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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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responded temporarily to the case so that the entire system of public power in the country worked smoothly and clearly. the situation in the orenburg region remains the most difficult: the water level is dropping slowly, a number of settlements are still flooded, more than 600 people remain in temporary accommodation centers, including children. as the head of the ministry of emergency situations assured at the meeting, all efforts were directed to help the victims, water is being pumped out, garbage is being removed, decontamination of the territory is in progress.
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accordingly, in connection with the introduction of a federal emergency, the entire city is submitted, and not that the area that was flooded, well , that is, people who did not fall into the flood zone are serving, or what? yes, yes, yes, no, well, it’s clear, but then it’s not clear why you are accepting these applications, it’s written in my certificate, more than 400,000 applications were accepted, and 46 were issued, based on these applications, well, let’s sort this out properly, what? a person submitted an application, it was accepted, which means he is waiting for an appropriate reaction, well, this work needs to be organized so that people understand who has the right to what. damage assessment work continues in recent days, river levels, as the head of the orenburg region clarified, have been declining in the region. they are already starting to restore the damaged facilities, including road surfaces and infrastructure, private houses are being reconnected to the power grid, returns to
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such things as social and family mortgages, maternity capital and others are today, oddly enough, an obstacle to receiving payments, that is purchased housing using maternal capital, as an investment in the future of children deprives families of payments for a lost house, we propose to include the possibility of providing payments for the restoration of houses to citizens who have a second home. in at least three cases, this is
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when the second home is under a mortgage, the first, or when it was purchased with maternity capital, the second, or when the shares in another home are less than the social norm of 18 m. this problem affects many orchan residents whose houses are flooded, it no less difficult for all orensburg and other municipalities in trouble. we pay attention. and we talk about this to families with children, especially large families, this is the year of the family. flood level turned out to be the maximum in the kurgan region, three dozen settlements were flooded, several bridges were flooded, two were completely destroyed, almost 1,500 people were evacuated from the flood zone, and they tried to inform people directly, sent messages to the phone, posted reminders on social networks, under special control, the families of the participants .
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the government has special control over seven participants of the siberian federal district; in total, 136 families were caught in the flood zone, 75 of these families, where 117 people live. houses are flooded, with every family government employees and the coordinators of the defenders of the fatherland fund communicate daily; such families will be provided with additional financial assistance according to a special procedure; an agreement has been reached on the exception of the case of collection of funds received as one-time payments to the service from the bailiffs. governor shunkov very much thanked the federal officials who have been working in the region in recent weeks, including the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of construction. the president reacted instantly: we will reward everyone, we will celebrate everyone, but first we need do the work, quote, then we’ll distribute the rugs. as a result of the discussion , the head of state drew attention to a number of fundamental decisions that must be made, one of them is related to the cost of major repairs per square meter of housing, which
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must be indexed. the very amount of payments we have established is set in...
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approaching issues without formalism. there is a list of property for the loss of which compensation is paid, well , accordingly there are 100,000 or 50,000 rubles, which means, depending on whether it falls property is included in this list or is not included, the appropriate funds are paid , there is a proposal, this list... to modify, supplement, and so on, it generally needs to be cancelled, this list, lost property, everything needs to be paid appropriate compensation, well, what can we count, whether a washing machine is included in this list or not, well, it
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’s some kind of nonsense, this list needs to be cancelled, and even no less carefully than the relatives of the participants in the special military operation, the president... asked to treat those with many children families and separately insisted: we need to work out all the issues mentioned at the meeting, promising to come to them to solve them, we will definitely return, what we bring from traveling with avito, cashback bonuses for the next trip, avito travel. it will go as planned with cashback, bonuses, well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is accruing, you need help, take out credit cards, transfer debts to money, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of debts on credit cards easily with help, like this no
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state test cosmodrome of the ministry of defense, we showed the assembly halls, space rockets, launch preparation complexes, reported on the commissioning of a universal technical complex, which is equipped with completely domestic equipment, which will allow us today infrastructure creation at kosmoretsk has been completed, which will provide. launches of angara launch vehicles, heavy and light class, with upper stages for launching spacecraft into all types of orbits, in the interests of the ministry of defense. six launches of these missiles have already been successfully carried out. this year , three more launches of launch vehicles of this class are planned. completion of the modernization of the second launch complex of soyuz launch vehicles; the cosmodrome’s ability to support spacecraft launches. will double. work is underway to modernize the light-class rocket and space complex
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rokot, testing of which is planned to begin in december of this year. well, now let’s remember the minister’s statement yesterday about the progress of the special operation. the intensity of attacks on logistics centers and storage areas for western equipment will be increased. sergei shaigu announced this just yesterday. and today there is an air raid alert in ukraine again. in addition to the above mentioned military installations. temporary deployment points, military units, and critical infrastructure, which are of great importance for the armed forces of ukraine, also become targets. information has emerged that one of the night arrivals was recorded in the area of ​​the kharkov tractor plant, it is clear that tractors were hardly assembled there. in pokrovsk, a militant dormitory was allegedly hit by an iskander missile. we arrived in odessa at a base for repairing armored vehicles and air defense systems. operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation,
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destroyed the p-18 all-round radar station, and damaged the workshop for the production of unmanned aerial vehicles apparatus, an oil depot of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as manpower and military equipment in 117 regions. now in more detail about what is happening at the forefront . the ivanovo paratroopers stormed the ukrainian armed forces stronghold near chasovyaara, that is, like this, meter by meter. we are approaching an important fortified structure. the all-ear soldiers are losing ground, abandoning their ammunition, just to stay alive. our soldiers capture weapons, militants are taken prisoner. nato assault rifle, there are many modifications of this rifle, we also carried them out, givelins, motodors, the positions of the militants on the right bank of the dnieper are tirelessly ironed by our artillerymen, here are these shots: targeted shooting from howitzers is
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bearing fruit, every day of ukroformation in this direction they lose several dozen people... personnel in the avdiivka direction, the zone of control in the berdych region is expanding there in addition already proven methods of squeezing out militants from occupied lines, our military occasionally tests promising weapons, for example, here is a ground robotic platform equipped with ags-17 grenade launchers, they managed it, and even having met resistance from the vssushnikov, they completed the assigned tasks and returned to their original ones, to the west of avdeevka, meanwhile the grouping center...
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the vssushnikov, of course, do not have lancets, but they use drones regularly, and therefore, in the spirit of the times, on a par with modernized tanks, with anti-drone visors, other equipment, with improved protection, such samples appear, these are from the author’s, front-line, our kulibins got creative, someone will say what a wonderful barbecue, but here it’s not a barbecue, but a full-fledged barbecue area, yes, in general , whatever you call it, it would make sense, but there is no such thing as too much security. so that our guys do it wisely for themselves and for victory. torture , kidnapping, persecution of the church and censorship in the media. the us state department published a report on human rights in ukraine, the conclusion: democracy is not even close. there have been serious human rights issues involving ukrainian
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officials. it is behind such dry official formulations that the 125- page report is hidden. thousands of cases of human rights violations in ukraine, including the main one - the right to life. the document talks about numerous cases of crimes committed by the ukrainian authorities, from invasion of privacy and illegal seizure of property, to kidnappings, torture , murders, all on the territory controlled by the kiev regime. also, according to the state department, ukraine has big problems with the independence of the judicial system, what the common people call legal chaos. not to mention how the ukrainian authorities. are mobilizing, there are several articles here, experts and journalists who have read the report the state department unanimously declares that there is no trace of democracy in ukraine, contrary to the statements of both kiev and its western curators. on the one hand, the us state department publishes some facts about human rights violations in
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ukraine by the ukrainian authorities, on the other hand, at the official level. according to us state department findings, the kiev regime's law enforcement agencies controlled, or at least attempted to control, the internet, sometimes without legal authority, and took significant steps to block access to sites. all this is supposedly for security reasons to combat quote “russian propaganda.” the state debt called ukraine a partially free country, but this
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must be considered too soft a formulation. the russian media pointed out some facts that the state debt preferred. for example, the kidnapping and murder in a ukrainian prison of the american journalist gonzalo leary, who, unlike most mainstream western media, told the truth about how things really are in square and the report also talks about some religious oppression in ukraine, without details or examples. however, it is certainly not difficult to guess what exactly we are talking about; for some reason the state department simply chose not to go into details. these are numerous. facts of persecution of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church by the kiev authorities and the so-called ocu (schismatics), seizures of churches, threats, arrests, and so on. about all this in an interview with a journalist.
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the sberbusiness thank you loyalty program. get 10% cashback bonuses for purchases at sberbusiness card and bonuses for account transactions. sberbusiness. to resist all epidemiological threats and quickly diagnose different types of infection in the shortest possible time, to build a control system in disaster zones. all these opportunities are provided by the federal sanitary shield project. let me remind you that it was created on behalf of the president and has been operating for three years now. the results were discussed today by mikhail mishustin and the head of rospotrebnadzor anna popova. marya valeeva will talk about the main conclusions. safety and public health under reliable sanitary conditions. the task of the federal project is to create a barrier to the epidemic both in russia and in countries near and far abroad.
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there are rospotrebnadzor centers in venezuela and vietnam.
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there is great interest all over the world in russian mobile laboratories, which are located in all border regions of our country. lamp technologies allow you to examine pcr tests in 30-40 minutes, quickly and '. work at the border, you spoke about quarantine control, this is how much the number of people examined has increased, if in in the nineteenth year, and it is the most acceptable for comparison, it was 31 million people; in the twenty-third year it was 42 million people, an increase of more than 35%. the automated information system perimeter has successfully proven itself; it is a digital transformation of monitoring and pit situation in russia and the world using large.
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artificial intelligence data to increase the accuracy of infection forecasts and reduce the risk of infection. we have spoken to you repeatedly about all functions of rospotrebnadzor that such complete concentration in areas, and one of these functions where this complete concentration is needed is to ensure epidemiological well-being, in the event of natural emergencies, these include floods, you are the first to do so. the supply of flooded regions with drinking water occurs under the close control of rospotrebnadzor, noted anna popova, the mobile laboratories that work there have doubled their capacity, more than four thousand different water tests have been carried out, immunization of the population has been carried out, vaccinations against
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hepatitis... 150,000 people had it. on the eve of the summer holidays , the department paid special attention to organizing summer holidays for children. children will be removed from these territories; these decisions are already being made. well , in general, children's summer is a time when children have a rest, when they should gain strength and there should be no health risks. a new object of close attention, prefabricated summer health facilities. it turned out to be a very effective project. you can create a very comfortable environment for children, but in order for it to be comfortable and safe, it is necessary that all the rules are followed, we monitor this even at the design stage, strict control in each region, rospotrebnadzor employees monitor the quality of food in schools and kindergartens, check everything down to the smallest detail, what is the temperature in group classes, is everything in order with the documents and with the organization of work at food production enterprises , are all standards successfully met.
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