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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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now footage from the presidential press service. dear colleagues, good afternoon. today we will discuss issues related to eliminating the consequences of large-scale floods in the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions. our meeting is attended by members of the government, heads of relevant ministries, as well as heads of regions, and i asked the heads of municipalities to also gather, they will also work with us today, those affected by the flood. uh, now the most difficult
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situation remains in the orenburg region, a number of settlements are still flooded, the water level is falling slowly. reports on what is happening in flood areas are received regularly, we are in constant contact with the minister of emergency situations, in the morning we spoke with him today with the minister of construction, housing and communal services, who go to the regions to analyze the situation and assess the damage. according to incoming reports, sufficient resources have been mobilized to eliminate the consequences of the disaster. rescuers, together with colleagues on the ground, as well as employees of other federal departments, security and law enforcement agencies, i especially note, volunteers, volunteers and act in a professional manner. i ask federal, regional, and local authorities to continue to provide the victims with all the necessary support, including cash payments, and to respond.
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including, we will consider several, to what extent existing hydraulic structures meet the established requirements, how programs for the construction, renovation and maintenance of dumps and other...
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engineering facilities are being implemented to protect the territory from the negative effects of water, and of course, a separate, extremely important question is necessary - will evaluate in detail and adjust if the amount of compensation payments to citizens affected by the emergency is necessary, taking into account one-time financial assistance, payments in connection with partial or complete loss of property, and others. approaches here must be uniform and fair, regardless of the budgetary provision of the regions. yes, in conclusion, i want to emphasize what i have already said more than once, for citizens it does not matter, it is absolutely indifferent, what level of government there is, what problem they are responsible for, where whose powers are, the main thing is that the problems people face, including those of an emergency nature, are effectively addressed so that people listen to their appeals.
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the orenburg region, as well as the forces that came to help from other constituent entities of the russian federation, are completely focused on eliminating the consequences of the emergency, restoring normal living conditions for the population and helping the victims. integrated emergency teams are working in all affected areas. flooding, water is pumped out, removed waste decontamination of the territory. evaluation commissions work in accordance with a schedule, which is updated daily and communicated to the population. the government of the orenburg region is paying financial assistance to the victims. to date
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, more than 400 thousand applications have been submitted, more than 46 thousand people have received financial assistance. involved in response and liquidation of consequences. 2,582 people and 618 pieces of equipment, including from the russian ministry of emergency situations, 203 people and 65 pieces of equipment. in the kurgan region, a wave of floods passed the city of kurgan and is approaching the border with the tyumen region. here, thanks to pre -planned and implemented preventive measures, it was possible to avoid the catastrophic consequences of the spring flood. today there are 34 settlements in the region. out of 110 snt , more than 2.0 residential buildings , almost 3,500 country houses, over 6,000 personal plots, six low-water bridges and 18 sections of highways remain flooded;
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487 people, including 120 children, are in 12 temporary accommodation centers. the government of the kurgan region has organized work to pay material assistance to the affected population who found themselves. emergency situation, to date , more than 15 thousand applications have been submitted, almost 1,500 people have received financial assistance, 4,754 people, 1,127 pieces of equipment, including from the russian ministry of emergency situations, 1,083 people and 190 pieces of equipment have been involved in the response and liquidation of the consequences. as for the tyumen region, here the flood wave along the ishim river is approaching the village of obat. water discharge rates remain high from the sergeevskoe reservoir on the territory of kazakhstan, which poses a threat to the fate of the section of the federal highway r-402 tyumen-omsk. today, in the region in twenty settlements, 155 residential
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buildings and more than 500 country houses, more than 2,700 personal plots, 13 low-level bridges and 17 car areas remain flooded. roads, in twenty-six temporary accommodation centers there are 506 people, including 186 children. more than 320 applications for financial assistance have been submitted, payments 87 families received, 3,490 people and 746 pieces of equipment were involved in the response and liquidation of the consequences, including 683 people and 65 pieces of equipment from the russian ministry of emergency situations. dear vladimir vladimirovich. the situation with floods on the territory of the russian federation is under special control, we continue to work, the report is finished, yeah, you said how many people received financial assistance in different regions, so i just
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reported that, for example, in the orenburg region we received financial assistance to 46 people , more than a billion. rub. uh-huh, by kurgan, in the kurgan region 15, 1500 people, out of 1500 applications, and in the tyumen region 320 applications, 87 people 87 families, okay, okay, i understand, just everywhere the picture is the same in terms of what, that, how many applications were submitted and how many received, here... in the orenburg region, since you wrote to me, i have your note in front of me, more than 400,000 applications from affected citizens for financial assistance have been accepted, and you just said 46,000 have been issued, well, that’s a little more than 10%, uladyvich, you absolutely
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are right, work is being done, everything is the same in all other subjects in percentage terms, why is it so little? allow the orenburg region, let's go, yes, everything is correct about 46 thousand payments have been made. more than a billion rubles. 51,000, in the next 2 days they will receive the same thing, uh, why is a large amount of the figure stated, yes, and 10% of payments, well, because we are doing explanatory work here, because residents are submitting in connection with the introduction of a federal emergency, accordingly, applications are absolutely everything, and not just within the boundaries of flooded areas, therefore, here we are carrying out this... information work, accordingly showing, telling what those who
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were actually flooded can apply for these payments, so here is the main work that is being carried out today accordingly, but i don’t really understand what it means to submit everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone who is in the affected areas, i don’t understand, yes, that is, residents of the city, for example, orsk, yes, the same thing in our other territories, uh, everyone who... got , they believe, respectively, in connection with the introduction a federal emergency is filed by the entire city, and not by the area that was flooded, that is, by people who did not fall into the flood zone, or what? yes, yes, yes, okay, no, well, it’s clear, but then it’s not clear why you are accepting these applications, it’s written in my certificate, more than 4,000 applications were accepted, and 46 were issued, based on these applications, well, come on. deal with this properly, that a person submitted an application, it was accepted, which means
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he is waiting for an appropriate reaction, well, we need to organize this work so that people understand, who has the right to what, attentive, please, with this, okay, please, minister of construction and housing and communal services iraq anvarovich, thank you, dear colleagues, in accordance with... your instructions , we continue to actively work on damage assessment issues, we interact with the regions victims of floods. the main task today, which is in the orenburg region, we have 25,331 residential buildings, individual buildings damaged, 329 apartment buildings, 115 social facilities and 61 housing and communal services facilities and 47 low-level bridges. together with the authorities.
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assessment of those houses that were freed from water, it means that 6,995 houses were flooded in orsk since the beginning of the flood period; 3,384 in orsk were surveyed by the relevant commission. orenburg 6,642 houses, of which 376 were freed from water, 72 houses were inspected by the commission today and the work continues. the city of buzuluk, 571 houses, 172 objects were examined. this means that there are 6,670 houses in the orenburg region and 165 of them are free of water today; working groups are starting to go to these facilities. there are 21 houses in ilekh district and 28 in sokmar district. houses. not to these houses yet. spoke out because they were not freed from the water. in general, work has been organized in the orenburg
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region by 28 commissions to assess flood damage; as of today, 3,556 households have been inspected. we plan to double the work of the commissions and in order to carry out work on assessing the housing of vacated residential buildings during the may holidays. , which means we intend to begin allocating funds in stages, without waiting for the complete completion of the assessment, this is a question we have with anton germanovich and with the chairman of the government the day before yesterday discussed, if we take the kurgan region, we have a total volume of tasks of 2,377 residential buildings, this includes izh vsnt, 18 roads and six bridges, there are also energy facilities, about socio-cultural ones, but have not yet been freed from water, therefore this means that
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2,113 residential buildings remain flooded, leaving 3,405 country houses, six bridges, and 11 sections of roads. in kurgan since the beginning of the flood period we had 1,045 houses, in the kitovsky district 939, in zverino-golovsky - 229 objects, here the objects were freed from water begins examination, with a report card...
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we began to implement the measures of the plan for emergency restoration work in the emergency zone, from mechanical cleaning and sanitation of the territory to the restoration of the road surface and infrastructure facilities. all life support systems in the region are functioning normally, except for those areas that remain flooded. all federal highways are open, and the schedule
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of railway and air traffic, as well as international road transport, has not been disrupted. the industrial complex of the region operates in in total, power supply has been restored to more than 74% of consumers in the region - these are apartment buildings, social facilities, housing and communal services and business. we are working to connect the private sector to the power grid. we purchased about 6,000 distribution cabinets, which employees of energy network organizations install on the facades of houses and connect to the main lines. gas supply has been restored to more than 57%. but in orenburg, life support facilities are all operating as normal; orsk is under special control. vladimirevich, in last time i reported that the most pressing issue is the water supply , now the volume of water supplied has been significantly increased, more than 70% of the city is already provided with water, and of course, where
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it is not yet available, supply is provided. work is being carried out around the clock in a difficult-to-reach area in orskie. power supply was restored to half of the radio-disabled facilities and 70% of facilities were connected to gas supply 6%. we have begun to restore tram lines, we are cleaning and sanitizing the city. more than 1.0 are transported to landfills every day tons of garbage. more than 6,000 houses and garden plots and 12 social facilities were treated with disinfectants. 102 km of road surface and 358 yards were cleared. 200 apartment buildings, 22 km of roads have been restored, we pump water from flooded areas, we use specialized equipment from the ministry of emergency situations, and municipal equipment, motor pumps that were specially purchased, we pump water from the basements of apartment buildings in private houses. we have already carried out cleaning and sanitization over an area of ​​more than 15 km; for this we have everything we need for
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a product and a specialized machine. total in the region was freed up more. households, this is more than 70% of houses freed from water. at the regional level, we are resolving the land issue in order to, as a priority , provide free land without bidding to people who lost their homes as a result of the flood. the bill was adopted in the first reading. also accepted. a package of laws to support small medium-sized businesses and the self-employed; next week, accordingly, everyone will begin to receive payments from 100 to 500,000 rubles. we will also compensate the wages of those enterprises adopted by all regulations who during the suspension period paid wages to people. regarding payments, it was already
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said, regarding the suitability of housing, the commission was 3.556, he also said that all applications were processed with the ministry of construction for 97 social facilities. we continue to vaccinate residents of hepatitis a, more than 116,000 adult children have already been vaccinated, we have requested an additional 50,000 doses of the reserve vaccine, we are expecting it in the near future. the educational process is ongoing in all municipalities of the region in a face-to-face format. 2,500 students remaining due to emergency situations without clothes and shoes are provided. certificates for children's clothing. a system for distributing humanitarian aid has been established in the region; first of all , provision for the participants of the northern military district, their families, widows, and families with many children has been taken under control.
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people have always been drawn to water, to shade, which is why children's camps were built historically in picturesque shady floodplains of rivers. of the forty-six objects, half were in the flood zone. these 24 camps are the largest and provided 70% of the summer holidays for children in the region. almost all of them are flooded therefore, it is impossible to objectively estimate their value today; we roughly estimated that it is about the order of magnitude. rub 3.5 billion and we ask you to give appropriate instructions to allocate funds for the restoration of conspiracy camps. during these weeks we
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see the literally heroic work of all services and our residents. thank you, vladimir vladimirovich, for your help, for the support of the russian government, for the participation of the entire country and other friendly countries. just yesterday a convoy carrying humanitarian cargo from kyrgyzstan arrived in our region. everyone sincere thanks from orenburg residents. orenburg is now demonstrating its character to the whole country, more than ever, they are united, mobilized, ready to take on difficult tasks and help each other. we have decided to establish a regional award for all those who are working these days together with the region to eliminate the consequences of the flood; these are volunteers, caring orenburg residents, employees of all special services who helped people with their property, and still work in the temporary temporary detention center, force .
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will be affected by speakers at the beginning, in first, i would like to give the floor to vasily nikolaevich, the head of the municipality of the city of orsk. yes, please, vasilivich. dear vladimir vladimirovich, in the city of orsk, of course, there is a big problem, and about 30,000 orsk residents have it today. flooded housing, even more, more people have experienced disruption to their lives for 20 days due to the emergency situation in
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the city. well, first of all, i want to thank the whole country, because you, vladimir vladimirovich, for supporting us, indeed, denis vladimirovich said, humanitarian aid is coming, and we feel your support and care. regarding work, e... said, and we still have to solve many problems, there are a lot of them, but there is a question that most of the people are concerned about, and this is the question of compensation for lost housing, it can only be solved at the federal level, by the rules provided for by the resolution government number 1327 of the nineteenth year, citizens are determined who have the right... to receive compensation for loss of housing, created in russia actively using family support tools, such as
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social family mortgage, maternity capital and others, today are, oddly enough, an obstacle to receiving payments, that is, purchased housing using maternity capital, like an investment in the future of children , deprives families of payments for... well, a very small one of 3 square meters has, and this is an obstacle to receiving payments, the second example,
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a smaller family, four people, but... their second child was born, they also bought an apartment, today they live in this before they lived in this house, today they we also lost the right to receive payments, and there are a lot of such examples, vladimir vladimirovich, we ask you to give instructions to the government to review the current rules, we are ready to send our proposals, but in short, we propose to include... the possibility of providing payments for the restoration of houses to citizens who have a second home in at least three cases, this is when the second home is on a mortgage, the first, or when it was purchased with maternity capital, the second, or when the shares in another home are less than a hundred from the norm of 18 m. the problem of zatradi affects many kharchans whose houses are flooded, it is no less
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less than this social norm, then in general apply, that is, well, they have 3 meters for each family member, you know, if they had 18 meters for 10 family members, then it would be understandable, but here it’s 3 meters, how are they, well, there are eight people, she speaks so quietly and completely without complaints, so she told me this problem, so i voice it, but she’s right, of course, with us. especially with us, well, not even more so, in general we pay attention and we are talking about this to families with children, especially to large families, we are having a year of family on all these issues, we’ll talk about all these issues right now, thank you, let’s move on, please, orenburg, salmin sergey alexandrovich, dear vladimir
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vladimirovich, colleagues , in orenburg, the flood situation is stabilizing, the water level in the ural river as of 14:00 is 893 cm, the level of the sakmara river is 837 cm. as of april 24 in orenburg , 2,816 household plots, 2,567 households, of which 43 apartment houses, have been cleared of water. the created 51 municipal commissions are now actively working to assess damage from the emergency, two have been examined. essential items, a total of 1,976 applications have been accepted , 77,853 applications have been accepted for payment of losses, currently 3,493 have been paid, 3,554 are currently in the works, which means that by the first payment, in another 3 days we
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will pay 6,600, which means we will process 23,200 applications in the next 2 weeks. and for the second payment - this is for essential goods , in the next 3 days we will also process 1,800 applications in the next 2 weeks 5.00. i report that in orenburg all life support systems are operating normally and functioning.


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