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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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temperature contrasts will continue. so, today an international meeting of security representatives opens in st. petersburg. traditionally, it is attended by secretaries of the security councils, relevant deputy prime ministers, heads of law enforcement agencies and intelligence services, as well as representatives of international organizations. the russian delegation is headed by secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev. ours joins us from the northern capital. correspondent dmitry akimov, dima, good morning, tell us what topics are in the spotlight? yes, sash, good morning, well, the agenda is very busy, so, one might even say, intense, this meeting will take place over virtually 3 days, bilateral meetings began the day before, today, now literally in half an hour we are waiting for the start of the plenary session, which will be devoted to the issues of ensuring information security in conditions for the formation of a polycentric world order.
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secretary of the russian security council nikolai patruzhev is expected to address the guests of this meeting; in addition, a speech by the plenipotentiary representative is planned president of the russian federation in the northwestern federal district alexander gutsan and governor of st. petersburg alexander beglov as the host. now we see that distinguished guests continue to arrive here. in addition, it is not without reason that the meeting is international in nature; representatives take part in it. more than 50 countries, today at the first plenary meeting, all of them will be given the right to speak, in particular, the president of the republika srpska milorad dodik, a member of the politburo of the central committee, will speak the communist party of china, advisor to the prime minister of india on national security, secretary general of the supreme national security council of the united arab emirates and many, many other meetings will be held in the format of
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the csto and many, many others. indeed , these 2 days in st. petersburg will be quite intense, there will be quite intensive round tables and meetings in a variety of formats. for example, we know that several round tables will be held tomorrow. the first will be devoted to the problems of international cooperation in the field of combating illegal migration. another round table will be devoted to issues of protecting the population in military conflicts and natural and man-made emergencies. in addition, all the days while this meeting continues , an exhibition is held at the st. petersburg expo center, where leading enterprises of the defense complex, in addition, rosatom and many other russian companies show their achievements and show their latest developments. in addition, a separate exhibition.
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dedicated dedicated to documents that testify to the crimes of the kiev neo-nazi regime, as well as foreign mercenaries of their western sponsors, against humanity. at this meeting, it is specifically emphasized that russia is ready to conduct a dialogue and develop fruitful, mutually beneficial cooperation with all international players who are interested in this. as for the meeting, which starts in less than half an hour. our russia-24 channel will broadcast it live, so we continue to watch, colleagues, thank you, dmitry akimov spoke about the international meeting of security representatives, which opens today in st. petersburg. in the semensk region, residents of flooded settlements are being vaccinated against hepatitis a. 22,000 people have already been vaccinated. the flood situation in the region remains difficult. water continues to exist in the rivers ishim and tabol. we'll find out all the details. our special correspondent
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stanislav bernwald, he joins us, stat, greetings, which settlements are still in danger and what has changed over the past 24 hours? yes, alexander, hello, indeed, in the tyumen region the flood situation is still at the severe rank, if in ishim in the area of ​​​​the city of ishim it is receding and today again dropped -1 cm, then downstream in the obatsky district, there is an increase there, here we are.
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if there is a power outage, if the village is flooded, they will be turned off, because it is unsafe for the lives of citizens to have electricity during the flood period, in general the situation is quite bad. heavy, but controllable in the obatsky district, where there are dams, they are being built up, also difficult situation along the tabol river in the uporovsky district, there is also an increase there, and the increase is quite serious, they are expecting a lot of water there from day to day, the governor of the tyumen region, alexander moor, also visited the area with an inspection, the water in the tobol river is already arriving we see... a dynamic rise in the settlement of korkino, this is the first settlement on the border with the kurgan region, and you can see how big water, a flood , is just coming to this settlement, so there is not much time, i think two, 3 days, large water will reach the regional center,
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all the way to the village of uporova, and today a fundamentally important question is to once again walk along the streets where households are located that may be heated and once again propose to evacuate and evacuate all people from the flood zone, a lot of work has been done, uh, the dam has been strengthened , protective structures have been made, fresh ones have been poured in, protected, another big problem is when the flood is dead wood that begins to move along the river, so we see now and it’s just the dry trees going with the flow, there was a bridge here, but since the water is straight fast got up. the bridge does not hold up this dead wood, which is important, because in ishim there was a situation when a traffic jam occurred and the rise of water directly in the city immediately began to increase sharply. we continue to monitor the situation in the tyumen region, all
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the latest details are on our air. alexandra. stas, thank you, our special correspondent stanislav bernwalt was in direct contact with the tyumen region. guys, go ahead, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, it should be quiet in the laboratory, but we still want to support our team at international mendeleev olympiad in chemistry, milichenko foundation. guys, go ahead, foreign agent journalist mikhail kozarev admitted that he knows nothing about life outside the russian capitals, apologized for his involvement
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in the creation of the film brother-2, agreed to a concert in support of the ukrainian army, all this in one communication session, thought he was communicating with a high-ranking official a representative of the kiev regime, in fact it...
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i have returned many times over the years to the question of whether i did it right or not, well, it’s clear that this is satire, it was all like this spirit and it reminds me of this meme that you pay and repent, and even with something else, when you see news from the usa, this movement is bln, when white, supposedly as a sign of some kind of commitment,
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he chose the wrong side he could choose, but he has to live up to his choice by declaring that he does not love russia, wishes her defeat, during the great patriotic war, kozyrev’s grandfather and father were taken from zhitomir, saved from bandera’s executions, despite this, the agent himself willingly responded to greet the ukrainian... “glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. another supporter
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of the kiev regime, musician alexey lebedinsky, who had left russia, was also ready to humiliate himself. they discussed a pro-ukrainian festival in the baltic states with him. lebedinsky immediately clung to this idea, admitted that no one needed him abroad and was a beggar, requested more than 20 million dollars. i have a festival project that simply needs to be held now, either in lithuania or in latvia, these festivals are dedicated to ukraine." but it costs around 20-23 million dollars of investment, i’m lying here, it’s clear that i have the income is meager, i’m killing myself with what my friends give me, and lebedinsky was ready to humiliate himself completely, he agreed to contact the supposed philanthropist, solely as your wisdom, which you won’t do for the sake of 20 million dollars, anton dadykin, olga alvukhina, lead. let
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's do it like this, and now it's a beast, there's another idea, of course, let's count the payment, legal, without a qr code for a long time, online, the camera itself calculates everything, well , how did it happen, of course, we also got 10% cashback from a free debit card vtb, vtb, together everything will work out, copies, not yours style, your uniqueness deserves more. choose avita premium. original items from famous brands at attractive prices are waiting for you in the avita app. 100% originals are now more accessible on avita premium. looks like an allergy. primilladin renival. setirval. we trust renival. we choose renival. every second ticket wins the russian lotto easter charity draw. and for every ticket sold there will be 10 rubles. donated to charity works, buy tickets in branded stores on the website stoloto. alpha friday, super cashback every
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day begins. many entrepreneurs have already received money from the fund for quite a few businesses. now it’s your turn, alfabank will give away 100 million rubles. entrepreneurs across the country, the best stories will receive money, tell us about your business on, guys, go ahead! russia russia russia russia it should be quiet in the laboratory, but we still want support our team at the international mendeleev olympiad in chemistry milichenko foundation, guys, go ahead, lif 52 cleanses, restores, protects the liver, lif 52 is an expert in cleansing and restoring the liver, what is missing for construction is easy to find on
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give things a new life. we continue broadcasting. in the next 12 months, russian companies may pay more than 4 trillion rubles in dividends. record numbers will be achieved gain thanks to economic success and stock market growth. experts talk about this. we will find out all the details from alexander nazarov. she joins me. sasha, greetings. and in which industries are the largest payments expected? sasha, welcome to the oil, metallurgical and financial companies. this year's dividend season is set to be a record one; many russian companies are again beginning to share profits with shareholders and can use previously undistributed income for these purposes. according to experts, otton payments will be made in the coming 12 months will exceed 4 trillion rubles. the average dividend yield of our top 20 public
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companies will be about 13%. the reason is that last year was quite good for saving. russia and now the stock market is growing confidently. first of all, we will be pleased with our old companies that have been trading on the market for a long time, whose largest capitalization is primarily the oil industry, undoubtedly their contribution to dividends will be the largest, the second is the metallurgical sector, and the third is the financial sector, where, probably, i think it will bring 90% of dividends sberbank. the supervisory board of sberbank recommended spending more than 750 billion rubles on... dividends for last year. for the company this is a historical maximum; per share it turns out to be over 33 rubles. oil and gas companies are also ready to pay good dividends; this was facilitated, in particular, by the favorable conditions on the oil market. as a result, lukul, for example, can allocate 498 rubles. per share, and tatneft - 25 rubles. 17
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kopecks now the question is very urgent: at the moment there is no decision on dividends, the state itself will take place on june 28, we expect dividend of rub 13.5 per preferred share, which implies a yield of about 20%. in conditions of stable cash flow and comfortable debt burden to the quarterly. severstal returns to dividend payments. based on the results of january-march of this year, the board of directors recommended allocating more than 38 rubles. per share. for one of the largest producers of steel products, nlmk, the recommendation for 2023 is almost 25.5 rubles. per share, including at the expense of profits from previous years. board of directors of a pipe metallurgical company
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offered a little more than 9.5 rubles. in total , he plans to allocate 10 billion for dividends. our forecasts were much more modest, that is, we expected that after the break, metallurgists, even if we return to payments, will offer a yield of up to 10%, and in the end we get a higher yield 10, steel production, cast iron production increased, well, firstly, due to domestic demand associated with the growth of construction, preferential mortgages in the first place. plus, of course, a government order related to defense. fertilizer manufacturer akron, according to recommendations of the board of directors can allocate 54% of profits to dividends, that is , almost 16 billion rubles or 427 rubles per share. in turn, the diamond mining company alrosa is targeting approximately 15
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billion at 2 rubles 2 kopecks per paper. mts if approved by shareholders. will pay more than 68.5 billion rubles, the management of rostelecom said that they were ready to allocate more for dividends than at the end of the twenty-second year, then they transferred 19 billion. meanwhile, the meeting of shareholders of the positive technologies developer permits in the field of information security has already approved the first part of dividends based on the results of last year, more than 3 billion rubles. as part of the second part, they propose to pay almost 3.5 billion. in russia, this is customary, even growth companies pay dividends, growth companies are those companies that continue to grow, and they transfer the bulk of the money to their own. investors, their shareholders, through the growth of their shares, but the tradition has developed that if you don’t pay dividends, then you don’t get into the elite, shareholders don’t want to buy you, so
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in fact, all our companies, i’ll tell you a secret, pay dividends, even the it company and even the biotecha company. the moscow exchange supervisory board proposed to allocate more than 27.5 billion rubles from last year’s profits and almost 12 billion that were received earlier for dividends. must be finally decided tomorrow at the annual meeting of shareholders. the season of mass closure of shareholder registers for the calculation of dividends is approaching. it will begin during the may holidays. already in may-july, investors can receive more than 2 trillion rubles. sash, we will monitor the decisions of shareholders. we will follow along with you. thank you, it was alexandra nazarova with a story about the plans of russian companies to pay dividends. let's take a break now. advertising, and then we will continue to talk about the main topics of this environment. sber is introducing a loan with a
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9:26 am
welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. deputy minister of defense timur ivanov was detained on suspicion of taking a bribe. this became known the night before. ivanov held the post in the ministry since 2016. oversaw the organization of property management, housing and medical support, as well as procurement within the framework of the state defense order, as the presidential press secretary said vladimir putin was informed of the detention, and the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaiga was also informed. and here is the statement of the investigative committee. on suspicion of committing a crime under part six of article 290 criminal code of the russian federation, this is
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taking a bribe. at the training ground in the belgorod region, our attack aircraft practice combat skills and work in conjunction with crews of reconnaissance drones. igor pikhanov observed the training of the fighters who defend the state border. region, elite units of the group covering the state border are working, russian attack aircraft are honing their skills in clearing enemy fortifications, despite the fact that each military man has vast combat experience behind him, training is not stop for a single day. we stopped, stopped, waiting for commands from the reconnaissance group. at the beginning, grenade launchers are fired at enemy positions; the fire must be so dense as to suppress any resistance. then, under the cover of heavy machine guns,
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the attack aircraft penetrate the enemy trenches. meter by meter they inspect the trenches, the fighters walk, covering each other, all their actions must be coordinated and fast, training at the training ground does not stop for a single day, instructors say, thanks to the professionalism of the fighters in the ssu, even with the presence of foreign mercenaries cannot turn the tide at the front, there is nothing supernatural in the fact that they are doing something there, i haven’t seen anything there, it’s the same thing, they are just not afraid, all people are afraid, i haven’t seen anything. it’s just that they played it on camera or they just don’t have it on display so that they are such superlites. our attack aircraft work with the support of aerial reconnaissance aircraft, drones are their eyes in the sky, squads of drone operators have been created in each unit, fighters with a technical education are recruited here, each specialist must be able not only to control the submarine, but to equip it with combat charges and, if necessary, upgrade it. i was
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on... i flew for some time, maybe a year , but not often like this, the difference is colossal, there, in general, everything works differently, control, well, satellites , everything is constantly. in addition, uav operators teach attack aircraft methods of countering enemy drones, troops receive anti-drone scanner guns, while the enemy tries to deceive our defenses, switches to other frequencies of copter operation, therefore, the equipment in the units of the ministry of defense is regularly updated and... reflashed, now the biggest danger at the front is enemy drones, they can carry combat charges, so soldiers go on missions with special scanners that detect drones, for example, such a scanner can calculate drone at a great distance, every fighter in the unit is a true professional, many have been awarded departmental and state awards. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region.
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