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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks in the ssu. the groups south, west and east occupied more advantageous positions: zelensky’s formation lost more than a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers, three tanks and four other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 14 self-propelled guns and howitzers. in addition, the american hawk missile system was eliminated. the strike was carried out on a warehouse with drones in the ssu. air defense systems shot down 104 combat drones. the ukrainian armed forces suffered enormous
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damage. at first, kay’s special operation lost almost half a million military personnel, this was reported by sergei shaigu. meanwhile, they managed to transport a captured german leopard tank, one of the latest modifications, to the rear. alexander katsuba was able to inspect it together with our soldiers. creaking with twisted armor, the heavy german tank leopard 2 a5, knocked out in the avdeevsky direction, shamefully leaves the front line, our soldiers are being taken to the rear for repairs. if we compare this model with some of our specific models of military equipment, the t-90 is much more convenient both when landing and when leaving the vehicle, in some critical situation, it can be faster leave, well, save your life. the leopard of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed by the fighters of the group of forces. center
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, as soon as it rolled out to the firing line, it first ran over an anti-tank mine with its right track, and then several of our attack drones completed the rout. this is a modified version of the german leopard, reinforced armor and huge dimensions, which, in fact, are a hindrance in modern warfare. the gromoz tank is terribly clumsy. the crew abandoned their combat vehicle as soon as the first explosion occurred. they are given equipment, but they are not... and there is no specific training for certain models, that is , there is a lack, maybe experience or some other issues in terms of training, use of equipment for its intended purpose, the sixty-five-ton leopard 2a5 is considered the main battle tank of the german armed forces, according to the command of the armed forces of ukraine, these combat vehicles began to arrive in ukraine about a year ago, there is very little space in the tank, now i’m leaving. to
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the commander's place, through this hatch our fpv drone flew into the leopard, which led to fire here in the turret interior, but this is the barrel of a 120-mm leopard gun, right there is the gunner-operator’s place, you can’t turn around, the tank was evacuated in two stages: first reconnaissance of the area, then a lightning-fast operation by repairmen. regiment of the center group to transport it to the rear. the full ammunition load of the german leopard 120 mm caliber is already inferior to any of our tanks. we have 125 mm. the shells are armor-piercing, high-explosive fragmentation and cumulative shells. also a set of smoke bombs, 7.62 caliber cartridges for a heavy machine gun, well, a set dry rations. it will take two or three to repair.
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no more than a day, our experts assure, they will change the tracks, replace the electrical wiring of the tank, after which the command of the group will decide the fate of this leopard. alexander katsuba and alexander malyshev, host. kiev has big problems with mobilization. at the front, the ukrainian armed forces suffered huge losses, and the number of deserters exceeded 100,000. as a result, the zelensky regime hopes to recruit cannon fodder abroad. fugitives will not be able to receive or renew a passport at the embassies; they will either become illegal immigrants, or to the front. the kiev regime is going to dispose of another quarter of a million citizens in exchange for money from the west. alek komarov, about the war until the last ukrainian. ukrainians cannot escape forced mobilization. for men, the country's consulate will now only issue documents for returning to their homeland. the warsaw passport center was the first to begin refusing conscription to citizens.
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the issuance of ready-made documents, the center’s employees blame everything on a failure in the system, the head of the ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs fends off questions from fellow citizens in his own... the diplomat is sure those who left the country showed their indifference to the fate of ukraine. as it looks now, a person of draft age, went abroad, showed his state that the question of his survival does not concern him, and then comes and wants to receive services from this state, this does not work. problems with obtaining foreign passports even within the country. the network lists the nearest available slots for visiting passport offices in june, or there is a live queue option. where people stand there for 10 hours, those who urgently need to leave, they buy fake passports and leave the border straight to the military registration and enlistment office. the most daring is, of course, attempts to illegally cross the border through checkpoints, when men try to provide fake documents.
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such cases are recorded daily at the border; it can be about ten people per day. we expose them and send them for identification and further procedures. they are fleeing in record numbers. from the battlefield. in the unified register of pre-trial investigations of ukraine, about 90% of all war crimes are related to desertion. well, at the moment, as far as i know, we have more than 100 thousand deserters, the authorities cannot find them, because the military courts have been liquidated, and the military law enforcement service does not have the appropriate powers. ukrainian territorial centers have recruitment, meanwhile, a new special offer, you just need to come to the military registration and enlistment office without a summons. for this... to pass a medical examination, the volunteer will supposedly receive 2 months of freedom before being sent to the front, more and more resistance groups are being formed in large cities so as not to to get caught by a military commissar, they encourage them to mark their cars with bright paint and are not afraid to get into fights, those who did not have time to fight back report to the front line, are taken to the kremyany, luhansk
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region through kharkov, like prisoners, kiev is taking such draconian measures to catch the population so that justify washington's hopes as... timur ivanov's defense of russia. he is a suspect in a criminal case for accepting a bribe. as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov clarified, vladimir putin was informed about this. sergei shaiga was also installed to the public. ivanov was also responsible for the construction complexes for the construction of fortifications. before his appointment to the defense department, he worked
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at enterprises of the fuel and energy complex in the government of the moscow region. the maximum penalty he faces is 15 years in prison. on suspicion of committing a crime under part six of article 290 of the criminal code of the russian federation, this is taking a bribe, the deputy minister of defense of the russian federation, timur vadimovich ivanov, was detained. appropriate investigative actions are being carried out. vladimir putin presented state awards to railway workers, including those who laid the railway line. this highway is one of the main transport arteries of the planet. in the coming years, its capacity will increase several times. olga armyakova will tell you how it all went. just like 50 years ago, they meet in the state kremlin palace, then future builders, now veterans of bama. who received the first tufts on
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the 17th komsomol on bam, but they didn’t yet know which one, either the landing gear or the glands, well later figured it out. the first detachment, about 700 volunteers, set off directly from to conquer the siberian taiga. the kremlin, and here today they are accepting congratulations from the president. half a century ago, the construction of a unique transport route, the legendary baikal-amur mainline, was launched. the idea itself, of course, was inspired by the romance of creation and the enthusiasm of the young people who inspired almost the entire country at that time. and they composed poems, as you and i remember, and sang songs. you hear, time is buzzing, bam, these and other lines of popular songs of that time reflected the mood of hundreds thousands of people, they left to build the legendary highway, choosing for themselves the fate of pioneers. the starting point of the grandiose
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infrastructure project was the seventeenth congress of the komsomol on april 23, 1974, then bam was declared a shock komsomol construction project, there was a meeting there. highways are those who continue the development of bama and transib, the most important direction for the country, the eastern range of railways. we will pay special attention to improving the quality of life of people in settlements connected to bam, including on the basis of the developed masterplans, the capital's strongholds bama, tynda and sero-baikalsk will receive long-term development. we have a lot of debt to the people here. and, of course, the further development of bam will serve to increase the export and transit capabilities of russia, as the most important link in the eurasian transport
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system. i am sure that we will definitely implement all our plans, we will do it for the benefit of russia and our people. bam is one of the largest -scale construction projects in the country, which gave impetus to the development of eastern siberia and the far east. they built the track of courage, and that’s what they called it legendary to you in severe frosts and unbearable heat, where no human foot has gone before. here it is, a chronicle of those days in person, in order... to lay a highway almost 400 km long, it was necessary to overcome seven mountain ranges from taishet, a town in the irkutsk region, to a port in the tatar strait, a soviet harbor. it took 10 years to lay the bam, but the construction was finally completed only at the beginning of the 21st century, and now the bam is experiencing a rebirth . it is necessary not only to open up narrow areas, the task is now much larger, it is along the entire length of the bama that the pave. continuous second tracks, in fact, put into operation more than 300 infrastructure facilities, including backups of the severomoisky,
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kuznetsovsky, and kadarsky tunnels, as well as a bridge across the amur. the eastern direction is in maximum demand, not only trade and economic ties are important, where roads are developing and life moves forward, the president presents state awards for contributions to the development of bama. we are proud that bamtorny stroy built the severomuzsky tunnel, one of the longest tunnels in russia. most of all you remember bam, youth, here this, and we are still friends. the first bama
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komsomol members initially lived in trailers and tents, but then entire cities and towns grew up, all thanks to the hard work of millions of great people, a great country. there is nothing more satisfying when people can see the results of this work in the results of their lives. here are almost all the recipients. they whispered in my ear: i serve russia, thank you for your service. now bam is truly being revived, a second track with parallel tunnels and bridges is being built, only in the last 2 years , the second eight-kilometer baikal tunnel was commissioned at the eastern transport site, and road and railway bridges were built across the amur to china. in the near future , another half a billion rubles will be invested in the expansion of bama. this is the highway to the future of russia. olga armyakova, oleg makarov, ivan zamorin, viktor kazakov, andrey baraukhin and alexandra terpugova, lead. in the tyumen
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region, the water rise in the ishim river is rapid, almost another meter per day. rescuers are building temporary dams to block the path of big water. stanislav berwald is monitoring the situation. the isim sinitsina highway went into flood a few days ago, now we can get to the village itself. you can only go on a boat under the supervision of emergency situations ministry employees. ishim flooded widely in the area of ​​the highway. even the locals are now wondering where ustireki once was. but where is it now? all around is just an unpromised sea. the sharply changing current makes it clear that we are already walking along the river. to get to the village of senitsina, you need to go by boat on the water about 40 minutes. the fact is that the village was simply blocked due to the flood. the ishim river, the highway, the city of ishim and sinitsina also went into flood, so now
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food, gasoline, and medicine, for example, can only be delivered there by boat, and also people who need it, for example, medical care , can be taken out of there by boat help, along the way there are flooded villages, a children's sanatorium and a rest home, it is clear that the water is already receding from the buildings, but these settlements are still completely cut off from the mainland, here...
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went into a flood, he completely refused to evacuate, there was only one argument: here is my home , everything is here, especially after the flooding of 1977, a dam appeared in the village, which means nothing will happen, the documents are all folded, the whole bag is here, put all the documents, everything is on my shoulder went, gennady’s wife daria also didn’t care, they say i won’t go anywhere alone, especially since a couple of kilometers away in that same village a children’s sanatorium flooded their apartment, she came to the apartment there, sat down on a chair and burst into tears, i say , what is this, this has never happened before, because masha, woman max, hello, hello, how are you, little by little, marfe timofeevna and koshkareva 93, her house is 100 meters from the dam, she also refused to evacuate, in the village there
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are children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and the main vegetable garden, which is no one except her, like as if he would not dig up and sow. i dug it myself, i have enough strength, well, little by little, today i dug a bed, now i’m sitting, resting, that’s why rescuers come to the village every day on boats, bringing everything they need, from candles from matches, water, food and medicine to funds personal hygiene. the administration operates a first aid station in the village, 24 hours a day, and rescuers monitor the water situation. please report the situation on the tobol river. the water in ishim and the ishim region began to decrease within 24 hours -14 cm, while this is a drop in the ocean, because two days earlier the river here gave a plus of 2-2 m. working with the population is one of the most important aspects. these are not only employees of the ministry of emergency situations, there are also employees of the prosecutor’s office, and internal affairs bodies, and now our psychologists are there,
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going out to convince people to leave the proposed zone, which could flood. we live in the area of ​​the same name. here we can’t say that the flood situation is getting any easier, so it’s probably worth thinking more seriously about your own safety and that of your parents. stanislav bernvalt, sergey ukhvarenok, danilo kuznetsov, ivan kuznetsov, valeria sapegina, vesti, tyumen region in the city. berezovsky near yekaterinburg, a concrete wall collapsed on a car and turned it into a flat. there was no one in the car. residents claim that they previously informed the local administration that the wall was leaning and may fall, but there was no reaction. the uk will deport illegal migrants to rwanda. this agreement was approved
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by parliament. vaughn said that this law creates a dangerous precedent, and the high commissioner for affairs. asked london not to forget about the norms of international law; alexander khabarov will explain why these calls will not be heard. a boat carrying illegal migrants sank off the coast of france this morning, killing three men, one woman and a seven-year-old girl. they all dreamed of getting to britain; their inflatable boat was filled with about 100 people. this group of migrants was more fortunate; they were intercepted in the english channel by british border guards and taken to england. but such people are not welcome here at all. a few hours earlier, the british parliament removed the last obstacles to the approval of a new law on the deportation of illegal immigrants to rwanda. prime minister sunath triumphantly announced that the first planeload of migrants would leave for east africa in 10 to 12 weeks. we are ready, plans have been developed and will be implemented no matter what
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happens. we won't allow anyone foreign court to block this decision. not so simple. the agreement with rwanda was signed under boris johnson 2 years ago, but got bogged down in litigation. the uk supreme court simply banned such deportation in november last year. then the government came up with the idea of ​​legislatively declaring rwanda a safe country for sending migrants there, so that no one could object; the statements of british parliamentarians smelled of something colonial. my lords, rwanda is a safe country which... again proves its ability to offer asylum seekers and a chance to build a new life. the government claims that they are engaged in a noble cause. they save migrants from risky journeys. warning in advance, there is no need for them to sail here. among those who are trying to get to england at any cost are refugees from afghanistan, from where great britain and the united
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states ingloriously left. how do you feel about the possibility of being sent to rwanda? this is unfair, especially for those who came from afghanistan. but the conservatives ruling the country need ratings and support voters who demand a solution to the problem of illegal migration. i would be skeptical that this will be some kind of magic wand that will allow the conservatives to turn things around before the next election. for the vast majority of people , health and economic problems are much more important. critics call this deportation of migrants immoral. there is a separate question about price. over the 2 years that the rwandan project has existed for the british treasury, it has become truly golden. national audit evaluates it in...
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have decreased somewhat due to the fact that more than 17 thousand of them have already fled, remaining under the control of the authorities, in the event of an attempt to deport them, they have the right to appeal to the european court of human rights and file various appeals. right-wing radicals today scuffled with police in central london, where they gathered to celebrate the day of st. george, the patron saint of england. in such a crowd, anti-immigrant slogans are usually heard, but apparently it is the law.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. april 24, 1671 year, the don ottoman stepan razin was captured. he started an uprising, which escalated into a peasant war. crowds of ordinary people, exhausted, flocked to him. razin went to moscow, formally not against the tsar, the people would not have understood this, but to punish the traitor boyars, however, the authorities, frightened by the scale of the uprising, threw a regular army against him and defeated razin near simbirsk, he was wounded. took refuge in the kogalnitsa town of nadon, but razin was betrayed by his former comrades, they betrayed their otaman in order to earn forgiveness. in folk in memory he remained a fearless
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hero-liberator; stories, songs and legends were written about him. scientists are studying the razen uprising, novels have been written about it, and films have been made about it. on april 24, 1884, namibia, or southwest africa, officially became a german colony. here. a trader from bremen, adolf luderets, appeared and purchased a coastal territory of 45,000 km from the africans for 100 pounds and 250 rifles. and on this day , the german chancellor otto von bismerck sent a telegram to his consul in cape town with instructions to announce to the british that the land lüderitz belongs to germany. the germans came to an agreement with the british, and then expanded their possessions even further, taking them away from the africans... dooming them to hunger and extinction. at the beginning of the 20th century, the herero tribe and those who joined it rebelled, the colonialists suppressed it with incredible cruelty, killed
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65,000 hereros, this was 80% of the entire tribe, half the nama tribe, another 10,000 people. the africans who survived were kept by the germans in concentration camps, subjected to torture, violence and abuse, and used for barbaric medical experiments. this counts. the first genocide in the history of the century, a harbinger of the atrocities of the nazis during the second world war. on april 24, 1946 , the first soviet jet fighters mik-9 and yag-15 took off. at that time, the ussr lagged behind its former allies the usa and great britain in this area. because of the war, destroyed industry, many. work was stopped to catch up, they carefully studied the captured messerid 262, but did not copy it; more modern machines were needed. the designers got down to business. yakovlev
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the yak-3 aircraft, and mikayan developed a new twin-engine model adapted for a turbojet engine. the tests were successful, and the very next day stalin ordered the construction of 15 jet yaks and migs each to show them at the parade on november 7. but then the weather got in the way, these fighters flew over red square only a year later, in 1947. but they went straight into the series. the yak-15 served well as a training aircraft. after the nine, akb mikayana developed the famous mik-15, which was put into service and became the most popular jet fighter in the history of aviation. on april 24, 1980, operation eagle claw failed. this was the biggest failure in
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the history of us special forces. vyshal. who did not plan to release the hostages, embassy employees in tehran, captured by radicals and islamists? hercules transport planes and helicopters were supposed to deliver fighters of the delta group, as well as equipment, fuel and ammunition to an abandoned airfield 370 km from the iranian capital. from there, transfer special forces to a point near tehran so that in cars drive to the embassy, ​​storm it and evacuate along with the hostages. from the very beginning. everything went wrong: one helicopter fell into the sea, another got lost, six transport helicopters still reached the place, but it turned out to be not so deserted, a bus with passengers and a fuel truck passed along the highway, the bus was blocked, the fuel tanker was blown up, and to top it all off another helicopter collided with a tanker in the air, the vehicles crashed to the ground, the crews died, after which there was only one thing left to do - get out mastery, but the hostages were later
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there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states and the west did not initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is with his saints. let's see what will happen next.
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hello, the correspondents of the program will talk about the main legal events of the day , the duty department and i, maxim movchan. in st. petersburg, the security forces uncovered a fraudulent scheme to steal land and maternity capital worth 120 million rubles.
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this is footage of the arrest of possible fraudsters. they did not voluntarily refuse, they had to let the bulgarian in. it is noteworthy that according to the investigation, the criminal scheme was carried out by a forty-five-year-old resident of st. petersburg, together with her accomplices, she fictitiously registered mothers of many children in st. petersburg. so that they receive social benefits, while the criminals purchase land plots in advance in remote regions of the country and effectively sell them to large families at an inflated price. chief investigators.


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