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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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added a little, in my opinion, it’s time to crush, most likely, not only the level, but the consequences, consequences of those decisions that are made by the military-political ukrainian ukraine and the collective west, correct me if i’m wrong, but in my opinion the most what is important is not only the achievement of our assaults and the guys on the front line, but the destruction of logistics hubs, decision-making centers of the senior command staff making these decisions. but this is called looking at the matter as a whole, looking at the root, this is the only way, maybe we can start with this, well, it’s probably high time, which is what we’re talking about, disorganization and demoralization of the enemy, this, in my opinion, is the path to victory.
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well, if we talk about the disorganization and demoralization of our own people, it is clear that with the adoption of the law on mobilization with the cessation of consular services, in essence, ukrainians have turned into serfs, that is, under the talk of freedom, under the talk of democracy.
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the west will pick it up if those ukrainians, who are such an absolutely wonderful idea and will be there, come out with protests against zelensky, why does the west need this, go home to ukraine, protest there, well , again, okay, the question is up in the air, if we talk about the american one, yes, if we talk about, in fact, the strategy and tactics of the states and britain, then there are actually two strategies and tactics.
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not in a war, as they are trying to present to us, well , you know, we voted correctly, went to the maidan correctly, we would certainly have developed, but the war prevented us, well , at least the course of history shows that this is... not at all so, ukraine is degrading, ukraine has actually already gone through the stage of deindustrialization, they admire the fact that their village gives such indicators, so the village gives such indicators not because it has improved production volumes there, because everything else has collapsed, it simply does not exist, they say that we can provide natural gas, well, of course you can, if you close the entire enterprise, of course you can yourself, well, you just understand, this is manipulation. this is actually a manipulation that
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the ukrainian authorities are actually engaged in. now by about the crimean bridge. the point is not in symbolism, the point is that the western goals set for ukraine have not changed one iota. you said absolutely right. the task is not just to attack the crimean bridge, but the task, in fact, is the goal, their goal is crimea, so the task is not to cut this land corridor. just bomb the bridge and cut the land corridor, can they do it or not, it's a matter of cost, i mean casualties and so on and so forth, but if they are going to mobilize 300,000 guns meat and if they are localized there somehow in one place and will strike there, it doesn’t matter, in general i want to tell you, it really doesn’t matter what the consequences of all this will be, but the americans, the british, they don’t count the number of deaths, they absolutely on this this. absolutely don’t care, but what does this give to the political in case of success, tactical
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success of ukraine in some particular, even small area, it gives them the opportunity to switch to some other agenda, you know, now the situation is for the west very uncomfortable, now the situation has developed in such a way that russia is absolutely calm, i must tell you consistently, saying that we are ready for negotiations, we are ready to resolve the situation, we are ready, we are ready, we are ready.
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in the states of america there will be no negotiations or attempts to resolve this conflict until the elections in the united states, i believe that this will continue at least until the middle of the twenty-fifth year, at least until the mid- twenty.
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but you know, give the peaceful people the opportunity to leave, of course, fucking demolish all the bridges, infrastructure, destroy everything, there is, yes, we understand that there are nuclear power plants, you can’t touch them, but you can touch what will ensure their existence, whatever you want decommunization, get the full program, stop regretting, in this situation, vladimirovich, even if you act like you say in relation to the infrastructure of ukraine. i want to tell you, the americans or the british don’t give a damn what kind of infrastructure they have left there, they will never
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believed, i’m not saying that the americans are even if they say that their borders run there, relatively speaking, along the eastern border of ukraine, in fact, their real line of defense, of course, runs along the western border, they are not interested in ukraine, but we we must calmly say, the french are landing, we are destroying the french headquarters on french territory, we are striking at the territory of poland. where it passes is a legitimate goal, but then you need to speak to them in a language that they don’t understand, yes, that’s what i’m talking about, so there should be hello, give a damn, pipelines, oil pipelines, this is all for revenge, there must be the most severe revenge, the principle is very simple, as in diplomacy, here, and there as well, there must be a symmetry of the answer,
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absolutely, they blew up our infrastructure, they don’t know who, and we don’t know who’s going to blow up the hell out of them all, no, there are absolutely no objections to this, absolutely, that is, it seems to me that that ’s enough, by the way, to feel sorry, we need to feel sorry for the residents of donbass, we need to feel sorry residents of zaporozhye, crimea, kherson region, belgorod, belgorod, bryansk, you should feel sorry for them in rostov, and these who for 8 years applauded the murder of the residents of donbass, who giggled and laughed when the guys burned in odessa, who enjoyed how the loot of donbass came to their homes. no need to squeeze them, absolutely, i want to tell you, by the way, i don’t regret it at all, i don’t regret that this situation with consular services happened, do you know why? because the farther from the front, the more patriotism, i watch how they shout in toronto, there are all sorts of chants, that’s all patriotism, which they can realize, well , if you want, go, go to the front, you
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declare this, but they want something else, they want that guy to go for them, to die, to ensure their victory. and they will vote: yes, you know, victory is like this, but it ’s not quite like this, we like it, but we don’t like it, they fit in like that, so well , this is like the first step, let them, let them think about it, you also ask me , i really don’t understand, now in russia there are many people with ukrainian passports, who, why aren’t they on the front line, why aren’t they fighting here for nenka, i don’t want to talk about you, i know what you did at the initial stage and there is great respect there, i know everything, the time will come. will tell you, but all those who are here trying to engage in political activities, what they did to liberate their homeland, write all sorts of crap in telegram channels that is impossible to read, go, fight for your homeland, liberate it from the ukranazis, go join the troops, please, how many of them are here, what are they thinking about, what place, what
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interferes, with money, with military labor, they chat. telling us how we need to live and how we need to correctly save them from the fact that they raised and raised them, half of them occupied even greater positions, everyone needs to pay more attention to what they say, what they call for, and in general look at themselves this way, watching yourself, it helps a lot, vasiliyvich, well , at least igor, i agree, completely, they, i’ll tell you more, many of them are sitting, waiting, saying, we’re professionals, we’re here, we’re ready, that’s it, you go die for us. but we have already screwed everything up once, but this is the second time, we have worked on the mistakes, the money is running out, money is really needed, in the public sphere, i heard two goals, one has already been talked about, budanov said, the head of military intelligence, about that , that the crimean bridge, yes, this is the second, today dzhemelev said, mustafa dzhemilov, said crimea, we must this year,
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in this floor, he, he is a rapist, yes, he was imprisoned for rape, uh-huh, yes, but let me just remind you that... that the minister of defense is his assistant and his junior partner, so when he died he became the minister of defense, they say that he swore that crimea would be ukrainian, so here are two goals, publicly, everything, everything, everything, everything is said, not tatar, not crimean tatar, ukrainian, yes, let me remind you that under ukraine the crimean tatar language was not an official language, but under russia it became an official language. if i understand correctly, they said the word homeless, that is, people who fled from ukraine at one time, rich, not so rich, are now really in a sense, they have become homeless, or are about to become homeless, that is this is another division of ukrainians into some layers, yes, because those people were not undefined, but whoever has some kind of
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citizen of ukraine, apparently resides in something else, now they were forced to make a choice, two elections, in fact. .. those who, several, the first choice of those who live in the european union is to smear, because in ukraine, if there is any problem, it can be solved for money, for some reason i have a strong conviction that that people who want to hit the jackpot again whitewash those who live in the european union, they artificially created this problem, yes, it is impossible to legally obtain a stamp at the consulate to renew a passport or a new passport, let me remind you that today in ukraine.
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i am an enemy for many of my old friends living in ukraine, they call me an enemy, many publicly, many non-publicly, one of my old friends called me today, and he called me honestly, that’s it, i say, i continue to consider you an enemy, you are an agent, in general, but i say that why are you calling me? no, he's a rich man, so here he is he says, look, the point is that he says, we are rich, that all the enemies are asking for money, the point is that i say he, i see self-devouring inside ukraine and even among us here, i say, oh well, what is the devouring itself, he says, look how i want to speak ukrainian, i want to go to the ukrainian-greek-catholic church, i want to have a ukrainian society, but go to canada. he says, so i came to the idea that all this is possible, but not on the territory of ukraine, i don’t want to go back there, and i called you because he told me he says, you are killing zelensky, and i
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agree with you, zelensky is a big bastard, i say, well, what next, then he asks me a question, do you know, vasily dmitrievich, dear, whether there are greek catholic parishes in the russian federation and in general yes, i say, i looked there and asked, yes, there is a kiev patriarchate and a greek catholic church, which kiev patriarchate, there is, there is, there is, even a kiev church, there is a greek catholic church, and there are churches of which kiev patriarchate, igor, well, listen to me , please, continue, and i, well, what, he says, how to come to russia, you can fly through shermetie, because he started asking simple ones, only through magadan and the last question, he says, well, really, what are the rules, what are the morals, i say read it. oath of a citizen of the russian federation, calculate it. because he has no other choice, because
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listen, i’m not talking about you, i’m talking about the precedent that happened today, it’s true, people, yes, people are starting to think about that, very well, well, i don’t think so, i can advise from other countries, right now very popular in moldova, there are australian jews and groups. well, why is ludivich, i understand that you took a small bribe from him as a lawyer for the provision of legal services, i’m just funny, and what does he
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work as a pizza courier now, he’s almost homeless, in ukraine, you know, there were draft dodgers, remember? internally displaced individuals, enemies, sanctioned, agents of the kremlin, i understand, i suggest he go through central asia to russia, which is through central asia. hero, oh, there are no heroes in ukraine, that’s all, see you tomorrow, it’s clear to everyone that russia is not
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country, gas station, take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal. there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product, slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank. all the moment, access to the money would have been fraudulent at your expense, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the count was in seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that we could
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transfer money to a secure account. when you hit the bank , you hang up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, to get money out of you, hang up without talking.
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i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty-four, 2124, this is the situation, now i can jump to... to the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting for us, well, they were already there when i got here he came, we need to find moms, what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow, questions, suggestions, objections, no, different, what
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do you want?
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we will discuss the unification of new people from the party of growth and other issues with the leader of the new people faction in the state duma , alexei nichaev. alexey gennadievich, hello, i welcome you, thank you for taking the time and coming to our studio. firstly, of course, last week new people united.


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