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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. the crews of su-25 attack aircraft destroyed the positions of ukrainian militants in the southern donetsk direction. unguided missiles struck strongholds where ukrainian armed forces personnel were hiding. according to the aircraft controller's report, the targets were successfully hit. all industrial enterprises in orenburg and the region are operating normally, this region is stronger than the rest. this year it suffered from floods. according to the governor , more than a billion rubles have already been allocated for payments to residents. deputy defense minister timur ivanov was detained on suspicion of receiving a bribe. investigations are underway. at the ministry, ivanov oversaw property management issues. and before that he worked at
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enterprises of the fuel and energy complex in the government of the moscow region. the bill on assistance to ukraine has gained enough votes in the senate, within the framework of which washington is preparing to allocate about $1 billion to kiev. the money will be used to purchase weapons, it was confirmed. russian attack aircraft and su-25 attack aircraft destroyed strongholds and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction. the blow was struck unguided missiles, immediately after the crews performed an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps and returned to the departure airfield. we carried out a launch, tested an aircraft engine, took off in pairs, flew at an extremely low altitude, attacked from a nose-up, performed a flight along the return route, reached the airfield, and landed. one at a time and carry out
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the combat mission, the most important thing is not to be afraid, victory will be ours, in the southern donetsk direction, concentrations of infantry and armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces are identified by the crews of the arlan drone, he can stay in the air for up to 12 hours and is practically invisible on enemy radars. intelligence data received from arlan helps our artillery and our war correspondent, eduard punikov, will tell you all the details. this unmanned aerial vehicle is called. the orlan reconnaissance complex can be deployed anywhere in a matter of minutes; it is launched into the sky using a catapult like this. orlan is heading towards the front line, today he is flying deep behind enemy lines in the coal area, the drone transmits information about positions to control points ukrainian nationalists. we usually work 24x7, even now, when you are talking to me, i have birds in the air. the body of the device is made of composite materials, so ukrainian radars most often... cannot detect it. one of the main
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advantages of orlan is its autonomy. it can remain in the air continuously for up to 12 hours. right now the aircraft has returned from yet another combat duty. the drone lands using a parachute. the crew immediately begins maintenance. during reloading, the calculations try act as quickly as possible, because there is a possibility of a retaliatory strike. all about everything in about 15 minutes, no more. all actions are brought to automaticity. the soldiers are well aware of what can be done to them. it can also carry a payload, such as equipment that jams enemy communications. we observe a concentration of the enemy at the designated target, i ask you to work with artillery. all information
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is transmitted in real time to this control point; two operators work here, one controls the eagle, the second looks for potential targets and transmits artillery coordinates, depending on the weather , the height can reach up to 5.00 m, here the autonomy is from 6 to 12 hours, we mostly fly about 2,500, here is the minimum 500 m. this mobile point is also a desirable target for the ukrainian armed forces, for well, we are hunting for we always change the base point, we change the fields, just as we are looking for them, so they are looking for us. uav crews of the 155th marine brigade of the pacific fleet are on duty along the entire front line, helping our units on time react to any enemy movements. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. and now the situation with floods, almost 15,000 houses have been flooded throughout russia. over the course of a day, this number has increased slightly. this is data
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from operational services. so in orenburg, in areas that were hit harder by floods, river levels are gradually decreasing. more than 300,000 cubic meters of water are pumped out of houses per day. plots. the supply of utilities is gradually being restored. flood in the tyumin region is only gaining strength. an urgent evacuation was announced in another area. according to forecasts, the period of high water here could last for several weeks. more than a hundred houses were sunk, plus country houses. in the kurgan region, the flood retreats from the regional capital towards the belozersky district. in addition to houses and vegetable gardens, there are 11 road sections.
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and deputy head of the ministry of defense timur ivanov was detained on suspicion of taking a bribe. it is known that he held the post. since 2016, in the ministry he oversaw the organization of property management, housing and medical support, as well as procurement within the framework of state defense orders. according to the presidential press secretary, vladimir putin was informed of the arrest, and the head of the ministry of defense, sergei shaiga, was also informed. and here is the statement of the investigative committee. on suspicion of committing a crime under part six of article 290 of the criminal code. russian federation, this is taking a bribe, the deputy minister of defense of the russian federation, timur vadimovich ivanov, was detained, and appropriate investigative actions are being carried out. and now is the time economic news. alexandra, despite the sanctions, canada cannot refuse
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russian titanium. tell us, for whom do they make an exception? tatyana, in particular for the aircraft manufacturing company airbus, for now let’s start with a different topic. from january 1, 2010, all systemically important banks will use a model approach when assessing credit risks. the corresponding law was signed by vladimir putin. the method involves assessing risks and capital based on internal ratings of borrowers, which are assigned by financial institutions themselves. while banks can choose whether to use this approach; only four currently use it. sberbank, vtb, alfabank and raiffeisenbank. the union has developed a plan for using the proceeds from russia's frozen assets, said the eu high representative for foreign affairs and security policy, jose borel. he noted that brussels expects to receive about 3 billion euros a year this way. this is
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uncharted territory for us, we had to look for new approaches. to use these funds to support ukraine, we have several steps in place. the first one was implemented in february. we introduced rules for central securities depositories that generate income from assets, they had to identify blocked assets and account for them separately. we expect that this mechanism will allow us to receive about 3 billion euros per year. from a legal point of view, we have established that these incomes do not belong to russia, since they are not considered sovereign assets. i'm talking specifically about income, not about assets in general. the canadian government has allowed it. use russian titanium, despite the fact that in february last year the country introduced sanctions against the world's largest producer of this metal, our corporation in smpo ovisma. airbus is aware of the sanctions imposed by the canadian government against fsmpo and has obtained the necessary
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authorization to operate in compliance with the relevant sanctions. sanctions against vsmpo avism may complicate things. importing into canada aircraft that were assembled abroad using russian titanium, for this the aircraft manufacturer will have to obtain permission from several departments at once. airbus repeatedly warned that the restrictions could hit the western aircraft manufacturing industry hard and emphasized that the russian economy would feel virtually no damage. the mts board of directors recommended paying dividends for last year at 35 rubles per share. in total for these. plans to allocate more than 68.5 billion. the final decision on this issue will be made by shareholders at the annual meeting on june 26. the company also approved a new dividend policy for the next 2 years. target profitability should be at least 35 rubles. per one ordinary
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share. payments will be made once a year with the possibility of changing the frequency. and when calculating dividends , factors such as cash flow will be taken into account. from operating activities, capital expenditures and debt burden. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are the dollar 93 rubles 29 kopecks. euro 99.56. tatyana, alexander, thank you, my colleague alexandra nazarova was with the economic news. crews of the msta sm2 self-propelled howb struck the district fortifications, firing positions, and manpower of the armed forces of ukraine on kupinsky direction. the strikes are carried out with precision-guided ammunition. our artillery work is covered by a 24-hour observation post with an uav suppression station. in the kurgan region , the water level in tabol dropped overnight. by 6 cm, the crest of the flood is receding from the capital of the region, some schools there are already returning to
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full-time work, traffic in the region is limited on some sections of roads, and detours have been organized. the deputy head of the defense department , timur ivanov, is suspected of a crime under part six of article 290 of the criminal code, punishment for it is up to 15 years of imprisonment, investigations are ongoing . the united states of america is no longer hiding. the us senate approved the consideration of a bill on an aid package to ukraine under a shortened procedure, and also approved a budget for aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan in the amount of $95 billion. meanwhile , the white house has already admitted that the fighting in ukraine is not developing in favor of kiev. what does this mean about this? maria skorodilka will tell you. they delayed the vote, scolded,
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complained, tried to whitewash the one who was taking money from the americans. demonization ukraine began with tyker carloson, who, in my opinion, did something harmful to everyone, came to moscow, interviewed the president, and then told a huge audience about everything, convincing everyone that russia was right. but we still looked into it. the us senate approved the aid budget for ukraine. washington plans to send it to kyiv. 1 of the most pressing problems, the pentagon said. billion dollars, the money will go to the united states, being a bankrupt country, sends billions to ukraine, this money will certainly be stolen there - he said commenting on the authorities’ decision journalist tucker carlson. billions of dollars will go to purchase weapons, billions of dollars will go to training the military, billions of dollars will simply go to the ukrainian government, which has never defeated corruption. think about it. this money will simply be stolen, zelensky will laugh in the americans’ faces. the united states again promises ukraine to support it
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as long as necessary. in afghanistan , it took 20 years, 3 trillion dollars and more than 70 thousand dead civilians, and then they left in just one night - reporter chey balls aptly writes on social networks. current the state of the collective west is best reflected in the sixth volume of the history of the decline of the collapse of the roman empire, said elon musk. russia as an example of an independent power. it is impossible to defeat such a country, he said in an interview with reporters. ukrainian defenses could collapse even before american aid arrives, writes the independent. in the ssu there are not enough air defense shells with people, it’s a disaster, the article says. russia simply does not want to need the west and depend on it, they said in france. i absolutely don't believe that that russia wants to invade europe. russia intends to develop its industry, it is already overdeveloped, but they are on... the path of excessive industrialization and russia's goal to be able to produce everything that is needed. without european
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rearmament, nato is dooming you to failure, while allies maintain a practice of loud talk, relying on the us to shoulder the lion's share of the burden, analysts say. currently, only 18 of 32 nato countries promise to spend 2% of gdp on defense. nato continues to fight shortcomings in the field of integrated air and missile defense. ridicule, in all seriousness, russia prohibits quoting kant due to the fact that
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moscow’s policy allegedly contradicts the basic tenets of his teachings. at the same time, all that the west can demand from ukraine now is to start paying off debts and total mobilization. but there's a problem with that. ukrainian volunteers complain to the meat grinder, they even take away old people. the policy of mobilizing living resources turns into slavery and bondage. the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine banned issue documents to ukrainians of military age abroad. the united states has stopped hiding the true goals of the restrictions against russia, our us ambassador stated this. he noted that we are talking about america’s opportunistic and predatory ambitions. in addition, antonov emphasized that if washington cannot withstand economic competition, then sanctions will be used. the diplomat made such statements against the backdrop of recent statements by the american administration. assistant secretary of state for energy resources geoffrey payat said, that the united states is counting on further restricting russia’s access to european
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energy markets. the deputy minister of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china, the dprk, im-chun il, said that the nwo zone has become a cemetery for american nato weapons, his words were quoted by the korean central news agency. according to the diplomat, the united states is trying to achieve two goals in the ukrainian conflict. first, the united states uses ukraine as an instrument of strategic containment of russia, second, with the help of financing from kiev, washington satisfies the interests of its military monopolies. in addition, imch hunir emphasized that the new aid package is everything. a psychotropic substance for the kiev regime, which is approaching collapse every day. now footage from a telegram channel in china from a flood flood has declared a high level of danger. so, according to media reports , more than 100.00 people were evacuated, in addition, there are also missing persons. this is reported to be the heaviest rain in 50 years. now
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bank for business. connect an overdraft with a guaranteed limit of up to 30 million rubles. to a free business account. alfabank is the best bank for business. large investments, domestic equipment and a bet on white the vinorus winetech exhibition started in krasnodar. makarova studied the trends of this season in the industry, our congratulations to the winery, raevskaya cheers, an exciting moment for every winemaker. presentation of awards based on the results of a tasting competition, for 25 years now the winerus exhibition in krasnodar has been gathering the industry at the beginning of the season and selecting the best samples, this year 265 wines from 35
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estates were evaluated, an unexpected trend for the jury, an increase in the quality of white wines, i was very pleased that white wines, which used to be always somehow on the margins, and not of particularly high quality, they have now become the most vibrant and interesting and... in fact, the range that was presented, that is, the contestants were presented, they showed really very high results, that is, i mean, that if earlier we found a lot of flaws and problems, now these are only a few, it is especially important for new farms to participate in the competition, so they can declare themselves in the industry in russia, now there is a boom in farm winemaking, according to roskachestvo data for the last over the past 3 years, the number of such farms has tripled; today there are already more than 50 of them; ours is small. 26 technical varieties are presented here, all
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the wines are in our collection, we have a large collection of don selection of don autochthons called heritage, the topic of wine tourism, which was considered here , is close to us, and in order to introduce a little... exit outside the rostov region, we came, watched how our colleagues worked, listened, observed , and now we have completed our own projects, this season russian winemaking is opening new projects near anapa and a large farm is being founded, which is going to produce wine made from both local and international varieties, while it will also be a tourist complex with walking and cycling routes and co-working, the volume of investments exceeds a billion rubles. symlyansky black is our answer to pinoir. so i want them to meet, and we will make a red blend, pinanuarian black, and a rose, blendde noar, that is, we will show
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how close they are to each other and ready be friends, we want to make this area accessible to people who love to travel and lead an active lifestyle, we are providing it along the perimeter of our site. here, in the krasnodar territory , a federal center for viticulture has just been launched, in which winemakers , together with institutes, will engage in science and train students. it’s interesting that every year new projects appear in russia, not only for wine, but also for wine-related projects, for example, this line at kuporka and bottling wine, and if previously such installations could only be purchased for border, then today we have a great one. in novgorod. yulia makarova, vitaly voronkov, news from krasnodar. briefly about the main thing for this hour. in the southern donetsk direction
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, the arlan drone crew helped identify a concentration of ukrainian armed forces infantry. the reconnaissance data was transferred to the artillery, which worked on targets. the united states, being a bankrupt country, sends billions to ukraine, where this money will certainly be stolen. the kiev authorities are mocking washington, he said. commenting on the authorities' decision, american journalist tucker carlos, for his position, he was already criticize it in the senate. deputy defense minister timur ivanov was detained on suspicion of taking a bribe, according to investigators, investigative actions are ongoing. at the ministry, ivanov oversaw property management issues, and before that he worked at enterprises of the fuel and energy complex in the government of the moscow region. the restriction has been lifted on two sections of roads in the tyumen region. which were introduced due to the flood, the river level near the city of ishim decreased, but increased noticeably near the village of obatskoye. according to the authorities, the area has been evacuating for several days now. a
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now telegram channels, about 500 thousand students and teachers took to the streets of the argentine capital. they are protesting against cuts in education costs and demanding that it remain free. according to media reports, rallies are taking place not only in buinos ares. now let's talk about sports, alexander, the hockey csk summed up the results of this season, tell us about the statements that were made at the press conference. tatyana, good morning, the president of hockey cska announced that five cska leaders will leave the team, took a direct part in the victories of the army team in the gagarin cup over the past few years. so, big changes are coming to csk hockey. the day before, the president of the club, igorsmantovich, announced that. will say goodbye to long-term leaders. at the press conference at the end of the season , the names of five players were announced who are closely associated with cska's victories in the gagarin cup. this is sergey plotnikov, mikhail
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grigorenko, anton. olympics in beijing as part of the russian national team , ivan fedotov signed a new contract with philadelphia. agreement with twenty-seven goalkeeper is valid for 2 years. ivan fedotov will earn $6.5 million during this time. this season, ivan fedotov managed to play for philadelphia in three matches of the regular season; philadelphia did not make it to the stanley cup playoffs. in the stanley cup, florida led the first round series against tampa bay with a score of 2:0. florida won in overtime last night , 3-2. one of the goals was scored by vladimir torasenko. florida goalkeeper sergei bobrovsky made a beautiful, spectacular save in the second period that was sure to be claim salvation of the year. hit the puck after
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a shot from matthew dumba with his hand, with his back to the attacking player. in the vtb united league, the current champion, winner of the regular season, kazan unics, began defending the title the day before. in the first match of the playoffs, unix played against samara, which entered the playoffs from eighth place. the key events in the match occurred at the turn of the third and fourth quarters, when unix managed to make a breakthrough, and at the beginning of the final period of the game , andrei varantsevich brought the advantage with a throw from behind the arc. the hosts to the maximum in the match +17. unix held the advantage and won in the end +10. 83-73. american kazantsev defender eric green scored the most in the match with 20 points. the second match of the series will take place there in kazan tomorrow. in another match yesterday, lokomotiv kuban won a crushing victory over parma. french media are reporting a record number of cases of dengue fever being imported into the european part of
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france. in the first months of this year, the number of such cases increased 10 times compared to last year. french authorities are calling for tighter controls ahead of olympics in paris. it is reported that french health authorities will soon provide recommendations on vaccination against dengue fever. the disease is transmitted through mosquito bites. they write that the french committee for surveillance and risk forecasting has named imported cases of disease as the main danger associated with major events such as the olympic games. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour.
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