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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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we continue broadcasting; the season of reckoning begins in russia.
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where, probably, i think, 90% of the dividends will come from sberbank. the supervisory board of sberbank recommended spending more than 750 billion rubles on dividends for last year. this is a historical maximum for the company. for one share it turns out to be over 33 rubles. oil and gas companies are also ready to pay good dividends, which was facilitated, in particular, by the favorable conditions on the oil market. as a result, lukol, for example, can allocate 490.8 rubles. per share, and tatneft - 25 rubles. 17 kopecks now the question is very acute, regarding surgut oil and gas, this is probably the most known dividend king to the market, known to the community. at the moment there is no decision on dividends, in fact, the state dividend will take place on june 28, we expect a dividend of 13.5 rubles. per preferred share, which implies profitability. about 20%. in
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conditions of stable cash flow and a comfortable debt load, severstal returns to quarterly dividend payments. based on the results of january-march of this year, the board of directors recommended to allocate more than 38 rubles per share. for one of the largest producers of steel products, nlmk, the recommendation for 2023 is almost 25.5 rubles. per share, including at the expense of profits from previous years. board of directors pipe metal. our forecasts were much more modest, that is, we expected that metalli after the break, even if we return to payments, would offer a yield of up to 10%, and as a result we get a yield above 10. steel production, cast iron production increased, well, first of all, on the inside related demand. with the growth of construction,
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preferential mortgages come first, plus, of course, government orders related to defense. fertilizer manufacturer okron, according to the recommendation of the board of directors, can allocate 54% of profits to dividends, that is, almost 16 billion rubles or 427 rubles per share. in turn, the diamond mining company alrosa is targeting approximately 15 billion at 2 rubles 2 kopecks. on paper. mts , if approved by shareholders, will pay more than 68.5 billion rubles. and in the leadership of rostelecom stated that they were ready to allocate more for dividends than based on the results of the twenty-second year. then they transferred 19 billion. meanwhile, the meeting of shareholders of positive technologies, a developer of solutions in the field of information security, has already approved the first part of dividends for last year, more than 3 billion rubles. as part of the second part, they offer to pay practically. in russia this is customary,
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even growth companies pay dividends, growth companies are those companies that continue to grow the main ones. tomorrow at the annual meeting of shareholders. the season of mass closures is approaching . this issue must finally be resolved by the shareholder registers for the calculation of dividends. it will begin during the may holidays. already in may-july, investors can receive more than 2 trillion rubles. sber presents a loan with
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2% cashback. every second ticket wins the russian lotto charity easter draw; from every ticket sold, 10 rubles will be donated to melos causes. buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. what do we bring back from savito’s travels? a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip
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will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. let's do it again. and now the scotum. have another idea? well, how did it happen, of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card, vtb, together everything will work out, guys, go ahead, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. it should be quiet in the laboratory, but we still want to support our team at the international mendeleev olympiad in chemistry, melechenka foundation, guys, go ahead, don’t do it like this, you have to do it like this,
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okay, okay, i understand, that’s how the megamarket offers discounts on the tony mall brand up to 50%. i propose to change the call sign of the passenger to the call sign of rebin, no, the call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right, passenger, if you are a creative, ambitious young professional who is ready to prove that you are the best in the profession, then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative competencies. artmasters, your path to the pinnacle of mastery. now there is a live broadcast on our tv channel.
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ivanna, dear senators, dear colleagues. last year, the main priorities of the russian state were ensuring sovereignty and the rule of law, the rights, freedoms and well-being of our citizens; comprehensive measures were taken to achieve the goals of a special military operation, strengthening the economy and the speedy integration of reunited regions into the legal field of the country. in the implementation of these tasks, a significant role is assigned to the body. prosecutor's office. last year we all celebrated the landmark event of the thirtieth anniversary of the russian constitution. the elections of the head took place states have convincingly demonstrated the relevance and timeliness of the changes made to the fundamental law. fully meeting the development goals of russian society
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and the challenges of the time, they rallied our people around the president of the country. as part of the implementation of the constitutional framework, the prosecutor's office actively participated in lawmaking. activities, strengthening the unity of the legal space. in the twenty-third year, based on the results of consideration of our proposals, a number of federal laws were adopted, government resolutions of the necessary regional among among them, a special place is occupied by documents issued to expand guarantees for participants in a special military operation, their family members and close relatives, increase efficiency in providing benefits and other support measures, and eliminate unnecessary bureaucratic procedures. as a result , the mechanism for assigning lump sum payments has been optimized. by means of supervision, over 140 thousand citizens did not receive restored rights in a timely manner.
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zaporozhye and kherson regions. the formation of a legal framework for these regions required special attention. taking into account existing experience prosecutors promptly reviewed incoming draft regulations, which... property necessary to receive compensation for lost housing, to provide apartments to those in need, to increase the amount of social benefits. at the end of last year, when merging the databases of regions and the social fund , a software failure occurred, which was not detected in a timely manner. as a result, 69.00 citizens were unable to receive a pension. this caused their justified indignation and a massive appeal to the prosecutor's office. we are talking about this problem...
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at the same time, close attention is paid to complaints about refusals to assign or recalculate pension payments due to the inability to document one’s work experience. here, prosecutors provide maximum assistance in finding the necessary documents and go to court in defense of older people. i have sent proposals to the president on the importance of adopting regional ones. authorities issue normative documents on the establishment of monthly social payments in addition to assigned pensions. after prosecutorial intervention, a number of debts were repaid large enterprises of the coal industry and housing and communal services in the amount of more than one and 3 billion rubles. the relevant ministry has been required to conduct an audit of the wage arrears that arose before the regions joined russia, and i strongly recommend this to the head.
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the phenomena have already been satisfied. as of the beginning of the year, the total wage arrears in the country had almost halved, and the unemployment rate had decreased. we pay special attention to respecting the rights of employees of strategic enterprises, we return it to state ownership, based on the court decision on our claims. prosecutors go to production sites, meet with workers, and, within the limits of their authority, ensure the continuity of all technological processes. to more effectively solve problems that concern people , in february of this year i issued an order
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defining the main tasks of prosecutors to protect the labor rights of our citizens, especially vulnerable categories of people, vulnerable categories of citizens, as well as participants in a special military operation and people close to them. within its execution, supervision over the implementation of the president’s instructions to increase salaries monthly has been organized. our children, the result was a reduction in the queue for kindergartens, the elimination, the practical elimination of the third shift in schools, their timely provision of technical equipment, the objectivity and transparency of the procedures for conducting the unified state exam and the all-russian olympics for schoolchildren increased, which was fully facilitated by the inspections carried out by prosecutors. according to our proposals
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, a standard for the volume of palliative care has been established assistance to children, which will allow them to purchase necessary medical care.
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everyone must understand that the safety of our children directly depends on the early resolution of conflicts. however, prosecutors have identified cases of teachers hushing up cases of bullying of students by peers and even committing crimes against them; the shortage of school psychologists and the lack of mediation services do not contribute to the prevention of antisocial acts. at the federal level, the use of mediation technologies in the educational process is only methodological in nature, although it is obvious that... the time has come to transfer the resolution of conflict and problem situations in school to an imperative level. we are ready to join this work. the ongoing problem of orphanhood and neglect, often even with healthy parents, dictates the need for a fundamentally new level of control over such children and responsibility on the part of the subjects of prevention. the head
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of state agreed with my proposal to delegate the powers of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities exclusively to... we control the development of a unified complex to create equal access for orphans to support measures. protecting the life and health of russia, protecting the life and health of the inhabitants of russia is identified among the national development goals of our country. the main vector in the work of prosecutors in this area was ensuring the legality of bringing new ones. repair of existing healthcare facilities, their equipping within the framework of the national project, our response was required by the facts of changes in the system organization of medical care, when people , due to the so-called optimization in quotation marks , actually could not call an ambulance, go to a clinic or a first aid station. at the request of the prosecutor general's office, the ministry of health
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put into commercial operation 12 subsystems of the unified information system. in the healthcare sector, all state and municipal medical organizations are connected to it, which made it easier for patients to make appointments with specialists, obtain medical documentation from doctors, doctors, it simply simplified its management, it is worth noting that tensions remain with the proper supply of medicines to the hospital, as well as to beneficiaries. not all regions have a procurement process. distribution of drugs was carried out taking into account information about their stocks. in the vladimir and oryol regions, people were denied medications, and, as an audit showed, they were stored in warehouses until their expiration date, and then were simply destroyed. in connection with this , criminal cases have been initiated and are being investigated, and the head of the country also informed about the existing problems. no less
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issues of social support for veterans and disabled people are important. last year , a large-scale audit of implementation was carried out. legislation when providing citizens with disabilities who were injured in the zone of a special military operation and technical means of rehabilitation. as a result, the rights of more than 10 thousand people were protected, more than 200 million rubles of compensation were paid for independently purchased wheelchairs and other necessary things for life. the prime minister was informed of the need improving the registration procedure. the prosecutor's office last year was ensuring the rights of citizens in the housing and communal services sector. after the response of prosecutors , unreasonable
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costs in the amount of almost 6 billion rubles were excluded from the tariffs of network companies. by government resolutions issued on our initiative, the territorial bodies of the antimonopoly service are vested with independent control powers in the field of tariff policy. we will check the effectiveness of their implementation as part of the ongoing work. checks are definitely not only tariffs were the subject of our attention; after our response , more than 1,200 km of heat, water and electricity networks were repaired. in order to ensure the safety of citizens, prosecutors forced the management company to carry out maintenance of intramural gas services at 13,000 facilities. agree, this is extremely relevant now. in addition, supervisory measures.
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during the new year holidays alone , over 200 of them occurred. prosecutors’ visits to the area and prompt response to such facts contributed to the restoration of heat, water and electricity supply with canceled payments for undelivered resources. in order to correct the current situation in 13 regions, facilities. heating supplies, on our initiative, were transferred to concession, to avoid a repetition of mass cases of leaving millions of residents without heat, prosecutors were instructed to rigorously
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evaluate measures to update utility networks and connect new consumers to them, to seek to bring to justice officials affiliated with enterprises in the housing and communal services sector economy to developers, i informed the head of state about this, and also made a proposal to transfer heat generation facilities, without private ownership of non-municipal enterprises, to municipal ownership. transport accessibility is an integral part of modern people's lives. in every region where i held meetings with residents, they complained about the inadequate organization of transport services, especially in remote settlements. moreover, after the reception of citizens, problems decided. this means there are resources, but there was simply no desire. in the omsk region, after the response of prosecutors, 20. six new municipal routes were opened, in the orenburg region 46. measures were taken everywhere to exclude faulty vehicles from operation, due to their total
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wear and tear. in order to protect the rights of passengers, on my instructions, prosecutors sought to issue the necessary regulations and eliminate violations during competitions for the right to service routes and set fares. currently at the time, at our request, the ministry of transport has taken additional measures to organize. quality and safe services to the population, and a program for the development of urban electric transport is being developed, including using a concession model. inspections of compliance with the law continued on a pressing topic of concern to all motorists: the use of photo and video recording of violations. improper operation of automatic systems leads to massive prosecution of innocent persons on the one hand, and the impossibility of application. punishment to the true violators on the other. in the saratov region alone, almost 2.0 illegal administrative decisions were canceled. at the same time, due to low-quality
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photographic materials, about 3,000 unscrupulous drivers simply avoided this punishment. previously, we sought to establish legislative requirements for the placement of automatic systems. in the near future we will check how these innovations work in practice. on behalf of the head of state, an assessment of the organization and implementation was given. parking activities. in most regions, these issues remained unresolved, which resulted in massive infringement of the interests of car owners and, above all, disabled people. prosecutors revealed a complete lack of organized parking space in residential areas and multiple cases of housing developers evading the allocation of such parking spaces. as a result , in many regions , lawns, playgrounds and sidewalks are crowded with cars. where pedestrians move, about the need to establish special standards for at the federal level, including taking into account the needs of people with disabilities, but also informed the prime minister of the high quality
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of life and health of people. directly depends on a favorable environment. in large industrial agglomerations, and in small towns, residents are increasingly complaining about air pollution. in connection with this, we substantively checked the activities of the bodies that are authorized to ensure control over its quality and the reduction of harmful emissions by enterprises. it turned out that the state observation of air characteristics is carried out only in 250 of more than a thousand cities in our country. in the republics of altai, kalmykia, moriel and a number of other regions, it was not carried out at all. modernized and built new monitoring posts in twelve cities participating in the federal clean air project do not provide data on pollutants. so in the city of chelyabinsk, out of thirty-six mandatory substances, constant monitoring is carried out only on six. the situation is no better with
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observations on reservoirs. out of one thousand at the time of the inspection in 2023, a fifth of automated complexes of hydrological network posts did not work at all. no means of measuring water flow were used in flood forecasting. in january of this year, i demanded that the minister of natural resources and the head of roshydromet eliminate the violations. however, the measures they took turned out to be ineffective and insufficient. lack of reliable information on water inflow indicators. moment of flooding of territories of several regions. and did not prevent global this was one of the reasons for the emergency. as a result, tens of thousands of people were injured, their property and the economy suffered significant damage, which has yet to be assessed. and i reported the situation to the head of state. the immediate and general task now is to provide assistance to the victims and eliminate the negative consequences. in the future, we will definitely achieve
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accountability. all those responsible. the key to the successful development of our country is a sustainable economy. in order to mobilize financial resources, prosecutors, within the framework of competencies contributed to reducing the volume of overdue receivables to budgets of various levels in the amount of 124 billion rubles. we will continue this work. also under our control remains the targeted use of funds from budget loans written off in pursuance of the president’s instructions during his address to the federal government. we will use supervisory means to ensure that the regions spend money on investments in the creation of modern infrastructure, and not on bonuses, banquets, and the purchase of cars for officials. as a result of using new judicial powers to challenge transactions; prosecutors have authorized the legalization of more than 46 billion rubles; the withdrawal from the country of more than almost 7 billion rubles has been blocked. the implementation of
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national events is under constant control. priority projects, use of infrastructure and budget loans. this made it possible, in cooperation with financial control authorities, to prevent the theft of 913 million rubles. complete the construction and renovation of more than 130 social facilities. for example, in the ivanovo region a renovated medical and obstetric center, in the kirov region there are four buildings of a district hospital. at the same time, the facts of embezzlement have not been eradicated, not eradicated. based on the materials of prosecutorial inspections, 719 criminal cases were initiated, the damage for which exceeds more than 1 billion rubles. often budgetary violations associated with arbitrary interpretation by officials of the legislation on procurement from a single supplier. these innovations were adopted in connection with the imposed sanctions, but began to be used to bypass competitive procedures. after informing informing the government about negative practices
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, the regulatory framework has been changed. this has already given a positive result. in order to create favorable conditions for business, prosecutors solved the problem of ensuring the unconditional implementation of incentive measures of state support and eliminating excessive control. many pressing issues arise during my personal meetings with representatives of the business community. for example, during such a round table conversation, an entrepreneur spoke about the importance of building dry docks on grain transshipment and administrative barriers that. procurator igor krasnov makes a report to the senators. and now we are broadcasting footage from the government house. dear anna yuryevna, rospotrebnadzor is responsible for maintaining the health and well-being of people.


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