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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a gas station country, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions. what about production, raw materials, exports in general, what is our product like?
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we will take on this matter, it will be an honest detective story. in moscow 9:31 onwards, briefly about the main thing. an international meeting of security representatives is taking place in st. petersburg. delegations from more than 100 take part in it countries the russian one is headed by secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev. the main topic is information security. in addition, we will talk about cooperation in the field of combating illegal migration. the meeting will last until april 25. almost 15,000 residential buildings. all over russia they remain flooded
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due to floods. the most acute situation is now in the semensk region, a lot of water is coming there from across the urals. hundreds of residential buildings are under water, people are being evacuated to minimize the consequences of the flood, and river banks are being strengthened with bags and sand. russian pranksters brought out on the clean water of journalist and agent mikhail kozyrev. they spoke to him on behalf of a high-ranking kiev official. during the conversation, we talked about a concert in support of ukraine. army. guest us secretary antony blinken will fly to china today. the purpose of the visit is to show that the united states has notifications to the prc, the american press writes about this. according to journalists, blinken wants to create a rift between russia and china and sow distrust. white house sources say washington is preparing sanctions against chinese banks involved in trade in patented goods.
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61 billion returned 6 months later as a separate law with almost no changes, non-military aid was lent and the administration must now present the us strategy in ukraine, however, six months of delays changed a lot on the battlefield, and the public, including the congressmen themselves, are for this time they learned that kiev had a real chance for peace, but the west then swore to give weapons and ordered to fight. the agreement was signed 18 months ago.
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made a promise to ourselves to the american people that before we send another dollar, another one dime, one more nickel, one more penny to ukraine, we will make sure that our own house is in order, that our own country is safe, that our own border is secure, yet a few months later we are preparing to send almost $100 billion to foreign countries while the security of our own homeland weakens, republicans.
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the organization of ukraine began with tucker carlson, who, in my opinion, ended up where he should have been from the very beginning began, precisely in an interview with vladimir putin, he had a huge audience, which convinced many ordinary republicans that supporting ukraine was a mistake; mcconnell also appointed trump,
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who now has no time for ukraine, to blame for the delay in aid. in criminal court in new york for his affair with porn star stormy daniels, trump was threatened with months in prison for violating a court gag order. even posts on social networks are prohibited, keeping your mouth shut for a presidential candidate in the midst of an election campaign, special punishment. i'm not allowed to defend myself yet other people are allowed to say whatever they want about me, very very unfair. as for closing schools, it's biden's fault and by the way, in the trial only biden is to blame, you know, it's all biden, just in case anyone has any questions. meanwhile, biden himself. tries to feign cheerfulness during a campaign tour and defends american women’s abortion rights against trump. it was donald trump who deprived women of freedom in america, it was us let's restore rights for american women. minutes after
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the senate vote ended, the white house rushed to release a statement from president biden. already today, joe biden has promised to return to the white house to sign the bills. on military assistance to america's allies, after which he is expected to make a special address to the nation. perhaps at the same time biden will voice the us strategy for ukraine, which now has weapons, but has no choice but to follow the instructions of the white house. dmitriy melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. 100,000 people escaped from the ukrainian army, and these were not draft dodgers, but those who had already been caught, given weapons and sent to fight. evgeniy nipot assessed the level of desertion in the armed forces of ukraine. this is what happens when creatives have little in their heads, and propaganda content paid for by ukraine suddenly begins to play against ukraine. this video, filmed at the request of the lvov authorities and local military commissars, was sure to incite rage and
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encourage men to take up arms, carefully sent by the nato countries, because how can one endure such a thing in a nice family nest, the kind that only exist in vanilla commercials, they operate terribly. russian soldier, already in the city, just arrived, look, don’t chill there, why are you gennadvich, i know you, the refectory, the refrigerator, i didn’t even look. it wanders like the ghost of communism, past ancient pre-soviet photographs in this pre-soviet past, the lvov dance workers emphasize that if you guys don’t go into the trenches, then the lions will be taken away again, as in thirty-ninth for poland. this immediately raises a question, since the photographs are from the era of the austro-hungarian empire, at the same time when ukrainians in lviv were even on a tram. now broadcast from st. petersburg. taking this opportunity, i would like
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to express my gratitude for the hospitality of the opportunity to host our forum to the leadership of st. petersburg, as well as to the gazprom company, on the basis of which the conference is being held. let me remind you that this is not the first time that this city has hosted our multilateral events. in the twelfth year here the third meeting was held in this format, with delegations from 59 countries taking part, but even then it became obvious that the russian initiative was in demand and opened up additional opportunities for the exchange of experience and the search for new approaches to joint consolidated solutions. current problems of regional and global security. as a result, our
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forum has firmly entered the calendar of annual authoritative international conferences, which confirms the significant interest in it from the majority of representatives of the world communities. today in this hall there are delegations from 106 countries. headed by secretaries of the security councils, assistants and advisers to heads of state on national security issues, ministers and heads of special services, as well as eight secretaries general and representatives of the leadership of international organizations. i would like to give a special greeting to our traditional participants.
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president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin addressed the participants of our forum. please start broadcasting video messages. dear colleagues, i welcome you to st. petersburg at the opening of the twelfth international meeting of high representatives in charge of security issues. during the upcoming plenary sessions, discussions and round tables, you will have to analyze the situation in the world, discuss key issues of global and
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regional stability, and exchange views on how to more effectively respond to the most pressing and dangerous modern challenges. of course, international terrorism remains one of the most serious threats of the 21st century. target terrorist attacks committed in different regions of the world, behind which are not only radical groups, but also the intelligence services of some countries, undermine the constitutional foundations and destabilize a sovereign state, inciting interethnic and interreligious hatred, while the methods of criminals become more and more sophisticated and barbaric. this was once again demonstrated by the bloody terrorist attack that occurred on march 22 in the moscow region. intelligence services and law enforcement agencies of russia.
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extremely important for ensuring national security, social stability, economic development. we are firmly convinced that the world community will then systematically and...
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closely interact with all interested partners in ensuring global and regional security, forming a new multipolar world order that meets the interests of the majority of countries. i am confident that your current meeting will help strengthen cooperation for the benefit of our countries and peoples.
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in the interests of peace and stability on the planet. i wish you success. this was a live broadcast from st. petersburg, where the international meeting of security representatives. president vladimir putin addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. now sports news: basketball unix began the defense of the title in the vtb united league with a victory. big changes are coming to hockey cska, and the women's volleyball powerhouse has only one victory left to become the champion of russia. mine joins me. 3:0 in favor of magnitka, there is every chance that metallurg will become the champion today, and this final series will be one of the most shortest in the history of the khl. let's start with basketball, in the vtb united league, the current champion, winner of the regular season,
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kazan unics, began defending the title the day before. in the first match of the playoffs, unik played against samara, which. into the playoffs from eighth place. the key events in the match occurred at the turn of the third and fourth quarters, when unix managed to make a breakthrough; at the beginning of the final period of the game, andrei varantsevich, with a shot from behind the arc, brought the hosts' advantage to the maximum in the match plus/17. unix retained the advantage and won the first match of the series 83-73. american unix guard eric green scored the most, with 20 points. the second match of the series will take place there in kazan tomorrow. well, in another match yesterday, lokomotiv kuban was defeated. victory over parma. in the final series of the women's volleyball super league, kaliningrad lokomotiv took the lead in the confrontation with kazan dynamo akbars. lokomotiv won the third match of the series the day before - 3:0 in sets. this is the first game of the finals that ended in a clean sheet. the most productive members of the locomotive were tatyana tolok and ebrard karakurt, each has 17 points. they play until
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three wins. the fourth match of the final series, potentially a championship match for lokomotiv, will also be held in kaliningrad. this thursday. let me remind you that last year kaliningrad lokomotiv also played in the final and then they lost the championship to dynamo moscow. big changes are coming to hockey cska. the day before, club president igor esmantovich announced that cska would part ways with its long-time leaders. at the press conference at the end of the season, the names of five were announced players who are closely associated with cska's victories in the gagarin cup. sergei plotnikov, mikhail grigorenko, and anton slepyshev will leave cska. darand and andrey svetlakov. and let me also remind you that earlier cska announced a change in head coach; ilya vorobyov will take the place of sergei fedorov. sergei fedorov himself will remain in the structure of the club on the supervisory board of csk. and the former cska goalkeeper , silver medalist of the beijing olympics as part of the russian national team, ivan fedootov, signed a new contract with philadelphia. the agreement with the twenty-seven-year-old goalkeeper is designed for 2
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of the year. during this time, ivan fedotov will earn $6.5 million in the nhl. in the current one. season after cska's relegation, ivan fedotov managed to play for philadelphia in three matches of the nhl regular season; philadelphia did not make it into the stanley cup playoffs. in the stanley cup, florida led the first round series against tampa with a score of 2:0. last night, florida won in overtime with a score of 3:2, one of the goals was scored by vladimir torasenko. florida goalkeeper sergei bobrovsky made a beautiful, spectacular save in the second period that was sure to be claim salvation of the year. bobrovsky hit the puck after a throw from matthew dumba with his hand, with his back to the attacking player. sergei bobrovsky was recognized as the second star of this match, after the scorer of the winning goal, carter overhege. french media are reporting a record number of cases of dengue lecharade being imported into the european part of france. in the first months of this year, the number of such cases
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increased 10 times compared to last year. french authorities are calling for tighter controls ahead of the paris olympics. it is reported that the organs french health authorities will soon present recommendations on vaccination against dengue fever. the disease is transmitted through mosquito bites. they write that the french committee for surveillance and risk forecasting. called imported cases of disease the main danger associated with large events such as the olympic games. sasha, sports, that’s all for now, see you tomorrow. thank you, see you, it was alexander abramov. and to other topics: there is a boom in farm winemaking in russia. over the past 3 years , the number of such farms has tripled, while producers have significantly improved the quality of white wines. you can study new samples and find out the main market trends at the vinorus vinotech exhibition. which is currently taking place in krasnodar. yulia makarova has all the details. our congratulations to the winery, raevskoye hurray.
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an exciting moment for every winemaker. presentation of awards based on the results of the tasting competition. for 25 years now, the vinorus exhibition in krasnodar has been gathering the industry at the beginning of the season and selecting the best samples. this year , 265 wines from 35 estates were evaluated. unexpected for the jury, a trend, an increase in the quality of whites. i was very pleased that white wines, which previously were always somehow on the margins, and not of particularly high quality, have now become the most vibrant and interesting and, in fact , the range that was presented, well, that is, the contestants were presented, they showed really very high results, that is, i mean that if earlier we found a lot of flaws and problems, now these are just a few, especially... it is important for new farms to participate in the competition, so they can declare themselves in the industry in in russia there is now a boom in farm winemaking, according to the quality data, over the past 3 years the number of such farms has tripled, today there are already
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more than 50. we have a small farm of 5 hectares of vineyard, but we produce 26 varieties of wines, if we talk about the wine list of the twenty -third year, 26 are presented here technical varieties, all our wines are in our large collection.
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we want to make this site accessible to people who love to travel and lead an active lifestyle, we are providing our terroir along the perimeter of our site, tirincourt, which will be accessible both on foot and by bicycle. here, in the krasnodar territory , a federal viticulture center has just been launched, in which winemakers, together with institutes, will engage in science and train students. it’s interesting that every year new projects appear in russia, not only for wine, but also for wine-related projects, for example, this line of capping and rozlev wine, and if previously such installations could only be bought abroad,
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today they are here in veliky novgorod. yulia makarova, vitaly varankov, news from krasnodar. and now let's turn to the information agent feed, messages are coming in with the urgent mark. so, the basmanny court of moscow placed russian defense minister timur ivanov in custody, who is accused of receiving. bribes on an especially large scale, tas reports about this, and he quotes the press service of the most city court; we will definitely return to this topic a little later, but for now let’s talk about the weather. snowfalls cover the southern regions of siberia and the urals, meanwhile, weather forecasters warn of moderate rains in the urals. will tell you more about this tatyana belova, she joins me. tanya, good morning, well, the day before your colleagues said that there would be serious squalls and thunderstorms in the volga region. can you repeat something today? siberia, the residents of barnaul covered the green grass outside their windows, and those who woke up
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saw winter landscapes. the day was +7, today in the morning it froze to -5, many barnaul residents did not expect such a turn, it was especially difficult in the morning for drivers who had already changed their cars’ shoes. and on the territory of the region, in barnaul itself, it happened several major winter accidents when motorists did not take into account the appearance of snow and ice. in the krasnoyarsk territory, where winter arrived earlier, the night before they even restricted traffic on the seventieth section of the yenissei federal highway. cars could not pass after the snowfall. the rise required the intervention of snow removal equipment and treatment of the road with reagents. the snow continued until dawn, and by morning a temporary snow cover of 7 cm high had formed. this was followed by a slight lull and at noon local time , snowflakes started flying again in krasnoyarsk. no less than the sebryakov, stunned by the return of the ural winter, in nizhny tagil , sverdlovsk region, on monday at the height of the day, thermometers stormed the +20 mark. it
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's about zero now. wednesday also started with snowfall here. abnormally warm weather continues in orenburg. at the same time , city residents witnessed a long thunderstorm that began the night before and did not stop until sunrise. this is the case when the spectacle was not pleasing; the city that survived the flood was afraid heavy precipitation. but in tatarstan, almost on the border with the ulyanovsk region, today they continue to eliminate the consequences of yesterday’s squall. a giant thundercloud appeared in the sky over the republic the day before. the wind is under these. can accelerate to storm speeds, which is what happened in the city of buinsk: the wind knocked down trees, fences, and tore off fragments of roofing from houses. as a result of the arctic invasion today , an anticyclone will form over the urals in western siberia, and along the periphery of this focus the fields of the frontal cloudiness. eastern ural mountains, following these clouds , cold air will continue to spread, but now the southeast of siberia will be in the snowfall zone.
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another section of the atmospheric front. along the western edges of the ridges , cold temperatures do not pass into the european territory of russia , and in its zone, arrays of thunderclouds will again develop. in the coming days, the main weather trend in most of russia is warming. so today almost all of siberia and zarulye will be at the mercy of the arctic air. simultaneously in russian the plain receives air masses from southern europe. by the weekend, this flow will cross the urals and gradually cool down and begin to break through. further east, to the banks of the ob and enesei. well, today in krasnoyarsk snowfalls will become local and short-term. the highest probability of snow charges is in the middle of the day, but in total they will bring no more than 3 mm of moisture and will not be able to significantly change the height of the seven-centimeter snowdrifts that appear on the streets of the megalopolis. under the influence of the atmospheric front , showers and thunderstorms are expected in orenburg throughout the day. but the temperature regime will be warmer than
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the climate on thermometers +17. +20. nastya’s picnic in the city will be held in the late afternoon; by the end of the day, up to 25 mm of moisture may fall here, almost the entire april volume of precipitation. and this, of course, is bad news for the city, which is just beginning to free itself from the embrace of the flood. today moscow will be away from the frontal sections, so the day will pass without significant precipitation, only in the evening the clouds over the city will begin to thicken, and the temperature will be moderately warm. afternoon air. swings in russian regions, we'll take a short break at 10 o'clock and continue talking about the main topics of this day, i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, it's finally come, spring, you've been waiting for
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spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the exhibition russia, and you don’t change at all, you missed me, baby, the fate of the planet, the milky way and thirteen galaxies is in our hands. 100 years ago, in the capital 10, we continue to broadcast morning news, this is what we have learned by this hour: in st. petersburg an international meeting is taking place,
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security representatives greeting. words addressed to the participants


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