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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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14:00 58,087 applications for payment to emergency victims were received. 19,766 applications were accepted for payment for the loss of essential items. a total of 77,853 applications were accepted. currently 3,493 have been paid, 3,554 are currently in work. this means that according to the first payment, vladimir vladimirovich, in the next 3 days we will pay 6,600. which means we will process applications in the next 2 weeks 23.200. ae for the second payment - this is for essential goods, in the next 3 days we will also process 1,800 applications in the next 2 weeks 5,000. i report that in in orenburg, all life support systems are operating normally and emergency restoration work is being carried out in areas freed from water. water and earthen dumps are being dismantled and water is being pumped out now. from the basements of apartment buildings,
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we began to restore electricity and gas supply to households, at the moment gas supply has been restored to 1,419 subscribers and four apartment buildings, power supply has been restored to 408 households and 12 apartment buildings, access to all utilities in krasnokholm has been fully restored, this is 906 households, as the water recedes in the city , large-scale disinfection of households and public spaces is taking place, roads are being disinfected and...
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we have 77 snt in orenburg, for many this is also the only housing, this is how it has historically developed in the city of orenburg. vladimir vladimirovich, we ask for your support in resolving this issue, the report is finished, thank you for your attention, i am ready to answer your question. yes, i understand, this means that these partnerships must definitely be sorted out, this must be done among themselves in dialogue, uh
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regional and federal authorities, it is clear that for many people this is in fact the only housing, this definitely needs to be sorted out, we will return to this now, i will listen to other colleagues, and we will return to this issue, yes, please, krukansk region, vadimir mikhailovich shimkov, good afternoon, dear vladimir vladimirovich, hello! dear colleagues, please briefly inform us of the situation. as a result of a sharp rise in water in the tabol river, the flood level reached the maximum level in 1994. as a result , thirty-four populated areas were flooded points in seven municipal districts, including the city of kurgan, today there are 2,377 individual residential buildings in which more than 5,800 citizens lived, 2,679 adjacent territories, as well as 6,84,849 houses with residential status on the territory of 110
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snt and dnt, located in the city of kurgan and in the village of kitovo, including in 3,315 of these snt and dnt houses, 7.776° was registered. six low-water bridges were also flooded, including four road bridges, two more bridges were completely destroyed, and two were partially destroyed. 18 sections of roads were flooded, total with a length of more than 110 km. two boiler houses 60 tp, 28 grpsh. 43 businesses were damaged, including 41 stores, one factory and one farm. currently, in the vtsilin municipality , water has completely left the settlements. in three municipal districts the water is also receding, but some settlements still remain partially flooded. in three more municipal districts, beloezelsky, kitovsky and the right bank part of the city of kurgan, flooded areas have not yet been cleared of water. the water drop is 15-25 cm per day, sometimes slowing down due to.
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the level of the tabol river within the borders of the city of kurgan exceeded the dangerous phenomenon mark by 165 cm and reached from 11 m to 10 m 15 cm in different parts of the city, now it is 9 m 40 cm. thanks to the general work, the city is protected by an enlarged dam on the left bank, and also five more settlements, including two raid centers, did not let water through. the protective dams fulfilled their purpose, and thousands of people did so with their labor day and night. so that this becomes possible, at the same time, under flooding and flooding hit the right bank of kurgan, which is the actual floodplain of the tobol river, where 1045 houses in microdistricts were drowned, as well as the territory of snt dnt, as i said above. the water is currently flowing along the riverbed and the floodplain, tabulula is constantly slowing
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down, moving to the tyumen region, through the territory of the belozersk municipal district. the issues of priority provision and conduct of preventive evacuation from possible flood zones are under control. 2,377 individual residential buildings, as well as 7,766 people registered in 3,315 residential buildings on the territory of the sid, which were completely flooded. this list will be updated due to clarification by local government bodies in the amount
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actually about your citizens. targeted informing of citizens living in the emergency zone was carried out through continuous sms mailing, posting reminders in the media, on social networks, and a hotline was opened to provide information about existing support measures. currently 15.44 applications were received from citizens, including for the provision of one-time assistance of 10,000 rubles. 11.7313 applications for loss of property - this is 30 or 50,000 rubles. in whole or in part 3,723 applications. of these, 3,603 were received through the state services portal. for all incoming applications, work is carried out in compliance with the regulatory deadlines for the provision of public services, and, if possible, ahead of them. municipal assessment commissions have been created and operate in all municipalities. the work of the commission is carried out around the clock. by
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to date, 4,666 decisions have been made as a result of the work of these commissions. work to provide financial assistance continues. so far, payments are mostly being made in the amount of 10,000 rubles. processing payments in the amount of 30-500 rubles. accordingly, it is carried out as soon as the water leaves and the commission has the opportunity to enter the house. in the same way, as the water recedes, an assessment of the damage caused to residential properties is carried out with a view to subsequently making a decision on issuing a certificate for the provision of new housing or carrying out major repairs. all these the conditions are brought into accordance with the decree of the government of the russian federation dated march 23 of this year on the approval of the rules for compensation of incidents. the families of sfd participants are under special government control. in total , 136 families fell into the flood zone, 75 of these families, where 117 people live, had their houses flooded, each family is contacted daily by government employees and the coordinators of the fund , defenders of the fatherland, such families will be provided with additional financial aid according to a special procedure, an agreement has been reached on
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except for the case of recovery of funds received as one-time payments to the bailiff service, settlements where the water has already drained are carried out jointly with rospotrebnadzor, active measures for sanitation of the territories of kolodeysko wells with mandatory reverse water analysis, treatment indicators grow every day, with the participation employees of the ministry of health are vaccinating people employees employees employees the population against hepatitis a, today 21,932 people have received such vaccinations, which is 91% from the plan, houses are being dried out where the water has also already gone, a complex has been formed to...
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monitor the condition of the protective dams and carry out emergency rescue operations. according to a preliminary assessment , general flood protection was carried out jointly with the local authority, including mandatory payments to citizens for all categories of cases. action has been taken. to prevent emergencies, as well as damage to infrastructure could range from 4 to 9 billion rubles. let me explain, such a run-up is determined only by the fact that while there is water everywhere, it is impossible to assess the condition of the majority residential and infrastructure facilities, therefore the calculation was made with assumptions and comparisons with other regions. completion of the report, vladimir vladimevich, i remember your words at one of the most tense moments, i also remember that you promised that we would fight for our citizens, for the city, for a normal life. thank you very much for your support. i also ask you to especially note the work of minister alexander kurenkov and his employees, who in the most tense moments helped
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us maintain the situation by saving people and dams. i would especially like to thank the presidential plenipotentiary representative vladimir yakushev, whose experience and support also helped us to put on a strong performance. on your instructions, minister irek fazyulin provides great support in calculating flood damage. employees of the ministry of internal affairs worked together with us to suppress any offenses. vladimirovich, despite the colossal scale of the flood, he was beaten. at most, thanks to clear, understandable work, we, in agreement with our colleagues from the government , did not show up for the announcement of the federal emergency, because we regulate the situation together, making decisions on the spot, protecting the interests of the people of the country and the region. our region has grown very much over the past few years in all key indicators and continues to develop actively, but for now remains subsidized. in this regard, we ask you to help us reimburse the costs of paying people financial assistance, including issues of housing restoration.
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for this purpose we gathered in order to determine to whom and how much additional
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resources need to be allocated so that all problems close. please, acting head of the kurgan administration anastasia nikolaevna ratysheva. ask! dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, in the city of kurgan , eight residential neighborhoods were flooded, that’s 1,045 individual residential buildings, in which 2,033 people lived. including 422 children, as well as 6,640 residential buildings on the territory of more than 100 snt and dnt, in which 750 7,527 people are currently registered, including 2,058 children, and social facilities are not in the flood zone hit, in the territory of the city of kurgan one highway bridge was flooded, five sections of highways were flooded, in the city of kurgan there were no victims or hospitalized in medical institutions, and round-the-clock work of assessment commissions was organized to
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confirm the fact of violation of living conditions and partial or complete loss of property - the applicant’s property . the commissions accepted 10,106 applications, and prepared 2,128 conclusions, of which 1.97 conclusions were on refusal to assign payment due to lack of fact residence. applicants in a residential building, and the commissions to determine property damage will be able to begin their work only after the water has receded, so these commissions are not working for us yet, and to prepare for the flood , additional forces of the ministry of emergency situations and about 4,500 volunteers, about 300 thousand 300 units, were involved equipment, as well as the strength of the means of the municipality, rescuers turned out to be. until now, assistance in transporting people, all evacuation measures were carried out
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in advance around the clock, and before since the arrival of water , citizen gatherings have been and are being held to clarify problematic issues, and at the moment, together with rospotrebnadzor, we are preparing for disinfection measures, and leaving under control the issues of priority life support for the affected population, and i would like to note that seven temporary accommodation centers have been opened in the city of kurgan, in of which there are currently 427 people, including 92 children, the report is completed. nikolaevna, where is the head? kurgan? vladimirovich, they worked there, yes, the head of our mound went to resignation at the beginning of this year, anastasy nikolaevno is acting for the time being, it’s clear, oh well, well, we need to carry out
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the appropriate events and organize elections normally. okay, thank you very much, pyotr ivanovich, skorobogatov, please, tselinny municipal district. dear vladimir vladimirovich, as a result of the spring flood on the territory of the tselinny municipal district in three settlements, 13 residential buildings were flooded, in which 25 people lived, including five children, 44 household plots plots. socially significant objects were not included in the flood zone; there are no objects. and communal infrastructure, engineering infrastructure, two road bridges and 10 sections of roads were flooded, due to the flooded road without transport links, one settlement remains , the village of ustyuiskoye, in which 507 people live, 99 of them children, for the delivery of food and essential items , a boat crossing was organized, the injured
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and hospitalized in medical institutions no, commissions work on the territory of the municipality, the first to confirm the fact of violation of living conditions and partial or complete loss of property , 60 applications were accepted, 25 conclusions were prepared on the appointment of payment of 10,000, 29 conclusions on the refusal to assign payment due to the establishment of the fact of flooding of living quarters, six applications are under consideration, payments of 30 and 50,000 for the loss of essential property were not made, since the facts of partial or complete loss of property have not been established. second, according to the determination of property damage based on statements from affected citizens , 13 residential premises (100%) were inspected, of which zero were found unsuitable, zero were subject to major repairs, 13 residential premises were subject to ongoing repairs in order to assist in eliminating the consequences of the flood, the forces involved were 20 volunteers, as well as forces of municipal education, 16 people, three
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units of equipment, the educational process in emergency zones was not disrupted, disinfection was carried out jointly with rospotrebnadzor. thirteen residential buildings and sampling was carried out from eight sources of drinking water supply, the entire territory was sanitized, yard rounds of houses were carried out, drinking water, food and basic necessities were delivered, public order was protected by the police, citizens’ gatherings were and are constantly being held with clarification of all necessary issues , the report is finished, okay, thank you very much, thank you, let's move to the tyumen region, alexander, good afternoon, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, high levels of spring floods were predicted in the region for two waterways, the ishim and tobol rivers. i’ll start the report with the ishim river.
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the kazan municipal district was the first to encounter the big water. the maximum level was 893 cm, which is more than half a meter. shimsky district. the record maximum in the entire history of observations has been exceeded here. the level reached 10 m 64 cm. and in ishim, in the ishim region, all planned work to strengthen hydraulic structures was completed on the twenty-first. now here, too, the main task is round-the-clock monitoring of their condition. at
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the moment, the water is moving downstream to the kabatsky region. there is a large group working there. forces of means, we complete the strengthening of the dump. here we also expect water levels above the 2017 all-time high. in the obatsky district , about 12 km of protective structures have been filled on the federal highway p-402. yesterday evening at the regional coes we decided to further strengthen some sections of the embankment about 3.5 km. work is already underway will be completed tomorrow. we are temporarily waiting for the arrival of waterfall along the tobol river from the kurgan region, the water level in the area of ​​​​the village of kurkino, where the first gauging station along the river is located , has increased by 73 cm over the past 24 hours. we expect the maximum flood level in this settlement on april 26, then the uporov district center 28 april and the city
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of ilutorovsk, we expect the peak on may 1, in the uporovsky district all work has been completed to increase the height of the existing dam, we made a soil embankment plus one and a half meters to the existing marks, and the construction was completed protective embankment around the village extending almost... today on the territory of three municipalities - these are the kazansky district, the shinsky district and the city of ishim, 155 residential buildings, more than 2,700 household plots, five snt, 13 bridges and 17 road sections were partially flooded in twenty settlements roads, more than 4,900 people were evacuated from the area of ​​possible flooding, mostly people moved to relatives and friends... to date , 506 people have been accommodated in temporary accommodation centers, including 186 children, in medical there are 528 citizens in institutions and social protection facilities. the evacuation of the population
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continues as the water moves downstream . the regional group of emergency services has been strengthened by employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations from neighboring regions, the chelyabinsk and serdlovsk regions, the sila autonomous okrug of yugra, and the yamalo-minensky autonomous okrug. the total number of arriving forces is 430 people, we also have specialists from the rescue service of the udma of the male republic, we pay special attention to the protection of public order, by the forces of law enforcement agencies, patrolling of the territories is organized, points of temporary accommodation and storage of citizens' property are guarded around the clock. medical organizations have enough funds to promptly carry out preventive, therapeutic and diagnostic measures. there is a necessary supply of medicines, including. antibacterial drugs, an additional volume of drugs for the prevention of hepatitis a and other infectious diseases was supplied from the rostrezerv fund. just like colleagues are vaccinating the population, and
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certain categories of citizens who participate in emergency response efforts have currently vaccinated more than 25,000 people. the epidemiological situation in the region is currently calm, the volume of necessary disinfectants for sanitizing the territory has been determined. we. we will begin this work as soon as the first water begins to recede. we pay special attention to the quality of drinking water from surface water supply sources. together with rospotrebnadzor we strengthened water quality control activities. a mobile laboratory of rospotrebnadzor has arrived in the city of ishim. this made it possible to increase the intensity of this work. to disinfect drinking water, water treatment plants have accumulated the necessary supply of reagents. trading networks have. there is a sufficient supply of bottled water, we monitor prices for essential goods on an ongoing basis, no price increases have been recorded. to provide high-quality
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information to the population, a regional call center has organized 24-hour hotline for flood issues. since april 9, daily sms notifications have been sent out on the topic of evacuation to the temporary temporary detention center, warnings about rising water levels and other necessary information. door-to-door visits are being carried out. in april , targeted information was also organized for citizens living in emergency zones through a single portal of state and municipal services, plus there was a mailing list with a link to an interactive navigator about existing social support measures in emergency situations. arranged for the provision material assistance to citizens for priority needs, this is our regional measure in the amount of 50 thousand rubles per family for those whose houses were flooded. you don’t need to collect any documents for this, you only need an application, this can be done at the temporary temporary residence, through a social worker, mfc, government services portal or through a social service agency, but
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since we don’t have many such houses, vladimirovich, we proactively found all the residents ourselves and collect them from such statements, currently 98 statements have been collected and ninety-one payments have already been made to the family, payments for... damage caused by the flood, that is , partial or complete damage to property, will be possible after the water recedes and inspections are carried out by commissions that will establish the extent of damage. we are ready to complete this task, but so far there are no houses freed from water. dear vladimir vladimirovich, of course, we have not yet passed the flood, but a huge, i would say large-scale , work has been carried out to protect against the elements and a lot of people were involved, and i thank the employees of the ministry of emergency situations. employees the police, our regional rescue service, employees of road and construction organizations, other enterprises, institutions, and
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the cadet officers of tyumen really help us. higher military engineering command school, but i want to say special words of gratitude to my fellow countrymen who, during their short service to the convoy of the heart , became volunteers and volunteers, help fill sandbags, participate in patrolling the dams, perform many other necessary and important work during this period, and i'm sure that together we can do it with dignity get through this difficult period. thank you for your attention, the report is finished, i’m ready to answer the question. thank you, you said that the situation in ishim is difficult, so let’s listen to fyodor borisovich shishkin, who heads the city, good afternoon, good afternoon, dear vladimirovich, dear colleagues, the reason for the situation in the municipal formation of the city of ishim reached its peak on april 22, on this day the water level in the ishim river stopped at a maximum of 10 m 64 cm, this is an absolute record for the last 100
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years. the situation in the city is unnecessary now has stabilized, the water level has slowly begun to decline, monitoring shows that every two hours the decrease is from 2 to 4 cm. today , four residential premises were flooded in the city of ishim, the residents of them were evacuated, these families have already received payment of material assistance for priority needs. four horticultural societies were caught in the flood zone. the flood zone has been evacuated. 925 people, 114 people were accommodated at the temporary temporary detention center, including 42 children. 634 people moved to relatives and are in medical institutions, these are 65 citizens and another 112 people are housed in social protection institutions. on the territory of the municipality of zion, 22 temporary accommodation centers for citizens were opened for... 3,400
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people, medical care, food, access for citizens, psychological assistance were organized there, work was carried out to evacuate property from 137 households, property from 95 was accepted for responsible protection households, temporary animal shelter , 45 pets were placed in a special attention is paid to maintaining public order without interruption. communal stay systems, storage points for household property, law enforcement agencies , organized patrols of the territory guard the points of temporary citizens around the clock, the energy water supply enterprise is operating in an enhanced mode, medical organizations have enough means for promptly carrying out preventive medical diagnostic measures, there is a necessary supply of medicines, including antibacterial drugs, especially...
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attention is paid to the quality of drinking water from surface water supply sources, together with rospotrebnadzor , water quality control activities have been strengthened, the necessary supply of reagents has been created for disinfection facilities, retail chains have a sufficient supply of bottled drinking water, we monitor the prices of essential goods on an ongoing basis , there are no price increases, since april 8 , it has been organized... targeted information for citizens living in the zones emergency situation. this work was carried out through door-to-door visits with handing out memos against signing, as well as notifications through the media, radio and social networks. the city's hotline 122 continues to operate; since april 8, it has received more than 1.94 calls, and they have completed increasing the height of
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the existing dirt dams. and the length is 9 km. hydraulic structures are reinforced with film and bags and sand. this work was fully completed on april 21. now efforts are aimed at conducting round-the-clock monitoring functioning of the ladies, the authorized representative of the president of the ural federal district vladimir vladimovich yakushev and the governor of the temen region alesan viktorovich mur and i held meetings with the population living in the zone of expected flooding. higher. dignified persons of the region, employees of the ministry of emergency situations provide comprehensive assistance in eliminating the consequences of the flood, we are provided with labor and technical resources. dear vladimirovich, thank you for your attention, the report is finished. yes. thank you. thank you very much there it's a lot of work and i'm hopeful.


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