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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks in the control center. the groups south, west and east occupied more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formation lost more than a thousand soldiers and mercenary officers. three tanks and four other armored vehicles, as well as 14 self-propelled guns and howitzers were destroyed. in addition, the american hawk missile system was eliminated. the strike was carried out on a warehouse with drones of the ukrainian armed forces. air defense systems shot down 104 combat drones. the damage to the ukrainian armed forces was huge. damage. first, during the special operation, kiev lost almost half a million military personnel, this was reported by sergei shaigun. well in lugansk a citizen of ukraine was detained, who is suspected of preparing an assassination attempt on a former sbu officer, vasily prozarov. reportedly, the defendant acted under the direction of the kiev special services. egor grigoriev will tell you more. fsb officers with the arrest interrupt the telephone conversation. for the caller. obviously unexpectedly, he is ukrainian,
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he has lived in lugansk since 2021, and in the twenty-second he began preparing an assassination attempt. in may of the twenty-third year, at the request of yaroslav, i went to the address korovenskoye highway and photographed the house and the cars that stood nearby there. cash reward 4,000 rubles. yaroslava, the girl with full lips in the photo, an sbu agent, after the start of the svo, went to warsaw and coordinated from there. he exposed the kiev authorities, talked about the torture chamber in mariupol, about us biological weapons tests in ukraine, and a lot of other things, back in april of 24, she asked, yaroslava asked me to transfer 10,000 to the driver ivanov, who was transporting a package from warsaw to moscow , then this package. this was
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vasily prozurov's car, as soon as he turned the ignition key, there was an explosion. prozurov was wounded, was hospitalized, but survived, i feel great, the injuries turned out to be not serious, that is, he actually cut his arm a little and his leg a little. actually, the security service of ukraine, one might say, is behind the attempt on my life. former colleagues, these kinds of actions are sanctioned at the very top, i think they are sanctioned no lower than the chairman of the sbu, and maybe the report is being sent to the state leadership. vasily prozurov runs a telegram channel and has published there more than once facts that are extremely unpleasant for the ukrainian junta, and now, after the assassination attempt, he promises to continue working. i will even redouble my efforts so that these ukrainian customers, so that they cry bitter tears because...
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the authorities of the detained accomplices in the attempt on the life of prozurov will face a trial , probably a long prison term. egor grigoriev, news. the investigative committee announced the arrest of russian defense minister timor ivanov. he is a suspect in a criminal case for taking a bribe. as stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, vladimir putin was informed about this. sergei shaiga was also notified. ivanov was also responsible for construction complexes. before his appointment to the defense
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department, he worked at enterprises of the fuel and energy complex in the government of the moscow region. on suspicion of committing a crime under part six of article 290 of the criminal code of the russian federation, this is taking a bribe, the deputy minister of defense of the russian federation, timur vadimovich ivanov, was detained. appropriate investigative actions. one of the important tasks of the russian film industry is to release feature films based on current events for the country, especially special operations. this was stated by the head of the ministry of culture olga lyubimova. at the exhibition in the forum, russia met with participants in the author program, the goal of which is to help aspiring screenwriters. 2,200 script applications from all regions have already been reviewed, and anyone can submit an application. people of all ages from 89
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regions of the russian federation, people of all ages and different professions. almost by 3%. this forecast was given by the head of the ministry of economic development and trade, maxim reshetnikov. dmitry morocco will tell you how this growth will be ensured. investment activity and high consumer demand remain the main factors driving the growth of the russian economy. at
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the end of last year, the country's gdp increased by 3.6%. in the first quarter of twenty-four, the positive dynamics continued. taking this into account, the ministry of development predicts that by the end of the year, gdp. will add 2.8%, which is higher than earlier estimates. despite the increasing pressure, the russian economy is confidently adapting to external challenges, transforming based on its own national goals, increasing domestic production; in february, let me remind you, the growth of the domestic product accelerated to 7.7%. our production and mining operations have expanded. in the manufacturing sector, consumer activity is strengthening, key industries, manufacturing, construction, trade, transport, and tourism are developing at a high pace. the most important growth factor here is investment. based on the results of last year there was a record growth of 9.8%. this
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year the level is predicted to be 2.3. high consumer activity remains , primarily due to the growth of real disposable income of the population. this year they will increase by 5.3%. believe in the ministry of economic development. unemployment will remain at a level of no higher than three. consumer activity is a consequence of rising incomes of the population. in the twenty-fourth year, cash income will increase by 5.3% in real terms and by 12.3% in nominal terms. the main factor in income growth is wages. we expect growth of 6.5% in real terms, unemployment to remain at no higher than 3%. by the end of the year, inflation should slow down from the current seven-plus percent to about five, and by the twenty- fifth year it is expected to reach the target of 4%. the basis for further economic development will be government support measures, including those aimed at encouraging investment activity, such as preferential
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lending to priority industries, the use of mechanisms such as concessions an agreement on the protection of investments, and government measures will also be aimed at projects of technological sovereignty in the field of machine tool industry. aircraft manufacturing, energy, microelectronics. the presented basic version of the forecast is realistic. it takes into account all measures implemented and planned by the government, including within the framework of new national projects, which the president of the country has been instructed to develop. this is the development of domestic industry and projects of technological sovereignty, machine tool building, aircraft manufacturing, microelectronics, shipbuilding, medical technology, energy, space and other industries. this is support for investment activity. including preferential lending for priority projects and priority industries. the government's attention will also be directed to supporting exports, primarily neither raw materials nor energy. we are talking, among other things, about stimulating the entry of russian companies into new markets, the development of international transport corridors, and the creation of
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12:11 am
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we will discuss the unification of new people with the party of growth and other issues with the leader of the new people faction in the state duma , alexei nichaev. alexey gennadievich, hello, i welcome you, thank you for taking the time and coming to our studio. well, firstly, of course, last week new people united with the party of growth. tell us what will change in connection with this in life, specifically in your party, in your work in general, in what areas, perhaps, do you want to strengthen your work in this way? very well a good unification has come, because the party of growth and new people complement each other. we have
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a lot of young people, we have environmental activists, we have entrepreneurs, but the growth party, as a party of entrepreneurs, has been gathering very active, strong people for many years, and now these people are in a common party, we are a parliamentary party, so we don’t need to gather signatures for participation in regional elections, we received about twenty-odd chairmen of regional branches, thanks to... yes, a native of the party of growth, hundreds of candidates for deputies, party organizers, such experienced people, this is a great value for us and for the people from the party, the opportunity to express themselves differently, plus boris yuryevich titov, a very famous entrepreneur and government official, headed the federal council of our common party, new people, we have the central council, such a governing body, and the federal police council are now in the charter. which is the body for such strategic consulting, content development,
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together with the stolypin club, that is, in general, we have brought many partnerships, with which we are very happy, and at the same time , you know, in russia it’s easier not just to create a party, i’ll tell you this, as a person who did it, but the unification of a party is an even more complicated story, more and more people in russia like to disengage, to swear, this is this, this is customary among us, uniting - it’s not just that it took us a year to get together. year, nominate a single candidate for the elections to participate in the last autumn elections for the presidency of the russian federation. colleagues wrote a large piece of the economic block programs, that is... we worked, how to say, looked at each other, saw each other’s strengths, and of course, this is very good, from the point of view of the agenda of issues that you advocate, representatives of the growth party advocate, probably this is support for entrepreneurship including, since boris tetov, whom you already mentioned, is there, what other agendas unite you, what issues, well, besides human rights protection, where,
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for example, he acts in one way, we, for example, held three readings in the state duma, then in the council federation. and the president signed a law that now the thresholds for the transition from administrative offenses to criminal offenses have been raised, before, some thresholds were raised there by 50%, and some by five times, for example, yes, that is , time passed , but our rubles are already different, the thresholds were still the same, so a lot has been done here in common, in economic proposals both we and the party of growth, for example, are very focused on the future of the party, we understand the need for artificial intelligence. russia, fortunately, did not sleep through this technological revolution; we are now at on the frontier of the world, but here are the achievements, at the forefront, in the top five countries in artificial intelligence, russia, but now we must not rest on our laurels, we must continue to move forward, robotization, here russia is lagging behind, the president has set the task of entering 25 countries in 6 years, but this is a lot of work,
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to do this, it is necessary to increase the number of robots by 10 times, in russia by 10,000 work. from today it seems that this is unattainable, but we will do it, i am sure, including thanks to our party, and not only the work of the government, although the government took this challenge and the president’s order very seriously, only 3 months have passed, and already the work is going very actively, and we are looking to the future of the party, and this also unites us with the party of growth, of course, even more so artificial intelligence will definitely have to deal with these issues, because life itself dictates this need, and what plans do new people have for...
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we nominated candidates from new people all together, so there is no problem here no, we have big elections in moscow, the bridge city duma, big municipal elections in st. petersburg, 1500 municipal deputies are elected there, in a number of regions there are gubernatorial elections, 16 legislative assemblies this year, more than 12 regional administrative capitals, plus huge municipal ones, here in the moscow region there are a lot of elections in the lennoy region, that is, this year is very rich in... so we are glad that we have such a replenishment, in tatarstan there are also very big elections, there 100 people are elected to the state council and the growth party was very strong in tatarstan, we have now also made friends there, met, this is called in technological language, we carried out such a stitching, great, but we know that the trust of new people in the party has grown significantly
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recently, including the presidential elections showed a good result for the party your candidate, are you planning?
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we now understand that the state duma remains the same, but the government is waiting for an update, as is supposed by law, after the seventh, in mid-march there was a government report to the state duma on the work for the past year, these are the main results you are summing up, well , life has summed up the results, we see in the twenty -third year everyone predicted that there would be a fall in the economy, a fall in gdp, the domestic product of uvalolov, they tried to help it, but they made 3.6% growth, this is it the results of the government, so we have some questions for the government, there is, there is, what we
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don’t like, there is, there is, what we think should be done, yes, but there are two positions, more like, you know, cheap, i would say it's to criticize, you don't do it, you don't do it you do, without us there are already such parties, here our function is not additional, added value, but there is an opportunity to offer different solutions, things that... the government either, for example, has not yet, perhaps has not done, or, well, just attention not enough, for example, when i came - the robotization system of the chairman of the government, then literally a day later we had a meeting at the ministry of industry and trade, with the leadership, yes, those who are responsible for industrial robots, it turned out that of the measures that i propose, a third almost here already the ends of the feast are at the exit, well, well, there are several months before this is done, but... everything is already assembled, a third, we see that, well, we can do it with other tools, yes, that is, and a third, for example, they they say, listen, well, this goal didn’t even come, let’s
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get involved, that is, we need to add, don’t go hacking, cutting, scolding, we need to add, add, with our bill, for example, on venture investments, yes, yes, it took a year, there is even more, we went and talked with the deputy minister of economic development, there kolesnikov. with the minister, with others, which means you go with the ministry of finance and glue together something that didn’t exist before you, this is government help, but just scolding, well, yes, there is help that is aimed at results, at effectiveness, we all work for the country, yes on the country, and not in order to buy it for ourselves, moreover , we have this funny form, when we introduce some kind of bill and understand that it probably won’t pass from us now, but we see that in 2-3-4 months suddenly .
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they are the main main exporters, then we are according to paret’s law, we have 20% of effort brings 80% of the result, this is a very precise
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solution, you know, don’t subtract, don’t add, yes, because the introduction of foreign currency earnings, the mandatory sale of foreign currency earnings gave its effect, but if done for everyone, then this could simply greatly cut off for medium-sized, small companies, and even just large, but not very large, their work, and we would be a country that would lose its currency, because... our chains there would be cut yes, our ill-wishers are western, that’s why this just at the level of such an elegant solution, for example, supply of 16%, of course, like any person who understands what a loan at 16% is, the rate is 16, which means the business will be given 20, i don’t really support this decision, but i understand why it is caused, yes, by the fact that we need to contain inflation, because inflation is a tax on the poor, yes, people who have little money suffer more from inflation, because their commodity... baskets are growing larger than those of rich people, so, of course, i understand why this is bad, but i understand what led to what the basis for the central bank had to raise the rate,
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while the central bank is in the mood to lower the rate as the inflation rate decreases, so here we will, uh, well, here we are, not this month, unlikely in april, but then i think this matter will gradually decrease , that is, of course, the whole country is waiting for this, yeah, just recently the government supported the bill... new people who relate to tax incentives for venture investors, why do you think this is important, why is this important right now? we we meet a lot of young people, twenty-five-year-olds, thirty-year-olds, who are building their own startups, innovative, very knowledge-intensive companies, now almost a third of at least people, they are now leaving either for the united arab emirates or for israel, because well. .. no one travels here especially, but people go to some more neutral countries, because here they do not see the opportunity to get investments in their science-intensive
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stories, in general, if we look for example. the usa is the largest company, everyone is bigger there billion, new companies formed over the last 15 years, you will see that half of them were not made by native americans, but by visitors, half of this half are immigrants from russia, yes, because there is money there, money that is heated up for the project to take off , if we had not once invested huge amounts of money in space, and the country had not invested huge amounts of money in the development of military and peaceful atoms there, then we would not have had any of this, if it were huge... it wouldn’t have been for huge get money there 700, how many devices were there, that ’s why we need to invest,
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a tool so that we have more scientific, breakthrough stories, technological startups, yeah, well, your party is not only involved in environmental approvals, yes, well, we still achieved results, that’s of course it’s very important , indeed, it will probably contribute to the fact that only while approval has passed at the stage of government approval, this has not only been introduced, there are still three readings, and in terms of the time frame, what do you think, i think we will have at least another six months still fluctuating, it takes 2 years to do something, yeah, well, nevertheless,
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they finance the production and distribution of vitamin d3 for children from 0 to 3 years old, because our maternity hospital recommends it, yes, those , who, well , everyone recommends vitamin d all the time, but look, you only need a drop in the first year, in the second year there are two drops, there is 500 mg each, there, that is, it is very small, but we see that only 2 /3 mothers give to children in the first year, in the second year only a third of mothers, who? forgets, then if someone gave birth, knows that katya they say, do this, do this, do this, but your head is like this, someone bought vitamin d right there, then it drips, someone forgot to buy, then yes, this was the first year they were dripped, the bottle ran out, they threw it away, they didn’t buy new ones, so we released this story with our partners, and we also made it oil-based, not alcohol-based, because it’s nothing good, giving a child alcohol from zero to three there in microdoses, but nevertheless, why should children be taught this,
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we are not liquor dealers. we have 60% of mothers after a year, so after six months they no longer breastfeed, but this is immunity, vitamin d is immunity, death feeding is immunity, this is immunity that remains with you forever, but it’s better for children under one and a half years old, and we have sellers of dry baby food formulas who immediately say: no, give me an order... this is good, this is all, of course, a scam, this is ugly, so we are starting to promote this, from june, we will start distributing vitamin d, the site will work.


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