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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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but i would like to say that it’s good, we will protect it, or maybe we will protect it with our influx, that’s right, through this we need to, maybe ours will influx, well, we have to do this today, i’m grateful to you for the opportunity to once again say that that we will achieve this sovereignty anyway, we would just like to quickly and as quickly as possible, maybe sovereignty will still be found, it will begin from the moment when the central bank stops aspiratedly setting the dollar- ruble exchange rate, by the way, you know, we are a sovereign party, by the way, what there is the dollar exchange rate, i wanted.
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every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card . everything will be the way you want, what you need for construction is easy to find on the avito sale, hurry up to buy goods for construction with discounts of up to 60%. all that remains is to build, avita, grab it on sale and build! history sometimes gives us very surprising examples of changes that occur in our life, here we are... now we are celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of bam, we probably need to remember that the construction of bam one of the main reasons for this project was the desire to build a railway in the far eastern ocean at a safe distance from china, but consideration of the military threat from china was by far the main reason , which was then
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superimposed on by all the others, which made it possible to implement a huge project, and now we are waiting for the first state visit of the russian president, who will go to china after the inauguration and... it is obvious that this will be one of the main foreign policy news for the whole world of this year or the first half of it, a lot will be shown during this visit, and of course, the united states is terribly worried, scared of actually possible forms of cooperation that our leaders will discuss over the last month in i visited china,
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gremalison talked with sizenpin, in general, the united states is putting so much pressure on china, in different directions, but still, the main motive, it seems to me, is that they are afraid of further rapprochement, china of the russian federation and in various forms, including technological ones, just the other day anthony damn is going there, in fact, this week, a unique case, firstly, he announced even before the visit what he would do to scare.
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of course, we allowed what is called pulling the bear’s whiskers, when, well, in general, we somehow survived the theft of 300 billion dollars; time will have to forget about them. the chinese, of course, are paying close attention to what’s going on, they don’t want the dragons to pull their whiskers, apparently, and they are closely monitoring the actions that the united states takes towards them, and as for the russian federation, we fill our cooperation with china with very positive things , but indeed we have the idea that our economic growth should be in tune
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with china’s, in china, of course, there is no longer 8%, which was for 30 years, it is declining, but nevertheless the structure of growth in china is not very correct, the main driver is it's internal demand, diversification in the asian market and so on, and also the size of the economy, politely speaking, yes, and keeping the pace of russia at such a size of the economy are
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serious economic incentives for those interested in maintaining cooperation with us, developing it, including technological sphere, and then we must admit that our intelligence services and the chinese know how to keep secrets, so we know little about real military cooperation, except for what the us state department publishes or makes public, it periodically... for a week he pleases us with lists of some chinese companies, sometimes russian, mainly chinese or middle eastern, which help cooperation, in general, in the military sphere, in general, completing this chinese story, i want to say that yes, we are closely following the actions of china, which, in general, for many years was considered perhaps the main beneficiary of the worsening russian western relations, many in this studio, in our expert community, persistently repeat this idea:
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sense that we're always giving them the opportunity to play at the first tempo. for some reason we are always expecting that, well, let them do it then, and let them, here they are, here this feeling of the primacy of the west, it is extremely dangerous, we always act reactively, not proactively, this is a very big mistake, we don’t have to wait for them, the french want to send in troops, but i don’t understand why we haven’t appealed yet to north korea, to iran, to afghanistan, why don’t we have their troops here now? they say: let's give weapons to ukraine, let's take weapons from north korea, let's officially take weapons from iran wherever we can. what's the problem? what is the problem? who has the right to us indicate something? not with anything. they support our scum with all their might, who fled
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there and talk about the collapse of our country. well, let's actively work on their territory. treaty 2+4 why do we even recognize the existence of germany in its current form? disavow, they violated all their agreements, do not recognize, enter into agreements with individual lands, in general you need to completely change the map of the game, you don’t need to play with them according to their rules, you cannot
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win in a casino from the owner of the casino if you came to play chess, and there they play... hey, don’t expect that you will win, just pick up the bat, dmitry, yes, you know here, but in our country humor replaces it, they told me, i myself haven’t seen jokers on the internet, kulyakov said on solovyov’s program, that the united states hit the soviet union, dropping nuclear bombs on kheroshima on gossaki, ha ha ha, how funny, well, if it’s so funny to you, then it’s probably with you. yes, something will probably happen to you someday, in general, in this sense, you know, volodya, well, we probably still have a lot there, so to say, well, uh, stuck.
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here he is, he again gave a report about human rights, and he said: “yes, we americans also have problems, but we talk about them openly with ourselves, this is our strength, this does not concern you all, we ourselves let's talk to ourselves about our problems, and now , in order, i'll tell you about your problems and how i will correct them for you, well, maybe we'll ask ourselves the question, what is this, what is this..."
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russia's next war, like of the entity that next stood in the way of world domination, this happened in a short in the interval from the unthinkable plan to fulton’s speech, in between, they dropped these same bombs for what? here, when we talk about the fact that...
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and the desire to surrender and come to an agreement right there, this is why the bombs were dropped, if we ignore this, then we will never understand anything, this is not enough confirmation of your words about the fact that what happens to us is that there was just an iranian ultimatum, and we were forced to withdraw troops, after he was given an ultimatum, so that a nuclear strike would be carried out exactly, absolutely, exactly absolutely, well, this is the sphere.
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the fact that this is already, well, if i were to put it in old words, it’s already been more than a hundred-year war, if from the fourteenth to the 14th, now it’s already a hundred-year-old, in general, lasting, for
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open world domination, why were they called world wars, by the way, also after all interestingly, not the whole world was involved, but they were called world wars, these wars, not because of the scale, but because of the essence of the matter, i say, because everyone who was supposed to understood what the essence of the matter was, here we are, we shouldn’t ignore this reality, here we are a colleague said, i’m just a little bit, that’s very true, i agree completely, i’ll just tighten it up a little bit. samples, which are 50 years old, you know, soviet society already existed in the 70s, well, different processes took place there, i won’t dwell on this, but it is well known that soviet humanitarian economic science explained to comrades in the politburo that the baikal-amur mainline was not it makes economic, economic and financial sense what to transport along baikal...
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the magistracy and the highway have nothing and will never have anything to transport, and the only thing is that allowed us to start building it and still finish it by the end of the eighties, although it was already difficult, this is the understanding that in the conditions of confrontation with china in the seventies, this is a transport route passing at a distance of somewhere in some places 0 km almost from the border, or not more than 100. there is a need for a railway to the primorsky territory at a distance of 500,000 km from the border, and the military defended this point of view, it is thanks to them that we now have a bam and, by the way, no one says that there is nothing to transport along it, everything they say how to expand it now and deepen, that’s because there is so much to carry that, well, it’s kind of impossible to cope. this is
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an example of how military decisions and military meanings radically change, well, the geopolitical situation, not a little, and the nature of economic development. we went to these guests, went out and between ourselves we said, wow, why are you telling us that everyone is equal? the speed with which this reorganization took place showed that soviet society was, in principle, a capitalist society, democracy was a revelation, that this was freedom, this liberalism, i remember a great sense of freedom among the people, but people did not know many things about the collapse of the soviet union, they were carried away by western ideas, we can be friends, the americans
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began to tell us: how we need to democratize, they saw us as friends and partners, they sincerely wanted to help, why should russia completely copy all western structures, american democracy is now also shaky, this scale of russia, there is something in you russians that europe does not understand, stand by, who are you?
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call sign passenger, call sign passenger i suggest you change it to rebin’s call sign, no, i’m my brother’s pose, you remain a passenger, that’s for sure. the president, by the way, said yesterday at a meeting with the president of azerbaijan, imagine if we didn’t have a boom, right now in this whole situation, but it’s almost like imagining that we didn’t have nuclear weapons, that’s
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about it , well... one essence, well, and you, volodya, asked very correct questions at the beginning of the program, on what basis they do all this, all this they allow themselves to do, and this and that and the third and say. base there is one thing: european civilization has not developed any other basis other than the principle of racial superiority.


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