalist julian roebki, western tranches are useless with the number of soldiers that ukraine now has, and in order to reverse this situation, kiev needs to mobilize at least more. a this means that very soon they will begin to compensate for the shortage of conscripts with the help of women. alika komarova, lead. well, there is growing dissatisfaction with us policies in the world. this is indicated by
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the results of recent surveys, gelop. it grew immediately by 10%, and even in ukraine, which the biden administration almost completely supports, the most. the states lost respect in africa by minus 13% points, while the level of approval of russia on the same continent increased by 8%. vladimir putin received the new chairman of the supreme court, irina podnosovo, in the kremlin, congratulated her on her appointment and noted his great contribution to the development of the judicial system. her predecessor, vyacheslav lebedev, who held this position for 35 years. anastasia efimova will tell you what tasks the president has set. not a position, but a mission, this is how the president described the essence of the work of the chairman of the supreme court, who occupied this newly built tray. the head of state met today for the first time since her appointment and drew attention to a number of issues that require priority resolution, of course, in such a huge matter
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there are always many questions , one of them is the workload of the courts, in this regard, you know, there are various proposals -
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and a leader like vyacheslav mikhailovich lebedev, this is of course a very big responsibility, the staff of the supreme court, and the entire judiciary that operates today, it is formed precisely. with the participation of vyacheslav mikhailovich, this is a community, a judicial community of professionals who are ready and have the opportunity to fulfill all the tasks assigned to the judicial system. vyacheslav lebedev passed away on february 23, after which, according to the law, a procedure was launched appointment of a new chairman. its most important parts are the conclusion of the highest qualification board of judges, consideration and presentation.
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your strengths, knowledge and, of course, experience. anastasia efimova, lead. the investigative committee announced
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the arrest of russian defense minister timur ivanov. he is a suspect in a criminal case for taking a bribe. as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov clarified, vladimir putin was informed about this. sergei shaiga was also notified. ivanov, including responsibility for construction complexes construction of fortifications to destination. defense department worked at enterprises of the fuel and energy complex in the government of the moscow region. on suspicion of committing a crime under part six of article 290 of the criminal code of the russian federation - taking a bribe. deputy minister of defense of the russian federation, timur vadimovich ivanov, was detained. appropriate investigative actions are being carried out. sabez of russia nikolay patrushev, on the sidelines of the international security meeting in st. petersburg, held a series of
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meetings. he discussed the cooperation of the special services with chen wenqing, a member of the politburo of the chinese communist party, and especially noted the bilateral ties between moscow and pequito. further strengthening of the comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction with the prc is a priority of russian foreign policy. russia's partnership with china is a model of large-scale interaction. powers in the modern world, is built on the principles of respect and equality, deep trust, and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs. patrushev also held separate negotiations with colleagues from congo, sri lanka, bangladesh and kuwait. with the general commander of the national police of east timor, the national security advisor of myama and the minister of public security in vietnam. in addition, he met with the head of the palestinian general intelligence service. and discussed with the president of republika srpska the situation in the balkans as a whole in europe. the parties noted the coincidence
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of approaches on key issues. vladimir putin presented state awards to railway workers, including those who laid the railway line. this is a highway among the main transport arteries of the planet. in the coming years, its capacity will increase several times. olga armyakova knows how it all went. just like 50 years ago, they meet in the state kremlin palace, then future builders, now veterans of bam, who received the first bundles for the 17th komsomol on bam, but they didn’t yet know which one, either chassis or iron, but then they figured it out. the first detachment, about 700 volunteers, set off to conquer the siberian taiga directly from the kremlin, and here today they are accepting congratulations from the president. half a century ago the start was given construction of a unique transport route. the legendary baikal-amur highway. the idea itself, of course, inspired by
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the romance of creation and the enthusiasm of the young , inspired almost the entire country at that time. and they composed poems, as you and i remember, and sang songs. do you hear time buzzing, bam. and these and other lines of popular songs of that time reflected the mood of hundreds. thousands of people, they left to build the legendary highway, choosing for themselves the fate of pioneers, the starting point of the grandiose infrastructure project of the seventeenth congress. april 23, 1974, then bam was declared a shock komsomol construction site, we met there, fell in love, these are our wives , we met as nabs, we met, arrived in the same year, met, got married, gave birth to two sons, well, in the hall are those who built the legendary highway, those who continue
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the development of bam transibo, the most important direction for the country, the eastern railway range , special attention, we will do this for the benefit of russia and our people. bam is one of the largest-scale construction projects in the country, which gave impetus to the development of eastern siberia and the far east. we were building a track courage, as they called the legendary one, in severe frosts and unbearable heat, where no man had gone before. here it is, a chronicle of those days in person; in order to lay a highway almost 400 km long, it was necessary
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to overcome seven mountain ranges from taishet, a town in the irkutsk region, to the port. in the tartar strait, soviet harbor. it took 10 years to lay the bam, but the construction was finally completed only at the beginning of the twenty-first century, and now the bam is experiencing a rebirth. it is necessary not only to embroider narrow areas, the task is now much on a larger scale, it is precisely along the entire length of the bam that continuous second tracks will have to be laid, in fact, more than 300 infrastructure facilities will have to be put into operation, including backups for the severomuysky, kuznetsovsky and kadarsky tunnels. as well as a bridge over the amur. the eastern direction is in maximum demand, not only trade and economic ties are important, where roads are developed and life moves forward. the president presents state awards for contributions to the development of bam. we are proud that bam tristroy built the severomuzsky tunnel. one one of the longest tunnels in russia and the most difficult tunnel to excavate in the world. for
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an entire generation, bam has become a symbol of dreams and aspirations to the future. it's time for romance. it was then that entire cities and towns grew up, all thanks to the hard work of millions of great people of a great country. there is nothing more satisfying when people can see the results of this work in the results of their lives. almost all those awarded whispered in my ear: i serve russia. thank
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you for your service. now bam really revives. the human rights council appealed to
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the turkish ambassador after turkish airlines stopped taking on board russians flying in transit to latin america to do whatever they could. to cancun, to mexico, he was flying to a madonna concert, he was checked in at snow-covered pulkovo, without any problems, he was immediately issued two boarding passes, but the second one in istanbul was taken away just before the boarding gate. i
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was not allowed on the flight only because i have a russian passport, despite all the documents and past trips to europe and asia. to me refused to explain the official reasons. you are russian with a bad travel history, mexico does not want to accept you. there was a girl there who was flying. to madonna, and the guy who was flying to madonna, and some girl from sochi, and there was a family from moscow, there was a dad and daughters, everyone was refused simply with one wording: oh, russport is everything, that is, a russian passport is like a red one for them a rag for a bull, they don’t look at the documents, they don’t care what documents you have, what justifications, here’s a russian passport for them, everything means block, the turkish airline itself airlines refer to some tightening of migration rules and the fight against illegal immigrants, it seems, contrary to even common sense... i showed you tickets for the madonna concert, i’m not a migrant, migrants don’t buy tickets for a concert tour, it’s just funny, and on the website
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of a turkish carrier there are no special conditions for entry into mexico, you only need an electronic visa, round-trip tickets in mexico itself, a booked hotel that has already been paid for. passengers had all this, but for some reason the decisive argument was not to let them board so they immediately took away my ticket with a black pen and something on it. they crossed out the barcode field, crossed it out three times with a pen so that it simply wouldn’t break, that is, even before they got acquainted with my documents, they didn’t even look at the entry permit and other documents, before they even opened them, looked at them, they already crossed out my ticket. amateur astronomer alexander drakon's dreams of latin america were dashed. in mexico, he wanted to watch a solar eclipse, but saw only a night one.
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my agency wrote to me that they can return 8 thousand out of 150. the russian consulate in istanbul has already sent requests to the turkish carrier to the ministry of the republic. the first thing tourists are advised to do in a conflict situation is to contact our diplomatic mission; be sure to film the refusal, send a written request to the airline and file a claim in court to recover damages. due to non-refundable bookings, each passenger removed from the flight to latin america lost hundreds of thousands of rubles. it turned out to be about half a million. this is a very large amount, in fact i saved for a long time, for a long time i saved this money because it was really my dream; it is much more difficult to assess the moral damage inflicted on the russians,
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experts say. tourists were deprived of vivid impressions and their vacation was ruined without any legal grounds; the russian presidential council for the development of civil society and human rights has already become involved in the situation. members of the standing commission express serious concern about the growing manifestations of russophobia and gross violations. an appropriate assessment of the violation of the right to we count on the turkish authorities to give freedom of movement of russians will help prevent similar violations in the future. there are already more than a thousand victims, passengers who did not fly on turkish airlines not only to mexico, but also to brazil and argentina, they do not refuse to travel, but now they are unlikely to buy a ticket to istanbul. boris ivanin and olga alvukhina, lead. one of the most important tasks of the russian film industry is the release of feature films on events relevant to the country, primarily about a special operation, this
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was stated by the head of the ministry of culture olga lyubimova, at exhibition at the russia forum at vdnkh, i met with participants in the author program, the goal of which is to help aspiring screenwriters. 2,200 script applications from all regions have already been reviewed, and anyone can send an application, if someone has one, this is very important to us. that people of all ages from 89 regions of the russian federation are taking part, people of all ages and professions are the same, teachers write, doctors write, military men write, we already have one fellow, our colleague, who is now is in the zone of a special military operation and continues to work together with the editorial office. groups and write, including being inspired by these real feats that he encounters while there. the world
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