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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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[000:00:43;00] we will discuss the unification of new people from the party of growth and other issues with the leader of the new people in the state duma faction , alexei nichaev. alexey gennadievich, hello, i welcome you, thank you for taking the time and coming to our studio. well , firstly, of course, last week there were new
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people... in the general party, we are a parliamentary party, so we don’t need to collect signatures to participate in regional elections, we received about twenty-odd chairmen of regional branches, thanks to people from the party growth, hundreds of candidates deputies, party organizers, such experienced people, this is a great value for us and for people from the growth party, the opportunity to express themselves in a different way, plus boris yuryevich
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tetov, a very famous entrepreneur. and a bully - headed the federal council of our common party new people, we have a central council, such a governing body, and the federal police council, now in the charter, which is a body for such strategic consultation, content development, together with the stolypin club, that is, we are very much developed many partnerships, which we are very happy with, and at the same time , you know, in russia it is easier not just to create a party, i will tell you this, like those who did it. but the unification of the party is an even more complicated story, more and more people in russia like to disengage, quarrel, this is what is customary here, uniting is not just something that took us a year to participate together in the autumn elections of last year, to nominate a single candidate for the elections to the presidency of the russian federation, boris erovich and colleagues wrote a large part of the economic block of the program, that is, we we worked, how to say, took a closer look at each
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other, saw each other’s strengths. the president took the work very seriously, although the government’s challenge order has only passed 3 months, and already the work is going very actively, and we are focused on the future of the party, and this also unites us with the party of growth, well, of course, all the more so it will be absolutely necessary with these to deal with issues of artificial intelligence, because life itself dictates this necessity, and what plans do new people have for the autumn elections, maybe you will nominate some candidates
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from the one who joined? this year there are more than 12 regional administrative capitals plus huge municipal ones, here in the moscow region there are many elections in the lennoy region, that is, this year is very rich in elections, so we are glad that we have such a replenishment, in tatarstan there are also very big elections there
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, 100 people are elected to the state council and the party of growth was very strong in tatarstan, we now also became friends there, got acquainted, this is called in technological language, we carried out the stitching like this. great, but we know that the credibility of the party new people have grown significantly recently, including the presidential elections showed good results for the party for your candidate, do you plan to somehow expand your representation in general, how will i be working now in connection with the growing trust in the party in 77 regions as a branch, in the rest a group of activists works as such, we firstly increase the number of regions where
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party branches are officially open, we are carrying out saturation. be in dialogue in discussions with our counterparties, yes, especially since there is still a request for updating, including in this structure, in the party, in the state duma, yes, we now understand that the state duma remains the same, but the government is waiting for an update, this is supposed by law, after the seventh, in mid-march, there was a government report in the state duma on the work for the past year, these are the main results you summarize, well,
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i summed up the results. there is, there is that we do not like them, there is, there is that we think should be done, yes, but there are two positions, more such, cheap, i would say, this is to criticize, you don’t do this, you don’t do this, without us such parties already exist, in our function there is no additional added value, but there is an opportunity to offer different solutions to things that the government either, for example , hasn’t done it yet, maybe hasn’t done it, or maybe there’s just not enough attention. for example, when i came to the government with those robotization issues, literally a day later we had a meeting with the management and those who are responsible for industrial robots, it turned out that that of the measures that i propose, a third is already
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almost at the end of the feast at the exit, but well, it’s a few months before this is done, but it’s already all assembled, a third, we see that it’s possible to use other
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tools. this is a very important and interesting approach that you voice, but also with a report to the state duma. and the central bank proposed and the president
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supported a very limited list of less than 100 large companies that are obliged to sell foreign exchange earnings, because, so to speak, they are the main ones exporters, that is, according to the law of paratha , 20% of the effort brings 80% of the result, this is a very precise solution, you know, you can’t add or subtract, because the introduction of foreign currency earnings, the mandatory sale of foreign currency earnings has had its effect. if they did it for everyone, then it could simply cut off their work very much for medium and small companies, and even just large ones, but not super-large ones, and we would be a country deprived of currency, because our chains would be cut, yes, our ill-wishers are western, so this is just on the level such an elegant solution, for example, delivery of 16%, of course, like any person who understands what a loan at 16% is, the rate is 16, which means the business will be given at 20, i’m not really... supporting the decision, but i understand what it is caused, yes, by the fact that we need
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to contain inflation, because inflation is a tax on the poor, yes, people who have little money suffer more from inflation, because their basket of goods grows more than that of rich people, so, of course , i understand why this is bad, but i understand what led, that what reason did the central bank have to raise the rate, while the central bank
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is also in the mood to reduce the rate as the inflation rate decreases. you will see that half of them were not made by native americans, but by visitors, half of this half are immigrants from russia, yes, because there is money there, money that is heated up so that the project would take off, if we had not once invested huge money in space, but the country did not invest huge amounts of money in the development of the atom there, military and peaceful, then we would not have had any of this if huge amounts of money had not been invested in industrialization in the thirties, we would have been hitlerites. have been conquered, so investing
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money in new things is, well, the law of life, if we are a market economy, then we can only invest using market tools, and the fact is that the state is not always an effective player, remember our yotafon, well, not a single private company would be interested in the yotafon a lot of money to get there 700, how many devices were there, that’s why you need to invest, investments in the last year or two have fallen especially strongly since the beginning, investments in such new ones. projects, so we came up with the idea of ​​creating a slightly increased tax benefit for those who invested and wait 5 years for results, that is, this is for long-term investors - this is not a speculative story, the second thing is that these are venture capital projects that are in the minek register , that is, you can’t finance a commercial tent like that, only where it’s with a vertical take-off, a commercial tent, that’s why this is a tool so that we have more scientific
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breakthrough stories, technology startups. it’s too late to drink borjomi, as we know, when the kidneys have fallen off, this is the basic principle, people begin to say that it hurts, we believe that prevention is much cheaper, and this leads to health, but we have no goal to people were treated and paid a lot, our goal is for people not to get sick, and this money is left with them for other expenses, which are more necessary to
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educate their children, and yes, to educate themselves get, for more important things, not for treatment, and the new healthy generation is... is that we start prevention from early childhood, the first of the projects in this program is large - vitamin d3, we have found an industrial partner who produces and finances the production and distribution of vitamin d3 for children from 0 to 3 years old, because our maternity hospital recommends it, and those who all recommend vitamins all the time, yes, but at the same time, look, a drop is needed. only in the first year, in the second year there are two drops, there are 500 mg, there, that is, it’s very small, but we see that only 2/3 of mothers give birth to their children in the first year, in the second year only a third of mothers, because someone forgets, then if someone gave birth, knows that katya is saying there, do this, do this, do this, but your head is like this, someone bought vitamin d right away, then it drips,
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someone forgot to buy it, that is, this is the first year they took it , the bottle ran out, they threw it away, they didn’t buy new ones, so we released this story with our partners. and they did it too oil-based, not alcohol-based, because it’s nothing good, what they give a child from zero to three, they give alcohol in microdoses, but nevertheless, why should children be taught this, we are not alcohol dealers, you’re right, we need healthy children, that’s why there’s such a project once, twice - this is, for example, breastfeeding, 60% of our mothers after a year, after six months no longer breastfeed, but this is immunity, vitamin d is
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immunity. yes, baby, the mother needs to be healthy, because if she’s all like this, she’ll give everything away, well, how can she then live on her own, give birth to a second child, so it is very important to take care, and there are very simple training programs, so that i myself have five children, then i understand how important it is for a woman to feel herself, yes, for a woman i
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felt, well, not only loved, but also healthy, yes, well, this is of course an incredibly important story that you are telling, i say this as a mother of two children. but in fact , vitamin d, what you mentioned, and breastfeeding is incredibly important, and for the mother herself, too, to know that she is doing the maximum for in order for her child to be, for one mother, 200 rubles is not much, but for many mothers 200 rubles, well, even per year, but this is already the case, so when they are given it, of course for them it is also good, yeah, we literally have a minute left, but i really want to ask you about one more project, neurostart, this is training with neural networks, are there many people interested in this
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story? “the basics, how to work in a new way, how to design, there are 10, there are 5 fates, how to work in a new way, but not only, how to live in general in this new system of coordination, i thank you, thank you very much for coming to our studio, answering our questions, thank you, thank you, let me remind you that in our studio there were new people, the head of the duma faction, alexey gennadyevich nechaev, who told us about important projects, i was waiting for you eternity, i decided to meet you, it has finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, exhibition, russia has blossomed with all the colors
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of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you,
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russia is at the exhibition. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. we were joking once in the studio, the director of photography says, my grandmother believes that you live in the kremlin star. he is a man of pushkin and dostoevsk, from
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the pushkin tradition. hero star, simply because i’m russian, that’s enough, i love europe very much, now we’ve swapped places, now we’re in russia for freedom of opinion, but they’re not, we’re open worlds, but they’re not, he’s from the breed that did russia, vladimirich says, i wish you success, you are now my employee, this is the news of the week, and i am dmitry kiselev, good evening, what do you remember about this day in history, we'll tell you right now, hello! on april 24, 1671, the don ottoman stepan razin was captured. he started an uprising, which
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escalated into a peasant war. crowds of ordinary people, exhausted by serfdom, exorbitant taxes, and the arbitrariness of landowners, flocked to him. in addition to the russians, the uprising was supported by the bashkirs, mari, chuvash, mardva, tatars, taking the tsaritsens, saratov, samara, astrakhan, razin went to moscow. formally not against the tsar, the people would not understand this, but to punish the traitor boyars, however, the authorities, frightened the scale of the uprising threw a regular army against him and defeated razin near simbirsk. he was wounded and took refuge in the kogalni town of nadon, but razin was betrayed by his former comrades, they betrayed their otaman in order to earn forgiveness. in people's memory he remained a fearless hero-liberator; stories,
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songs and legends were written about him. on april 24, 1884, namibia or southwest africa officially became a german colony, a trader from bremen, adolf lüderez, arrived here and acquired a coastal territory of 45.m, for 100 pounds and 250 rifles, on this day the german chancellor sent a telegram to his consul in cape town with instructions to declare to the british that the land of lüderitz belonged to germany. the germans came to an agreement with the british, and then further expanded their possessions, robbing africans of their lands, dooming them to starvation and extinction. at the beginning of the 20th century, the herero tribe rebelled, and the colonialists who joined them suppressed it with incredible cruelty, killing
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65,000 hereros, which was 80% of the total number. medical experiments, it is considered the first genocide in the history of the 20th century, a harbinger of the atrocities of the nazis during the second world war. on april 24, 1946 , the first soviet jet fighters mig-9 and yak-15 took off. at that time , the ussr lagged behind its former allies the usa and great britain in this area. calls out. destroyed industry, many works were stopped to catch up, they carefully studied the captured messerid 262, but did not copy it, more modern machines were needed, the design bureaus of alexander yakovlev and artyom mikayan. yakovlev adapted the yak-3 aircraft for a turbojet engine, and mikayan developed a new twin-engine model.
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the tests were successful the very next day stalin ordered construction. jet yaks and migs to show them at the parade on november 7, well then the weather got in the way, these fighters flew over red square only a year later, in 1947, and they went into production right away. the yak-15 served well as a training aircraft, akb mikayana, after the nine developed the famous mig 15, which was put into service and became the most. april 24, 1980 operation eagle claw failed, which became the biggest failure in the history of us special forces. washington planned to release hostages, embassy employees in tehran, captured by islamist radicals. transport planes, hercules and helicopters were supposed to deliver the fighters of the delta group, as well as
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equipment, fuel and ammunition, to the abandoned site. drum 370 km from the iranian capital, from there transfer special forces to a point near tehran in order to drive cars to the embassy, ​​take it by storm and evacuate with the hostages. from the very beginning, everything went wrong, one helicopter fell into the sea, another got lost, six transport helicopters still reached the place, but it turned out to be not so deserted, a bus with passengers and a fuel tanker was passing along the highway, the bus was blocked by a fuel tanker. exploded, and to top it all off, another helicopter collided with a tanker in the air, the vehicles crashed to the ground, and the crews were killed. after that, there was only one thing left to do - get out of the way, and then they managed to take the hostages liberated thanks to the mediation of algeria.
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this is what this day in history was like. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. democracy voices. we went to these guests, went out and talked in between. “wow, what are you telling us, that everyone is equal, the speed with which this reorganization took place showed that soviet society was, in principle, a capitalist society, democracy - it was revealed that this is freedom, this is liberalism, i remember a great feeling freedom from people, but people don’t know many things about the collapse of the soviet union, they were carried away by western ideas, we can be friends, the americans started telling us how we need
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to democratize, they saw us as friends, partners, they didn’t want to help, why should russia completely copy all western ways , american democracy is now also shaking, this scale of russia, there is something in you russians that europe does not understand, stand, who are they, newbies, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger , everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, you can have a white weapon, i can, you’ll sing somehow, i’m alive, we don’t need names, don’t touch her, don’t touch her, not yours, well, you , light of god, what to do, commander,
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passenger’s call sign, i suggest changing the passenger to rebin’s call sign, no, this is


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