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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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in russia, most enterprises are experiencing a shortage of personnel; there are not enough specialists and workers. how to maintain economic growth rates in such conditions, how the education system is changing and what they themselves are doing. enterprises, about this in the new release of the program made in russia, the path of a specialist. at the end of february, at a forum of strong ideas for a new time, the russian president said that the labor market lacks 2.5 million people, which is 2 and a half times the unemployment rate. there is an absolute shortage of personnel most enterprises, but the economy, despite any sanctions, is growing, we need specialists, who is doing what, we... now
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we’ll tell you, here’s our first story, the engines produced at this samara enterprise lift airplanes into the air. spaceships pump gas, unique modern technologies, the development of which requires specialists, their shortage, well, at this enterprise, in order to solve the problem, several investment projects have been launched that will create 2,500 jobs in the near future. now find out all the details. there are only a few
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countries in the world that have aircraft engine production technologies; russia in general and samara in particular have the competence. we make products, aircraft engines, gas turbines for strategic long-range aviation, we make engines for rockets, we make the first second stage of space, we make engines for ground-based applications. based on the nk-12 engine - this is for the energy sector and based on the nk-36 engine - this is for the gas industry. design, precise processing of parts, the same equipment according to tolerance, times in two more precisely turbine blades. there is nowhere else to order it, it’s ours, moreover, we design them ourselves and make them ourselves using our own technologies. help - unique equipment. this is the equipment that was ordered ...
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fixed, because well, the equipment is mostly domestic, what is unique here is that we already make complex, difficult technologies here in russia, and the component base is most often used. here is also ours, here is a new workshop for welding technologies, for example, applying various coatings with a laser, here is the center additive technologies, 3d printers, embodying the designer's idea, grow parts, that is, here is a part, something grown here, yes, that is, yes, on this part we grew grown blades here, in particular, this is how we created part of a new russian engine long-haul aircraft, we are now looking at the rear pillar.
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these are in the core specialties of mechanical engineering, layout engineering, and materials science, these guys also go to work for enterprises, last year more than thirty people were employed, special attention to practice, from simple equipment to complex ones, we come, first they teach - disciplines, various material studies, landing tolerances, whatever, then we come to the central art center, do an internship, training a specialist takes from four to 6 years, even diplomas are defended for an enterprise where students already begin to work during their studies, immediately after graduating from university i go to work at a factory, that is, accordingly , there is a workplace right away, it seemed very interesting and the additional training time in
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institute, that is, i receive theoretical knowledge, i come here and get visual practice right away. it is clear that not all students of food training follow the profile, and although the percentage is growing, this is not the case yet. today we are ready to hire only a few, if we have ready-made technologists, we can hire more than 100 people today in various departments, and if we take the need for master staff, that’s more than 100 people, yeah, and designers are a separate issue, there are still , so the need is great, we take almost everything that is being prepared for us today, and therefore the scale of the project is growing, there is a competition for up to five people per place at the engineering start, and who is training specialists not only for this enterprise. in addition, of course, if we talk about personnel training, we should note the national project demography, which is being implemented in the country also by decision of president vladimir vladimovich putin, which provides the opportunity
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for additional professional training for existing employees, and here we also have very good indicators, in my opinion more 6.00 people have already completed such training. in addition to personnel training, we are of course thinking about how to anchor, excuse the word, young specialists here in samara, and i want to say that, well, we are fulfilling all our plans for construction and housing; in recent years we have only new healthcare facilities more than 150 appeared, a plant within the structure of the rostec state corporation, which develops aviation,
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a training center at the ufa engine-building and production association, the need for personnel is about 45 people, that is, plans for the twenty-fourth year will be increased by 60%. initially, the plan was to graduate about a thousand children a year; now the goal is to double the number . if we initially planned that our total number of listeners would reach this value only in 2025. this year, then we have now come to the conclusion that the number of listeners who are here exceeds the indicators that were included in the investment project. 70% - practice, 30 - theory, courses from 10 months to several years, task
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of this center to train such a wide-profile worker who would master more than one specialty, at least five or six at once, that is, there will be no need to select a person who would work only on one machine, this is, in general, this is the practice we have now today there is, we are actively expanding it, now the urgent problem is that many who received... a diploma do not work in their specialty, it turns out that state investments in education are becoming ineffective, so the law on target set. for the first time, we are entering a format where a school graduate will choose not just a specialty and an institute, he will choose a job, guaranteed, that is, the employer will initially, under this new mechanism... create a need, we have the right by law to apply for such targeted training
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all companies with state participation have personnel, representatives of the agricultural industry, which is very important - this is food security, the fishing industry, a very important point is the territory transitional development of the far east, because it was important for me to include here more investors who come to the far east, and in this way we will open up... well, opportunities for guys living in the far east, that is, the employer forms a request through the state services portal, university understands what specialists are needed, the graduate, through a single portal that will connect resources to work in russia and enrolling at the university online, will see the proposal for targeted recruitment and choose where to work. for the first time, a complete picture of how the employer is set up and who they want to become guys. and the most important thing is that the guys understand that it’s ours. a big country, this is an opportunity after university to go to kamchatka,
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primorye and the urals, this will create new formats of life prospects, absolutely, but for our russian manufacturer this is exactly what we need, we need to get motivated specialists. an example where training and practice bear fruit is in the tomsk region. this is the ophthalmological clinic of the siberian state medical university. there is one interesting one here a development by tomsk specialists that helps preserve vision with the support of artificial intelligence. according to statistics , there are about 10 million people in russia with diabetes; they have an increased risk of
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retinal disease; early diagnosis is possible using a retinal camera. similar cameras have already been purchased by the state for a district in the tomsk region. we have treated about 1,500 patients and identified 130 patients with various stages of pathology, of which 30 people were identified at a severe stage, whom we have already taken for treatment and invited. what do i want to say that these 30 people had absolutely no idea that they had any vision problems. a couple of minutes are enough for the examination, you don’t need to dilate the pupil, yeah, just look straight, when a red dot appears, look at it, yeah, everything is fine here, that’s all, that is, it essentially happens so quickly, this is a photograph of the fundus , but our stories. no longer about the device itself, what is important here is the filling, which allows the patient not to have to travel to
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the clinic once again, images are sent from the regions to tomsk, the neural network helps process them the doctor makes a diagnosis, statistics are generated, the neural network was written by employees of our university, a team of it specialists who have a medical education, including graduates of our medical and biological faculty, these are graduates of tomsk...
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they are certainly ready to cooperate, we were guests ambassadors of iran, who - who were also interested in technology, in august of this year i was part of the delegation.
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checkpoints, this is an advantage, probably our location in the proximity of the asian region, and today export growing up, we are on good terms with uzbekistan, tajikistan, kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan. support in exporting is extremely important. the russian export center has many measures, from financial, for example, lending, compensation for logistics costs, to non-financial, such as participation in exhibitions, training.
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professional education is provided to more than 13,000 specialists annually, of which more than 60% end up in the direct industrial sector. and as for supporting young specialists, we have introduced a measure, specialists with higher education education, going to work for industrial enterprises, they receive grant support in the amount of 350,000 rubles. and specialists of secondary vocational education and dean-industrial enterprises receive. we have support of 200,000 rubles. in general, i would like to say that last year about 100 specialists received this grant support; to date , 31 applications have already been approved in 2 months. the following is a story about a saratov enterprise that cooperates with educational institutions in the search for personnel. you produce food equipment
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or, for example, tablets, or, for example, household chemicals, all this needs to be securely and beautifully packaged, such equipment does not have to be foreign, for example, saratov, this plant produces more than 800 models, we’ll see. 25 years on... the business began, as often happens, on a garage scale, now several expansions are behind us, 5 years ago they produced one unit of product per week, now several, every day, that year volumes increased by a third, just for interest, when covid started, then 70 percent of all antiseptics in the country were produced for
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the equipment of the aurora plant, but of course, not only pharmaceuticals, customers from juice manufacturers. to engine oil. developments allow us to compete and replace imported equipment. for example, the lines are assembled like a construction set, the percentage of russian ones is growing, and everything is controlled by its own program. an artificial algorithm operates in the cloud, which prevents errors, finds bottlenecks in the operation of the packaging line, and remotely optimizes the operation of equipment. there are several patents. the design bureau is developing, and this is precisely the question of personnel. training we have a program of interaction with a technical university, according to which we first need to show people who are still studying, where will they go after they graduate? where will they go, we organize industrial excursions, students come, look, ask a question, someone’s eyes light up, as for support, a grant of 30 million
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rubles has been received to update machines, there is a preferential lease, an enterprise can give a discount on its equipment, well, our rate is 12%. the consumer receives equipment 12% cheaper, but the enterprise does not lose anything, because then at the end of the quarter the state compensates for this... foreign trade transactions added 33%, this is already
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17 billion dollars, so there is indeed an increasing awareness that export can and is a very serious effective factor of additional profit when exporters, selling their products in export markets, expand opportunities for selling their products in other markets in addition to the russian market, which is not always capacious enough to absorb all the production capabilities that our industries have. now is another example of how a higher education institution can train personnel and produce products needed by the country. here is one of the medical
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products that is mass-produced in the preobrazhenka industrial park in samara. you’ll find out what it is now, but first i’ll say that many of these products have never been made in russia before. the rector shows the developments of samara state medical university, the autoplan hardware and software complex, which is already equipped in 12 centers, in fact it has become such a neurosurgical navigator, the product has already received two registration certificates, it allows you to work on the head, on the spinal column. in addition to neurosurgery, traumatology, orthopedics, new option modules allow work for the jaw of facial surgeons, for arino-leringologists, and this
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complex, using virtual reality and soles that simulate walking, helps to recover from a stroke twice as fast, the equipment has regulatory certificates and is currently used in about 80 centers in russia and several cis countries. another invention is also rehabilitation. we need to repeat the movement that artificial intelligence sets, but everything is produced in a full cycle in an industrial park, where there is convenient logistics and infrastructure, there are plans for new devices related to telemedicine, now they are equipped with devices from third-party manufacturers, we currently have this year the task is to localize these devices; devices such as tanometer and setofonandoscope, it also produces customized...
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in 12 countries to help companies enter new markets, in particular in china, the russian export center, for example, held a fair made in russia at the celestial festival, a large number of products that are chinese distributors we purchased it for the week of the festival, it was purchased instantly , so we urgently needed to solve problems on the spot with the delivery of products from other warehouses in china, that is, russian companies can already sell. their products to a chinese distributor, then consider that they have already implemented export contracts. trade turnover with china is setting records, so such events will be scaled up, russia has a lot to offer, including high-tech products, and in order for it to become more and more, we need specialists, and this means improving the education system, restoring training in the necessary specialties, such as sewing in chukotsk multidisciplinary college. this
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equipment is everything, the whole... complex is worth about 15 million, this is a federal program, plus the government of the chekovsky autonomous okrug has allocated funds for this equipment; it is important to teach modern technologies, as in the tatarstan polytechnic institute in the special economic zone of alabuga. we are all absolutely teachers, these are, first of all , engineers-mentors, firstly from production, they teach the children directly practically...
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because this will benefit me, and the benefit of the country too.
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deputy minister of defense timur ivanov was sent into custody in the case of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. what details are known at this time? and who else has been charged? from the situation in ukraine to cooperation with african states. more than 100 countries are participating in the conference, which is taking place in st. petersburg under the auspices of the russian security council. these are the statements. task assessments. prosecutor general igor krasnov spoke at the federation council with a report on the work for the year. what topics were discussed and what was said about
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the investigation into the crocus terrorist attacks.


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