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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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the consequences of storm winds are being eliminated in tatarstan. let me remind you that the cargo front hit the region on tuesday evening, and there were some disruptions. roofs, and where the elements may break out today, anna volkova will tell you about it. squalls, floods, large hail. thunderstorm activity in the east of european russia will continue today, where the most precipitation will fall and whether the rain will reach orenburg, which has just begun to be freed from heavy water. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel , fobys center, i’m anna volkova. hello thunderstorms showers will make their way to the spurs today.
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on the eve of the urals, the disaster raged in tatarstan ; a giant thundercloud 11 km high approached kazan in the middle of the day. the wind under such clouds can accelerate to storm levels, which is what happened in the city of buinsk. the hurricane knocked down trees and fences and tore off fragments of roofing from houses. people were almost injured in one of the local supermarkets. at the height of the storm, the ceiling collapsed in the sales area. look, as often happens, during such processes the kazan weather station did not notice any wind at all, although in some areas he raised real dust storms in the city. the squall also reached the republic of mariel. at some point , the sun seemed to go out over yozhkorala, lightning flashed and deep puddles formed on the roads due to the downpour. in addition, large hail fell in the region. some pieces of ice reached a diameter of 4 cm, which is quite enough. not enough to damage
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the car body. the weather cataclysm was provoked by a frontal wave that formed in the zone of the polar atmospheric front. photographs from space clearly show how the cloud fields over tatarstan twist into the spiral of a minicyclone. as a result, more powerful clouds began to develop here, carrying intense showers and squalls. today the fields are frontal. cloudiness will continue to shift along the spurs of the urals, in this zone mediterranean and arctic air masses collide, so conditions for the development of thunderclouds will remain; in places in the southwest beyond the urals they can pour out over 20 mm of moisture in just 24 hours, usually this amount collected in total over three weeks in april. dense clouds will significantly reduce the influx of solar heat, and the air in the region will cool. for example, in orenburg since yesterday.
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around the record +27, the temperature will drop to +20. the sharp cold snap will be accompanied by heavy thunderstorms; by the end of the day , almost 2/3 of a month's rainfall will have fallen here. and this is very bad news for the city, which has just begun to free itself from the embrace of the flood. although on the eve of the level of the urals and sakmara in orenburg they dropped below the level of a dangerous hydrological phenomenon. not far away remain. snt, where houses are flooded to the roof like this. but there is good news: despite the bad weather, the temperature background in the orenburg region, as well as throughout the european territory of russia, will remain warmer than expected. the most significant anomaly is expected in the south of the country. here in the afternoon +22 +27. in the middle zone the air will warm up to +12 +17, in the volga region and trans-urals to +15-20. and thunder showers are coming very soon. will stop, so
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sunny weather will return to orenburg tomorrow and the air will again begin to warm up well, on thursday-friday up to +19 +21, and weekend thermometers will reach... quite summer +23 +25, warming will also cover central russia in moscow tomorrow after tomorrow the temperature will be the same as in orenburg, however, it will not happen without rain, significant precipitation is unlikely on the weekend of the capital, but it will become a little cooler, during the day +16 +18. that's all for me, goodbye.
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, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of debts on credit cards easily with halva. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on april 24, 1671, the don atomman stepan razin was captured. he raised an uprising, which developed into a peasant war, to him crowds of ordinary people flocked, exhausted by serfdom, exorbitant taxes, and the arbitrariness of the landowners. in addition to the russians, the uprising was supported by the bashkirs, morians, chuvash, mordovians, tatars, taking the tsaritsens, saratov, samara, astrakhan, razin went to moscow, formally not against the tsar, the people would not have understood this, but to punish the traitor boyars, however, the authorities were frightened ...
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scientists are studying the razen uprising, novels have been written about it, films have been made. on april 24, 1880 , namibia, or southwest africa, officially became a german colony. a merchant from bremen, adolf luderets, came here and purchased a coastal territory of 45 km from the africans for 100 pounds and 250 rifles. and on this day, german chancellor otto von bismerg sent a telegram to his consul in cape town with instructions to announce to the british that the land of lüderitz belonged to germany. the germans came to an agreement with the british, and then expanded their possessions even further, robbing africans of their lands,
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dooming them to hunger and extinction. at the beginning of the 20th century , the herero tribe and the colonialists who joined it rebelled suppressed him with incredible cruelty. they killed 65,000 hereros, this was 80% of the entire tribe and half of the nama tribe, another 10,000 people. the africans who survived were kept in concentration camps by the germans. subjected to torture, violence and abuse, used for barbaric medical experiments, this is considered the first genocide in the history of the 20th century, a harbinger of the atrocities of the nazis during the second world war. on april 24, 1946 , the first soviet jet fighters mig-9 and yak-15 took off. then in this area of ​​the ussr. lagged behind from former allies the us and uk. because of the war, the destroyed industry,
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many works were stopped in order to make up for lost time; they carefully studied the captured messersh 262. but they did not copy it. more modern cars were needed. the design bureaus of alexander yakovlev and artyom mikayan got down to business. yakovlev adapted the yak-3 aircraft for a turbojet engine. amikayan developed a new model, twin-engine. the tests were successful, the very next day stalin ordered the construction of 15 jet yaks and migs, to show them at the parade on november 7, but then the weather got in the way, these fighters flew over red square only a year later, in 1947, they went into production right away, the yak 15 served well as a training aircraft, after the 9th akb mikayana developed the famous... mik-15, put into service and becoming the most popular jet fighter in the history
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of aviation. on april 24, 1980 , operation eagle claw failed. this was the biggest failure in the history of us special forces. in washington they planned to release the hostages, embassy employees in tehran captured by radicals and islamists. hercules transport planes and helicopters were supposed to deliver group d fighters, as well as equipment, fuel and ammunition to an abandoned airfield 370 km from the iranian capital. from there, transfer special forces to a point near tehran in order to drive cars to the embassy, ​​storm it and evacuate along with the hostages. from the very beginning, everything went wrong: one helicopter fell into the sea, another got lost, six transport helicopters still got to the place, but it turned out to be not so deserted. i walked along the highway. a bus with passengers and a fuel tanker, the bus was blocked,
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the fuel tanker was blown up, to top it all off, another helicopter collided with a tanker in the air, the cars crashed to the ground, the crews died, after that there was only one thing left to do, get out of the way, and the hostages were eventually freed, thanks through the mediation of algeria. this is what this day in history was like. and now there are several shots from telegram channels. hundreds of people staged a protest near the home of senator chuck schumer. demonstrators demand stop sponsoring israel. the police detain activists en masse and they, in turn, throw chairs. and bottles, now let's talk about the economy, alexandra, labeling in russia may be extended to automobile oils, tell us, at what stage is the preparation for such an experiment? tatyana, the project is still being discussed, now i’ll tell you in more detail. the ministry of industry and trade has developed a resolution on an experiment on labeling automobile oils, it reports this with
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reference to a letter from the ministry to the federation council committee on economic policy. expected that. the measure will help fight counterfeit goods on the market; in the near future , the project may be sent for approval to the executive authorities. in addition, the issue of conducting a similar experiment with spark plugs, suspension parts and steering parts is being considered . an international transport hub will appear in sri lanka. its creation was discussed by the head of the company group, sergei shashkarev, and the first deputy minister of defense of the republic, kamal gunaratne. it will be. new port terminal with a capacity of up to 10 million standard twenty-foot containers. we believe that sri lanka can become a transport hub for transshipment's international trade. the project we are considering is associated not only with mutual trade between countries, but with additional opportunities for transit transshipment of goods. the european union has developed a plan
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for using the proceeds from russia's frozen assets, the high representative announced. this is uncharted territory for us, we had to look for new approaches to use these funds to support ukraine, we envisaged several stages, the first was implemented in february, we introduced rules for central securities depositories that generate income from assets. should have identified blocked assets and accounted for them separately. we expect that this mechanism will allow us to receive about 3 billion euros per year. from a legal point of view, we have established that these incomes do not belong to russia, since they are not considered sovereign assets. i'm talking specifically about income, not about assets in general. the european commission came with
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surprise checks to the division of a large chinese company. without indicating its name, the xinhua agency reports that raids... took place on offices in poland and the netherlands, going so far as to confiscate mobile phones from employees. the chinese chamber of commerce said it was deeply shocked by these measures. the european commission explained that we are talking about a company producing security equipment in the european union; it is suspected of receiving foreign subsidies that could unduly affect the eu internal market. representatives of the commission said they would begin an in-depth investigation if they found signs of violations. that's all i have for now, more news. in the next hour. uralsip is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of all or nothing. everything for entrepreneurs, and nothing extra. we give free service for 3 months when
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opening a business account. bank ural sip. nothing extra. let me tell you, briefly about the main thing for this hour. crews of s-25 attack aircraft destroyed the positions of ukrainian militants in the southern donetsk direction. unguided missiles struck strongholds where ukrainian armed forces personnel were hiding. by according to the aircraft controllers' report, all targets were successfully hit. in the sverdlovsk revda due to a rise in level.
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europeans are frightened by the fact that russia's victory in ukraine could come before the end of biden's term. moscow will take on the nato countries, but they are not ready. the husband of the so-called marathon queen, elena blinovskaya, decided to remind the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, of the tasks that russia faces in the zone of the special military operation. and at the same time he complained, well...
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which is enough to fulfill obligations that they are ready to pay the remaining amount of unpaid taxes, he has a direct request to alexander bastyrkin. i would like to appeal to you so that you give instructions to the head of the investigative committee for the city of moscow to suspend actions aimed at terminating my contract, which are illegal. that is, alexey blinovsky wants to continue serving in the northern military district zone. and why? this person, he just wants. to make sure that both the spouse and his entire business, as with us according to the law, it is correct if you have won, yes, from you is expunged, that is, the criminal record, there
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is a criminal record, well, everything in full, if he goes there, then he should be a svo to the end, i think so, even if he decided to show us there, as it were, well, that he is a citizen of russia , let him go to the front, let him go to the front, always, just always to the front. and there he will open up. blinovsky emphasizes that his skills, abilities and competencies are necessary to save the lives of our soldiers. at the same time, let me remind you that he is accused of aiding and abetting, tax evasion and money laundering. so believe is it his patriotism? the svo zone is not a zone for working out one’s selfish interests and one’s own interests, it is a zone for protecting the country, the interests of the country, and not one’s personal ones. i remembered that there is a north military district zone, and you can go there, concluding a contract only after his problems began, in his interests, he
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also hypes because he publicly addresses bastrykin, the army does not tolerate such publicity if he says that he is such a necessary person, so why is your contract terminated? blinovsky says that he is ready to prove the authenticity of his words, demonstrate, for example, to the responsible persons from the investigative committee, what... he did during his stay in the northern military district zone, what is on social networks on this topic, here are drones from blinovsky, or maybe he is trying to rehabilitate himself, to avoid the final loss of business, and so that the fact of his service in the special military operation zone, from a legal point of view , would help to ensure that his wife, the queen of marathons, was released from pre-trial detention, for example, under house arrest, there are rumors that are very confident, of course, not paying taxes is bad. more worse, from my point of view, this is what they did, but they deceived people in plain sight, they simply peddled something that didn’t exist to them, in fact, in connection with this the question arises,
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is mr. blinovsky now peddling the same thing to us? , he touched on very sensitive topics, that he saves the lives of our soldiers, he knows how to deceive, you know, he knows what to say, he knows how they say, what comes to people, blinovsky assures that he is not on... pashayev, the former defender mikhail efremov. after a high-profile case, he was deprived lawyer status. pashayev himself has been in the northern military district for some time, here is a video of them sitting at the same table with balinovsky, maybe he advised him to leave so that all his sins would be written off, maybe he is also there to clear his reputation. these people, i believe that they go there like...
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and i also fought, and he will also do the same things as he did, here is another character, a blogger, a business coach , or whoever he said he was, dmitry portnyagin, suspected together with his wife of large-scale tax evasion size, legalization of money obtained by criminal means, was recently detained in rostov nadon, either on the way out of the northern military district zone, or behind a ribbon, or at the border, they say, he was traveling on a humanitarian mission. now under house arrest, portnyagin, according to media reports, literally in march opened a fund to help participants of the svo immediately after the initiation of a criminal case, the portnyagin spouses repaid 64 million rubles.
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debt, it also looks like an attempt to clear himself through the svo, the investigation into his case continues, the blogging community asks not call portnyagin a blogger because he doesn’t believe him, look at the background in the photo, he’s playing on religion, well, in my opinion, he’s somewhere in kamenshakhtinsky, before reaching rostov-on -don, he took down some tent and hung a banner there, a flag with a savior not made by hand, probably from someone’s hand. respect for the participants in the special military blinovsky, if he plays, then on what, in our operation, it is too large to fall for attempts to turn the north military district zone into a laundry for dubious reputations.
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the current ukrainian government acts smoothly as the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow, a meeting has been created that is not the church of christ. the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states and the west initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is with his saints. let's see what will happen
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it’s easy to get confused by the facts when you see only part of the overall picture; the pursuit of views changes entire locations.
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more than exactly the numbers help, you have incomparably original questions about what is in general with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product like, let me talk to you, briefly about the main thing. crews of tsu-25 attack aircraft destroyed the positions of ukrainian militants in the southern donetsk direction. unguided missiles struck strongholds where ukrainian armed forces personnel were hiding. according to the aircraft controllers' report, there were targets.


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