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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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and warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, and you haven’t changed at all, you missed me, baby, the fate of the milky way planet, 13, 13, 13! 100 years ago, in the capital 10, we continue to broadcast morning news, this is what we have learned by this hour: an international meeting is taking place in st. petersburg.
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president vladimir putin addressed security representatives with a welcoming speech to the participants. delegations from more than 100 countries take part in the format, the russian one is headed by secretary nikolai patrushev. the main topic is information security. in addition, we will talk about cooperation in the field of combating illegal migration. almost 15 thousand residential buildings throughout russia remain flooded due to floods. the most acute. the situation is now in the tyumen region, a lot of water is coming there from the trans-urals, hundreds of residential houses of people are being evacuated under water in order to minimize the consequences of the flood, the river banks are being strengthened with bags and sand. soldiers of the group of russian troops-center in the special operation zone behind day, they hit 360 targets in the ukrainian armed forces, 16 of them were enemy strongholds. in the southern donetsk direction , attack aircraft crews on su-25 aircraft attacked enemy military targets. all designated targets
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were hit, self-propelled howitzers of the western group of troops destroyed the firing points of the ukrainian armed forces. us assistance to ukraine will not change the position of its armed forces and will certainly not allow a counter-offensive. this is the verdict of the newspaper politika. this morning , us senators supported a $61 billion aid bill for kiev, as well as confiscation of frozen russian assets. biden will receive the documents tomorrow. he said he would sign both. so, let’s return to the main news of this hour: the basmanny court of moscow sent deputy minister of defense of russia timur ivanov into custody, the press service of the moscow city court reported this. the day before he was detained on suspicion of taking a bribe. the court clarified that the defendant entered into a conspiracy with third parties to receive a bribe in the form of providing property services .
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into custody, set the period of his detention in custody for 2 months 0.0 days, that is, until june 23 of the twenty-fourth year. we continue to monitor this situation, a little later, we will definitely return to it, but for now let’s move on to other news. in the trans-ural region, the flood crest moves from the regional center to the belozersky district. in the next 2 days, 19 settlements will fall into the disaster zone ; evacuation has already been announced in five villages. in kurgan itself, despite the steady decline in water in tabol, it was flooded.
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more than 2,000 residential buildings remain. our latest information about floods in the region special correspondent margarita semenyuk. we are already waiting for the water to begin to subside rapidly, but so far it is going quite slowly, a few centimeters per hour. there is a little less than a meter left to the dangerous mark. now the level of the tabol is 945 cm, a little less than a meter to the dangerous mark - that’s 850 cm, but in general for the tabol the norm is 450 cm, that is, now the river level is still two times higher than favorable indicators, so monitoring is now underway, the flooded area is being examined, measurements are taken every 2 hours and experts are monitoring how the tobolus is receding, indeed in kurgan the threat has already passed, the water is receding, but at the same time one of the districts of the kurgan region, the belozerovsky district, is now under threat, about 18 settlements there are now under the threat of flooding, they also continue...
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employees of the ministry of emergency situations who are monitoring the situation, i note that the most dangerous situation is now near the village of pamyatnaya, the water is rising there, now 4 m 77 cm. at the same time, they continue to strengthen the dam there, which can protect settlements from incoming water, while in some settlements there is already slight flooding, the water is approaching houses closely, but so far the situation is not critical, the authorities recommend residents to evacuate, this is a preventive measure, i will also note that about twenty temporary accommodation centers have been deployed in the kurgan region, therefore people can temporarily move to temporary accommodation centers for the time being. i would also like to note that the payment of financial assistance to the population affected by the floods continues. people can count on financial assistance in the amount of 10 thousand rubles, as well as 30 thousand and 50,000 rubles. according to the damage caused. margarita semenyuk, mikhail vikulin, mikhail mirzayants,
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host kurgan. now about the work of russian drones in the special operation zone. the arlan drone can spend more than ten years in autonomous flight. the aircraft is called the eyes of reconnaissance, the orlan complex can be deployed anywhere in a matter of minutes, it is launched into the sky using a catapult like this. the eagle is heading towards the front line, today it is flying deep behind enemy lines in the coal area. the drone transmits information about the positions of ukrainian nationalists to control points. 24x7 usually, even now, when you talk to me, i have birds in the air. the body of the device is made of composite materials, so ukrainian radars most often cannot detect it. one of the main advantages of orlan is its autonomy, it can remain in the air continuously for up to 12 hours, and right now
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the aircraft has returned from yet another combat duty. the drone lands from using a parachute, the crew immediately begins maintenance. during reloading, the crews try to act as quickly as possible, because... there is a possibility of a retaliatory strike, about 15 minutes, no more. all actions are brought to automaticity. soldiers are well aware that enemy reconnaissance drones can fly above them. uav crews never spare shells. right now the calculation has carried out all the necessary procedures. the unmanned aerial vehicle is completely ready, right now it is off to its next combat duty. the drone is equipped with modern optics, thermal imagers and cameras with infrared radiation. he can also carry a utility pole. load, such as equipment that jams enemy communications. we observe a concentration of the enemy at the designated target, please use artillery. all information is transmitted in real time to this control point. there are two operators working here, one controls the eagle, the second looks for
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potential targets and transmits coordinates to the artillery. depending on the weather, altitude can reach up to 5.00 m. here. autonomy from 6 to 12 hours. we fly about 2500, but the minimum is 500 m. this mobile point is also a desired target for the ukrainian armed forces. well , they are hunting for us, as if we are always changing our base point, changing fields, just as we are looking for them, so they are looking for us. crews from the 155th marine brigade and pacific fleet are on duty along the entire front line, helping our units respond in a timely manner to any enemy movements. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, conduct the south donetsk direction. sber is introducing a loan with a 2% cashback so that you have even more opportunities, opportunities to immediately get everything you have long dreamed of,
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an international meeting of security representatives is taking place, the russian delegation is headed by security council secretary nikolai patrushev, president vladimir putin addressed the meeting participants. from the northern capital, our correspondent, dmitry akimov, joins us, dima, once again hello, what statements have already been made? yes, sasha, hello, well, just half an hour ago, the plenary, the first plenary meeting of the international meeting of high representatives in charge of security issues began, representatives of more than 100 different countries gathered here in the st. petersburg exhibition center today, these are the secretaries of the security council, advisers and national security assistants , deputy prime ministers, heads of law enforcement agencies and intelligence services, as well as representatives of other international organizations. undoubtedly, one of the main topics of discussion.
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foundations and destabilization of sovereign states, inciting interethnic and interreligious hatred, while the methods of criminals become more and more sophisticated and barbaric. this was once again demonstrated by the bloody terrorist attack that occurred on march 22 in the moscow region. russian intelligence services and law enforcement agencies continue to find out and study all the details of this vile crime. identify its participants, including customers, sponsors, organizers, none of them
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should escape fair retribution. except moreover, the country's president spoke today about building a new, multipolar world. by the way, there will also be one of the round tables on this topic, one of the round tables, one of the plenary sessions, dedicated to this topic, the topic of preserving the national. the most important condition for strengthening the sovereignty and security of the state is the preservation and protection of traditional spiritual and moral values, as historical experience shows, those countries that cherish the national identity and uniqueness of their people develop consistently and independently, they honor the memory of their ancestors, and at the same time
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respect other cultures and traditions, this... approach is especially important today, when a multipolar world order is being formed, when the global balance of power is gradually changing in favor of the world majority, and new centers of development are actively strengthening. let me emphasize again that russia is ready for close cooperation with all interested partners in ensuring global and regional security. the interest of most countries of the multipolar world order. it is also worth saying that the international meeting of high representatives lasts only 3 days; it began the day before with bilateral meetings of members of various international delegations. today, at these moments , the first plenary meeting is taking place,
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which is dedicated to information security, during construction. in this multipolar world, in addition, the topic of the next plenary meeting, which will take place tomorrow, is precisely the topic of preserving the national identity and traditional values ​​of the states of the world, in addition, two more large round tables are planned, which, one of which will be devoted to the issues of international cooperation in the field of combating illegal migration, and the other round table will be devoted to an equally important, unfortunately topical topic of late, these are issues of protecting the population.
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for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. and now to trading on the moscow exchange. this morning the dollar is trading around 93. rubles 70 kopecks, the euro costs a little more than 99 rubles. for yuai they give 12 rubles. 80 kop. moscow exchange index - 3.443 points and rts - 1170 points. and to other topics. tomorrow vdnkh visitors will be able to immerse themselves in the history of ancient egypt. the exhibition will feature a digital show of tutenkhamun in search of eternal life. to create it the latest multimedia were used...
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tutankhamun in search of eternal life, which was based on one of the main archaeological sensations of the 20th century, the discovery of the tomb of the young pharaoh in the valley of the kings. what the audience will see today is incredible. egyptian pharaoh tutankhamun, all the facts of his life, his mysterious death will be shown. we want to create content that is not only beautiful, not something that shocks the viewer, but also has a certain educational component. here is a young pharaoh sailing across the sky in a solar boat, preparing for the daily battle for light with the serpent opop. if rook. will drown, the whole world will plunge into darkness, and here the guide of souls anubis and the god of wisdom weigh the heart of the egyptian, if he sinned a lot, it will be heavier, according to the goddess of truth maat, he will be eaten
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by a monster and eternal life will not be seen, every hall is some kind of tomb or a temple, well, at the end there is a portal, like an image of infinity; for the egyptians , death was only a crossing from earthly life to eternal life, which only pure, sincere faith in the gods could help overcome. above the studio power of light worked throughout the year to create content... rendering scenes for five locations. my partner traveled around egypt, rafted down the nile, went to temples and studied the culture in every possible way. since the exhibition format has been chosen, the so-called entertainment is when you combine entertainment and knowledge. and at all stages we were advised by the famous egyptologist maxim lebedev and a whole group of people. about 80 more people - in the form of creative directors, art directors, designers - worked on creating this content. the discovery of the gravestone became a real
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world sensation, the treasure of tutankhamun a source of new knowledge about the civilization of ancient egypt. the tutankhamun show was first presented in madrid in 2022. since then , it has been shown in seven countries, including the large egyptian museum in cairo. now it's our turn to accept. pharaoh visiting, of course, with all honors, the product that we show the viewer is world-class content, world standards, it is an incredibly beautiful, incredibly beautiful frame, and for all visuals, it will be true pleasure, the previous show in the luminar ocean space was visited by almost 100,000 people in just six months, this year the creators plan to break this record. sofya sergeeva, ivan muroshov, dmitry maslennikov, news! in moscow 10:25 this is what we have learned by this hour.
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moscow placed under arrest for 2 months the deputy head of the russian defense ministry, who had been detained the day before. timur ivanov is suspected of taking a bribe. according to the press service of the court, we are talking about a bribe in the form of property services during contract work for the needs of the ministry. ivanov’s alleged accomplice, sergei porodin, was also arrested. almost 15 thousand residential buildings throughout russia remain flooded due to floods. the most acute situation is now in timensko. region, there is a lot of water coming there from beyond the urals, hundreds of residential buildings under water are being evacuated to minimize the consequences of the flood, the banks of the river are being strengthened with sandbags. the fighters of the group of russian troops center in the special operation zone hit 360 targets in the ukrainian armed forces during the day, 16 of them were enemy strongholds. in the south donetsk direction, according to the military enemy targets were attacked by attack aircraft crews on su-25 aircraft. all assigned goals.
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struck, self-propelled gaubsts, groupings of western troops destroyed firing points in the ssu. an international meeting of security representatives is taking place in st. petersburg. president vladimir putin addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. delegations from more than 100 countries take part in the format; the russian delegation is headed by council secretary nikolai padrushev. the main topic is information security. in addition, we will talk about cooperation in the field combating illegal migration.
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